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DianaB 07-17-2011 04:24 PM

We're in a heat wave!! It's miserable outside!!!! I too have been going out in the morning or evening because mid-day is just too hot. The crops are really, really hurting and a lot of farmers aren't going to have corn to harvest unless we get some rain. It always worries me because that's how we earn our living and if we have a bad year then it means we have to be a lot more careful with our money.

Gayle, I'm so jealous!!! I've been to the Riverwalk once and would so love to go back!!! San Antonio is such a nice city!!!! We went to Sea World when we were there and rode the little boats down the Riverwalk!!!

We went to church this morning and then went out to eat in another town because we had to go and get Karlie (She spent the night with her other Grandma, Grandpa, and her Aunt.). I wasn't impressed with the mexican place we ate and I felt that for what I ordered I was shorted so I came home hungry. We also stopped at a flea market that I really like and I got some gardening things to go in my flower beds. When we got home we (Dae Lynn, the kids, and I) dropped Glen off at church and we came on home.......so here I am.....on the computer.......listening to Dae Lynn spank Karlie for lying.......and watching Dean yell "No...no....no" at whatever he can find!!! Can you tell what he's been hearing?!!! I'm headed to the pond here in a little bit. I've been swimming almost every day!!! I love it!!!

gja1000 07-17-2011 06:01 PM

Oh Diana! I completely understand your pain regarding the rain, farming and crops. The farmer across the road from us just cut his corn and baled it for hay. There were hardly any ears on it because we just haven't had any rain - only about 3 inches since last October. We are about 12 inches in the deficit. It's the same in western Oklahoma, where the wheat harvest was just pitiful. It is very very bad out there, and they were saying we were going to come out of this drought in Sept/Oct. Now, they are saying they are not sure and the drought may continue into the winter. Oh. My. Goodness. This is NOT good. All we can hope for is a drenching tropical storm that does NOT do much damage or flooding at the coast, but gives us some much needed rain.

I know your house is chaotic right now - it's hard with the little ones. They feel the stress of the move too, but that doesn't make it any easier.

Tiramisu 07-17-2011 06:55 PM

Yes, we need rain badly. My son sold all his cows except two because the grass wouldn't sustain them all and he couldn't find hay within decent driving distance. He put the money back to buy more later. He had just paid off his loan to buy the herd a couple months earlier.

I goofed off again today, after church upgraded my cell phone to one of the $49 iPhones to replace the one Delaney lost. She's on my account and wasn't due an upgrade. I'm very satisfied with my iphone4, even with a newer one coming out in a couple months. Worked on my list of things I'll need IF I get the little house. Plan to go see the lawyer and try to get this settled this month. Oh, and I rejoined weight watchers. I enjoyed going a couple years ago and can use he socializing too.

gja1000 07-17-2011 07:07 PM

Sounds like a productive day Sandy, even though you called it lazy. I know lots who enjoy WW and I think it is great that you are going. You might make a new friend!

I have class tomorrow and so I should go to bed - but not quite ready to give it up.

We had a nice trip to San Antonio - it's about 80 miles from my house. Gary enjoyed the hunting show and I enjoyed the river walk and river mall.

After I got home I picked up my mom and we went to Luby's for dinner. It was GOOD!

Brooke and Emma are coming for one night this week. Abi is going to a volleyball camp at Texas State University, about 40 miles south of here. Brooke will drop her off on Thursday and then she and Emma will come up to our house and spend Thursday night with us. Camp is over at 9:00PM on Friday, so they will just drive back to Houston after that. It will be a short visit and I won't get to see Abi, but we are going down there the first of August, so that is OK.

Janet 07-17-2011 07:39 PM


I know you won't do it, but people are getting botox for perspiration problems!
I've heard of people doing it for perspiration....but you're right....I won't, UNLESS...lol...I ever lose enough weight then I would to help me look my best.

I have to take Mom to the kidney Dr and it's just going to be way too hot. We're going in the morning so hopefully we'll be back home before noon. I let the dogs outside and it just took my breath away. Only a couple of the dogs took off to go pee...the others turned around and went back in the house...lol.

Tiramisu 07-18-2011 06:00 PM

Yuck day! Fnally got an answer on the divorce and it's a really really sad one. Trial date set for oct 31st. What a rip. I'm taking a break from online venting for awhile. I'm very confused and stressed. I'm ok, just taking a break which is what I do when I start feeling bogged down. I think I was a turtle in a previous life because I pull in to my shell and wait for the storm to pass. I'll be back soon!

Janet 07-18-2011 06:05 PM

We'll always be here for you Sandy....I hope you don't take too long....it's been wonderful having you back. Love ya!!

gja1000 07-18-2011 07:29 PM

Very yucky day Sandy. I am so very very sorry. I understand that you will cope in the best way for you, but I will really miss you! Come back soon, or when you can. We'll be here waiting and hoping that you will be in a better place at that time.

Lindsey 07-18-2011 07:58 PM

Heat wave here too! It's so gross and humid outside. This morning the radio said there was 80% humidity!!! This afternoon it was supposed to get to 43 degrees with humidity, that's around 110 F. When I left my nice air conditioned office, it was just like a wall of heat as I walked outside. Thank goodness for air conditioning in this house! If I still lived in a place without it, I'm sure I'd be sick. My cousin and her husband live in a basement suite in the city with no air conditioning, and her husband said that in the middle of the night it was 30 degrees (86 F) in their place. He was up most of the night because of it!

