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Tiramisu 07-28-2011 04:28 PM

Similarly, I tell my girls at work to be very nice to the caterers so we don't worry about our food being peed on.

Janet 07-28-2011 05:31 PM

It's bad for some of us lay people because I really have no idea how long it should take for the test results to be read and then given to us. The tech did say it usually doesn't take that long, but she's not allowed to say how long. I figure I will wait one week and call to see if the results are back. In all honesty Gayle...about how long do you think it should take? I mean they do have other patients and all. I hate waiting...but I'm not in the medical field to know the time frame.

gja1000 07-28-2011 06:20 PM

Any time a test is done for an acute problem, like your shoulder, or your mom passing out, then the wait time should only be a day or two, at the most. Of course, there may be some tests that take longer to interpret, like some blood tests have to be sent out to another lab. Perhaps this neurological test has to be sent out to be interpreted, but I doubt it as there is a neurologist on staff.

As I said before, if the doctor was hurting as badly as you were, he/she would NOT wait two weeks to get the results. If he/she were picking his/her mom up on the floor every other day, he/she woudl not wait. Now, for a chronic issue, like mild pain or blood work when the problem is not immediate, it's OK to wait a few days. Usually when the wait is so long, it's because the office is disorganized or there is not enough staff to get the work done.

Gary had a doctor once, where you had to leave a message to get someone to call you back to make an appointment. They never called back the same day you left the message. That is just ridiculous and we didn't see that doctor but a couple of times. That kind of service tells me the doctor really doesn't value his patients enough to provide quality service. Gotta cut back on the staff don't ya know, to be sure to pad the money bags.

Yeah, I'm pretty cynical when it comes to doctors. Gary has a few I really like, but by and large, I can do without them. I only see nurse practitioners - don't like to mess with docs. Of course, there will probably be a time when I need a doc, and I'll go at that time. But until then, I like my nurses.

DianaB 07-28-2011 08:06 PM

I know that on my C-T scan the other day I was called with the results in a couple of days. I knew the results before I went to talk to the doctor about them. Actually on all of the tests I had I was called in a day or two about the results. I chose not to go back to the doctor until all the results were in but I wasn't in any pain either.

I would finish up with this doctor then look around for a different one. Ask around and find out who others are using.

DianaB 07-29-2011 06:27 AM

I'm getting ready to start packing!!! We're planning on leaving around noon......which means it will probably be later.....we're not known for being on time!!!!

I'm not sure if my Mom and step-dad, Art, are going. Art has a daughter, Melissa, that has her heart backwards and she's in the hospital with pneumonia and an infection. Every time something happens there's a big worry about how it will sffect her heart. Please keep her in your prayers.

I don't think that we're going to be home until sometime on Monday. Glen wants to go and pick up some parts up near Kansas City. It's really out of our way but he needs to get the parts. Maybe we can hit some flea markets along the way!!!!

On a different note......Glen ordered some tires for our Tahoe and the price has really gone up.......anyone needing tires may want to go ahead and purchase them soon!!!! No telling what the price will be in a few weeks....they're going up THAT fast!!!

gja1000 07-29-2011 06:32 AM

At the heart doctor w/ Gary. He's OK but the med they started two weeks ago is not working as well as they want it to in terms of getting the fluid out of him (mMing him pee). I'm sure they will just do blood work and the up the med. He's feeling OK but would feel better if he were a little drier.

It doesn't look like we are going to get much, if any rain from the tropical storm. Sigh.

Janet 07-29-2011 07:16 AM

Went to my 2nd therapy session. Did deep massage and some kind of ultra sound where the sound waves are suppose to do something. :) Also did some stretching exercises. Still sore, but really doesn't seem to be keeping me from doing anything at this point.

I go Monday to the neurologist for the follow-up appointment. I'm anxious to see what he says and hopefully actually 'see' the actual MRI pictures. Then Tuesday go for theray again.

This weekend my hometown here is having it's yearly festival. It's called the HotDog Festival. Not sure why other than the Frankfort school sports teams are the "Hotdogs". There are lots of garage sales in town and up around our town square there are flea market booths and just lots and lots of homemade things. I'm hoping to go up there for a bit, but it's just so hot and humid. By the time I park the car and get up to the square, I'll be soaked from sweating so much...lol.

I am gonna try to go for awhile....we'll see. Oh and one of my bus students has a band and will be playing this evening at 8:30....would love to go see him. I'll have to see if I can get Mom hooked to the dialysis machine sooner maybe.

