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Janet 04-02-2010 02:58 PM

Good idea Diana. Maybe a small one wouldn't be too bad. Oh the things I fret over....lolol

gja1000 04-02-2010 05:24 PM

A small one is wonderful, just perfect for going out and visiting every day, but not so big that it causes any stress, in fact it is really relaxing.

judy 04-03-2010 09:12 AM

It is so beautiful outside today. I went out yesterday to get the Easter baskets
done, and ended up taking a ride over to a nearby town that is known for antique shops. I had such a nice day, but I am so tired today, I just don't feel like going anywhere. I think it's allergies. It's just a shame to stay in on such a beautiful day.

I think I'll do what needs doing, and then relax on the deck. I have to clean it up a bit first. Max has been having fun out there, if you know what I mean! It's much too early to bring up the deck furniture. It really could snow again. It certainly will rain! I have a couple of plastic chairs that I can wash down and set out, then I can grab a book and relax out there. Max and Annie can run around too.

gja1000 04-03-2010 09:47 AM

It is really beautiful here today too! It's supposed to be a little warmer than normal, maybe 82, but there is NOT ANY WIND! We have had so much wind this spring, I am so tired of it.

I got Easter basket fixins' today. I took Papa (Gary) with me and THAT was a mistake! We ended up buying waaaaaay too much stuff! LOL!

I just baked a blackberry cobbler and cutt up LOTS Of strawberries. We have a new organic grocery store (Sprouts) close to our house. They run ads every Wednesday and blackberries and strawberries were on sale this week, so my wonderful hubby LOADED up on them. Now, I have to figure out what to do with them. I bought some vanilla ice cream and cut up some strawberries to eat on top of the ice cream as well as putting the ice cream on top of the blackberry cobbler. I'm going to make strawberry shortcake for Easter dinner tomorrow.

Gary and I went out to breakfast at Cracker Barrel this morning (where I did most of my Easter basket shopping) and then we did a spot of shopping, him at the sporting good store, me at the department store. He bought some fishing stuff, and I bought a pair of pants and some pajamas. Since I've been home, I've been out admiring my garden, and talking to my tomatoes. I have to go to a volleyball game at 3:00 and that will probably consume most of the rest of the day.

DianaB 04-03-2010 09:56 AM

Gayle, if you have a lot of fruit then you can make a real easy fruit salad. I just cut up my fruit (use what ever you want) then sprinkle a package of sugar-free jello over it. I use strawberry but cherry flavored is good too. When cantaloupe is in season it's really good in this too!

Glen's family has a picnic the day before Easter and I made a fruit salad for Glen to take. It's a good picnic salad because it doesn't have mayo in it plus everyone loves it!!!

Judy, it does sounds nice to just sit in the sun for awhile, doesn't it? Enjoy your time in the sun!!!!

gja1000 04-03-2010 10:10 AM

It never even occurred to me to put sugar free jello over a fruit salad - I bet that is GREAT! I'm going to try it! I have blackberries, strawberries, green grapes, bananas and plums. I can't wait!

gja1000 04-03-2010 12:56 PM

I'm at the v-ball game. It's running about an hour and a half late. UGH. Watching other middle schoolers play v-ball is not how I wanted to spend my Sat afternoon. Plus we are in an old gym with no airconditioning. It's 85 outside. With about 200 people inside, I wonder how hot it is in here? All I know is I'm sweating. Hopefully this game will be over soon and Abi's game can start.

Janet 04-03-2010 04:40 PM

We had a mixture of weather today. Beautiful sunshine...heavy rain...light rain and medium winds. It's also a bit cooler than it has been the last couple of days. It's only 51 degrees right now.

Judy...I thinnk it sounds wonderful to sit on a deck in the warm sunshine and read....so relaxing.

We went to a chinese restaurant in town this evening. Pretty quiet since Rick and I weren't speaking. Still aren't as far as I'm concerned. Sometimes...NO...most times...he's an a$$ and tonight was no different. So now I'm on the computer, Ricky is watching Lord of the Rings Two Towers and what's his name is in the kitchen on his computer. So a pretty quiet evening.

gja1000 04-03-2010 05:29 PM

I'm finally home from the v-ball games. Abi played pretty good so it was fun to watch her play. I stopped for Subway sandwiches since it was so late.

Now, I'm watching the men's final four - game every night through Tuesday! YAY!

paula1961 04-04-2010 04:32 PM

That sounds good Gayle. A nice relaxing evening of just watching a good game and eating a sandwich from Subway. I managed a Subway in Morehead for 7 years, but that was like 15 yrs ago. I love their subs!! What's your favorite?:p

gja1000 04-04-2010 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by paula1961 (Post 108869)
That sounds good Gayle. A nice relaxing evening of just watching a good game and eating a sandwich from Subway. I managed a Subway in Morehead for 7 years, but that was like 15 yrs ago. I love their subs!! What's your favorite?:p

I like the sweet onion teriyaki. Last night though, I had a veggie. I love to get the veggie cuz I can pick out what I'm in the mood for.

gja1000 04-06-2010 06:56 PM

My niece and her daughter got to attend the White House Egg Roll this Easter. I'm going to try to link the pictures from her FB page, don't know if it will work or not. We'll see.


I think it might work. My great niece is the little blond girl in the blue dress in the first picture. Her mom, my niece, is in the middle of the second picture, black dress, BIG straw hat and sunglasses, holding the little blond girl in the blue dress.

I think it would be so cool to go to the White House Easter egg roll. Scroll through the pictures, pretty cool!

DianaB 04-06-2010 07:46 PM

I couldn't get it to show. What you can do is on FB click on "share" under your neice's pictures and it will come up again under your name. Then we can see them on FB but we won't be able to post anything....just look at the pictures.

I made that fruit salad for supper this evening. I had a couple of handfuls of grapes, a couple of kiwis, and four strawberries that I chopped up and sprinkled part of a package of strawberry jello on it. It was so good and fresh!! In the summer I like to put cantaloupe in it too!!

gja1000 04-06-2010 08:12 PM

I did what you said Diana so they are on my profile page - so you can see them on FB. Sorry I couldn't make them show here.

DianaB 04-06-2010 09:00 PM

I'll go take a look!!!

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