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Tiramisu 07-27-2011 03:18 PM

Worked 8 hours, went to an awesome physical therapy appointment, ate Casablanca ole to watch the rain, had a nice talk with my son asking him car questions I know the answer to making him feel needed, walked awhile with my doggie, laying on the couch, about to take a pain pill and muscle relaxer.

gja1000 07-27-2011 04:05 PM

Sandy, you have been BUSY! I hope you feel better soon. I know how miserable PT can make you feel, at least initially. Thank goodness you have drugs! :D

Janet 07-27-2011 05:39 PM

I went to therapy too and I'm very sore. Hopefully it will get better soon. I wrote more in another thread so I won't repeat myself.

About 8:30 this evening I heard Mom calling me and found her lying on the floor again. She had tried to get on the commode and missed.....everything missed. She's okay and I was able to get her back in bed. Tomorrow I take her to the neurologist so hopefully we can find out why she keeps passing out. We also have an appt a week from Thursday to see her regular Dr. I need to find out why Mom can't keep food down and if she's not eating much, why there is so much waste. She is having problems swallowing. It was the soonest they could get her in unless there is a cancellation so they have us on list.

judy 07-27-2011 06:06 PM

I am glad you finally got to the therapist. I will look for your other post.

Mom sounds like she is having a very hard time. I hope tomorrow is a better day for her.

DianaB 07-27-2011 07:12 PM

I'm so worried about your Mom. I sure wish that the doctor would find out what was going on. For her sake and yours!!! I know that you're so tired of everything that's going on but you're a good daughter!!!

We had an absolutely crazy day here!!! Dae Lynn has Damon's neice spending the night with us. Taylor is a sweetie but she's not used to being away from her family. She's twelve and Karlie just adores her!!! Then we had Daya stay because Taylor was here.....then Kera decided to stay too. So they all but the tent on the trampoline and spent the night......except for Taylor, who got scared!!!

The phone has rung all day long....which I just hate.......it was mostly Damon needing rides to other places. He's on work release but hasn't been able to drive ever since he and Dae Lynn have been married so it's a real inconvience to Dae Lynn. Then Dae Lynn decided to make some salsa and freeze some butternut squash but she was in and out of the house while she was doing it. I was trying to get some furniture rearranged and my bedroom cleaned out but had to keep helping out Dae Lynn.

THEN.....we had a swim party at the lake with Amy and church kids. It was fun.....but before we left we had a low tire and Glen was aggravated about it. He backed up and backed the side of the Tahoe into his pickup and put a dent in the driver's door. He's been so grouchy about everything and I'm just so tired of it!! He knew it because I didn't hardly talk to him......he's kissing up now and apologizing so he knew he was in the wrong.

I have been so ready for evening. Taylor decided she wants to go home so Dae Lynn is running her home and going to Wal-mart so she'll be out late tonight but at least the kids are in bed!!! Yay!!! Jazzi and I are snuggling and relaxing together so our evening is so much more calm!!!

Tomorrow I'm going to start packing and getting ready to go to Lloyd's. I can't wait to get away for awhile!!!! My Aunt Marva is going to be there!!! Yay!!!

Janet 07-27-2011 07:21 PM

Tell more about Lloyd's. I've tried checking other posts for more detail but I've been having quite a few brain farts lately. Is this where you went with all of your aunts that time?

gja1000 07-28-2011 03:19 AM

I agree with Diana about being worried about your mom. The more I think about it, I agree with Sandy that this could be clogged carotid arteries. Now, there may not be much they can do about that particular problem, because the main fix is surgery which your mom probably can't tolerate. But there may be some medication to increase blood flow to the brain which would definitely help.

Oh and Diana, I definitely empathize with your crazy household. We were like that, but only for a couple of months, and didn't have a toddler. I might have to retreat to my bomb shelter (if I had one, he he).

judy 07-28-2011 06:47 AM

Diana, you need an RV! You could stay in there, nice and comfy, and let everyone else deal with the craziness! I think you are amazing! I would be unable to do what you are doing!

