![]() |
Gayle...you're making my head spin....lol. You are one busy lady!
I haven't done much today, but then again it's only 4:30 in the morning. Been up since about 3 I think. Just can't sleep. Need to get some things done here today. It would be nice if I was able to get the tree up, but it may wait until Monday. Gonna try and take Mom to WalMart, but we'll see. I know since I'm up this early I'll need a nap sometime today...lol. |
Yes Janet, I feel like my head is spinning all the time! I now have everything done except the office and the guest bedroom. There isn't too much in either room so it won't take long. I do have to unwrap the pottery and Alaska ivory for two curios, bit can't do that till we get the cabinets anchored to the wall. It won't take long though. I'm feeling much better about the move. LOL! Of course I am, it is nearing the end.
I have a lot to do at the old house though, but don't have to rush. We have a charity coming on thurdsay for a curbside pickup and boy are they going to be surprised at all our stuff! I've had four neighbors come to welcome us and give us some gift, mostly food. They all see really nice. I really am so glad we moved, but man what a hassle! |
I'm stressing over the holdiays and trying to get may house into shape, laundry done and such and I don't have a sick mother and haven't just moved. Janet and Gayle, you both make me tired just thinking about what you are doing.
Karen and Carlton arrived yesterday so we have been able to spend a little time with them. Carlton is spending lots of time with his family at his grandmothers which is great!! Karen was too tired last night after the drive to go with him, so she stayed home with us and we decorated the Christmas tree together. It was a nice evening!!! |
Well i have been trying to get my shopping done, still have some to do, luckily we are not celebrating on Christmas day, we are waiting till after to have our Christmas so that give's me a few extra days and maybe some after sales LOL.
Mom is back in the hospital since Friday night, she will probably get to go home tomorrow since the only thing they could come up with is that she was dehydrated, she's a little better but not sure she is well enough that she will be able to care for herself and continue to be able to live in the AL which will devastate her and us. Sometimes I feel like Janet annd i are walking in the same shoes, I am just thankful that we have each other (and all are friends here) to share these hard times. Thank you all so much for just letting us vent, sometimes it doesn't matter if any one responds or not, just writing it down helps. |
Oh Lynne, I'm so sorry to hear that your mom has been in the hospital too. That is so hard right here at the Holidays! I so hope she can go back to AL! My mom may be looking at AL herself. She plans to go to Houston with my daughter in June, but I'm just not sure that she will be able. Since I'm not there to help with her, and stay with her when my daughter is out of town, I just don't know. It is a dilemma, for sure!
It's great Lynne, that you can do some of your Christmas shopping after Christmas. I hope you get some good bargains!!! I sure got a good bargain on my washer and dryer after Thanksgiving! Gary and I drove out to a little lake about 5 minutes from the house. I'm so tickled to find it. It has been stocked with bass and catfish. Gary loves to catfish and there are lots of fishing piers around the little lake. He can take his chair and sit and fish from the bank. He can grab his fishing pole and be fishing in 15 minutes. He is so excited. I hope he can catch some fish out there! |
Lynne, I'm sorry to hear that your Mom's not doing well either. I'm glad that you and Janet have us and each other too.
Gayle, I can't imagine moving right before Christmas and having everything so organized already!!! I'm impressed!!! We had our children's program at church this morning. It was so cute......and Glen was in it!!!! It doesn't help that our daughter, Amy, is the children's pastor!! They all did a good job!! Before the program I taught Sunday School.......I had brought gifts for 2 girls and 4 boys because I usually have more boys than girls......Well, this morning I had 4 girls.......2 came that had never been to my class before and I was in a panic.......after all....what girl wants Hot Wheels? It ended up that Amy had some things that she could put in and helped me out. I learned that next year I'm going ALL generic!!! Glen and I went to the grocery store, got groceries, and picked up chicken for lunch. By the time we got home my blood sugar was headed low so I quickly ate some stuff but it takes a while to get it back up. After that it knocked me out and I ended up sleeping the whole afternoon........when I had planned on wrapping gifts......Bummer!!! I hate when this happens to me and I usually don't have any trouble on Sundays and I'm not sure why it happened. So it's late enough that I'm going to go and put on my pj's and wrap some gifts. I have Dean tomorrow and I'm sure that there won't be any wrapping done while he's here!!! |
Lynn, I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she's feeling better.
