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Marilyn 08-17-2010 03:23 PM

Lindsey, so wonderful to hear of her progress!!!! This is such encouraging news!!!!

JJJ 08-18-2010 07:39 AM

I'm happy to hear she's progressing even if it's a little at a time. I'm sorry to hear you have a small burden financially but I'm sure things will work out. Best wishes :)

Lindsey 08-18-2010 10:25 AM

Thank you :)

I talked with the vet about it and she wants us to keep watching out for that kind of behaviour. She still didn't have deep pain, so we're not really sure. But if it does happen again we need to put an e-collar or at least wrap a towel around her neck to discourage her from biting her back paws. The mailing list I'm on said it could very well be neuropathy which means there are some errant messages firing from the nerves and it can be VERY painful. And with lack of deep pain, some dogs have bitten their feet so far as to mangle or bite them right off... they can't feel it. :( But I want to stay positive and hope that it's something good starting.

gja1000 08-18-2010 05:10 PM

Oh Dear, I never thought of something like that!! I sure hope it is a good sign and not what you described from the other forum! :(

Lindsey 11-15-2010 07:52 PM

Can I ask for more prayers for Layla? She has been acting weird today, not wanting to move, and tonight she is trembling and won't move her head to either side. She is not eating or drinking. I am terrified that she is having a cervical disc issue. We will try to take her in to her specialist at the hospital tomorrow. I am so worried about her I can't stop crying.

Janet 11-16-2010 07:00 AM

Sending prayers for Layla and you Lindsey.

paula1961 11-16-2010 07:19 AM

Praying for Layla!

Blueyes 11-16-2010 10:43 AM

Oh NO Lindsey! Poor little Layla, she's been through so much. I pray it's nothing too serious. Love you kiddo.:love-hug3:

Lindsey 11-16-2010 11:25 AM

It is a bulging disc. My poor baby. We are doing crate rest and medication. She can't eat solid food, shake, play with toys, anything until it resolves. It may resolve on its own with rest, and if not, she would require another surgery. We can't afford another surgery. My world is crashing.

Blueyes 11-16-2010 03:22 PM

Just hang on tight Lindsey. Deal with things 5 minutes at a time if you need to. Do not feel bad that you can't afford another surgery, sweetheart! You have done everything humanly possible to help her, but sometimes it's just out of our hands. Heck Lindz, she may just feel lots better in a few days. I know your heart is broken to see her in pain, and I'm so very sorry for the 3 of you. I wish I was closer so I could hold you while you cry...

Shada 11-16-2010 08:06 PM

Prayers sent for Layla. She is such a strong spirit. What a fighter she is.. and I pray she will continue to fight. {HUGS}

gja1000 11-16-2010 08:59 PM

Oh, I am so sorry Lindsay! Poor baby. I feel so sorry for her and for you! It must be so hard to see her hurting!

Janet 11-17-2010 07:07 AM

Lindsey I'm so sorry for Layla and you. Praying she is able to overcome this also.

Lindsey 11-17-2010 01:21 PM

We are doing better today. I was so depressed yesterday and I cried constantly. Scott was really sick with the flu and I felt feverish all night and woke up with the same headache I had last night, probably due to all the crying. It's the whole front of my head down to my sinuses. I decided to stay home from work again. I just took some Ibuprofen for the headache so I hope it eases soon.

This morning I got up early to give Layla her food and medicine and we all went back to bed. We slept until 11! When I got up, Layla was relaxed on the floor, laying on her side for the first time since she started showing neck problems. She was completely relaxed and not trembling anymore. I'm trying to stay positive for her because we will do anything possible to get her better.

JJJ 11-17-2010 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Lindsey (Post 114360)
We are doing better today. I was so depressed yesterday and I cried constantly. Scott was really sick with the flu and I felt feverish all night and woke up with the same headache I had last night, probably due to all the crying. It's the whole front of my head down to my sinuses. I decided to stay home from work again. I just took some Ibuprofen for the headache so I hope it eases soon.

