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Sandy....I PM'd you....I hope you didn't think I was judging you because your divorce isn't final. It came out wrong.....I just meant that if my husband had anything on me to add fuel to the fire....he would and did when we separated 20 years ago. He wasn't very nice, I don't know why I ever came back....
Janet, it's ok, not judging, being concerned and I need and appreciate that. I love you, girl!
Janet....I hope my reply to your post didn't get you to thinking you were being judgmental!! I just read back and can see how you might have thought that. You certainly are not being judgemental! You are sharing your wisdom and your concern for Sandy.
I, on the other hand, am glad that Sandy is so open to her new life! It is great that she gets all of our thoughts, and can weigh them out and make decisions. Sandy, I see that you have decided to wait for dating, and I think that, since you made that decision, then it is the best decision! Somebody was telling me today that instead of going on dates, I should just use Skype. I think this is a great idea! It saves a lot of trouble, and you can tell right away if you want a date! I am planning to go on Match.com. I need a good picture of myself first. |
I had fun today. Went down to the pool and hung out with my friends. The husbands and older kids were here, and they are all so nice, and so much fun!
I let the guy I've been talking with talk me into meeting him for lunch and he was very nice, but after two hours of sitting there, I begged forgiveness, telling him that I'm not ready for anything more than talking. He said he'll call me, but I'm sure he won't.
No Judy....it wasn't you that got me to thinking about my post....I got to thinking about it later and thought...oh no. Then I felt so bad and needed to explain.
I'm glad you're going with your head and heart Sandy....only you know what you're ready for. Judy....I think Skype would be a great way to start online dating. Didn't even think of that one. Today I didn't do anything but a coule loads of laundry. I was going to go to Wal Mart, but decided it was just way too hot to go anywhere. I did watch a Lifetime movie...something I haven't done in a long time, so it was nice. Tomorrow starts a very busy week for me. Monday I go to the neurologist in Lafayette for my follow-up appointment and then back to Frankfort to do some banking. Tuesday I go for physical therapy, Wednesday Mom's physical therapist is coming and I think the nurse, Thursday I have a mandatory bus driver meeting in the morning and then take Mom to her regular Dr. in the afternoon, Friday I go for physical therapy again. I am also planning on making an appt. at Wal Mart Optical to have my eyes checked and hopefully some new glasses....the ones I have are absolutely horrid. Time for new ones. Hopefully the humidity won't be as bad as it has been the last few days. It has been so hot and uncomfortable. |
It's good to be busy, Janet! The more you do, the less energy you have for thinking about problems!
I am going to town, potting my coleus, and then pooling it. One of these days, I have to get over to Jessie's! I was there about 3 days ago, but the kids are now home from camp, so I need a day with them. |
Mom isn't doing very well today and her Dr. isn't in until Thursday. She just can't eat and swallow. Since she couldn't eat the meat, mashed potatoes or peas I fixed her tomato soup. She drank about 1/4 cup and that was it. I put her back in bed. A little while later I heard her calling me. She had gotten up on the commode and must have sat there too long, her legs went to sleep and she couldn't get up. Once I got her back in bed Mom then started throwing up the tomato soup. After that.....a coughing spell kept her busy for a couple minutes, but I got her through that. Now she is sleeping. I feel so bad for her.
This morning I went for my appointment with the neurologist. He might be a fine Dr. but I don't like him. Very hard to talk to and doesn't explain things very well even when I ask him too. So...what I got out of it was this: I have degenerative disc disease (which I guess is common?) I also have a slipped disc between C5 and C6 that is touching my spinal cord. At first he wanted me to go see someone about pain management. I told him that wasn't going to help the problem, just mask the pain. So now he wants me to continue with the PT and wrote on a script paper for the PT to use traction. I go for PT in the morning and I'm suppose to go back to the neurologist in a month. I think I'm going to talk with my regular Dr. to see if I can see someone else. This guy is just too weird for me. I need someone easier to speak with and who can explain things better. He did say that if the therapy doesn't help, we can see about injections of some sort and then the next step would be surgery. I just don't know what else to say, excet I don't need this right now. |
Oh, Janet, you can't steal a break lately. Hang on and this will pass. I'm praying and you need to be believing.
