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Janet 08-22-2011 03:25 PM

Okay.....what is divorce mediation?

gja1000 08-22-2011 05:57 PM

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I was wondering what divorce mediation was also!

Busy day. New faculty orientation and then some general faculty development. Tiring day. Of course, it didn't help that I woke up at 4:00 and couldn't go back to sleep, so I got up at 4:45 and did a few things. Then Gary and I were at the paint store by 7:30, but once again, they were to busy to help us much. So we got a couple of samples and went on our way. I'm thinking of writing Sherwin Williams corporate to complain about the lack of help in two different SW stores. Of course, I understand I'm just small potatoes, and that the regular painters are their bread and butter, but it felt crummy to be told, "we don't have time today to talk with you about paint colors". Hello! Is is NOT a paint store???

So, we went onto a local paint store and they were very helpful. The young man there helped us pick out a color for the island. And they also have the green that I "think" is the final color choice. If indeed, these are our final choices, I'll be glad to buy from a local store, rather than Sherwin Williams who was really less than helpful.

Tiramisu 08-22-2011 07:36 PM

They want us to come to an agreement and not go to a jury. So, they put me in a room with my atty and him in another with his. Then, a mutual atty goes back and forth with our offers, declines and agreements. I think some places call it arbitration. Bottomline: Texas says I am entitled to half no matter that he made twice as much as me. He'll argue why I should get the percentage I earned and that I'm the one that left.

judy 08-23-2011 02:35 PM

I like Texas divorce laws Sandy! I hope you get half! And, I hope it's over soon.

Gayle, I can't tell about the second color. That is a nice green in the first picture. Is there any green in the granite?

Jessica and family are in NC, where hurricane Irene is supposed to land at the end of the week. They don'r know a lot of the facts yet, but they are going to have to evacuate if it will land in NC. As of today, they are saying that it may be a category 3 hurricane when it does land. I feel so bad for them! They drove down for 2 days and have only been there for a few days. I told Jessie to find a hotel with a pool, and just head on over there if they have to evacuate, and that I will pay for it. I did set a limit, but I don't expect them to have to stay for too many nights. They haven't had a vacation in 7 years, and I would hate for them to be so disappointed! The kids have been so excited about this, and are enjoying being away so much too!

I went to a meeting last night, and ate too much. This morning was a writing group, and this afternoon was a nice time at the pool. It is cooling off here, and if a cloud blocks the sun, it is chilly. The water is cold too, probably because it has rained so much. It still is a wonderful place to be. My friends are always there. They have to go home in a couple of weeks, so we are spending a lot of time together. I really love them all. I am not happy about the winter coming sooner than later. It is just too long to be stuck inside! I don't know how, but I think some kind of change has to be made. Either I have to get out more, no matter what, or go someplace warm for a month or so. The ideal would be to have a wonderful man in my life to keep me ccompany!

Janet 08-23-2011 04:11 PM

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Today I went to see Mom. She looked really good when I first got there. They had just finished doing her dialysis and were giving her a bed bath. I guess they try to get them up for a little bit, but they have to use this thing called a hoyer to get Mom from the bed to a wheel chair. I hate it....it's so humiliating. She sat in her wheel chair for just a bit. I wheeled her around the NH and then she was so exhausted she couldn't hold her head up. I had to get someone to get her back in bed. My heart just breaks for her. If I didn't have to work for the insurance....I'd quit and bring her home.

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I drove home crying again. I know she doesn't remember much, but I always wonder what she is thinking. I tell her I love her, kiss her and give her raspberries on the cheek and she'll tell me she loves me too.

Rick called and said they were on their way home. He and our family friend have loaded everything except for the large furniture and appliances and are bringing it all home from Mom's place in Florida. They were going to stay another day, but decided it was just to darn hot and decided to head this way today. Since they are pulling a U-haul trailer, they most likely won't be home until Thursday morning.

I cleaned out the garage when I got home from the route this afternoon so there will be plenty of space to unload everything. Not sure what he meant, but said I was going to be surprised at a few things....we'll see.

Tiramisu 08-23-2011 04:45 PM

Regular work day ... Our department VP held a town hall meeting that my tummy could only take half of. I hung in for my needy manager, but came home when she went to 3p meeting.

I think I'm starting to have lactose issues. Dr Gayle, is that normal to have egg and milk issues later in life? Somebody said it's from not having a gall bladder.

Another lazy, lonely evening.

gja1000 08-23-2011 04:47 PM

Yes, lactose issues can happen at any time. I don't think they know why it doesn't show up till later in life, but it sure can. And yes, it might be because you don't have your gall bladder. But then again, it might just be, because it is! :D

Tiramisu 08-23-2011 05:38 PM

Thanks doc!

judy 08-24-2011 04:13 PM

Feel better Sandy!

I'm waiting to hear from Jessie about what they are doing. I don't think they have been evacuated from Hatteras Island yet, but I just would love if they could find a nice, pet friendly place with a pool, and that they can just relax and enjoy themselves.

Tiramisu 08-24-2011 04:35 PM

I'd be going crazy, Judy. They'll be ok!

Regular work day, except my bossy keeps telling me about the guys she meets. Got home to no power, so I went up the street for dinner. Still no power, so I'm lying in bed with 96% on my iPad. It's windy out so I'm praying for rain.

gja1000 08-24-2011 07:42 PM

Long busy day - too many last minute problems, made my head spin. Came home and took Gary to the lab to get his blood drawn for doctor's appt tomorrow. The lab used to be open till 7:00PM, now it closes at 5:30. We got there at 5:40. Sigh. Then we got something to eat. I needed to go to Petco for dog (did I call them DOGS! :eek:) food. Then we stopped at Hobby Lobby for something Gary needed but didn't find. Next, I wanted to go to Home Depot to get the rest of the pulls and knobs for my cabinets and drawers. Yep, the ones I wanted were at Lowes, not Home Depot. So we went to Lowes and they only had the pulls, not any knobs. So on to the next Lowes and I got the knobs and pulls. Last but not least, I stopped at the grocery store for a couple of items I really needed. Got home after 9:00PM!!!!! T.I.R.E.D.

Tiramisu 08-25-2011 02:38 AM

Gayle, that made me tired. Hope you got some restful sleep.

Janet 08-25-2011 02:54 AM

Spent the night at the hospital with Mom. She has fluid overload and there isn't much they can do about it. Last night her BP was 50/nothing, couldn't get a reading. They had to us this Doppler thing because her heart beat couldnt be heard through the stethascope (sp). Didn't look like she would make it through the night, but she did. Not sure what today will bring. Everything has been stopped except for pain management. I feel so lost.

gja1000 08-25-2011 04:50 AM

Oh Janet, this is so hard for you. But it is not so hard for your mom. She is being kept comfortable, she is not falling, fainting, hurting or choking. I would imagine she looks peaceful right now. Hold on tightly to your precious memories and let her failing body go. It is tired, she is tired, you are tired. It is so very very very hard, but you can do this, I know it.

judy 08-25-2011 06:18 AM

Oh Janet, there are no words for this kind of pain. I have you in my heart and prayers. Mom is going to be with God now and that is so wonderful for her. She is just too sick to stay here with you. She will always be with you though, watching over you, and loving you.

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