We're supposed to get some bad storms again with this heat. There were tornado warnings around my parents' house today, and my dad is here in the city and my mom is home alone, so I hope everything's okay.

gja1000 07-19-2011 02:57 AM

LOL, Lindsay. The way you said it, "a wall of heat"! That is a very good way to describe this oppressive heat! That's the way I feel pretty much every day from June through September. Sometimes when I go outside, if the wind is blowing, it feels like a blow dryer is hitting me in the face. Of course in Texas that is how it feels pretty much all the time in the summer. However, you all are having more humidity now than we usually have and heat with humidity is just miserable. We will have this heat through September - it doesn't begin to cool off till October when it will be up and down. I'm so sorry those of you up north are having to deal with this. It's a way of life for us, and it isn't any fun at all. Of course, we are not supposed to be 100+ EVERYDAY, so maybe we'll get a break from the 100 degree temps too, but not likely for several weeks now. The weather is just not nice right now!

judy 07-19-2011 05:05 AM

Sandy, I know you will be okay, but we will be waiting for you, and supporting you whether you post or not. I also go into hibernation when it all gets to be too much. We will miss you, and I will be praying for you.

I cannot believe the heat you are having Linds! Your weather goes from one extreme to another! Stay cool!!!

Gayle, I heard on TV yesterday that Austin Texas is the highest rated place for the baby boomer retirees to move to! Lots of music, culture, fun, and an easy, interesting place to live! I guess that included living in an air conditioned place, but most people do.

DianaB 07-19-2011 10:56 AM

Sandy, I understand about needing some time to yourself and we'll be here when you come back. I'm sure that going through a divorce is hard. I don't understand why it has to go on so long.

The heat here is pretty unbearable too. I've been watering the yard because if I don't I won't have any grass at all!!! And our water has just gone up so I'm really hating this!!! Glen's talking about getting a pump and pumping the water from the pond up to the yard.....but he's got to figure out if it's cheaper to do that compared to just buying the water.......cost of electricity compared to cost of water!!!!

It's a good thing that we don't raise livestock because we'd be broke!!! We bought 100 chicks this spring.........we lost half of them when they all tried to huddle under a warm light during a cool spell.......then Glen put them in a chicken coop and as they grew he wanted them to wander around the yard so he's let them out of the pen every day......so we've been losing anywhere from one to four a day sometimes. NOW we're down to FOUR chickens!!!!! It's a good thing that we don't make a living at this!!!!! Glen's wanting eggs but the last I knew we only had two hens!!!! I don't think that we're going to have any surplus!!!! :sidesplit:

Oh....and Glen and I went to Wichita yesterday. My camera was having problems with the lens and we had an extended contract on it that was about to expire. I had called but they wouldn't let me send it so we had to go out which worked out alright because Amy's airconditioner went out and we picked up a new one for them. It was soooo hot out there with all of the pavement!!! I was so glad to get home!!!!

Lindsey 07-19-2011 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 121869)
Sandy, I know you will be okay, but we will be waiting for you, and supporting you whether you post or not. I also go into hibernation when it all gets to be too much. We will miss you, and I will be praying for you.

I cannot believe the heat you are having Linds! Your weather goes from one extreme to another! Stay cool!!!

Gayle, I heard on TV yesterday that Austin Texas is the highest rated place for the baby boomer retirees to move to! Lots of music, culture, fun, and an easy, interesting place to live! I guess that included living in an air conditioned place, but most people do.

Usually it doesn't get this hot. Usually it's mid-30's, but the humidity this year is just crazy! We usually have dry heat. But yes, we can be close to -60C with windchill factors in the winter (-70's F) and around +40 in the summer (100-110 F). We're built for all kinds of conditions lol! I overheard someone else saying that there's only one other spot in the world that gets such extreme temperature changes over a year, but I don't remember where that was. Someone in the office was talking about it!

Diana, I couldn't bear to be outside either! But at least you were able to pick up an air conditioner for Amy, I'm sure she needs it now!

Scott and I finally went to the dentist today. It's really bad, I hadn't been for 5 years, and he hadn't been in at least that long. I am TERRIFIED of dentists. Anyways, I had a cleaning and check-up, and luckily even after 5 years, no cavities! My biggest fear about dentists is having needles in my mouth :rolleyes: You would think that would encourage me to go MORE, but nope! Anyways, I lucked out this time. I've only had 2 cavities in my life, when I was around 12 years old, but it still scares me!

Apparently, Scott and I have both developed a habit of grinding our teeth at night. I never thought I did that. But, they're showing enamel wear and cracking :( So they're going to order a night guard for me. It's about $250 but my insurance may cover part of it.

Scott also needs his wisdom teeth removed, which I have been telling him for ages. Unfortunately, he can't just have them pulled because they're coming in sideways. He needs to go to an oral surgeon and have the gums cut open and the teeth extracted. The cost is about $1900 and his insurance will not cover that. He hasn't made an appointment yet, but it looks like we're going to have to look at this wedding budget again and probably cut some things out.

DianaB 07-19-2011 11:12 AM

Lindsey, I don't like going to the dentist either and I have a hard time making appointments so I schedule the appointment when I'm there......a year ahead of time. Then they call and remind me when it gets close. Otherwise I probably wouldn't go every year.

Lindsey 07-19-2011 11:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I should have made an appointment too, but we're so unsure of what our plans will be like next July with our wedding and whenever we might get time off for a honeymoon! Oh well, the scraping hurt and it won't hurt so much if there isn't so much build-up. That might get me back there sooner.

We had troubles finding a dentist who would take new patients! Both of our last dentists were in our hometowns (well near my hometown) and we needed to get one in our city now.

I am glad we got in where we did! This office is in the medical tower attached to the biggest mall in the city. After we got our work done, we went down to the jewelry store where Scott bought my ring, and they all knew each other :rolleyes: That's where got our Swiss watches sized! They didn't size them for us in Switzerland. I'm wearing it now for the first time. I just love it! I'll attach a picture...

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