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Janet, it sounds like another hassle! But I'm sure you will figure it out. Why would a realtor end up giving a lower appraisal?
On Friday, we worked until 11:00 p.m. taking the vinyl fencing off the back deck. What a pain!!! I hope it isn't as hard to put back together. We woke up early yesterday and put some paint stripper on the deck, waited an hour, and then tried to take it off. Some places worked better than others. Scott borrowed a pressure washer from the neighbors and pressure washed as much as he could off for 6 hours straight!!! Then we went to the city, stopped to buy some wedding gifts for the next couple of weddings we're going to, and then we went out to eat, just me and Scott. It was really nice and he said we should start doing that every weekend we're home. We used to try to have a weekly date night when we lived in the city but haven't done anyting like that since we moved out here. We stopped at my grandma's next to pick up a belt sander. She also had some more chemicals she said worked well to strip the paint off her garage doors, so we'll try that too. We were going to stop at my friend's house to make an appearance for her party on the other side of the city. We were halfway there when she said "Sorry, we're going out for supper" :confused::confused: So maybe nobody showed up at the party... anyways, instead we stopped at Walmart for some stain and then drove home. When we got home we Skyped with our new friend from Australia (from our Europe trip)! Oh yeah, and one of my eyelids was red and swollen when I woke up yesterday morning. It's painful to blink but my actual eye doesn't hurt. Today it's the same. I don't know if I should be driving into the city today to go to a walk-in clinic for it. |
I'm feeling better today. Yesterday wasn't good at all and trying to plan a party was out of the question........thank goodness Dae Lynn took over and everything came together just fine. We had a nice group that came for Damon's going away party and everyone said how much they enjoyed getting together and that we should do it again!!!
Damon left for Teen Challenge a little while ago. It was really difficult to see him say good-bye to the kids. He won't have ANY contact with any of them for a month!! No phone calls, no letters, and no visits. After that I think that they can see them a couple of times a month and talk to him on the phone. Dae Lynn's driving him up and I know that she'll be crying all the way home. I feel so sorry for them but in the end it's the best thing to do. Damon's actually changed to Teen Challenge near Kansas City and will be there for a year instead of 15 months. Plus it will be a lot closer for Dae Lynn to go and visit!!! Now if we can just figure out a friend that lives there that she can stay with it would work out perfectly!!!! Janet, I hope that everything works out for the best for your Mom. I know that the decisions are over-whelming but we're here for you!!!! Judy, I'm so glad to see your writing progressing!!! I do wish that you'd put some on for us to read!!! Gayle, WHEW!!!!! I was tired just from reading your post!!! I can't imagine running that much in one day!!! If I go to town twice in one day I'm fustrated!!!!! It sounds like you've got your Mom taken care of for her reunion and found some good deals.......and that you're getting your kitchen all shaped up!!! Busy.....busy!!! Marilyn, the baby will come when it comes!!! Most of us have been in your shoes!!!! I think that being the mother of the new mother is a little harder on us too!!!! I'm sure that the baby will be here soon and you'll get to enjoy holding that precious little bundle!!! |
Diana....I feel so sad for Dae Lynn and the kids. I know it will be hard on them, but if this program will help him and keep him on the right path....then it will all be worth it. Please give Dae Lynn a hug from me okay?
We had brought Mom small filing cabinet out to the house so today I went through and filed things where they should have been filed and destroyed papers that needed to be destroyed. I still have all the things for this year in a box to be filed. She had things everywhere and some were so old and need not be kept. This took the bigger part of the morning and then I headed over to see Mom. When I got off the elevator on her floor, my two brothes and their wives were sitting at a table in the lobby area. Not sure what was being discussed and probably don't need to know. I felt like all eyes were on me though. Now I'm home waiting on Big Brother to start...lol. Then I'll watch the Real Housewives of New Jersey if I can stay awake that long. Tomorrow starts a whole new week....and one with all my kids. |
Haha Janet I just watched Big Brother!