I've been stressed again, as usual. I worked my butt off all day on Friday, worked straight through lunch and didn't eat (and didn't have time for breakfast either!) and left the office at 5. When we finally got home, I made some food, and then got a call from work at 6:45 from an engineer saying he was trying to find me before I left but I was already gone so could I please come in and help them out by working all day Saturday? I said no, we are driving 2 hours away to visit Scott's grandma for Christmas. He said they really need the help. I said we can't see her any other time, and we made these plans a long time ago. He insisted that they're on a tight deadline and can't do it on their own. I stuck to my guns and I didn't come to work, but he really made me feel guilty about it. Scott's grandma is 93 years old, who knows if we'll see her for another Christmas. We did have a good visit with her and all her friends there in the home lol. It got a little depressing when she talked about how she's ready to die, but like Scott said on the way home he hates to hear it because it's his grandma, but he's happy to hear it because she's not afraid and she's ready to go and be with her husband again (he passed away earlier this year). Yesterday we had our own little Christmas, just me and Scott. I made a gigantic 10 lb ham that he got as a Christmas gift from his company, and we watched Christmas movies for most of the day :) Unfortunately, I hardly slept last night because I was nervous about coming in today and people being upset with me for not coming in on Saturday. I fell asleep around 3 and Scott dragged me out of bed at 6. I hope I sleep better tonight! :( |
Today I took Mom to her monthly kidney Dr. Mom had a lot of blood in her stool again, hemo dropped from 10.5 to 9.8. She is suppose to have a colonscopy on the 23rd, but she's canceling until after Christmas. Mom as other Dr. appts before the 30th and one the first week of January. At Christmas....I'm making my younger, non-helping, lazy a$$ brother pick which one he wants to do. He needs to help much more than he is which is hardly nothing.
I usually don't want snow...lol...but it's snowing real good now and we're suppose to get some ice too. I hope we don't have school tomorrow. I'm ready for our break now. |
Janet, I'm sorry that you're Mom is having more problems. I do hope she's given up on going to Florida with all of the problems she's having.
It's NOT fair that you're getting the snow!!!!! You know how much I enjoy it........so SHARE it!!!!! I do think that we're suppose to have some in the next few days!! I hope that it's cleared off by Christmas for the ones who have to travel though. Lindsey, I don't see anything wrong with you not going in to work. You had already put your time in and had planned your weekend. Why didn't these guys come to you earlier in the day to get your input? Poor planning on their part. I wouldn't worry about them being upset with you......you certainly put in more than enough time there. I have such a sweet daughter!!! Dae Lynn came over yesterday and helped me wrap presents!! We got so much done and I'm feeling so much better.....presents.....both buying and wrapping always stresses me out. I still have some to do but she was such a big help. It's so nice because she understands how much time I put in watching her kids for her!! We're planning our Christmas with the kids on Christmas Eve....during the day. That way the kids' Christmas day won't be nearly as busy for them. It's going to be hard for me....not because they won't be here on the actual day but that we don't have any kids here to bring their stockings in and open them in bed with us. I always enjoyed that on Christmas morning and even now it brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it. Oh well, time marches on. Glen and I have decided to save the presents we have for each other to open on Christmas so that's something to look forward to. Actually, we bought a new tv for ourselves. Ours was taking forever to come on and we were tired of it........then we found out that we had bought an extended warranty for our old one.....so I guess that we'll be getting it fixed and will probably give it to Dae Lynn because theirs is going out too. Well.....I guess I better go and finish wrapping gifts!!! Happy day Everyone!!!! |
I know I shouldn't feel bad about it, and the feeling is passing lol. It was absolutely the right choice to visit Scott's grandma and she was so happy to see us. I just hate that some people make me feel that when I try to do something in my personal life, my professional life will suffer! But I don't want to be like my coworkers where their life IS their job. Mine isn't! My life is Scott and Layla and the rest of my family and friends. My job just pays for me to be able to spend time with them. I need to balance out somehow! One of these men moved his whole family here from Arizona (he has two young kids), but he still never sees them because he's always at the office.
