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We are in Amarillo tonight. We drove about 500 miles today and have about 350 to go tomorrow. Tired, but happy to be over half way there! We stopped a lot as Gary is not supposed to ride for long periods without getting out and walking around. I hope I can sleep tonight. Sometimes I have a hard time in hotels.
We've found a lot of interesting things. Good thing I have an attic and an attic in both garages. I have my Dad's duffle bag from the Navy. In it are 3 set of whites and 3 sets of dress blues and one pair of jeans. All with his name.... Already in a tub in the garage attic. I also have the little jumper skirt and jacket that my Mom made for my older sister when she was just a toddler. She made it out of Dads Navy coat and put the buttons on it too.
I also have diaries my Dad wrote while in the Navy and all the letters he wrote to Mom. My brothers don't want those kinds of things, but they mean the world to me. I inherited ALL the family pictures, but I gave each brother what should be theirs. When I was little, we use to have our milk, cottage cheese, juice and cheese delivered to the door and it was put in this metal type box with a fold down lid with the Dairy's name on it. Well...back in the corner of the utility closet...I found the milk bottle and Mom had taped the foil top on it. Once the foil top was removed it wouldn't stay on anymore. I remember our milkman...he was so nice. We also use to use the foil tops to get into the movie theater on Saturday mornings for free. There are just so many things that I now have that are just too many to mention. Items I remember that Mom had on her dresser and just stuck in a box in the attic....a musical powder box. I'm real sentimental so big items like furniture or TV's don't really mean much to me...it's the family items...memory items. The only thing that is really worth anything is the ring Mom left to me in her Will. It was appraised at $2500, but I didn't tell my brothers that. I also inherited all Mom's jewelry and jewelry boxes. She had some very pretty pieces. After I picked out the pieces I remember Mom wearing the most and the ones I just liked...I let my sister-in-law Betty (Jerry's wife) and my 3 nieces pick out what they would like to have. Mom saved everything...even the newspaper when the war ended.....just so many interesting things. |
Hi everybody! I'm so glad to catch up with you all. We just got back from our friends ranch in the Hill Country. We went through Bastrop on the way down there. That's where the huge fire was.. even now it's only 95% contained. It was just horrible to see all of that devastation! There were lots of burned places near the ranch. The closest was probably 10 miles away. Everything there in just crunchy and dusty. People have been feeding their cattle hay all summer and now it is so hard to find. It is going for $160 for a big round roll!! Even the deer we saw were skinny!
We leave our camper down there so Mike will have his own pace to stay during deer season. Mark and Jan live here, but will build a house there in a few years when Mark retires. Meanwhile they have a nice cabin there. They have 200 acres that join 200 acres owned by his brother, so there is plenty of room to roam. |
That sounds interesting, Janet. I'm glad that your brothers don't want the sentimental things......therefore there's no arguement about who gets them. Keep all that you want......you can always go through them later and decide if you really want them when you're not so pressured to make a decision.
I did that with my Grandma's things and kept things that I thought the girls might want but she really didn't have much and the girls didn't want anything so later on I was able to get rid of it. I still have some of the more sentimental things though......it's just letting the kids know what it is. Betsi, I'm glad that you're back!!! I'm so sorry about the fires down there and am happy that your friends' place is alright. Nothing is scarier than a fire close to where you live........I've had that a couple of time when a pasture burning has gotten out of control. It sounds like a nice place for Mike to go and hunt!!! |
Hi Betsi! It's so good to see you on here! The fires are so scary. Stay safe! Mike and Gary should get together to hunt!
I wonder when our hunting season begins. I heard that either New Jersey or Pennsylvania are starting early for bear hunting because the ppulation is so high! The deer aren't out as much now, and I have not seen a bear yet! I want to put out winter bird feeders, but have to wait till the bears are hibernating. Janet, I am just like you. The sentimental things are what matters. It sounds like you have some wonderful memories and things to cherish. I have my father's army uniform hanging in the closet (in plastic)! Jessie used to wear my mother's favorite cardigan sweater when she was little. Brandon will get all of my Dad's army stuff as time goes by. I gave Jessie my mother's diaries. I could never read them, but she can, and she loves them! She has learned a lot about me!!! Maybe you can save some of the children's things for Ricky for when he has children. It was very nice of you to offer some jewelry to your SIL and niece! Of course you get the good stuff! You took care of her, and you are her daughter. |
We are in Colorado and Gary is out hunting right now. He is very very tired from the trip but very glad to be here. I sure hope he gets an elk today or tomorrow!
