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2tiredmom 12-16-2008 02:11 PM

Gina, Gina, Gina, I'm sorry. But I WIN........Thanks.

Gina 12-16-2008 04:12 PM

Linda! Linda! NOOOOOO YOU DON"T !

I WIN!! SO THERE! <sticking tongue out>

2tiredmom 12-17-2008 03:03 AM

Now Gina. I told you. I WIN>>>>:rolleyes::tongue009:

Janet 12-17-2008 04:08 AM

Aw....you both lose...LOL.


Gina 12-18-2008 05:43 PM

Janet, Janet, Janet, Dear NO YOU DON'T!!!


Shada 12-18-2008 07:27 PM

Gina, I am so sorry, but.....

this thread is closed... didn't anyone tell ya???

I am proud and happy to take my rightful place as the winner now..

Thank you all for participating.. this has been a lot of fun.. thankfully I never gave up and look at me now!!!


2tiredmom 12-19-2008 11:36 AM

You are sooooooo Funny................But a little birdie told me they opened it back up and now I'm the winner.........................

Gina 12-20-2008 06:05 AM

Linda, Linda, <tsk> <tsk> thank you for keeping my seat warm...

That adorable grandson wants cookies so grandma go bake!

2tiredmom 12-20-2008 07:03 AM

I Just got done baking Chocolate Chip Cookies, Nice and warm out of the oven.
YUMMY> Wheres the Milk?
Oh by the way I WIN>>>>>>>>>>>:lol2::snow:

Gina 12-20-2008 05:03 PM

NOT!!! lol


2tiredmom 12-20-2008 05:27 PM

Gina, Please try again.
I win...............:thumbup:

Janet 12-20-2008 05:52 PM

Duh!!! Check again Linda!

DianaB 12-27-2008 09:14 AM

Janet, you've been in my seat long enough!!!! So move it!!!!! I WIN!!!!

AngieDoogles 12-27-2008 11:30 AM

I win.

Janet 12-27-2008 05:21 PM

Diana....now don't you be mean.... it's still the holiday ya know!!! LOL

I win!

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