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DianaB 05-15-2012 08:27 AM

That's too bad. Steve should be setting a good example for Brandon on what being a man is all about. I do understand because we do have the same problem with Damon somewhat. He DOES work but seems to take off a lot because of "sickness" and such. Right now he doesn't have much to do with Dean......it's actually his Papa and Uncles that he enjoys being around the most. Dean cries almost every day to go with his Papa!! It's sad that it's not his Daddy that he cries for. I do understand about their being certain traits that go with being an alcholic......even if Damon was to give up his binge drinking things would still not be perfect in his marriage. As for Dae Lynn.....I'm not sure what she's thinking as far as Damon goes. I'm hoping that she's giving this separation time so she can figure things out.

Janet, I never did thank you for your text on Mother's Day!! I meant to respond or call but my Mom was here so long and I was so tired when she left. I also had a niece that texted me and another niece that called.......I didn't know that I was so special to them!! I have spent some time with them on the phone lately!

Nothing much going on here......I'm trying to get my flower beds all taken care of. I lost so many hostas last year and this year so I'm trying to get those all cleaned up and taken care of. I took a shovel and completely worked one up and turned the soil.....I thought that I'd be sore today but it's not too bad. I hoping today to get something planted in it.....then I just have one more flower bed to take care of. After that I want to pick up some rocks and use them to make a border around one or two of the beds. We'll see how far I get before it gets terribly hot.

I'm also wanting to make a water fountain out of an old bathtub. I need to go and see what we have in the junk yard.......we have our own just out from the house where Baker's have "stored" so many things that they haven't wanted. It's mostly cars and old farm equipment but a few other things are there too so I need to go and see if I can find an old bathtub. I think it would be cute with some gold fish and a little lilly pad in it with an old garden watering can pouring water in it. We'll see what I can come up with and IF I can get it done!!! Of course, I have to figure out too if Dean will stay OUT of it too!!!

School's almost out here. Graduation was on Sunday......Glen had a niece that graduated but we didn't go......I forgot that Feyn's on the school board and had to pass out diplomas. This week is the last week of school.......then Dae Lynn and Karlie will be home. I'm not too sure about that!!!

gja1000 05-16-2012 05:26 PM

Diana, kids say the cutest things don't they. I bet you bout split a gut!!!

Just a quick update on Gary. He is not doing well at all - he's feeling better, but not able to get off the IV medication. He is in the end stage of heart failure now and has probably a year or less to live. They are talking to him about the ventricular assist device, as I mentioned before, but he is still unsure whether or not he wants that. It is very hard. I spend most of the day at the hospital with him. He doesn't feel badly, he feels better than he did when he came in but only because of his IV medication running all the time. I'm not sure what they will do - so I'll update you when I can.

Blueyes 05-16-2012 07:05 PM

Gayle... I'm so sorry. What is the IV med they are running? Does it run all the time? I'm just so heartsick for you both. What percent is his heart working? Sorry for all the questions, my mind is just whirling. I wish there was something I could do to help you:o

lynne b 05-17-2012 01:36 AM

Gayle, I am so sorry to hear this news, I know you both will decide what is the right path for you to take. You both are in my prayers and thoughts! Big hugs to you!

Janet 05-17-2012 07:17 AM

Gayle I'm so sorry for you both to hear this news. You must be going crazy not being able to have some control. I feel like Betsi..just whirling and wishing there was something I could do. You know if you need anything, we're here for you. You both are in my thoughts and prayers daily.

DianaB 05-17-2012 08:30 AM

Oh no. That's not what we want to hear, Gayle. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Gary. I hope the doctors can find something to help Gary out. We're all here for you........and as I said before......I'm only a phone call away!! If you need me I can be on a plane in a few hours!!! Or drive there in a day!!

Lindsey 05-17-2012 10:34 AM

Gayle I'm so sorry. I read this last night and didn't know how to respond. The other ladies have said everything I could have. I am so sorry you are both going through this.