Diana, I hope this program helps Damon. At least something proactive is happening and he is admitting he needs the help. I decided to drive into the city for the doctor this morning. It turns out I have blepharitis, an infection of my eyelash follicles. I got some drops to use for 7 days so hopefully it clears up! I had to run around to a couple of stores to find some new sandpaper belts for the sander we're using on the deck. Scott called me saying he had already broken two! So I bought out all the rest in the store when I found them :rolleyes: Now he has 11 extras to break! When I got home I used some new chemical stipper stuff on the deck stairs and it kind of worked but instead of just lifting it off the wood, it kind of made it into goo and I had to scrape it off. Scott only got about 6 boards totally sanded... it's going to take awhile. We will work on it in the evenings this week I guess. The paint is such a dark green color, and it's hard to sand in the cracks between the boards. I guess some of it will just show through. We bought some stain to apply when all the sanding is done, but it's semi-transparent. I think it's called woodland cedar. Now I'm just tired. It's been a busy weekend! |
Compared to you, Gayle, I am such a couch potato! You really get things done all of the time! I think it's wonderful, and I wish that I had your zest and energy!
I barely go into town....it's just too much trouble! Diana, I am glad that you fell better today. My prayers go with Damon, Dae Lynn and the kids. It will be so good for him, and though he will be away from his family, the outcome will be so good. Janet, the "bratty" brother showed up, huh? It sounds like they are afraid to mess with you, the way they were conferencing without you there! When my father and stepmother's condo in Florida was sold, there was a realtor from Florida handling it. I don't know how they came up with the asking price. I wasn't involved, except to agree or disagree. The market was terrible, and it wasn't sold for much, but my stepmother wanted it sold so that she could move up north. It really didn't matter if it was sold then or not, but she seemed to be set on that idea. She had already started to forget a lot, and she was in her late 80's, so I agreed on the price. A nice man, who really was struggling with the economy bought it, which was nice. I can't imagine that you will have that much trouble selling your Mom's land, unless the market is still so low. Any chance that you would keep it, and have a place to go to when the cold gets to you? Linds, that sounds like so much work! You and Scott are so handy! How does the doctor think you got that infection? I hope the medication helps right away. Good luck tomorrow on week 2 of your new job! I stayed in today. It was a rainy day, and I needed to relax. I had the kids from early on Friday till around 7 last night. They had such a good time! They played in the pool, and Mackenzie and I hung out while she looked at all of the cute boys! She is usually very stand offish, but she got over a little bit of her shyness. She asked 3 of the kids to be friends on facebook. I am really proud that she is overcoming her shyness. She is at that awkward stage, and thinks she is fat, has terrible legs, is weird, and so on. I took them down to the pool Friday night to try to see some of themeteor shower, but it was too cloudy and the full moon hindered us seeing anything. My friend Deb went down with her two girls, and I think that helped break the ice for Mackenzie. They have never spoken to her before! They don't speak to anyone except the people they have known for years! They are going to Hatteras Island in about a week. I am going to miss them!!! |
Hello busy bees! I'm a dull girl compared to y'all.
I took Laura and her family to Galveston yesterday. We dropped Jonathan, Andrew, Chrissy, and delaney at schlitterbahn and went shopping at the outlet mall. Picked Jonathan and the kids up around 8 and had some super yummy seafood, after walking on the beach for awhile. Special times. Today, I played in the rain, packedup a few more boxes and did laundry. The exterminator is making his house inspection tomorrow and the house inspector is going out on Tuesday. I could close this week. |
It is POURING here! I was thinking of going to get a mani pedi, but this is not weather to go out! I'm not sure what I will do, but probably laundry, floors, relax. I have to go to a friend's house at 4:30 to do a rehearsal for our readings on 8/20.
If this rain keeps up, she will probably cancel. |
Judy, did you get to read with your friend? Did you get the 10" of rain?
I had a very quiet work day and got out of here on time. Brought more packing boxes, but don't have the ump to get off the couch. Tomorrow morning, I go out to meet the house inspector ... Praying it's good news. |
We did do the readings. We are reading on Sunday at a party.