This morning I got up early to give Layla her food and medicine and we all went back to bed. We slept until 11! When I got up, Layla was relaxed on the floor, laying on her side for the first time since she started showing neck problems. She was completely relaxed and not trembling anymore. I'm trying to stay positive for her because we will do anything possible to get her better.

That is great news. I do hope she sets herself back to normal.

gja1000 11-17-2010 05:50 PM

I'm glad to hear that she is better today. I know you are so relieved. I'm so sorry that you and Scott are not feeling well - I hope everyone feels much better soon.

Lindsey 11-18-2010 06:55 AM

We are better today. I'm being strong for my baby girl!

We drove in to work and she got a little excited but we were tense too because conditions are terrible. It's been snowing all night and it's still snowing and blowing across the highways, and there was almost zero visibility. We're supposed to get 6 inches today so hopefully we will be able to get home. I'm kicking myself for not bringing Layla's medication, just in case. I guess we could always make our way to the vet hospital to get more if we can't leave the city tonight.

For now she is asleep in her stroller right beside me at my desk. My coworkers know not to excite her. I hope the day goes well.

gja1000 11-18-2010 04:36 PM

I've been thinking about Layla. I hope you all were able to get home and that she is doing better!

judy 11-19-2010 06:47 AM

Sweet little Layla! I am praying so hard for her, you and Scott!

Lindsey 11-19-2010 07:29 AM

Thank you guys! I know she's feeling a lot better now because she is getting frustrated with being cooped up. 2 days down, 54 to go! :rolleyes:

She can now move her head easily to both sides and it doesn't seem to bother her. I've still been feeding her soft food just in case. She really seems to like her kibble soggy anyway! It's tough to keep a dog still when she is feeling fine. She cried for awhile in her crate yesterday evening but calmed down and fell asleep. She cried in her stroller at work for an hour straight this morning, but now she's fast asleep. Thank goodness it's me watching her and not Scott because he is not able to ignore her cries (unless he's sleeping!). Last night it was me who couldn't ignore them at 3:30 am when she didn't want to be in her crate anymore. Needless to say, I am tired today.

Janet 11-19-2010 07:40 AM

You are such a great Mommy to Layla Lindsey.

judy 11-19-2010 01:54 PM

Awwww! I feel such love for Layla, although I have not met her in person. Janet is so right! You are a great Mommy!

Blueyes 11-21-2010 02:37 PM

How is Miss Layla feeling today?

Lindsey 11-22-2010 07:43 AM

Good news! This morning, out of nowhere, Layla got her bark back! I thought it was some other dog barking, but nope, it was miss Layla!

Other than that, she is feeling completely better! We're still keeping her on crate rest until January 11th though. That's when her 8 weeks are up. She's getting so much more used to the crate now, thank goodness! She didn't cry at all last night.

judy 11-22-2010 08:30 AM

Thank goodness!!! You must be so relieved!

Lindsey 11-23-2010 06:52 AM

I am! She's just like the old Layla again! This morning she was barking at me as I was looking out the window for Scott (he was shovelling the driveway). I turned back and knelt down in front of her and she got down on her front legs in her carrier and jumped backwards like she wanted to play lol! I am so glad she's not feeling pain anymore and is making the best of her situation!

gja1000 11-23-2010 06:24 PM

I'm so glad to hear that Layla is feeling better. I think I mentioned that my mom's doxy had problems with the vertebrae in his neck, after he had the back problems, was paralyzed for a while, and then had surgery. Like Layla, rest fixed his next problems.

I'm just so happy to hear that Layla is better!

Janet 11-24-2010 05:35 AM

Wonderful news that Layla is feeling better. These doggies sure keep us on edge sometimes don't they?

Shada 11-24-2010 08:08 PM

Layla is such a strong soul.. Bless you for taking such good care of her. :)
I pray for her continued improvement!!! You go Layla!!!

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