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gja1000 09-04-2011 08:41 PM

Oh Betsi, it's just terrible. My daughters friends husband is a fire fighter and my daughter just called me to say he was in charge of a fire on a road that is right by our addition. I jumped in the car and drove over to the road, but the fire is south of us so there is no chance for it to come here. This is just terrible and the weather tomorrow is supposed to be the same in terms of wind and very low humidity. The Bastrop fire is already 16 miles long. It may burn all the way to the coast. Well not THAT far, but a long long way south.

gja1000 09-04-2011 08:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is the terrible fire southeast of Austin. Right now it is 6 miles wide and 16 miles long and has burned 300 homes. It will be days before it is out.

Blueyes 09-05-2011 05:10 AM

That's awful! The news is full of reports of fires all over the place. We had just a little rain from the storm, but not enough to make any difference. I think all of east Texas is covered in dry pine needles that have blown off the trees. Very dangerous!

judy 09-05-2011 06:13 AM

How scary! Is the wind still blowing? This drought is so awful. We had more rain last night, which I hope did not add to the flooding problems here. I wish I could send some down to you in Texas!

Stay safe!

DianaB 09-05-2011 07:07 AM

Oh, Gayle and Betsi, I sure hope the fires stay away. That's such a scary thought!! I was hoping that you would all get some rain from this tropical depression. I know that you are sooo dry.

We finally got a little bit of rain on Saturday. Our soybeans were really needing it and we're hoping that maybe we'll have somewhat of a crop. Our corn was very poor yield and guality that we're really hurt because of that and we don't want the same for our beans. Farming is so different because we DO rely on the weather for our income.

It's been better with the kids and all. Dae Lynn's gone through some really stressful things this week and Damon's been suffering with headaches to the point that the rehab is threatening to send him home until he can get better. Dae Lynn got to talk to him even though she wasn't suppose to all month and we think that he did better after that.....plus we've all been praying. If he doesn't finish rehab then she's done with her marriage because she's not going to continue on like this.

Amy had a birthday party for Daya on Saturday and she got two horses!!! She's so excited about them!!! My brother-in-law had them but wasn't taking good care of them so he finally let her have them.......then my husband's aunt had a saddle that she let them have!!! It all worked out so cool!! Oh, and Feyn's going to let them in his pasture with his horses. Daya got to finally ride them yesterday because it rained on Saturday and she couldn't. She's such a sweet girl!!!!

After church yesterday we went out of town to eat and went to Walmart. For me that was exciting!!! Dae Lynn's been taking care of most of the groceries and shopping and I haven't hardly been anywhere. I didn't get much except groceries and some clothes for Karlie but it was so nice to get out!!! We also stopped at Braum's and got some low carb ice cream. I don't know exactly how LOW it was but I pretended that it was alright!! So far I've lost 15 pounds!!! Dae Lynn's lost 20!!!!

Tiramisu 09-05-2011 07:19 AM

These fires scare me like crazy. We've only had smaller ones here, but I can imagine them getting out of control. I can a few showers, but the wind dried it out quickly.

Janet 09-05-2011 05:05 PM

I keep watching the news....you ladies stay safe....I'm worried about you all out there in Texas.

Yesterday I went to Moms and cleaned out the bathroom. There was so much stuff to throw away...unbelievable! I also cleaned out all the drawers in her room and the spare bedroom...what a job...she saves everything. My niece (younger brothers daughter) came at my request to go through some jewelry and other odds and ends.

Today, Rick, Jerry and I cleaned out the shed. Again....so much stuff was tossed out. There is room in the shed now for the things Rick brought back from Florida. Jerry was bossing me around...but I didn't say anything. It wasn't easy either...lolol. I wish this was all over with so I'm trying to get as much done as possible.

Jerry decided he doesn't want to have a huge garage sale. He'd rather have an auction and pay 20-30 percent to an auctioneer. I told him I'm tired of him changing his mind about things. I also found out that he and his wife, my younger brother and his wife decided that I influenced Mom to make me her executor. Her will was made in 199? And I didn't influence her and told him the accusations need to stop.

I knew this would happen so... I'll try to get it all done as quickly as possible and eliminate them from my life. I'm finding out so many ugly things and it makes me so sad and angry at the same time. It will be over soon and then life will be good again....I have God on my side...knowing I'm doing the right things and following Mom's wishes.

Tomorrow...legal errands to run and. I get to see my bus kids. I'm so ready to get back on that bus...lol.

Tiramisu 09-05-2011 07:38 PM

I'm proud of you, Janet.

Janet 09-08-2011 02:33 AM

Today I got a much needed haircut.. :) We also had a bus evacuation drill so the students would know what to do during an emergency. We do this every year. I had so many compliments from the teachers that were helping on how well my students behavior was. I was so proud of them. They wanted to know my secret and the only thing I could think of is that my students know everyday what I expect from them

I then met my niece at Mom's and then my older brother and his wife came. It was an okay visit for a change.

DianaB 09-08-2011 01:33 PM

I'm sorry that Jerry was being difficult but you are doing the right thing by keeping your tongue. It doesn't help anything in the long run except drives you further apart. Just keep on going and get it done.

