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Jessie and a friend did her table centerpieces for her wedding. She used candles, and very inexpensive stuff. It was very pretty, but I just don't remember what they looked like.
I bet if you go into a craft store, you can find wonderful, inexpensive materials to put together to make beautiful centerpieces. |
Y'all are all so busy. I feel like all I do is go to work and come home. My neck is hurting really bad. Can't tell you how disappointed I am that the surgery didn't help. I'm going in for another injection tomorrow.
Oh Sandy, I'm so sorry the surgery didn't work. Both my sister-in-law and her daughter (only 15 years old) had to have surgery for bulging disks in the neck. Both had successful outcomes too.
No, Gary isn't sick and these are all just followup appointments. They are grouped so close together because we were supposed to be gone until about July 7th, so all his routine, every three month appointments landed on this week. How lucky are we! :p Actually, he has not been feeling very well, he gets quite short of breath of minimal exertion - which is not unusual for someone with heart failure, but he had been doing better before the past few weeks. Well, I guess technology is good, sometimes. His pacemaker continually measures his fluid volume status and with a monitor the doctor can see a printout of how much fluid he has had during the past three months. People with heart failure get fluid volume overloaded because their heart can't pump blood well enough to go through the kidneys efficiently enough to get rid of all the water that those of us without heart failure get rid of every day. He takes 40 mg. of Lasix (water pill to get rid of fluid) every day, which is a lot and he still has problems with too much fluid. The fluid gets into his lungs and viola, he is short of breath on exertion. So he started on a new water pill today. It is so powerful you only take it once a week! :eek: They started him on a very low dose because of his kidney problems, if he gets rid of too much water, he will go into kidney failure. Oh joy! So, he took a pill today and another one next Wednesday and then we go back to the doc so they can check his bloodwork to be sure his kidneys are OK. If they are OK and he still has too much fluid on board (they will look at his pacemaker readings again), they will up the dose of the super duper water pill. I hope it works! His other doctor appointment today was with his neck doctor. He had a neck injection back in May and this was just the followup. He is completely pain free (Sandy, I hope your shot works as well), and he doesn't have to go back unless he has pain again. YAY! His appointment tomorrow is with his urologist (we call her the pee doc). He has an enlarged prostate and his doctor changed his medication to help him pee more easily. IT IS WORKING GREAT! So this is just a routine followup and thankfully all is well on the pee front! :D One of his appointments Friday is with his diabetes nurse. He has to go see the nurse (or doc) every three months, or Medicare will not send his diabetes supplies and his insulin. I guess that's OK, but I bet some people don't go and just go without their supplies and insulin! :eek: If you have diabetes, you absolutely 100% should go to the doctor every three months, but I"m not sure if I agree with "we won't send your medication and supplies if you don't go". His other appointment on Friday is with his lung doctor. It's just routine every three month checkup and I think everything is OK on that front. Oh yeah, after the two doc appointments I had class this afternoon from 1-5. YIKES. Thankfully, I had a guest speaker and I just sat and veged out! |
Didn't really do too much today. I had an appt. for a haircut, but Mom had been complaining that she needed one so I let her take my appt. and I have another one for Friday. I spent most of the day in my bedroom. I did do some laundry, but that was about it. I can tell with Mom here that I'm not getting up and moving as much and I feel it. Usually I'm working in the yard or doing something, but I've been very lazy and doing just what needs to be done.
I am planning to walk when I get up of a morning, but I'm sure something will somehow screw that up too. Tomorrow morning is the MRI...very nervous, but I've got to get it done no matter what. I'm tired of the pain and I need to find out what to do with whatever is found. Wish me luck tomorrow in being able to be in that tight space. Hopefully the sedative will work wonders for me. |
You will do fine! You will likely be so sleepy you won't know what is happening, or you will be so sleepy you won't care! :D
I think that once you get your sedative you'll be fine and hopefully the doctor will get right to you about getting some help for your shoulder.
Gayle, you have seen doctors, doctors, and more doctors!!!! At least Gary will be all tuned up and roaring to go!!!! LOL Dae Lynn and the kids went to her house this afternoon to work on packing. It was a good thing because Dean spilled a whole cup of coffee on the carpet and broke one of my nice coasters. I'm getting really tired of things breaking and have several things sitting on the counter waiting for glue!! All of you should probably buy stock in Super Glue!!!! This afternoon I went swimming before they got home. The water was so nice and cool!! Then I came home and worked on the hosta beds. They look soooo nice!!! |
Diana...I know you're busy, but I would love to see the Hosta beds.
Janet, I hope the MRI goes well!
