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Lindsey 08-03-2011 09:05 AM

Wow Diana that seems like quite a weekend!

It is very sad about your brother and his girlfriend... and especially that your mom won't believe it. That seems to happen a lot though. My grandma is in total denial about my uncle being an alcoholic, and he knows that and takes total advantage of her. She spends every day waiting for a phone call from him to drive him wherever and do whatever. He's on probation now, because he was in jail for driving drunk, rolling his SUV, and killing his passenger :( He has no remorse about it. I just found out that while we were on vacation he went back to jail because he was at a house party and someone "spiked" his drink. That's what my grandma told me. They wanted him out of there so badly they put alcohol in his drink when he wasn't looking so that he'd go back to jail. Really. She will believe every excuse he makes and she'll make every excuse for him. It breaks my heart. She will not believe he has a problem, because he says he doesn't, and I guess that's easier on her. It makes me so mad to listen to it though, and I have to change the subject.

As for everything else, I hope you enjoy the rest of your vacation and visiting! I have always wanted to go to a big water park. I hope you have a ton of fun!

DianaB 08-03-2011 11:57 AM

I do plan on having a ton of fun at the water park. I just hope that it's not too busy because being from a small town I'm not used to crowds.

I really think that if my Mom would acknowledge that my brother had a problem then he would actually try harder to get off of the drugs. He does want to please Mom and he wants her to think that he's alright and doing good. It's just a huge mess!!! I have his daughters sending me messages on FB and telling me how he's doing and I have talked to Mom but she thinks that they exaggerate and lie. She believes everything that Delaine tells her. Oh well.........

judy 08-03-2011 03:21 PM

How sad, Diana! I hope his children are not very young, and can soon get out of that environment one way or the other. It is frustrating that your mom doesn't believe that he has a problem. That makes her an enabler, which is bad for everyone. Maybe somebody will see the light and decide to straighten out.

The rest of your vacation sounds great! And the upcoming water park! I love water parks! You will not find that many crowds if you are going during the week.

You are going to love it!

Marilyn 08-03-2011 03:31 PM

Wow, sounds like everyone is busy and have a lot going on. We've had a lot of computer issues lately. Two of our computers were on the fritz and had a major software problem, long story, but things are finally working out. I've been online for quite a while strictly on the iPhone, and at work where everything is blocked.

Bought Rex a whiz bang laptop that should be here tomorrow. That should fix our problems. We're getting all new up-to-date software so hopefully we will be up and running for a while again. My computer is back running. I don't need anything fancy for what I do here at home. I'm fine with a tower that works and lets me save my pictures and get online, and use Skype.

Our oldest daughter is due to have our first grandchild any day now. Her actual due date is August 8th. We're hoping she will start her labor this Friday evening so we can fly to California and stay for two weekends and the week in between. I want to maximize the time there, but only use 1 week of vacation so I can travel more after the baby is born. Pam (the MIL) and I bought tickets together to travel there for Labor Day weekend when the baby is about a month old. We just can't stay away too long. This is the first grandchild for both of us.

She's having a girl. Emma Scarlet, not sure about the spelling of Scarlet. Her husband said they were going to spell it Scarlette and make it as long as possible, but he jokes around a lot and you never know when he is serious, so we'll see.

His battalion deploys to Afghanistan again in October, but they are leaving three Navy Corpsman behind to accept the wounded as they come home and Carlton is supposed to be one of the left behind. We won't know for sure though until they finally leave and he's still here. With the military, nothing is a sure thing.

So my days are sitting on the edge of my chair right now, waiting for THE call!!!

Tiramisu 08-03-2011 03:53 PM

Congratulations, Marilyn. Love our babies.

Janet 08-03-2011 05:21 PM

Diane, I feel bad for you that your brother is in this type of situation. Your mother just doesn't want to see the bad in her child....what mother does? I do hope he can get some kind of help. Maybe you or Glenn can talk to him one more time....you are very persuasive.

The water park sounds like alot of fun. One of these days I really need to get me a bathing suit. Never know when I may need one...lol. You have a great time and know that you'll be missed.