The area where we are at is not very pretty, but we came through some beautiful country today. I hope to be able to take some pictures of it when we go back. Gary is willingly wearing his oxygen as he can hardly walk without it. I'm so glad I've not had to wrestle him to the ground to get it on him. We are at about 8000 feet elevation. |
Gary didn't see any elk last night or this morning. Thats OK, he will.
He is asleep right now, he will probably sleep most of the day off and on. He is really tired but enjoying every minute of his hunt. He used to come up here to Colorado deer hunting every fall for about 30+ years and he hasn't been up here hunting for the past 8 years. So this trip means a lot to him. |
I hope Gary has a good hunting day!!! It sounds like his breathing isn't very good and that's why you didn't have to wrestle him. Personally I would have rather he felt better and you DID have to wrestle him!!! I hope Gary has a great time and it doesn't take too much out of him. At least he has his favorite nurse with him!!!! :)
My Dad was on oxygen but he wouldn't wear it out in public. It got to where he would have to leave quickly and go home. He was just too proud to be seen with it on. Colorado has some of the most beautiful country!!! I just love driving there!! About where are you at? Damon is at his sister's now in another town. I was very relieved that he found a place to stay. She has 4 kids and they'll be around the house after school so that should help to keep him out of trouble. It helps make things less stressful now that he's found a place to stay. It's really hard to know that someone close to you is homeless. Hopefully it will be a lesson that he doesn't forget. Damon called the national headquarters for Teen Challenge and they have a brand new facility opening up in Wichita on October 1st and they have room for him. I'm not sure if the judge will make him go to jail or go back to Teen Challenge. I guess we'll see when he finally gets in court. I talked to my Aunt Marva and I'm heading there in the morning. She's having a garage sale so will be busy but we'll still have a good time!!! She likes to laugh!!! That's just what I need right now!!! |
Gayle...it sounds like Gary is right where he wants to be. I hope that he gets an elk quickly so you all can come home and he can breathe easier. What are doing while Gary is hunting? Any shopping? :)
Betsi...I'm glad you're back too. Sounds like a nice big area for Mike to hunt. Hopefully he'll do great! Judy, I don't think Ricky will want much of any of what I've saved. Seems like guys really don't want that kind of stuff...lol, just us sentimental ladies. I have already given him things like my Dad's pocket watch, he was thrilled and a couple of Dad's pocket knives. This morning I cried alot and when I got myself together....I called Diana. Some days are just harder than others. I didn't go into Mom's today and it felt so good just to lay around the house and not do anything. Well, I did get ahold of an attorney in Florida to handle Mom's place down there, but other than that...nothing. There is a real cool breeze blowing in the front door. I think it's suppose to get down into the 40's tonight and it's very cloudy. Almost feels like winter....BUT IT BETTER NOT BE!!! :D Rick and Ricky will be at their yearly Scout weekend. Ricky is going for the whole weekend and I think Rick is going Friday and Saturday. Sunday he's has one of those Cowboy Shoot things he does. So I'll have pretty much the whole weekend to myself. I need it, but I hope I don't waste it and sit here and cry the whole time. I'm missing my Mom so much, seems like it is getting harder and harder. I know it takes time, a lot more time than that which has passed, but it just seems so unbearable at times. With all the stuff I've brought home from Mom's, there is an auction I would like to go to on Saturday. They have a roll top desk I would love to have. Hopefully I can go check it out. |
Diana, no Gary isnt breathing very good up here and he doesn't like to wear his oxygen in public either, but he is wearing it all the time here at the hunting lodge and also while out hunting, which surprises me, but I know it's because he can barely get around without it. He is also wearing it in the car too and he has never done that. He won't wear it in a restaurant or store though, its that proud thing with him too. He's OK without it for a little while and as long as he doesn't have to do much walking. It's not good for him, but for the short while we will be up here, he should be OK.
We just went to town looking for Dove Creek, Colorado dried pinto beans. They are THE BEST! We didn't find any but we used to get them not too far from here so I'll drive over there tomorrow or Sat. Diana, we are in Monte Vista, it is in the southern part of the state, just a little to the east of the center of the state. While Gary is hunting or sleeping, I'm just watching TV, reading, surfing the net, or reading some papers I brought with me. It's not too exciting, but it's relaxing. There are some little shops in town I will visit, and then there is the drive to find the beans. There is a little town about 50 miles from here that we may go visit. It's supposed to have lots of little shops. |
I've been watching old John Wayne movies all afternoon. Not too exciting, but relaxing.