Judy, I think we will try to do our own centerpieces too. I found out we can get really cheap flowers from Costco and they're apparently really good quality, so we can either rent some vases or buy some cheap ones (dollar store) and put something together like that. We almost bought some vases from a woman online a couple of days ago but decided against it. The centerpieces my friend's mom was offering are BEAUTIFUL but very expensive and I don't want to inconvenience her that much. We can just use a vase with flowers and maybe some simple candles around it. If she'd like to supply the candles, that would be great! |
I think a lot of people use mirrors, flower petals, floating candles in inexpensive glass containers, and flowers to put a really nice centerpiece together.
Gayle, it sounds like Gary will feel better if the water pill works. Here's hoping! Sandy, how upsetting that the surgery didn't work! It would be great though if the shots do the trick! Janet, I am praying for you that your MRI is over and that you are just fine! Diana, it sounds like you cannot leave anything breakable out. Little Dean seems to be an ambitious little toddler, hunting for Grandma's things to break! |
MRI is done!! Yay!! Ricky took me over and then my brother Jerry came to pick me up. It took them three stabs to get the IV in me. I know I drifted off, but I do remember hearing the machine. It only took 25 minutes. When they first took my blood pressure....they could tell how nervous I was.....my BP was 178/127. When I left....117/76.......big difference..lol
When they first took me in to where the machine was the first time....I didn't see that both ends were open and once I got in there besides the pain....the closeness got to me. This morning I noticed that both ends were open and I immediately felt better. Wish I would have noticed that the first time...maybe I could have gone through with it. Anyway, the results will be sent to the Dr. in 2-3 days. My appt. with him is Aug.1 so I will be calling early to see if they will tell me the results. Thank you all for being so supportive. Sometimes I just get myself so worked up over nothing. |
I don't think you got worked up over nothing! What an awful feeling to be in there, and in pain!
As long as it is over! Whew! I bet your arm will feel better for today! You should take it easy today. Adrenalin is probably still rushing around your arteries, and you need to settle your body down. So glad it is over :D:D:D:D:D:D |
Janet, glad you got rough it ok.
Diane, I know it's tough and having kids constantly moving in is part of what ended my marriage. Be patient and know that it's a lot like being in labor. It will be painful but it will be over. |
Thanks, Sandy. I do know that this is just temporary and I am still putting things away......but it's finding where to put them so I can still enjoy them. They'll go to the basement if I can't find a spot. I do love having the kids around......just not when things get broken!!!
Janet, I'm glad that your MRI went well. It sounds a lot like the c-t scan that I had the other day. It was just a big circle that I went through.....not a tube like I was expecting!!! I guess that I've watched too much tv!!! BTW.....I do have some pictures of my hosta beds but I'll see if I can get some better ones. You have to remember that they are a work in progress!!!! I'm not sure when I can get them on but I'll try soon. Jaci had her wisdom teeth pulled this morning and wanted Glen and I to go with her and Nate. We drove a couple of hours away to get to the doctor's office and then she was in for an hour. We took Glen home then I went home with them to help take care of her today. Nate's not very good with people who are sick.....most guys aren't. Poor girl......her stomach was still queasy when I left and she was having trouble keeping anything down but she was still numb so she's not in much pain......yet. We did get a prescription for pain pills and antibiotics and I'm sure she'll be using them this evening. I was suppose to watch Karlie and Dean tomorrow but I'm going to beg off so I can be with Jaci. Right now she needs her Mama more......so that's where I'll be most of tomorrow. |
We are at our last of five doctors appts since Wed. YAY! We just saw his diabetes nurse earlier this morning and his A1C was higher than we think it should be so she is running a special test to see if it is falsely high due to his low iron levels. The A1C will read falsely when the iron is low. Gary has low iron because of his bad kidneys.
Last night I set up another interview. A guy at Scott's office called me and I just missed the call (took Layla for a walk) so I had to call him back. I have to say, I am thrilled at the way they are handling things now. Every person who has contacted me for an interview this time has either emailed during work hours, or called after hours. I hate when they call me on my cell at work! I don't want to answer it in front of everyone, because I don't have a private office! Anyways, I will go and meet with him at Scott's office building downtown after work on Wednesday.
I got another email this morning from someone wanting to set up an interview next week, and he wants to know what I expect for a salary. I feel weird about that one so I think I will tell him what my current salary is and say it's negotiable. I am willing to take a pay cut, but not too much, and I just want to see what he offers. It's a junior position, and I have more experience than is needed. They know that already and they contacted me anyways, so they may be willing to be flexible. I feel awkward at work today. Everyone is being really nice to me and I have to keep telling myself that I hate being here most of the time! |
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