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Janet 07-19-2011 07:26 PM

My brother Jerry called today and said he was going to come and stay with Mom so I could get out for a little while. I get so emotional ya know. It was all I could do to keep from crying until he got here. Then...I got in my van and cried all the way to town.

I stopped by the Cellular store to get info about internet. I still can't really afford it...it would be cheaper for me to pay the $15 a month for the service on my IPad2. I just didn't want to have to carry it everywhere and take a chance on something happening to it. With a phone...it's usually in my pocket.

While I was in town, my brother called and said that the computer place called and my computer was done. So I picked it up and was shocked to learn there was no charge. It didn't make the noise I told them about so they just cleaned it all up...and now it works great.

When I got home I cleaned up a cantelope and cut it up into pieces in a bowl. It is so sweet and so juicy so I know what I'm having for breakfast in the morning.

gja1000 07-20-2011 04:25 AM

YES! That's why you need Janet, some time away from the house. Times like that are SO IMPORTANT for persons who are doing fulltime caregiving!!! You need to be thinking ahead a little bit. What are you going to do when school starts and you have to leave to drive the bus?

gja1000 07-20-2011 04:33 AM

I have class this afternoon but I am completely ready for it so there's not much to do this morning. I have a gillion other things that I need to do so I will make some headway on those.

My daughter Brooke and Emma are coming tomorrow afternoon to spend the night!!! Abi has a volleyball camp at a small college 30 miles south of Austin, so Brooke will drop her off at noon at the camp tomorrow. Then Brooke and Emma will drive up here and spend the night with us. We'll get mom and go out to eat tomorrow evening. Then on Friday, Brooke and Emma will be here all day so we can go shopping! I am in the process of making some changes in my kitchen - I'll tell you all about that later, and she can help me make some of the decisions. She'll be here all day as she has to pic up Abi at volleyball camp at 9:00PM on Friday. They are just going to drive on back to Houston at that time, rather than driving all the way back up here and then getting up Saturday and driving home. It will be so good to see them. We plan to go down there Aug 4-6, only a couple of weeks away, but it will be good to have them here.

Janet 07-20-2011 08:27 AM

If I need to make a quick run to town or when I'm driving the bus (1.5 hours morning and again in the afternoon) Mom just stays in bed while I'm gone. Our TV went out again so I ran to town to get Mom's and she just stays in bed...matter of fact I've been home for 30 minutes and she's still asleep.

DianaB 07-20-2011 01:56 PM

I was wondering what you were going to do when you start driving the bus again as well. It's really time for you and your brothers to do some serious talking. You can't keep doing what you're doing and work too. You're too stressed out the way things are now. I hope you know that I'm concerned for you.

Gayle, that's great that the girls are coming for a while. You don't mention it but I know that you miss having them close by. Enjoy your time with them!!!

Today I've had the kids while Dae Lynn and Damon have been cleaning out their house. Damon can get out on work release to help with some things. His court date today was for NOTHING!!! Everything is put off until August 8th. I just don't understand how things operate with all of this.

This evening we're helping to take some of our church kids to a neighboring town's pool. It's about 15 miles away and they just got a new pool this year so we're excited to go. It will be a hot trip over since we'll be going in the church bus but at least the trip will be fairly short. Really.....I'm just ready for some time alone!!! Oh well.....maybe next week!!!!

Janet 07-20-2011 06:10 PM

Gayle I'm so glad you get to visit with your girls. I know you'll have a great time. I love hearing about your visits with them.

Diana....I think the court system sucks about as much as the medical profession in Indiana....lol.
Going swimming in a nice pool sounds so wonderful right now. One of these days I need to get me a bathing suit in case the time ever comes that I get to swim again.

Today I ran to town to get Mom's mail and her TV. We thought ours went out, but it was something else. Not sure I understand it all, but Rick had to put in a new electrical outlet. The breaker kept blowing and we couldn't figure out why except maybe because of the heat or maybe because there might have been too many things on the breaker. Neither were the reason. When the breaker blew the last time Ricky smelled something burnt. It was an outlet that had my digital frame plugged into it.

All seems to be fine now and the TV still works great. Now we'll have to take Mom's back to her house. I just don't have room for another TV right now.

The HHA came today and gave Mom a bath. She is younger than I and I just love her to pieces. So fun to talk to and Mom just loves her too.

The rest of the day....I ended up in one heck of a bad mood. Not sure why, but it sucked...lol.

Tiramisu 07-20-2011 06:23 PM

Missed y'all more than my shell or a margarita.

I think we should definitely plan that meetup. We all need some time away. Can we hold out until it gets a little cooler?

gja1000 07-20-2011 06:27 PM

Sandy! You make me smile!!! :) I'm so glad you couldn't live without us!!! Yes, we need to plan that meetup - and we DEFINITELY need to wait till it's cooler!!!

Are you doing OK?

Janet 07-20-2011 06:30 PM

Sandy.....we love you!!!! :D So glad you didn't stray too far. I pray whenever there is something scheduled that I can make it. It would absolutly break my heart if I couldn't meet with all of you.

Blueyes 07-20-2011 07:13 PM

Count me in for a meetup!! It's been a crazy summer so far for me. Kids are moving to Paris Aug 28th. Just shoot me now:p

gja1000 07-21-2011 09:44 AM

Well now, Paris is a lot easier to visit!!! And the 28th is over a month away!

DianaB 07-21-2011 11:41 AM

Count me in for a meetup!!!! Nothing will keep me from being there........I think!!!!

Betsi.....I'm sorry that your kids are leaving again. I'd sure be saving my money to go and visit......after all....you wouldn't have a hotel expense and they'd know their way around to all of the good areas!!!!

Our swim night went really well!! The pool was so nice....there was a water slide and a nice play area for lilttle kids. A lot of the kids went plus we had some families from church that went as well. Karlie had learned to swim the end of last summer so she's going pretty good now but we still stick a life jacket on her. Last night I was swimming around the deep area near the diving boards and I looked up in time to see her jump off of the low board and swim to the side!!!! None of us knew that she was planning on doing it!!! Thank goodness there were life guards watching but they weren't needed!!!! She surprised us!!! She also went down the water slide alone but there was a life guard at the bottom to help the little kids out!!!

This morning the kids from church came out and had a scavenger hunt!! This has been a special week of doing things with the kids. The kids all got good and muddy then we took them to the pond to clean up and took them home. I stayed at the pond and swam a little longer after they left......the water felt so good and wasn't so hot. I may start going down more often in the mornings!!

Other than that I've been moving hoses around trying to water the yard. It's been never-ending with this heat!!! I do love my little tractor that is a sprinkler!! It's so cool!!!!

Tiramisu 07-21-2011 04:18 PM

Let's set a date, please! A cozy colorado cabin with a huge fireplace, lots of wine, coffee and snacks. How about the last few days of Christmas break for the school people, second weekend of janurary.

I got a double injection in my neck this morning and a huge scrip for hydrocodone that I'm not getting filled. And, I agreed to go for pt. Had an easy day at work because the boss is out. Went with a couple of girls for margaritas and am now horizontal on my couch.

I went by the house for some things AXH (almost ex husband) said he'd put in shed for me. Still not giving me the main things I want, but I'm not dealing with him any more.

judy 07-21-2011 06:05 PM

Good for you Sandy!!! You don't need stuff, just peace of mind!

DianaB 07-22-2011 05:46 AM

Sorry Sandy. I'm sure that there's a good reason that you're divorcing him!!!!

A meet up would be great but personally I'd like to wait until Janet can come too. Right now she's so tied up with her Mom and I know that later on she'd really enjoy all of us getting together.

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