Crazy day for me: took my car to the dealership because a new vehicle with 16700 miles shouldn't have run out of water and get so hot the ac switched off (even in this weather), got a "loaner" car that cost me $28 for a day of insurance, got to work at 830 and couldn't get logged in to my computer until about 15 minutes before it was time to leave for my therapy, which was very painful since I was so tense and stressed, went to get my car and was charges $34 to rotate the tires that I thought should be a courtesy thing. Somewhere in there I got a call that I can't proceed with fostering until a whole year after the divorce is final. The realtor was out for a funeral today and wants me to come out and sign the house offer contract tomorrow. If I can make it through Thursday, I'm taking vacation on Friday. |
Sounds like you've got it rough too Sandy. But we will get through it, because I believe we will!
Wow! You both had tough days for sure!
I hope Mom has an easy night, and an easy day tomorrow. I am praying for her and for you. If you don't like the neurologist, I don't blame you for wanting to see another doctor. I hope you can find someone soon! I had a nice, lazy day. Then Jessie called me and vented about all of the things that have been happening lately, beginning with Brandon's ear surgery, Mackenzie's broken toe, Kassidy's TMJ, my ex coming up to stay with them, Steve's uncle wanting to stay with them (HE WILL NEVER LEAVE!), and her fighting with Steve about it, and then little Rocky got sick and had to be run over to the vet. He was throwing up all morning, and since he is so tiny, that is dangerous. The vet wanted to keep him overnight, but Jessie wouldn't leave him there. She hasn't called, so I would say he is okay now. She cried on the phone, and I felt so bad for her! I'm going to go over there tomorrow and visit with her. The good thing is that Mackenzie is going to hang out with 2 friends at the mall, eat dinner out, and they are getting their nails done. How nice for her! I like one of these girls a lot, and hope they are close friends this year. I don't know the other girl. |
Oh Janet, you DID have a really rough day. And by all means, find another neurologist!!! Gary sees an orthopedic doctor for the bulging disks in his neck - so that might be another option. I absolutely won't tolerate doctors who won't talk to us or who act weird! Actually one of Gary's docs is pretty weird and he used to act much worse than he does now. We went to him because he is the BEST pulmonary doc in Austin and at that time they were thinking Gary might need a heart transplant. If you have a heart transplant, you must have the best pulmonary doc you can get. When I described his behavior to my daughter (a fifth grade school teacher), she told me he probably has Asburger's, a form of autism. I think that is why we were able to tolerate his behavior - because I could look at him and think he is not an a$$hole, he just can't help the way he acts. Now, after seeing him for 3 or so years, he has learned how to interact with us (a characteristic of Asburgers, they can learn how to interact with certain people) and we all get along pretty well. But it was tough in the beginning and I wouldn't have tolerated it if not for needing his expertise at the time.
Sandy, you had a terrible day too. I just hate car trouble, especially when the car is new and shouldn't be acting up, but I guess those things happen. I didn't know you were getting to go ahead with the house. Is this the one you were going to buy a few weeks ago? Judy, I know how hard it is to hear your daughter cry and to know she has many very significant issues right now. It just breaks my heart when it happens to me and my daughter has NEVER had any problems like your daughter has. I know you will help her get through this. I just got through unloading my lower cabinets (just the top shelf of the lower cabinets), taking out all the kitchen drawers, and getting everything off the top of the counters. The counters get taken out tomorrow! :eek: We won't have a kitchen sink tomorrow either, so i guess we'll just have to go out to eat. Oh Darn! I will have to move my computer, since the corner desk is going tomorrow too. So, I'll be on the iPad till Wednesday when my computer desk is supposed to be assembled in the office/bedroom. |
Yes, Gayle, looks like I might get my little house. I cashed in an old IRA that should get the house and my appliances. Should go fairly fast with cash. My one deal breaker would be termites.
We're finally home!! Had a great weekend except for my brother which I'll explain later. I'm too tired to write much so I'll tell ya' all about it tomorrow!!! I missed you guys!!!!
Glad you're home ... Get some rest.
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