Blueyes 05-17-2012 01:13 PM

Gayle, I can be there in 6 hours. Like Diana, just say the word and I am on my way. I'm great at sitting at the hospital :/

gja1000 05-17-2012 04:36 PM

You all are just so so sweet, I don't know what I'd do without you!

OK, here's what happening. And I want you all to know that both Gary and I felt much better today, I'm not sure why, but we did and we had a really good day together.

Gary's kidneys are not happy at all now, his kidney numbers are pretty bad. He's just above having to have dialysis, but thankfully not yet. They are going to put an aortic balloon pump in his heart tomorrow. This is sort of a test run for the ventricular assist device (which he has not yet decided if he wants or not). This balloon pump will assist his heart to pump and it will tell them whether or not the ventricular assist device will help him or not. He should feel much much better and be able to walk much more with the balloon pump. But it might not help him feel better at all. That is the test part. If the balloon pump doesnt make him feel better, the ventricular assist device probably won't either, so they won't even consider doing it anymore. It should also help his kidneys a lot since his cardiac output will be much better. They can only leave the balloon pump in a few days, but that may be enough to get his kidneys in better shape, hopefully. If his kidneys don't get better, then he can't have the ventricular assist device. The balloon pump is just a test of how he responds, so they will know whether or not he is a candidate for the ventricular assist device.

The procedure is an introduction of a catheter into his heart - just like he had last week. It is not surgery so he will feel find after the procedure. He will have to be in ICU simply because the nurses there know how to run the balloon pump. Of course there are risks, but no major risks and he should be fine. But we all know anytime they do anything inside the body, bad things can happen, but I don't think anything will happen tomorrow.

I probably won't get to sit with him all day for the next few days since he will be in ICU and they have set visiting times. That will be the hard part, not being able to sit and play cards with him all day.

Betsi, his ejection fraction on echo cardiogram is 20-25% (60% is normal). The medicine they are giving him is Dobutamine.

Once again Ladies, you all are so very very dear to me and I know you would hop in the car or on plane to be with me. I might need you later, but right now I'm OK. Just knowing you are with me in spirit is so so so very comforting.

DianaB 05-18-2012 08:18 AM

Here's a big hug, Gayle!! :hug:

Today is our last day of school. Karlie was so excited because she's having a field day.....where they go play at a park.....and she got to take a sack lunch!!! I'm ready for school to be out but not sure that I want Dae Lynn and Karlie around all the time. Dae Lynn won't have a job except for cleaning the church which only takes a few hours a week. She's been in a bad mood so much lately that I'm tired of it. Plus she's not cleaning up after herself or the kids. If it keeps up I'll have to say something. It will be nice to just go to town without having to take Dean though. I tend to stay home more because of him and his naps so I'll have more freedom!! Yay!!!

gja1000 05-18-2012 10:57 AM

They just took Gary to the cath lab for the balloon pump. He feels better today, but his weight is up so he will start getting more short of breath. However if the balloon pump does its job, he should be able to get some of that fluid off. His kidney numbers still look terrible so they are really worried about that. One day at a time, one day at a time.

DIANE W 05-18-2012 12:10 PM

Gayle... I am popping on here everyday to read your updates on poor Gary, he must be so fed up with hospitals and all.

I just wanted you to know i am thinking of you and praying all goes well, with Gary's procedure and everything else too.

You are doing a great job, keep strong.

Lots of love to you both.


Janet 05-18-2012 01:00 PM

Praying all goes well with the ballooon pump. I hate being so far away, wish I could be there with you to hold your hand and give hugs. I'll keep checking for updates Gayle....love you!!

judy 05-18-2012 02:01 PM

Oh Gayle, that is not good news! I am so sorry you and Gary had to be told that. You are both so much in love, and that will get you through. I wish you didn't have to go through this though.