Diana have fun at Lloyd's.....sure wish I was going with you!

judy 07-29-2011 08:59 AM

Diana, have a wonderful time and a safe trip! Prayers for Melanie!

Janet, I know that living in a small town, good medical care can be difficult to find, especially when you cannot travel far with Mom in her condition. But, 2 weeks? They should be ashamed of themselves!!!

I am so glad that your PT is not hurting too badly!

Good luck Gary! Pee a lot!!! I also try to use nurse practitioners whenever possible, Gayle. The NP I was using is too much of an alarmist though, and I had to change. I found a very good doctor though, so I am really happy. He reminds me of the doctor I went to in Brooklyn, and who I trusted a lot. For a gyno, I think the hospital nearby has an NP. It's not that I don't trust doctors. In NYC, there was enough choice that I could find doctors I did trust. It is just that I trust NP's more! They have a whole different agenda.

I am very lucky though. I have had good health all of my life, except for headaches. A doctor did tell me once that the good news about my headaches was that they would never kill me. I liked that perspective!

We have rain a'coming, so I think I will relax in the house today. I have plants to put into my deck boxes, some coleus to repot, and maybe some laundry. I have some pictures to hang too. I could make some phone calls! This is looking better and better! The sun is out now, so I may go down to the pool for little while.

I am having the most relaxing summer! I am so grateful every time I think about it! I have the beautiful pool, my friends are here, the kids are close by, but have been busy enough so that I have some free time. I began my writing class, have some pottery cooking in my pottery teacher's kiln, and am so relaxed it is amazing. The kids are finished with camp today, so I think they will be here a lot, but they are going on vacation the last 2 weeks of the summer, so I won't get worn out by them. They are going to Hatteras Island, right on the beach. I am worried about the long drive, and them being away, especially in hurricane season, but I am excited for them too. Steve has been complaining, in his professional victim way, that he wants to leave this area. He isn't treated fairly here. I could go into a tirade right here about how self destructive he is, and how he causes his own problems 99.5% of the time, but I won't. I just hope that he doesn't plan on getting Jessie to love North Carolina and want to move there too!

Tiramisu 07-29-2011 06:15 PM

Glad you could all check in and that all is well Worked, went to PT and it's working, meet my daughter and her family for supper. Andrew came home with me and they went to a movie. Have a date with the match.com guy I've been talking to. Not sure what we'll do. I told him I want to see cowboys and aliens. Hope I get more excited about it.

gja1000 07-29-2011 06:35 PM

Sandy, you seem to be getting along with life and that is very nice I think! I hope the date goes well, I can't imagine dating again!!! I don't think I will, given the opportunity, but hey, never say never! LOL!

judy 07-30-2011 05:38 AM

When is the date, Sandy? I can understand your not being excited yet. It is such a new thing for you to date!

Take deep breaths!

All of those things I had planned to do in the house yesterday? I did not do one thing! I vegged out all day, and was so annoyed with myself! I am going to have a second cup of coffee and get started on doing some things right now! Some of the jobs I want to do in the house will wait until summer is over, so I am just going to put them upstairs in the den, and stop thinking about them now.

Janet 07-30-2011 06:49 AM

Sandy...I just couldn't imagine wanting to date again so quickly. If I ever get rid of mine.....it will be forever and a day before I try it again. Will your husband give you a hard time since your divorce isn't final? My husband would make life as hard on me as he could....part of the reason I'm still here.

I am interested in
how the dating scene is now... :)

judy 07-30-2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 122187)
Sandy...I just couldn't imagine wanting to date again so quickly. If I ever get rid of mine.....it will be forever and a day before I try it again. Will your husband give you a hard time since your divorce isn't final? My husband would make life as hard on me as he could....part of the reason I'm still here.

I am interested in
how the dating scene is now... :)

He won't know anything about what you do, Sandy! Go for it!

Tiramisu 07-30-2011 05:33 PM

I postponed the date for this evening and went out to dinner with my daughter, because she asked me to wait awhile longer. Hope the guy understood and keeps talking to me until I'm ready. Laura reminded me that I have a lot in my bucket and should focus on doing some of those things instead of adding more. So, for now, if God wants me to have another man, he'll have him knock on my door.

I went to the mall for a haircut, to get a bra fitting and new bras, a couple of new work tops, and a pair of work shoes. Then, I cam home, took a nap and went out to went out to dinner with Laura (two night in a row). She is really keeping an eye on me and I love it!

Tiramisu 07-30-2011 05:38 PM

Janet, the dating scene is just a bunch of diry old men! At least thats what I'm finding at my age. And, it's fun to email them and sort through all that before you decide to actually talk to them.

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