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gja1000 07-08-2011 05:36 PM

They do have different kinds of MRI machines, there is a more open MRI, but probably not at your location. So, sedation is the best option, I think. Sorry you have to reschedule. I've never had an MRI, but I've seen them done.

I know you don't want her to take any more medication - but sometimes a little antidepressant really helps, it is usually protocol in any catastrophic illness like your mom has. It helps people to not feel so badly about their circumstances. Gary takes an antidepressant, and he is the most NOT depressed person in the world. But because of his heart failure, diabetes, lung problems, etc. the doc wanted him to take one, and I think it helps a lot because you can get really down about your circumstances.

gja1000 07-09-2011 04:31 AM

I am planning a full day today. If you remember, Gary is still in OK, so I am a freebird all day!! LOL! I'm watering the yard right now. At about 8:00, I'm going to my favorite Mexican restaurant for breakfast. Then I'm going to the farmer's market. My squash just didn't do a thing this year so I want some summer squash and whatever else might look good there! No tomatoes though, as you remember I'm not supposed to eat them (well not many), and when I got home I had 12 large ones and 55 cherry tomatoes that were ripe. I'm gonna have to give them away!

After that, I'll bring things home and putter around here a bit. Then I'm going to the Container Store. I found a slide in plastic box that fits perfectly in my bathroom lower cabinets. The are narrow and deep and I have to get down on my hands and knees to see what is further back than right on the front edge. It's a pain, so I stopped by the Container Store yesterday and found the perfect box - actually it's a slide out drawer that fits right into the cabinet. now, I can open the cabinet door and slide out the drawer and all my things are in perfect reach. I only bought 1, to make sure it would work, so today I'll go back and get 3 more.

I'm going to take all my big tomatoes out, they are finished producing. I'm going to plant some new tomato plants for fall tomatoes. I have some green beans, and they all have lots of beans, but they are tiny beans and the beans don't seem to be growing any larger, so I may take them out too, who knows! LOL!

judy 07-09-2011 07:47 AM

Busy day Gayle! How nice to be able to do whatever you feel like!!!

Janet, if you take the sedative, that should put you out, or at least make you very relaxed. I think an MRI is about 45 minutes. I hope you can tolerate it, or you will have to travel to a place that gives open MRI's. If you weren't in pain, that wouldn't be so terrible, but you need it done right away.


I cannot tolerate the closed MRI, but in NYC, I had a lot of choices. I wasn't in any rush either. I hope you get to do it early on in the week!

Mom needing more meds is the doctor's job, not yours! You have enough on your shoulders right now, and anti depressants are very widely used with chronic illness. I think Jessie takes them.

judy 07-09-2011 07:58 AM

Mackenzie was AMAZING last night!!!

She was so nervous, she spent the whole time telling poor Jessie how much she hates her for making her do this! She told her, "I don't care how this turns out. I will hate you forever!"

She went up to sing, looking so beautiful, and Jessie and I were hanging onto each other with nerves. She sang like she was born singing! I kept punching Jessie's arm, and shaking I was so moved! Jessie had tears in her eyes. Mackenzie owned the stage, the song, and the audience!

She just opens her mouth, and such beauty comes out! She has a real gift. I am so thrilled for her! She was really happy and smiling when she was done! She said it feels really good to be able to sing like that. She smiled from head to foot! She was most happy though that it was over! Poor kid! She really had stage fright.

Some of the famous performers told her how wonderful her voice is. She is too young to understand how important that is. Jessie was happy though. I am clueless as to who they are, but it made Jessie very happy.

I will try to get pictures.

gja1000 07-09-2011 08:40 AM

Judy, maybe she could take a bit of Inderal (propanolol) - it is widely used for stage fright. Of course, she is young, so you'd need a doctor to prescribe the correct dosage for her and her stage fright. I feel like I am always pushing drugs for things, and I am one of the most anti-drug people I know. But sometimes, drugs are good. Inderal for stage fright is one drug that is very good. It is extremely cheap too.

judy 07-09-2011 09:51 AM

Jessie probably wouldn't allow it. Steve, for sure wouldn't! They are over protective of the kids, but it is a good idea!

Maybe when she gets older....

gja1000 07-10-2011 04:58 AM

Got up at 6:00 this morning and started in on the garden. I pulled out all my spring tomatoes, they were beginning to look really ragged. We are lucky in Texas, I can plant new ones now, and have more tomatoes in the fall. Oh yeah, I'm not supposed to eat them, but one every now and then is OK, right????? :D I think I'll only plant 4 tomatoes, now watch, I'll come home with six! LOL! I'm going to try some peppers and summer and winter squash. For some reason, I never have any luck with squash, but I'ma try again! :p.

Well, I'm off to shower and go get something to eat, then to the garden center, then pick mom up for lunch, then home, then to the train station to get Gary at 5:30, then out to get something to eat with him. I hope the train is running on time!!!

judy 07-10-2011 08:02 AM

Did it all work out Gayle? So much energy! You are very lucky!

DianaB 07-10-2011 12:35 PM

Gayle.....you ARE busy!!! Do you have squash bugs there? If so, then you need to start spraying them as soon as your plants come up. They kill the plants once they get started on them. We only got a few squash from our plants before they died and Glen's talking about planting more too.

Judy.....I'm so glad that Mackenzie's performance went so well!! I'm sure that "your buttons were about to burst"!!!! She'll get over the stage fright the more that she's in front of people. Also the better she knows her songs will help too. When I sing a song that I don't know well then I'm more worried about messing up.

Janet, I hope you get your MRI soon and find out what's going on with your arm. I'm ready for you to be better!!!