My heart is heavy for you, but I will keep you both in my heart and in my prayers. I am also just a phone call away.

gja1000 05-18-2012 02:50 PM

Gary is out of the cath lab and in ICU. He is perfectly fine, no problems. He has pink cheeks now, I don't know if that is due to the pump or some medicine. He's in great spirits, but I know he's going to get really tired of the bed this weekend. They had to go in through the groin, so he'll have to be in bed flat on his back till at least Monday. They may move the balloon pump to go in through his shoulder then, so he can get up and around. They were going to wait till Monday so they could put it in through his shoulder, but they were afraid they'd lose his kidneys if they didn't go ahead and do it today.

Blueyes 05-18-2012 03:01 PM

WORK balloon pump, WORK!!! Gayle, just take an hour or even a minute at a time if you need to. Tell Gary we all love him, too!

Blueyes 05-18-2012 03:44 PM

Ohhh, it's gonna be a long weekend! Mike has had soooo many heart cath's and several times the sheath has been left in for a while in case they had to go back in. It's so hard to be flat in bed for any length of time. Praying for increased EF and improved kidneys for Gary!! Love y'all!

gja1000 05-18-2012 05:27 PM

Oh Betsy, you know what he's going through. He's just going to be miserable, BUT, his heart numbers all look better already. Howver his kidneys do not look better yet. They did say they take much more time to improve. He had TWO nurses after he came back from the cath lab into ICU, so I feel very sure he is well cared for.

Blueyes 05-18-2012 05:36 PM

Will they let you stay in there with him other than just the visiting hours? Maybe they will by tomorrow. Glad his heart function is improving some. That's bound to help his kidneys.

Mike and I have been dealing with his health issues for 19 years, since he had his first MI. Medicine has improved by leaps and bounds since then, and I'm praying that some of these wonders can help Gary. Sleep when you can, Gayle, and don't forget to eat something. Love you!

gja1000 05-18-2012 05:45 PM

Thanks so much Betsi. They ask that you not come in between 6:30-8:00 AM and PM. They also ask that you let the patient sleep between 10:00PM - 8:00AM. I came home about 7:30 tonight. I only live about 20 mins from the hospital and I cannot sleep in a chair so I will get absolutely worn out if I don't get some good sleep. I do hate to leave him, but I know he is being watched very closely.

Blueyes 05-18-2012 06:00 PM

He IS being watched closely, and it's so, so important that you take care of yourself so you can take care of him. I'm finding that the older I get, the more of a toll these hospital stays take on me, in more ways than one. I hope your school is out soon!

DianaB 05-19-2012 07:21 AM

Gayle, I hope that you got some good rest. Make sure you take care of yourself during all of this. We're all here for you!

I'm glad to hear that Gary's doing a little better and I hope his kidney function improves with his heart doing better. I'm praying!!!

judy 05-19-2012 07:24 AM

How is Gary doing today? Hopefully, his kidney function is getting better.

Janet 05-19-2012 09:24 AM

Have you both in my thoughts today. Hoping Gary is feeling better and that his kidney function improves. Also hope you were able to get a good nights sleep last night.

gja1000 05-19-2012 09:37 AM

Hi Ladies, I got some good rest last night! Gary's heart continues to be stronger and his kidney function did not improve last night, but it's a little better today. A small progress, but a progress nonetheless. They are giving him plenty of medications to help his back pain. So, he's mostly sleeping, which is good. He is easily arousable and is lucid and even joking some, when they wake him, so he's OK.

DIANE W 05-19-2012 11:08 AM

That is really good news, small steps each day, and i am still praying for you both, to get some rest and for Gary to continue to do well in his treatment.

gja1000 05-19-2012 03:04 PM

Unfortunately, Gary has become a little short of breath this afternoon. They had to turn up his oxygen. This is not a good turn of events, but hopefully it won't get any worse, and then he will get better. However, if he does not get better, then the doctors will know what needs to be done or not done for Gary. He and I both know that all these technological things may not work out for him, but at least we will have all the information to make good decisions.

gja1000 05-19-2012 05:32 PM

I'm happy to report Gary's breathing is better this evening.