I am so happy Dae Lynn came to help you! I know how busy you've been and with Christmas around the corner it would be overwhelming. I wish I could have done the same thing with my parents this past weekend! They were trying to get the cabin ready for Christmas with my dad putting up lights outside and my mom setting up the tree and wrapping presents, stocking the fridge and cupboards, taking out bedding and setting up enough sleeping spaces for everyone! She was exhausted when I talked to her Sunday evening. I think next year, Scott and I might host Christmas at our house and take the stress off our parents! |
Yay! We have internet, TV, but no phones yet. For some reason they can't be turned on till Dec. 28th. That's OK, we have our cell phones, so it's no big deal.
I went to the office yesterday for most of the day and today for half a day. I'm not going in any more and the school is closed from Dec. 24-Jan 3rd, so I definitely will have plenty of time to get things straightened out between now and then! It still feels a bit strange in this house. I keep wandering around at times, aimlessly it seems! LOL!!! Lindsay, did you do that in your big new house too? My kitchen is bigger than any kitchen I have ever had so it feels like I have to take a lot of steps to fix anything. I guess I'll get used to that! I'm just so happy to have my desktop computer hooked up to the internet!!! YAY! |
Yes I did that too Gayle! Actually I still do sometimes lol. I still can't believe we live in my dream house! Our kitchen is so big, I have definitely never had a kitchen this big, and never known anyone who has! I find that I only actually use one little corner :) And 4 sinks??? REALLY??? If we redo the countertops one of these days I definitely want to take 2 of those extra sinks out. I'm sure one day I will have a big family and be thankful that my kitchen is so big but right now it seems like overkill!
Oh My! FOUR sinks! Wow! I'm sure your kitchen is way bigger than mine. LOL! I have an island which I just love, but I sometimes find myself walking around and around it! LOL!
Lol well my kitchen is just weird! It has a white double sink right in the middle of the kitchen window, which looks great. But right beside that they put in this awkward stainless steel sink, and cut into the cupboards underneath so we can't use them. There is a switch there so it looks like they had a garburator hooked up in that sink, but then took it out. There are also two drawers originally there that obviously aren't now. The 4th sink is between the "desk" area and the breakfast nook. I don't really understand why. Maybe it was like a bar area? But the fridge dispenses ice and cold water and that's only 2 steps further lol.
I'm going to start a new thread with pictures of the house and you can see the sinks there in some pictures! |
Oh Lindsay, I would love to see your kitchen!
It got up to 83 today and is only 68 right now. I had to turn on the AIR CONDITIONER to cool down the house to go to bed. I opened the windows, but that just didn't do the trick. YUK!
Even though I would need the air conditioner on...I wish it was warm here. It's 32 with snow on the ground. I was home mostly today. We had a two hour delay because of the snow. I'm on Christmas break now...yeah!!!! Don't have to go back until January 3 or 4. Now maybe I'll have time to get the tree up....lol.
I worked over at the old house today getting things ready for donation. I have a truck coming by tomorrow to pick everything up, so I had to get it bagged and out in the driveway today. WHEW! I'm glad that is over. I probably have more stuff to donate, but at least I got most of it bagged up today.
I also did a lot of sweeping and throwing away things that needed to GO! I filled up the trash bin and the recycling bin, so I had to quit. I can't set out extra trash without paying extra. Everything has to go into the bin that they empty once a week, so when it was full, I was done cleaning! :D Of course, I'm not done - I'll have to go back next week and fill up the bin again, but at least I made a big dent in it! After that, I picked up mom and Gary and we went to eat a late lunch at Luby's cafeteria. It was really good. Now, I'm home vegging out as I am tired! I worked at the house for about 4 hours and now I am pooped! I think I'll just play on the computer or watch TV the rest of the day! |
I was up early today and we went to a Mexican restaurant to get tamales. Hope they are good. Then I went to Target to look for rugs for the guest bath, but no luck! I did get a couple of towels for our bathroom.
Now, I'm back home and I think I'll make some of the pretzel/kiss Christmas candy for Christmas eve. I might even take a nap too - I'm still soooo tired! |
I remember those pretzel kisses from last year Gayle! I made them and gave them out to some people who loved them. Yours were prettier, but they sure were yummy!