DianaB 08-03-2011 05:49 PM

Marilyn....how exciting!!! A new baby....any day now!!!! And your first!!!! For our first we had twins!!! I know that you'll be with the baby as much as you can.......they change so much you don't want to miss one moment!!!! Be prepared to spend money like crazy......things you didn't buy for your kids you'll get for your grandkids!! Trust me!!! There is nothing as special as a new grandbaby!!!! Make sure we get pictures!!!!

Tiramisu 08-03-2011 07:09 PM

Boring day because all my managers were in a leadership mtg until 1 and I left for PT at 2. One of my girls was out, so I covered her group and did a few things for them. During heating pad breaks, I booked the hotel rooms for this weekend. It's hard finding cooler indoor things to do around Houston.

Friday night we hope to get all the kids together for a little visit. Saturday we'll go to the children's museum, the downtown aquarium, bass pro shop and rainforest cafe. Sunday we'll visit Galveston and moody gardens. Monday I'll take the kids to see my house on their Way out.

I'm so thankful my kids include me in their events. My daughter is making plans for next weekend.

Janet 08-03-2011 07:21 PM

That's wonderful Sandy....you have a great family too.

judy 08-04-2011 05:21 AM

Marilyn, This is such wonderful news! As Diana said, there is nothing like a grandchild! You will not believe the emotions! Ahhhh!

I hope she has an easy birth, and that you and Rex have a wonderful visit, aaannndd, that her hubby does get to stay here.

My prayers for all to go well and easily.

judy 08-04-2011 05:31 AM

Today is hair day, and then I am going over to Jessie's house. Tonight I have my writing group, but I have not written anything. It is okay to skip a week, but I better get on it this week!

Jess is getting ready to go on vacation, and I am doing some online shopping for little things for the kids. However, I refuse to spend $8.99 for S&H for sand toys!!!
I hope there are still so,me around in the dollar stores!

I'm also giving Brandon my father's dog tags from WWII. He is going to be soooo excited! I gave Kass my heart locket from when I was a little girl. Mackenzie got my pearl drop from when I was near her age from my aunt. Mackenzie also got a diamond and sapphire ring that was Jessie's for her graduation from 8th grade.

I look at these things in my jewelry case, and things of my Dad's, and want the kids to have them now. I do not want them to wait for my death to get things they will never use. I also love to see them using the jewelry. I told Jess to come look through these things and to see what she might want now.

Lindsey 08-04-2011 07:40 AM

Congratulations Marilyn!!!

I am counting down the hours until this week is done and I start my new job next week. Scott comes home today after an overnight site trip to a mine :) Poor Layla didn't understand and she kept going to the back door to wait for him to come home. He called me last night and he said somehow he got this huge hotel room because it was all they had left. It has a jacuzzi tub and a fireplace!!! He told me to come on out lol... right :rolleyes:

My dad is also in the city tonight because he has a doctor's appointment in the morning. I think we're going out to eat when he gets in, so I'll be staying in the city until later tonight. Scott gets in around 9:00 so one of us will just follow the other home.

Marilyn 08-04-2011 12:14 PM

Thank you all for the congrats. We've already spent lots on this baby and she's not even here yet. I'm still at work waiting....... Rex got his computer this morning and is loading his software and drivers so every so often he calls with a question. What would they do without us??

We're going with some of Carlton's (Karen's husbands) family to see Cowboys and Aliens this evening. It's so great that we get aling so well with them. Wish Melissa's inlaws were closer so we could have a better relationship with them, but they aren't, and they are planning to move to Cocoa Beach, Florida in about a year and a half.

Lindsey, sounds like a nice evening. Know yOu are anxious to have Scott home!!

Judy, that is so special that your distributing the jewelry to your grandchildren. It's so wonderful that you reconnected with them!!! Just beyond words...

Marilyn 08-04-2011 12:17 PM

And Sandy, hope you have a wonderful weekend. It's not too hot to have fun as long as everyone stays hydrated and isn't in the sun too long. Enjoy!!

Tiramisu 08-04-2011 06:31 PM

Worked my usual 9 hours, bought a 5 month old $1100 refrigerator for $500 from one of my girls who is moving in with her boyfriend, paid my earnest money today, finished emptying all cabinets and drawers so they can fumigate my apartment tomorrow, took doggie and meets to my daughter. Need to get packed for my weekend.

Praying for Janet and her Mom. Praying Grandma Marilyn gets her baby blessing in time.

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