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gja1000 08-01-2011 08:55 PM

Oh My Goodness!!! Gary and I tore out the corner desk this evening. We looked like two beached whales rolling around on the floor, trying to look up and under the inside of the cabinets to get out the million screws holding it to the wall. But we did it! I think we'll donate it to the habitat for humanity re-store.

judy 08-02-2011 06:20 AM

I am so glad to hear that Gary feels well enough to do this work! Your kitchen renovation is moving along!

Welcome home Diana!

I don't know what I am doimng today. Jessie is taking Kass to the dentist to have her fitted for a TMJ night guard. I have to call her, and may go with her. There is a new TJMaxx in town!

Janet 08-02-2011 07:49 AM

Wow Gayle, you and Gary must have gotten a boost of energy. At least now it's done. Can't wait to see your new kitchen.

I am so glad you're back Diana. More than anxious to hear about your weekend.

Lindsey 08-02-2011 09:22 AM

We had a busy weekend and it looks like we will be busy until the end of summer, again! :(

It was a long weekend here. On Friday we drove out to the lake to visit Scott's parents. What bothers me the most about going to "the lake" is that we don't even get to SEE the lake. I took my bathing suit in hopes of relaxing on the beach, but all they do is hang out in their yard (driving distance from the water). It's okay, but I feel like I could relax in my yard at home!

On Saturday we went into the city for a wedding ceremony. After the ceremony we went to Sears Clearance for a water filter for our fridge, and while there I browsed through some dresses for all the weddings we have to go to. I found two, regular priced around $100, for $19.99 each, PLUS it was 24% all women's fashions for the weekend :D :D :D I got them both for $30. Then we headed out to a small town for the reception. It was a lot of fun! We got back to the lake around 1:00 am and went straight to bed.

On Sunday, Scott's sister, brother-in-law, and nephew came out. We helped build a new deck, and not much else went on. It was sooooooooo hot, we couldn't do much but sit in the shade (I wished it were on the beach though!). We all went to bed pretty early.

Monday was Scott's nephew's 2nd birthday :D We got him a Fisher Price Little People car parking garage thing and he was just mesmerized... he didn't move away from it until they left! After they left, we built another section of deck. Then we just sat around until we ate supper and we drove home.

Last night I felt pretty sick and couldn't get to sleep until 2:00 am. I think I got too much sun on the weekend. And when I fell asleep I had the most awful dream about dating some guy and he was going to take me to meet his parents and then all of a sudden I just remembered I have a fiance and a house and I couldn't believe I hurt Scott like that. I blame that dream on watching the Bachelorette finale last night!

Tiramisu 08-02-2011 03:31 PM

Just not having a good week. My new boss is intense and is confiding too much in me. She had three different printers out of whack this morning and wanted to act like it wasn't her fault. Then, she asked me to look up a social security office, arguing that there must be one closer and decides to go driving around looking for one she thought she saw. I'm trying to help her get settled in, but she lacks organization skills.

My neck is sore today, glad to have PT tomorrow. Jeff and family are coming in so we can go to moody garden in Galveston. They go every year, but I haven't been in 20.

Oh, and, they accepted my offer, so, I bought a house.

judy 08-02-2011 03:31 PM

When The Bachelorette is giving you nightmares, you know it is time to stop watching!

Was it a holiday weekend for you, Linds? Scott's parents sound boring! (Don't let Scott see this). They should use the lake!

gja1000 08-02-2011 03:35 PM

Sandy! YAY! I'm so glad you bought the house. You'll be so much happier in your own home. Sorry about the boss. Maybe she won't last long :D.

Lindsay you had a busily boring weekend! Some people are just like that, but why have a lake home if you aren't going to enjoy it?

judy 08-02-2011 03:48 PM

I don't know what I should do. I bought an all in one printer in March, which prints and copies nicely. The scanner and fax do not work. It's past the warranty, so I doubt if I will be able to get anywhere with the store I bought it from.

It cost almost $150, and I have tried to fix it to no avail. Amazon has a $40 off offer on certain printers, and I need one that works, but I hate tom lose $150!!!

I don't know what to do!

Janet 08-02-2011 05:19 PM

Holy Cow Lindsey....they must be boring as watching paint dry. I would love to have a lake cottage and enjoy ALL the benefits. Maybe you can breath some life back into his family.

Hope your PT goes well Sandy and that the pain will go away. Sucks having neck pain...now I know. And....:cheer::cheer::cheer: so happy you got the house you wanted. Now you know we'll want pictures of it too, right! So excited for you!

Judy can you find your printer model number online and see if there is a solution? Rick has been doing that a lot lately on darn near everything and saving a bundle on repair costs. Can you call a computer repair store and see if they can fix it or lead you in the right direction?

Today I went for PT and I do feel a bit better tonight. I have been doing my exercises faithfully so hopefully I'll be pain free one of these days.

Tiramisu 08-02-2011 05:52 PM

I opened a separate post with a couple of house pictures.

Glad you're feeling better, Janet. I'm having a pain pill night.

Janet 08-02-2011 06:31 PM

The house is beautiful Sandy.....I so wish I could do something like that. You're so brave and let me tell you.....you have one person here (me) in awe!

gja1000 08-02-2011 07:06 PM

We got the countertops, sink and stove removed today. My poor kitchen looks like a bomb exploded! Now I have to walk to the bathroom to empty water out of glasses. I almost threw it where the sink is supposed to be. :eek:

judy 08-03-2011 07:28 AM

It is so great that you got the house, Sandy! I saw the pix on your other thread, and it is so perfect! Congrats!