It's funny that we all have such different weather! Janet and I usually have the same, but for those of you who need a/c...well...I just cannot muster up much sympathy! The snow is beautiful, but there have been too many times when, coming down a country hill, my car just does not stop! I just had new brakes put in too. I do not like the anti lock brakes, but I was talking to some people today who gave me some good tips. It takes getting used to. At least now I know it's not just my driving, or that the brakes are no good. I am done with shopping, wrapping involves using gift bags, and I have to give gifts to the workers here. I enjoy giving Christmas gifts to people like our maintenance workers, Dave, the garbage guy, my hair dresser,, etc. It is the only time of the year that I get to really thank all of these people who have such an impact on my quality of life! My hair dresser told me today that I shouldn't have given her money, the stationery I bought her was enough. I told her that since she makes me beautiful every week, she deserves it! I went to a gym nearby to check out personal trainers. I have to call someone to see when he is available. The gym is very nice, and it's only $5/day for me to use the personal trainer there. Of course, he charges his own fee. I cannot believe Christmas is almost over! This has been a really fun pre Christmas fest! I hope the kids love their gifts. |
At 3:00PM today, Brooke called and said, "Someone gave Bryan a smoked turkey, let's fix turkey and dressing for dinner". SO WE DID. OMG! I fixed dressing and pistachio salad, and corn. She fixed mashed potatoes and gravy and rolls. It was so good. Now Gary's belly is so full he feels badly! LOL!
We are eating Christmas dinner at an Italian restaurant (Brooke wanted something different) - we just didn't want to cook the whole nine yards on Christmas day - and we were feeling badly because everyone was whining about no turkey and dressing on Christmas day. So now they've got it for several days (leftovers)! |
Got up early today as I had to have Mom in Lafayette to get some blood. That takes awhile so I went to Penney's and bought her a pair of black slacks she wanted for Christmas. I did visit a couple other stores, but didn't find anything. Ricky put our tree up yesterday. It's a pre-lit tree and looks very nice...even without decorations. We just didn't have time or the want. I've been busy with Mom every day for a week now and today was no different. We aren't even wrapping our gifts...LOL. Just boxes and non-see through bags...so funny. We are having a very laid back Christmas this year. Mom will be out later. She goes to my younger brothers house for supper and then comes here to spend the night. After we open our gifts of a morning we take her back to town to my older brothers house for Christmas day dinner.
I called her a little while ago...she doesn't sound good at all. Doesn't seem like the blood added or the IV iron given to her yesterday are giving her any more energy at all. |
We had our Christmas with the kids on the 24th. It was nice because we had them the whole day and they didn't have to rush off. I cooked Italian food and it was really good but soooo different from what I usually fix. I figured that the kids would have the traditional meal at their inlaws so I decided to be different. We opened gifts and had such a good time. The kids played in the basement and some of the adults played Apples to Apples. The kids went home about 6:30 or so. Then Glen ran to a neighboring town to pick up a lab puppy with Damon. Damon and Dae Lynn got one for the kids. It's the cutest little guy......a chocolate lab and they named him Butch!!! Glen wanted one so bad but that's one thing that I won't buy for him because he wants a true hunting dog and it has to meet with his specs but I could tell that he was impressed with what he saw......maybe next year!!!
On Saturday Glen and I opened presents that we had for each other. It was a hard morning for me with not having any kids here. We've been married for 36 years and have had a child here for every one of those years. I cried several times but after we opened presents I was better (I found out that my sister-in-law had a hard time too and cried for the same reason.). We spent the day cleaning things back up for the Baker party on Sunday!! After church we went out to eat then headed home to clean some more for the Baker party. We just did finger foods so there was no big menu to prepare for. We had probably about 50 people. Glen's brother's grandson fell on a scooter and cut his forehead open so his parents had to rush him to the ER. The poor little guy, who is only 4, had six stitches in his head but he came back to the house smiling and acted like nothing was wrong. He sure scared everyone though because he sure had a big pool of blood in no time on the floor. We played a game where Glen had wrapped up a couple of presents really good using different boxes, string, and lots of duct tape. Then we all formed a circle and someone started tearing open the gift (Oh, and the gifts were on each side of the circle so we had two going at the same time) while the person rolled a dice. When they rolled a 6 then the person had to quit opening the gift and the person who rolled the die took their place while the person behind them rolled........and the game continued until the gift was finally opened. It was fun and everyone enjoyed it. Then we did our Silly String fight!!! We just told everyone to bring their own string and we bought a few extra for those who forgot........then we had the silly string fight in the basement (I wanted it outside but I lost the arguement) The kids loved it!!!.......Actually, the adults did too!!! Now we just have one more party to go......with my side of the family but it's on New Year's day so I have a while to recouperate!!!! |
So far today...lol....5:00 AM, I am sitting here in the hospital with Mom. I think I may have slept an hour, but Mom is sleeping now and when she exhales....her jaw wiggles...lolol....sure wish I would have brought my camera. She'll have her colonoscopy at 11:30.