I'm finally done with all of my tests. I've had several blood tests, a sonogram, and a c-t scan and found out that I have a fatty cyst on my liver. It's nothing to be concerned about and hopefully by losing weight I can help it. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning to discuss things over with her. I wasn't really worried about it but I know that Glen was.

judy 07-10-2011 02:39 PM

Jessie had that Diana! They even did a biopsy, and it hurt her for a long time after they did it. I am so glad that you are okay!!!


Janet 07-10-2011 02:59 PM

Gayle...you make me so tired...:D I don't have anything planted...not even some flowers.

Diana...you let us know ASAP, so we know you're alright, okay? I want you happy and healthy.

Today I didn't do anything but get dressed... lolol. I didn't even venture outside in this heat and humidity. It's our county fair week and it seems every year it gets hotter and more humid. I feel so sorry for the kids and the animals. Last year I didn't even go because of the temps. Can't think of anything else I've done for the day or that I plan to.

Tiramisu 07-10-2011 04:27 PM

Diana, I have a fatty liver, too! I was told it's something that can happen if your gallbladder has been removed or isn't working properly.

I went up and pulled baby duty friday night, then sarah and i went to ihop for breakfast while getting oil changed in my car. Then we went grocery shopping for her mommy. Abby and I slept in a little this morning, ate breakfast and I headed back to Houston. I'm in a really happy space in my life now.

Still no divorce but closer. Hubby is still sending texts wanting to get back together. I told him that I won't go back, but he doesn't get it.

The owner of the little house I want agreed to let me rent until the divorce is over, but she wouldn't repair anything going out. I passed on that offer and will wait to see if it's available when the time comes, hopefully in a couple weeks.

Gayle, did your man make it home?

I have an appt with the plastic surgeon tomorrow and hope to get released, but I still have the one place thats not healing well.

gja1000 07-10-2011 06:11 PM

Yep Sandy, Gary made it home. The train was on time which it is more than not, but occasionally it can be late and sometimes REALLY late. Once when I was coming home, the train I was to get in Ft. Worth was going to be 8 hours late. :eek: I called my daughter who lived in Austin and said, "COME GET ME" :D It's only a 3 hour drive to Ft. Worth from Austin, so we were home before my train even left Ft. Worth.

I just got out of the shower, but I got everything accomplished I wanted to do today. It took stops at 3 nurseries to find all the plants I wanted, and I stuck to my guns for once and only got 4 tomato plants. I also got one eggplant, one pepper (I still need to get a jalapeno plant) and one pretty cuban oregano plant. I got some squash seeds and will plant them tomorrow.

I only planted the tomatoes this evening. I had to put shade cloth around the cages to keep them a little cooler since they are young and tender. It took some time to cut the shade cloth the right size and get it attached to the cages.

Then I had to put another soaker hose out in the garden. I had been using an overhead sprinkler and with the shade cloth around the cages, I was afraid the tomatoes wouldn't get enough water. Plus, you are not supposed to sprinkle tomatoes because there are soil born diseases that can splash up on the tomatoes from a sprinkler. So I had to put another soaker hose out there. And it was my homemade soaker hose. I wasn't happy with my regular soaker hoses, so I had taken a regular hose and drilled holes in it so it would leak more water in less time. Then when I got the tomatoes planted, I had to drill some more holes so the water would come out right on the tomatoes.

Next, I had to put pine straw around the plants - that also keeps the roots cooler and keeps the water from evaporating so quickly. All in all that was a big job. Last I had to rig up a sprinkler where I had robbed the soaker hose (in my okra) and then put back the bunny fence.

WHEW! I'm tired. But it was a good day and Gary is home safe and sound. My summer class starts tomorrow - I'm ready, but it's always a big day!

Lindsey 07-11-2011 07:55 AM

You guys are all so busy!

Scott and I went to visit my family at the lake this weekend. My aunt and uncle were up there too. I actually had to work late Friday (:rolleyes:) so we didn't get to the cabin until about 9 pm. Some other guys were out at their cabin and were visiting my dad and aunt and uncle (my mom had to work Saturday so she was at home) and they were all drinking around the fire, so we didn't get to visit much and we went in to bed early. I think my dad came in at around 3 am. How funny is it that my dad is 30 years older and can have later nights than me? Lol

On Saturday everyone went golfing but I stayed in and watched tv because it was kind of drizzly outside. They got soaked! Later that night, my mom came out and we looked through all of our Europe pictures.

On Sunday, Scott and my dad and I went fishing, while my aunt and uncle went golfing, and my mom stayed back to cook chili! We were fishing for pickerel, with no leader on my line, and not long after casting I got a bite. It was so hard to reel in! I finally got it right to the surface of the water and it was at least a 10 lb jackfish! Biggest fish I've ever caught! My dad tried to get the net under, but at the last second, my line broke! I should have kept a leader on it. Oh well! At least we all saw it. We didn't get any other bites and we went in when it started raining again!

I really wish we could spend more time out there but with how busy summer is, I don't think we'll get there again until September :(

DianaB 07-11-2011 11:39 AM

My doctor appointment went well. She's wanting to change some meds and add some more but I asked her to wait for awhile to see what being on this diet will do. My blood pressure is really good and my blood sugar is coming down a lot so my A1C will be much better next time. My cholesterol and triglycerides are high but hopefully will come down.

I have "fatty" liver and a fatty cyst on my kidneys......nothing to be overly concerned about and as I lose weight should diminish. I have to go back in a month to check my liver enzymes and see how things are going with my diet. I really like my doctor!!! She's so easy to talk to!!!!

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