Thank goodness for your PT, Sandy and Janet! I hope that both of you feel better soon!

I find it too coincidental that they decided to build a deck while you and Scott were there, Linds. Who invites company to build decks? Unless that was the plan?

Thanks, Janet, but I already did the Google repair search, and did what I found people suggested. For the most part, this printer has been deemed a piece of crap! It also uses way too much ink.

I wrote to the company, and will decide when I see what they are willing to do. It still prints and copies, so I may use it for a while, and then replace it. I do want to get some of my money's worth, and don't rally need to fax or scan much.

Lindsey 08-03-2011 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 122267)
When The Bachelorette is giving you nightmares, you know it is time to stop watching!

Was it a holiday weekend for you, Linds? Scott's parents sound boring! (Don't let Scott see this). They should use the lake!

Yes it was a holiday weekend here. It's just called "civic holiday", basically an excuse for another day off :) I love my province for all of our statutory holidays lol! We have one long weekend almost every month.

I think Scott knew they'd be building a deck but I didn't know that. His dad has a bad back so Scott helps out with stuff like that, so almost every time we're there Scott is doing something with his dad that requires lifting. Scott's brother-in-law is a champion muay-thai fighter so I think he helps out a lot too. Compared to him, Scott is a string bean!

I really don't mind just sitting around and relaxing but I really don't understand why they don't take advantage of everything! I guess maybe it's just our backgrounds though. They are city people, so maybe sitting outside their campers (they decided not to build a cabin, just brought out two campers) is enough for them.

I'm from a tiny little town and even before we had a cabin my parents would take us to the lake all summer long. I didn't swim in pools growing up! It was lakes, beaches, campfires. Even now I don't consider it "camping" if there's electricitiy :rolleyes: I told Scott that when we first started dating because he has always been in electrified camp sites so they can plug in laptops, and cook in an oven inside the motorhome! Haha I made him go "primitive" camping last year in the mountains :D We made popcorn over the open fire and had to warm up our PJ's before running to the tent at night. It got to -2 degrees C overnight, and we just had to snuggle closer to stay warm :)

So I guess it's just different lifestyles! I can sit in my yard anytime, but in the city it's not private and quiet in their yard so maybe that's what they like. If I had a beach in my yard at home, I wouldn't be complaining lol!

DianaB 08-03-2011 08:55 AM

Sandy, I'm so happy for you on the purchase of your new home!!! I haven't looked at the pictures yet but I will!!!

Gayle, I can sympathize with you about the remodel!!! I once redid my kitchen and it's hard to live without water and a sink in the kitchen!!!! Hopefully it won't be much longer and you'll have your beautiful new kitchen!!! I can't wait!!!

Judy, I hope that you'll find a solution to your printer problems. I've found that I google alot of problems on the internet and have found solutions to some of my problems.

I don't know where to begin on my weekend....on one hand it was such a good time.....on the other hand it was a fustrating time!!!!

We ended up getting there about dark.....we walked in and there was a small group eating at the island in the kitchen. I went in and started talking to them and it was obvious that they were fustrated with one girl standing there trying to eat her sandwich. It took me awhile but I realized that it was my brother's new girlfriend, Libby, and it was obvious that she had taken too much medicine (which I was told by accident because it was a new prescription). She was so zoned out that she couldn't hardly eat her sandwich or communicate with me. When my brother came in I told him that she needed to be taken care of so he and my Mom took her upstairs and put her to bed.

The next day we all did our thing but Delaine and Libby did everything alone (by their choice) also they had Delaine's daughter, Libby's daughter, and a little friend who they didn't keep an eye on.

The next evening she did it again!!! Libby went upstairs.....found the medicine that my brother had hid and took a bunch again. No one had believed that it was an accident that she had taken so much of it before. Delaine decided to take her home but she was so out of it that trying to get her downstairs and into the car was almost impossible. Glen finally went up and talked with her and finally got her in the car.

The sad part is that Libby's not the only one with a problem.....my brother is into meth but my Mom is totally convinced that he's not!!! Why would he have a girlfriend with such a problem if he was doing alright......and have her since Easter????? I said some things and Mom is not very happy with me......I saw her last night and she's still tryng to convince me that Delaine is not having any problems. Libby confided in Glen that in a couple of days of going home that Delaine would be making his meth!!!! If I told my Mom that she would totally not believe me. She wants to believe everything that my brother says and my brother wants to say what he knows my Mom wants to hear. AAAAggggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!

However, in spite of all of this......I tried to totally ignore the drug problem and had a good time visiting with my aunts, uncles, and cousins!!! We swam twice a day and the lake was just wonderful!!! I did really, really good on my diet which was really hard when Margie made homemade apple cobbler!!!! It was almost a diet breaker!!!!!

Then when we left Glen and I headed for a little town near Kansas City (we stopped at a flea market on the way) where we spent the night with my cousin that has her basement fixed up like a little B & B. Glen really liked it and enjoyed seeing the work shops and all. Then next morning we got up and went and got some tires for some equipment....went to a couple more flea markets and then came home. Over all it was a nice relaxing weekend inspite of my brother's fiasco.

Our family doesn't feel like they have money for vacations so we're leaving tomorrow for my cousin's house for a couple of days and then we're going to Ocean's of Fun in Kansas City. It's a big water park. So I'll be gone again. We have 12 of us that are going so it will be a good time. We've been before but it's been a LONG time. I love the wave machine and lazy river!!!

So.....today I'm doing laundry and getting ready to leave again!!!! Glen's heading to Beaver Lake to get his scuba certification so he won't be going with us. He's excited to get that done!!!


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