I guess my younger brother is coming back over around 10:00 this morning. Not really looking forward to that so maybe I can sleep. I saw on his FB page where he said he hated spending time at the hospital....well, duh...who does??? |
Just try to get some rest when you can.......And don't let your brother bother you. Hugs Janet!!!
I took Gary to the chiropractor. He hurt his shoulder a few weeks ago, and it has gotten progressively worse. This chiropractor fixed my shoulder so I was in hopes she could fix his. (SIGH). She told him he needed surgery - that he had a torn ligament in his shoulder. That was NOT what we wanted to hear!
After the appointment, we came home and hung some pictures. It is so hard for me to decide where to hang pictures. I hope I got them in the right places! LOL! |
So sorry to hear about Gary having to have surgery on his shoulder. I bet that is very painful for him. Hope he is better soon. Is he going to have the surgery?
I have been to the dr today with Larry too....he is having his gallbladder removed on the 6th of Jan. It should be outpatient depending on what they see when they get in there. Hopefully it will just be about a 20 min. procedure. Thankfully he is in pretty good health and no signs so far to any heart problems or anything. I feel very fortunate to have a husband that is 65 yrs old and takes meds for high blood pressure and that's pretty much it..that's bad enough but no serious health problems yet! Janet...how's your Mama today???? |
Hi Paula. Yes, I imagine if the surgeon recommends surgery, Gary will have it. His shoulder is just giving him fits. It hurts all the time and especially at night when he tries to sleep.
I hope your husband's surgery goes well. Gall bladder removal used to be soooooo bad. It was a very painful surgery and the recovery took a long time. Now as you say, it's about a 20 minute procedure, usually on outpatient basis. I made chex mix tonight. I ate too much - oh my - I need it to go away!!! LOL! |
Yesterday I spent most of the day with my mom, but left when my niece came at 4:00. It always feels so good to get home. I finally had the talk with my younger brother about helping more with Mom. He told me he couldn't make any committments because he may have other things going on. Anyway...it wasn't pretty and I'm done with him. I have Mom to concentrate on, he can kiss my "you know what."
My older brother, Jerry, told me to stay home today and rest and that he would go and pick up Mom from the hospital. Jerry works where my son works and delivers auto parts to dealers. He fell yesterday after delivering some parts. He couldn't get up and had to bang on the wall of the building till someone finally heard him. His knees are really bad so I imagine today he is going to be really sore. I'll call him shortly and see if he is able to get Mom..if not...I will. Not sure how I'll get everything done...follow up appts. to make for Mom, I have to deal with an insurance company for her place in Florida and order her dialysis supplies. Mom forgot to order on the 21st. I think Mom's mind is slowly going. She can't remember anything of that day. Her kidney nurse called while I was at the hospital with Mom and said she had called Mom. I asked Mom if Ruth called her and she said no....that she hadn't talked with her for awhile. Yesterday my niece texted me and said that the Dr. came and was going to release Mom today. I called Mom last night and she said no Dr. came in (and he is her favorite Dr. and they hugged) while Dusti was there. She can remember things from a while back, but not the day of. Gayle...I hope Gary can get his shoulder taken care of as soon as possible. No fun being in pain. Does he have good pain meds? I had my gall bladder out a couple years ago and it was nothing major. Three little holes in my stomach and that was it. Hopefully it will go just as easy for your husband Paula as it did for me. Today my plans are to pay bills, pick up around here and then go to the bank. When my brother gets Mom home, I'll go in and make sure her meds are in order and taker her purse and cane back to her. We're suppose to have lots of rain...today, Friday and Saturday with a high Friday of 52. With all the snow we have there is sure to be some flooding on some of the roads. Hope you all have a great Thursday. |
Sounds like you have alot on your plate today Janet! Just do the things that you have to do for your Mom and the rest can wait..well I guess the bills won't lol! I hope your brother is not too awfully sore today but like you said....he probably will be. We're supposed to get rain everyday here too and I think a high of about 60 on Friday. You have a wonderful Thursday too! I hope your Mom has gained some of her strength back.