I am sitting here shaking after reading Diana's post. God was watching over him. |
This morning I slept a little later for the last time.... :( at least during the week... :) Then I did a few odds and ends around the house until it was time to go for the luncheon at school. It was really nice to see all the drivers and the teachers. We really do have a great group of people at our school. The meal was bbq pulled pork, mac. salad, potato salad, chips, fruit bowl and these wonderful cup cakes. There was not meeting....just lunch, oh and we got our picture taken for our ID's.
That was over about 1:15 so I headed to a nursing home in Rossville for a tour of their facility. The staff seemed very nice and caring, but the place looked more like a clinic or hosptial. No carpet or decor, very very plain. I really think it's a good place, but I think that Mulberry may be better. It's much more homey looking and they have great care too. Then I headed over to visit with Mom. She just doesn't remember and it's so hard. While I was there my husband came to visit her. He said that after I left she kept asking where I went to. I hugged and kissed her bye, but she didn't remember. When my husband got home, he was upset. Said he didn't know how much more he could take. Lost his Dad, then his step-mom and said that it was just too hard to watch Mom go downhill. I told him he didn't have to stop every day to see her and he said..."yes...I do". She's been like a second Mom to him since he was 17 years old, he's 58 now. Since Mom can't make any real decision right now, I've decided to sell the property in Florida. If I wait until she passes, I'll have to hire an attorney, appraisor and realtor. This way will be much easier on everyone. I finished calling as many students as possible to let them know approx. what time I'll be by to pick them up, got the bus ready and now...ready to go. I really am anxious to see the kids, just not ready to get up with an alarm clock...lol. |
Janet, it might be wonderful for you to be with young people right now. Keeping busy is also a good thing. Setting the alarm clock, not so good!!!
Sounds like Rick loves Mom a lot. I will keep him in my prayers along with you and Mom. I am waiting for the sun to come out! It is supposed to be this afternoon. My crazy friends and I will go to the pool. We are like salmon swimming upstream! We wander over there even if it's cloudy! Jessie and family are leaving for North Carolina on Friday!!! I can't believe it's here so soon! I am nervous about them going away. Car accidents, hurricanes, illness, etc. keep running through my mind. I guess I'm a helicopter Grandma! I am not going to tell them this, of course! |
I had a doctor's appointment this morning......a follow-up from my previous appointments. She was so impressed with my blood sugars!!! She said that I shouldn't have any trouble meeting the A1C of 6.5 in a couple of months when I'm tested again!!!
I have also lost a total of 14 pounds and she was excited about that as well!!! I like this diet and I really feel like I won't be gaining the weight back. The girls have talked another friend into joining us so we'll be able to share recipes and stuff. Amy was so sweet and made supper for us when we came home from the hospital with Dean and ALL of it was Atkins friendly!!! Amy has lost 17 pounds and Dae Lynn has lost 15 pounds as well!!!! I also went to our little Alco store and shopped while I was in town. Then I met Amy for lunch at Pizza Hut (which we found out makes an Atkins friendly pizza so next time we're having that!!!). Then I went to the hardware store and visited with Jaci as well as brought some things. I also went to the thrift store to see if they had any smaller clothes for me to get into......just planning ahead.....but I bought a pair of slacks and a pair of shorts that has a skirt attached. Now I'm suppose to be getting ready for our children's night at church. We're watching a movie so it will be an easy night!! I love working with the kids!!!! Please say a prayer for Glen.....he's still feeling guilty about Dean and what happened. He's always so cautious about having the kids around so this is really hard for him. |
Good news, Diana! Judy, I'm hovering righ there with you!
I met the house inspector and was only surprised with two repairs that weren't obvious. The water heater wasn't vented to code and there's a couple of drain pipe leaks under the house. All are supposed to be $2 fixes. Jeff assures me that we can fix almost everything, so I'll be closing on Friday afternoon. I'm so excited. |
Yay!!!! Sandy's getting her new house!!!! I'm so glad that there weren't any major problems!!!!! :cheer:
Wow, Sandy! This is wonderful! Congratulations!!!
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