Gayle, how long are you there for? My dad just got home tonight from elk hunting! One of his friends got a small one, but my dad and the other guy didn't even see anything. He said it was pretty miserable though, it was cold and raining the whole time and he sounded like he had a pretty bad cold on the phone. They set up camp in the bush in tents, so there's no escaping the weather! That's my dad, the bushman lol. It sometimes makes me wish Scott was more outdoorsy because it's how I always thought men should be (because that's how my dad was!) but of course, there are other things I love about Scott that I don't see in my dad, like how sentimental he is :)
Janet, I'm glad you took a day to relax at home. I think you really need that sometimes! Diana, I have been following what's been going on with Damon and you are all in my thoughts! I'm glad he has a place to stay, mostly so that you don't feel so guilty about it anymore. I hope you have a wonderful time with your aunt and can stop thinking about all the drama for a little while at least! I have been soooo tired today! I stayed up late last night to watch Modern Family :rolleyes: because it's my favorite show and I needed some laughs! We got a notice in the mail yesterday that Scott's project truck, his grandfather's 1951 International, is violating a town bylaw by sitting in our driveway. It's in one piece, with just the fenders and lights off (we have them, they're just downstairs) and it's on jacks to be easy on the tires when it's sitting in one spot for so long. We do not have it registered, but it's on our property so it shouldn't matter. Apparently it does. It has to be out of sight, and it needs license plates on it. Scott was sooooo upset about it last night and I was trying to calm him down. It sounded like he was going to call the town office and rip them apart and say he wasn't moving it. I am a totally different person and I always try to be nice about everything. I don't want us to get a bad reputation because we live in a really small town and people don't know us well yet! I know how fast things spread about people in small towns. Ugh. So we ended up arguing about that until past midnight :( Waking up at 5 was not easy this morning. But, we were both in better moods. Scott has been in lots of pain still from his teeth. This morning, he called the dentist again and they told him to come in, just to check it out. So he went in, and it turns out he had dry sockets where two of his wisdom teeth were removed, so he had them packed and needs to go back next week to have that taken out. He also has a throat infection, which came from me :( My throat has been really sore for the past week. I feel bad for passing it on. I think I'm going to head to bed right now, before I fall asleep on the computer! |
Sorry about the truck in the driveway problem, Lindsay. That happened to us once too. We had a boat in our driveway (that we used frequently) for 15 years, when all of a sudden we got a notice from the city that we had to hide it or move it. We had to take it to a storage place. Our neighbor had a truck he was restoring like your truck and he had to move it into the garage. Can you all put your truck in the garage? we were glad that when we moved this past winter that we do not live in any city limits and so almost everyone has a boat or RV or something on their property.
Oops, I answered you about hunting on your other thread. We will be here probably till Monday or Tuesday. It's kinda boring for me, but relaxing at the same time, so I can't complain. |
We CAN put the truck in the garage, but Scott doesn't WANT to put the truck in the garage :rolleyes: It's a double garage and I always told him if he was bringing that truck home and putting it in the garage, his car was going to be outside on the driveway. But after he made a big deal over it, I told him I'll park my car outside. Scott never had a garage in his life until we moved here, so I don't know why it's a big deal now! His car has never had troubles starting, but mine won't start in the winter sometimes if it gets too cold, and it's not plugged in (block heater). So I think it makes more sense to let mine stay inside! Oh well. He can win in the garage if I can win everywhere else :)
He called the town office today to ask if he can just put license plates on it, and if it would be okay then. The bylaw officer wasn't there, so he's supposed to call Scott back as soon as possible. Scott explained that there are parts off it right now because he's trying to get it repainted, but it's a totally operable truck. Technically, the motor is apart too, but they don't know that. I think it does run if he puts it back together, but he and his dad took the engine out to overhaul it. |
I hope it will be OK if you get it registered. If not, then it's probably into the garage which wouldn't be terrible, as you said. Many homeowners associations do not allow you to keep a project truck in the driveway, so Scott shouldn't be upset.
Gary still doesn't have his elk, I'm beginning to worry that he won't, but if he doesnt, I guess it just wasn't meant to be. They saw a lot of elk yesterday at dusk, but Gary couldn't see them through his gun scope, so he couldnt shoot. He's going to use the guide's gun this evening if they see them again. The guide has a scope that you can see though at dusk. |
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