I am glad that Glen is sorry!

DianaB 07-28-2011 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 122134)
Tell more about Lloyd's. I've tried checking other posts for more detail but I've been having quite a few brain farts lately. Is this where you went with all of your aunts that time?

Yes, this is the same place we've gone before with my aunts and uncles....and my Mom's cousins....that's who Lloyd is. It's in a huge cabin that's like camp......four bedrooms with 5 or more beds in each room!!!! The good part is that there's 3 bathrooms!!! The house is made for being lived in....nothing very fancy!!!!

Here's a map. From the red spot for Big M.....we are on the opposite side where the sharp point is. Lloyd's cabin is right on that point!!! It's so cool and we swim right off of that point sometimes. It takes us about 4 hours to drive there.


Here's a post when we went before. It shows the cabin and what all is there. In the last picture is my aunt, Joan, that we lost a couple of years ago. She is still missed so much and was always the life of the party!!!!


I don't think that we'll be back home until Monday. Glen's wanting to go towards Kansas City and pick up some parts for something. Maybe we can stop at some flea markets or something on the way!!!!

Janet 07-28-2011 01:06 PM

I took Mom to the neurologist today for the scan type thing. She had 29 little things connected to her head. For a about 10 minutes out of the 40, the tech thinks it's perfect for the Dr. to read....the rest...will be a little difficult. Mom did sleep for those 10 minutes, but the tech said she was too tense for part of it. We'll just have to wait and see. The tech told me that if the Dr. didn't get back with me in two weeks....to call them back for the results. She thinks it will be sooner but is not suppose to say so.

When we first got there I pulled up front and got the wheel chair out of the back. I helped Mom get out of the car and then she collapsed. I didn't know if I was going to be able to hold her up off the hot pavement or not. A very nice young lady that was driving a wheel chair van, helped me get Mom in the wheel chair and Mom was just lying back with her eyes open. She was out cold. I finally got Mom to come to and we got her into the building and up to where she was to have this procedure done. The tech is hoping it will show up since it just happened.

So...that makes 3 times Mom as passed out/lost balance or just plain ended up on the floor/ground in less than a week. I hope they can get it figured out quickly.

gja1000 07-28-2011 02:58 PM

Two weeks is too freakin' long to wait for the results. I'm telling you Janet, you are lucky I'm not up there with you - I'd be doing some ripping a new A-hole on several different levels. There is just no excuse for this kind of lag time. It is utter, complete, senseless nonsense.

Tiramisu 07-28-2011 03:14 PM

Two weeks is inhuman. Drives my bp up just thinking about it. Ugggh. I'm praying she doesn't break a hip or something in these falls. Janet, I'm sending you some of my strength.

Tiramisu 07-28-2011 03:17 PM

Worked 10, made an offer on a house, sent in my foster/adoption applicatiion, and am on the couch for the count!

DianaB 07-28-2011 03:19 PM

Personally I think that two weeks is too long too!!! I'm sending Gayle up there!!!!!

gja1000 07-28-2011 04:04 PM

This know-it-all nurse would probably just pi$$ them off and it would take them 3 weeks to get back to me. LOL! But I would patiently explain the lack of empathy and how morally wrong it was to make someone in such need wait 2 weeks. Of course the sweet little nurse/tech knows the issue, so perhaps she will advocate for a quicker turnaround.

Have you ever seen the movie "The Doctor" with William Hurt - where he develops throat cancer and become a patient. If not, you should rent it. It SOOOOO applies to this situation which is that doctors rarely have a clue what they are putting their patients through, until it happens to them. Here's the movie trailer:

Jack McKee is a doctor with it all: he's successful, he's rich, and he has no problems.... until he is diagnosed with throat cancer. Now that he has seen medicine, hospitals, and doctors from a patient's perspective, he realises that there is more to being a doctor than surgery and prescriptions.

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