Hope you got the chex mix taken care of Gayle lol!!! When I fix that stuff...I swear..I can not stop eating it! I love it! I think I'll take my Christmas tree down today. Was gonna leave it up until the weekend but I'm going to have 2 of the gkids and I'd rather spend time with them than be dealing with the tree. I need to get several things done in the house...we'll see how that goes lol.. |
Sounds like everybody is busy, busy! I do not envy you Gayle and Paula...men can be such babies, lol!
Mike is at the ranch hunting and has been since Tuesday. I didn't go because the grass burrs are terrible there, and they make the dogs miserable. Anyway...Mike and I are together 24/7 so a few days apart aren't a bad thing:rolleyes My life is pretty quiet now, but Kirby and I start classes again on the 10th. He's such a beast:p |
Gayle and Paula, I'm sorry to hear that your husbands need surgery. Men can be such big babies when they're laid up (anyway mine is!!) I wish that there was something that I could do to help out. I guess I'm helping by praying for you all.
Janet.....my heart goes out to you. I keep thinking that I should come and be with you but I know that I'd just be in the way. My heart is with you anyway!! Maybe after a while your Mom's memory will return. I'm sure having all of that fluid and with everything she's been going through has caused some problems that will eventually clear up. I'm watching Karlie and Dean today so NOTHING is getting done!! That's how it usually goes. Yesterday I went to Iola with Amy and the girls....they had a dentist appointment. While they were there I went to one of my favorite flea markets. I got a lot of stuff!!! It was fun!! Then we went and looked at the baby hedgehog that I bought Daya for Christmas. It won't be ready to go home until Jan. 15th so it's still pretty little!! I had read where you WILL get poked!!!! And they meant it!!! There was no way to pick the little guy up without getting poked!!! It's going to be an interesting pet......but on the other hand.....he was soooo cute!!! He'd roll up in a ball and just have his nose and little legs sticking out!!! I think that she's going to name him Stu. Then we went shopping at some stores in Chanute that have nice Christmas stuff and sales. So we had fun shopping there. I found what looks like branches but they have little lights on the ends that you can add to arrangements so I'm going to figure out something to do with them and put them on a timer where it will turn on every day......now I just have to figure out where to put them...... I have one more Christmas party on Saturday with my side of the family. I think that I may have started an arguement with my brother.....we'll see. He called yesterday to bring a new girlfriend with him to our party. I'm not sure that he's divorced yet or if he is it's just barely. Anyway things have been a mess with him and I really am not ready to face a "NEW" girlfriend. He's been married 4 times. Besides....they've only dated for 2 weeks!!! Anyway....I told him not to bring her.....so we'll see if I started something. If I did........well, it may not be pleasant!!! |
LOL Diana, I would have told my brother the same thing! I hope though, that he doesn't stir up trouble for you! It sounds like you had a fun day shopping. You mentioned the timers and my daughter told me to put my lighted display cabinets on timers. I'd never thought of that - but I got three timers and I am so happy! They come on at 7:00AM and go off at 11:00PM. That's a nifty idea!
We have had a busy day. First I worked around the house this morning, putting away more things. Then I had a lunch date with a girlfriend who I hadn't seen in quite a while. After lunch, Gary and I went to get our travel trailer to bring it to our house. We have a long pad beside the house with plenty of room to park the trailer. It saves us paying every month to store it. When we were looking at the space beside the house, we noticed where someone had hit the corner of the roof. I am SURE the previous owner hit the roof with his RV backing it in or pulling it out. Needless to say, I was VERY nervous as Gary was backing it down the driveway - but he didn't get close to the roof! LOL! He's a very good trailer backer and I should have known he wouldn't have any trouble. :p Once we got the trailer in the driveway, we could see that we were going to have to trim the tree a bit. So, we got out the trimmer and went to work. It didn't take too long. Next, the smoke alarm and CO2 alarm were chirpping because the batteries needed to be replaced. Isn't it always something! Gary went to Home Depot to get some plywood and cinder blocks. We bought a little 8X10 metal shed to store our lawn mower, etc. A friend of Gary's is coming over Saturday to put it together for us. It's nice to have good friends! We are going to set it up on the cinder blocks (3 inches) so that it won't be sitting directly on the ground. The plywood is for the floor. Hopefully it will go together easily, but you know that just about never happens! :( |
Mercy..mercy...we are all really busy!! But in a good way if that makes any sense at all lol!!! Got the tree down today and back up to the attic with all of the other decorations.