Janet 05-19-2012 06:47 PM

That is great news!! Praying he continues to improve with a noticeable improvement by morning.

gja1000 05-19-2012 09:07 PM

The night nurse figured out that it was probably the pain med they gave him earlier in the afternoon that caused the oxygen to drop. The oxygen drop happened after the pain med and then his oxygen was back up about the time the pain med wore off. I'm sure that's what happened. I'm so relieved.

gja1000 05-20-2012 04:31 PM

Yay! 4WT is back! But I really like our Best Friends site on FB

Gary had no urine output last night. NOT GOOD but it was better during the morning, but not very good this afternoon. Sigh, just one up-and-down after another.

Janet 05-20-2012 05:14 PM

I am so glad 4WT is back....wow. At least now we have a place to go in case this site goes down again.

Does Gary know you're speaking of his urine output to a bunch of women? Soon as we meet him we'll be asking.."Gary....how ya pee'n today?"

So glad we're 'home'.

gja1000 05-20-2012 07:43 PM

LOL! Janet, Gary would KILL me if he knew I was talking about his PEE! :D

I'm glad we have 4WT back, but I like our FB Best Friends site too! Thanks for setting it up.

Janet 05-21-2012 05:47 AM

You're welcome! There is suppose to be a way to set it up as a forum too, but I haven't figured it out yet. As long as we have a place to go if something happens here, I'm happy. I honestly can't stand the thought of not being able to communicate with all of you like we do everyday.

Let's see...what's been happening.... Oh...Saturday I went to the monthly flea market in town at the park. There wasn't much there at all. I was going to take some things in there, but wanted to check it out first. I still may have a booth in June. I know my stuff was a lot nicer and cleaner than what was there except for a booth selling candles. So I may as well give it a try.

Then Saturday evening we went to Rossville and had supper. Of course, I ended up paying the most as usual. I have got to remember to say 'separate checks'. I'm really getting tired of it, but I do love going out to eat.

Sunday...I didn't do a darn thing except panic over 4WT...lol Took me awhile to figure out what to do, but now we have a back-up plan.

This is the last week of school, our last day is Thursday...YAY!!! Friday, I go to the pee Dr. Not looking forward to it, but they are going to 'test' my bladder and then decide what is best. I'm so afraid of the mesh thing, heard alot of negative and there is a lawyers ad on TV offering services for anyone with a problem with it. The Dr. said there is something else, but may have to be done a few times....not nearly as successful. Since I've lost weight, it's not near as bad, so maybe that is what I need to continue doing. I won't have anything done until I've lost more weight, but it will be good to have this 'test' and then research options. Maybe I won't need to have anything done if I can get this weight off.

judy 05-21-2012 06:46 AM

How is Gary doing, Gayle? I sure hope he is peeing!

Janet, you are the best! Thank you so much for setting us up on fb! You are so organized and bright! You should be a CEO....maybe a headhunter will find you! That separate check thing is so wierd! Rick needs to come on here for an hour and be set straight by all of us!

They opened the pool yesterday! It was wonderful! Saturday, I set up the baby pool on my deck and sat in it! Actually, it wasn't bad. I listened to the end of an audiobook while the dogs hung out with me. Luckily, nobody can see onto my deck! Not only do I look like a crazy woman, but I was topless! Why not?

There is almost nothing better than gliding in the water in the pool when it is hot out! I love summer! It's going to rain today, so no pool.

Jessie and the kids didn't come over. They had homework, etc. She is on a mission to get the school to do the right things for Brandon. She is about to learn how to take control of a situation, I hope! I am very good at it, but she is not comfortable with confrontation. She certainly is getting better at it! When somebody messes with your kids, I guess you learn fast! Jessie's elementary school principal knew how I liked my coffee, I was there so often. She had a witch for a teacher in second and third grades. I hope she learned from watching me. Once you get the knack, people usually just fall into place. That school, and her next door crazy neighbor are all lucky they don't have to deal with me. I used to get annoyed at Jessie for the way she let people treat her, but I think it is something you have to learn.

I have a women's group meeting tonight, and a skin dr. appt. tomorrow. I might have shingles. If I do, it is such a mild case! I have to get this rash diagnosed. It has been on my arm for about a year, on and off. I have eczema, but this is different. I feel nerve pain a couple of times a week, which is why I think it might be shingles.