How can they accuse you of influencing your Mom????? Especially since the will was done in 1997????? They're just looking for something to complain about. Your Mom chose you because you were the best choice......also she probably wanted you to have what you wanted before it was split up.

As far as an auction goes.....did your Mom have enough stuff for an auction? You could always do an estate sale. It's like a garage sale but it's usually in the house and people just walk through. You just price the things in the house. That also tells people that there's furniture and appliance.

I hope you girls in Texas are staying safe. I sure wish that you'd get some rain.......and send it on up here.

Our crops aren't doing good. Glen's already told me that I need to be cutting back because of it. We're not in bad shape....our bills are all paid up it's just that there won't be much extra.

I picked up Dean this afternoon to go and tuck him in bed, he looked up at me, grinned and said "A you a you!!" Translated that means "What am I going to do with you?" I say that to him a lot!!! He's such a cutie!!! He sure keeps me going.......I think that on top of the kitchen island is where he likes to be so he can get into things!!!!

Tiramisu 09-08-2011 06:25 PM

Regular work day, except I've got to make some changes with my admins. One girl is coming off maternity leave so I'll let the contractor go, but she's better than on of the directs. I was told to stay back and let them hang themselves to make the decision.

Met with lawyer today and we will make one last offer to settle to hopefully get this over with.

gja1000 09-09-2011 04:18 AM

I'm making a quick trip to Houston today. Abi has volley ball games at 4:30 and then she has a tournament tomorrow afternoon. Her tournament is way on the northest side of Houston (on the road to Austin) so I'll just zip on home from the tournament. It will be a quick trip, but I will get to see Abi play several games, and still get home Sat. evening. I've got so much traveling to do, I need at least one weekend day. The following weekend is when I'm taking mom to Oklahoma, and then we will leave for Colorado shorting after I get back from OK. I'm looking forward to all these trips, but will be glad to be home after they are done!

DianaB 09-09-2011 06:11 AM

We've been having such wonderful temperatures!! I've been leaving the front door open so Dean can play outside and still be able to come back in. And thank goodness the bugs haven't been coming in much at all......I think that the chickens and ducks have been keeping the bugs down.......and that's the only good thing that I can say about them. They have absolutely destroyed my flower beds. There's NOTHING left and I'm pretty upset over it since I had bought a lot of new hostas. I threatened Glen with a divorce if he ever buys them again!!!!! (And I'm going to shoot what we have now!!)

Glen's getting ready to leave this afternoon for Illinois. There is a lake that's been made for scuba divers. They have a lot of different things in the water to go and discover. A friend is going with him and I know that they'll have a good time.

Dae Lynn and I are getting ready to go on the 100 mile garage sale tomorrow. We're both excited. She's looking for kids clothes and clothes for herself and I'm looking for some smaller clothes for myself as well. We both have been losing weight and it's exciting and a little upsetting that we're going to need new clothes. We're going to have to take the kids with us because we can't find anyone to watch them especially since we'll be gone such a long time. I sure hope that they're good for us because they can sure ruin the day. The garage sale starts about 30 miles from where we live so it will be a short drive to start!!! I hope we find some good bargains!!!

There's another large garage sale across northern Missouri and Kansas next weekend but I'll have the kids since Dae Lynn will get to finally go and see Damon. My cousin goes to this one sometimes and I would LOVE to go with her and her husband but, I guess, it will have to be next year......sigh. Oh well, I really don't have the money to go to both anyway.

So far it's just another day of Dean, me, and Ma Mou......Mickey Mouse!!! That's Dean's favorite show and he brings me the remote as soon as it's over saying "Ma Mou". Kera's coming today to do some dusting, sweeping, and moping so I need to get things sorta' picked up.

Janet 09-09-2011 06:11 PM

The temps have been wonderful here too. We've had some light rain and drizzle the last couple of days but still...it's been nice. We are suppose to have temps in the 80's for Sunday and then drop back down to the 60's and 70's the rest of the week. I love these fall temperatures. Nice to have the air off and the windows open. LOL....I still sleep with a fan on me though.

I really didn't do a whole lot today. I was missing Mom and then a friend from work was fired. It wasn't fair and I know the players who got her fired. I always looked forward to picking the kids up at school so I could see and talk with her and another lady. I'm really going to miss seeing her everyday, but we will still make plans to get together now and then.

I did have to go to town to the funeral home and pick up the death certificates and sign some papers for claiming insurance. From there I went to the lawyers office and signed papers there so the Will will be recorded at the courthouse and the monies will be transfered to an estate account. All this is so new and scary for me, but the attorney and his secretary said they will lead me through everything so I'm not to worry. So far.....so good :)

This evening I took an early bath and then just relaxed some and now I'm in bed with my laptop. Seems like everytime I get on the computer any more....I get so sleepy.

I know I'll be going into Mom's to do some more cleaning and going through things, but not sure when. I'm hoping I can sleep a little later tomorrow morning...sleep still isn't being kind to me.

Hope you all have a great weekend.

gja1000 09-10-2011 02:21 PM

Mde it home from Houston. Lots of smoke just northwest of Houston yesterday, but it was much better today. Got to see Abi play. She played well and I always enjoy watching her. Emma was a little doll too and I had fun with her too. Wish I could have stayed longer but it is good to be home.

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