Tomorrow...meeting my ex dil to pick up the gkids for the weekend! We will only have Morgan and Logan but they will be here till Sunday..we'll have a blast:D I always have so much fun with those 2 lol! Gayle..do you guys have a back up camera on your tow vehicle? We do and it comes in so handy when backing up to the camper........glad you and Gary are about to get settled in your new place!! Diana..girl..I can completely understand you saying no to your bro and a new girlfriend. Now is just not a good time in that kind of a situation. Maybe in another couple of weeks lol! Let us know how that turns out lol! Seriously...have a wonderful last Christmas of the year with your family!! Janet.....how is your Mom? Did she come home today?? I've had you on my mind alot today...love u! |
I have loved reading these posts!!! Everyone is so busy and to me....everything sounds so fun! I had a good day too. My older brother brought Mom home from the hospital so I was able to get a few things done around home and pay some bills. I did some laundry and ran to the bank. Mom got home so I was there to help Jerry get her in the house. Since it had been a few days since she hooked herself up to the dialysis cycler, she wanted me to stay and make sure she didn't mess up. Mom did good.
Not sure how my plans will work out, but I'm planning on bathing the dogs tomorrow. I hope I can get them all done. Just looking forward to being home. Rick has to work, but Ricky and I will be here most the day. |
Janet, I'm so glad to hear that your mom is home and that you got some things done today. I know how they can pile up!
Paula, no we don't have a backup camera - we need one! LOL! I'M THE BACKUP CAMERA! |
Today I cleaned......not very quickly......so I still have a lot to do. I have a Christmas party tomorrow with my side of the family. My Mom's making chicken and noodles so we're all excited about that!!!! She was going to have all of us at her house but when she counted how many were coming she changed her mind!!!! LOL My Mom has just two kids but there's 29 or so in our family now!!!! Her little family didn't stay little!!!
It will be nice having my kids all over again.....plus my neices. My nephew won't be able to make it which is disappointing because he's a sweetheart!!! My neices have gotten married since I last saw them so we'll be meeting their husbands and they each have children........so we'll have a lot of little kids!!! Glen and I didn't make any plans for tonight. It's probably the first time that we've ever stayed home or didn't have a party!!! We could have gone to one but decided not to. We've really enjoyed having things slow down. We bought ourselves a new tv and sound bar the other day and now have HD and a DVR!!! So watching tv has been interesting lately!!! We're still trying to figure everything out!!!............Hey, Janet........the tv comes right on now instead of taking 10 minutes!!!! :cheer: |
Yeah!!! Diana....I would have already been sleeping waiting those 10 minutes....LOLOL I was in bed early last night, so I didn't get to see the New Year creep in. I was probably asleep by 9:30. Here it is 3:56 AM and I'm wide awake...lol. I know this is just a stage I'm going through waking up at this time...I've done it before so I just enjoy the quiet time.
I didn't get the dogs groomed yesterday like I had planned. Most of the day I just chilled, but later in the afternoon, I went to Mom's and changed her bed sheets, got her fluids ready for her dialysis and mopped her kitchen floor and Ricky took out her trash. Today, I hope I can get the dogs groomed..they sure need it. :) |
Today I worked on the attic at our old house. It is bulky curbside pickup at the old house so I got some OLD OLD stuff from the attic to put out. My granddaughter helped me and we got most of the junk out of the attic, closets and garage. There's still some stuff to be disposed of, e.g. Sold, given away or thrown away, but we are making progress.
Now I am at the Texas womens basketball game with my iPad! |
Today I went to Mom's to help get her Christmas decor put away. My younger brother and his son were there and did most of the work (for a change), but he was in another of his bad moods. Was so glad when he left.
Right now...I'm home....alone and loving it for the moment. My son is working and husband went to a funeral. I'm hoping we go out for supper this evening. Gayle I wish I was there to help you....I love going through things in someone's attics or garage sales....always fun to see what they have. |
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