DianaB 05-21-2012 06:49 AM

Oh Gayle, things are so up and down with Gary. My heart goes out to both of you. I'm praying that he continues to get better. What a weekend you've had!

Janet, that's a good idea to put a few things in your local flea market. Hopefully you can get rid of some stuff and have fun in the process!! We went to a little flea market when I was there. Is that the one that you're talking about?

I was wondering the other day about how you were doing with your bladder because you haven't mentioned it lately and I knew you were going to the doctor. I'm glad to hear that you're going to check it out still. I've found that losing weight has helped with my "little leaks" too.

Yesterday we didn't do much......church, ate out, came home, napped, Mom and Art came over and napped too, then church again.......actually it was our annual business meeting. Glen's back on the board at church which is really hard with Amy working there and Dae Lynn working there as well. We hear too many things about what goes on at the church. Much of it's not very good. We have a pastor that we really like.....he preaches the most wonderful sermons but that's about all that he does. The church basically has to run itself which causes problems.......there's no leader. Oh well.......it's will get straightened out one of these days!!

I'm more than a little upset this morning......Dae Lynn went to clean the church and I'm left with the kids :( I think that I'm going to have to tell her that I'm only gong to babysit a couple of days a week and then she'll have to get Amy's girls to fill in. I do know that the girls weren't going to be home today so maybe she did check. I'm just wanting to NOT be so tied down this summer. Oh well......that's life!! At least they're outside playing.......and screaming!! UGH!!!

So....what went on with 4WT? Were we off-line or something? What went on?

DianaB 05-21-2012 07:32 AM

Judy....nothing brings out the protective side of us like someone messing with our kids!! I'm sure that Jessie will take the bull by the horns and surprise you with how she won't let them run over her kids!! Go Jessie!!!!

I think that it's funny that you're topless!!!! Oh Judy!!!! :) You make me laugh!!! I've done that a time or two when I was younger.......in my back yard......in the country......and still felt so odd about it!!!! Go Judy!!!

Yes, you need to check your rash out if you've had it that long. I hope the doctor can give you something to help you out! I've never had shingles but I've heard it's not fun.

Janet 05-21-2012 08:22 AM

Judy!! You just crack me up!! :D I could never do anything like that now. I did skinny dip a few times when I was younger, but wouldn't think of it now. You go girl!!

When the site came up Diana, 4WT wasn't there, just a page saying the domain name needed to be renewed. I sent a note to the Admin. at YT, but he wasn't online. Finally came back on last night, but I never did hear from Admin. I just glad it's back...we were all in a panic and especially worried about Gary. Now we have a place on FB if it ever happens again or just whenever.

gja1000 05-21-2012 10:44 AM

Gary is fine today, so tired of the bed and his leg and back hurt so much. I sure hope they take the balloon pump out or move it to his chest if they want to leave it in a while longer. He is "peeing" pretty good now. But they are giving him lots of medication to make him pee. Actually he has a catheter in so he doesn't actually have to "pee" :D

gja1000 05-21-2012 02:23 PM

OK, here's the final poop (:D) on Gary. Although he is "peeing" more, he is going to have to go on dialysis. Now this sounds bad, but as the heart doctor explained, it might turn out to be really good. Because it will pull off his fluid, he won't be overloaded and will be able to breathe much better. She also thinks that the fluid overload may have been started by poor kidney function, rather than a weak heart. She is very hopeful that he will feel much much better on dialysis.

Now, I know it won't be fun or convenient for him to go to dialysis 3 times a week, but there is a center close to our house and he'll go sit in a lazy boy chair for 4 hours and sleep, watch TV, or read. He already does that most everyday anyway. :D You can go for dialysis anywhere in the country. His nurses' brother was a truck driver and he was on dialysis and had it all over the country, wherever he was driving. I know it won't be all rosey but I think it will work out for Gary. And if he can feel better, I think he will ultimately be OK with it.

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