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It sounds like you're going to have a wonderful weekend Diana. I don't think there will be anything here now until spring. Well...except for Halloween...people go up on the square and have a "trunk or treat". They give out treats to the kids from the trunks of their cars and there is a costume contest and games. I don't usually go...now that Ricky is older.
This weekend I think Rick and I will be at Mom's. Whoever hooked up her stove did a bad job and it has to be redone. Rick knows how to do all that and has all the tools and equipment to get it done. I might go through a few things and make sure they should go in the sale. I still think an auction is a mistake...if the weather is bad, we might as will give the stuff away. I think an estate sale is the correct choice, but I don't want to argue about it. There is a Fish Fry around the corner from us and I think Rick was given tickets so we could attend. I've heard the fish is really good so it will be nice to find out. I think I'm going to try a different church on Sunday. It's called Faith Family Ministries. I know a few people that attend and they love it. Very relaxed and welcoming. I like the one I attend, but I don't feel I'm getting what I truly need. That didn't sound right....I guess I'm just not getting the feeling of fulfillment that I would like to have and I don't feel as comfortable there as I should. So I'm hoping this will be what I need. Hope you all have a great weekend. |
Janet, I think its great that you are going to try a new church. I hope you feel more comfortable. I usually don't feel comfortable in any church - bad experiences as a child. Once though, when I was visiting a friend in San Francisco, we attended a church service that was truly amazing and one that I will never forget. It was right downtown San Francisco. There was every sort of person you can imagine in that church, dressed every way imaginable, there were rich people, poor or homeless people, gays/lesbians, punk rockers with neon hair, and hookers (I am sure), and then regular joes like my friend and I. It was the most spiritual and welcoming warm and comforting, place I have ever been. If I lived there, I'd go every week. I think it is paramount that you are comfortable, find support, and spiritual enrichment in church.
Thanks Gayle. When I was younger we went to a church and for some reason, camping I think, Mom quit taking me and my brother. I went back after I was married and taught a kindergarten class and loved it, but it was much different from when I was young. Seemed like everyone was trying to out dress the other. And there was so much talk of money.
I then started going to a church around the corner from us. I enjoyed being with our neighbors and felt comfortable there, just not getting what I wanted...needed....I don't know. I continued to go until the female Pastor was hired. I was not impressed with her sermons or felt much after hearing them. She kept going off from one subject to another and I just couldn't figure out what she was wanting to teach/share with us. I wasn't the only one who felt that way. I quit going there and haven't really attended any. I do go there from time to time, but I am looking for something different. At the church I'm hoping to attend on Sunday....you basically 'go as you are'. Everyone is there to learn more, share, and be a family of Christ. If it is indeed like that, then it will be exactly what I've been looking for. We'll see. |
I hope the sermon and the church community is just what you are looking for, Janet. Spiritual community, when you find it, is very important.
I joined a Buddhist temple when Joel has a heart attack, years ago. A friend brought me because I really needed it. I loved it and stayed for about 8 years. I changed, and so did the leaders of my chapter, and I left, but I still live a lot of the ways of the Buddhist practice. It really levels the playing field. Like the church you went to Gayle, we had a very diverse group of members. We had a lot of people who were fighting so hard to crawl out of whatever hole they had fallen into, and that was a wonderful thing to be a part of. Then, they became very rigid about their rules, that this was the best form of Buddhism, that we should get as many new people to join as we could, and, finally, I just felt that this was not for me. I have my own relationship with God. I don't need somebody else's rules for that. There is a church across the road that a lot of people like. One of these days, I might try it. It's also very diverse, and people feel fulfilled by their connection there. |
We are home from the deer lease. We had a good time and the weather was beautiful. We have cameras that watch the game where the guys hunt and there were LOTS of really nice bucks at Gary's stand. He was really excited today when he saw the pictures.
We love the little town near our lease, Goldthwaite, TX. They really cater to hunters and I just love the charm of a friendly small town. I grew up in a very small town and I miss it sometimes. |
I'm so bad!! For the first time in a long tome I slept in on Sunday....8:55 am, I'm pretty sure that's a new record for me. I didn't get to go to the church, but hopefully next Sunday. I must have really been tired because I didn't wake up but one time during the night to go potty.
Wasn't sure I was going to have any energy, but later in the day it kicked in and I was able to get a few things done. |
Wait Janet, 8:55 is sleeping in :confused:
My sleeping in is more like noon :rolleyes: |
I was so tired today, I just had to lay down for a while when I got home. I still feel very tired. I had a busy day at work, but I guess I'm just not recovered from our travels.
I am really enjoying the cooler weather. It was 58 this morning, and it feels so nice in the evenings after the sun goes behind the trees in the back yard. |
Yes Jessica.....that is really late for me. I'm usually up by 6:30 or 7:00 at the latest. Once in a great while a little later, but not by much. This morning I'm going to breakfast with a friend and then a lot of errands. Hope I can get them all done.
Homecoming was so nice!! The weather was just perfect!! There didn't seem to be as many people as usual but that could be because of the economy......it just costs too much to travel. There's always the hometown parade....Feyn's family and Amy's family were all in the parade somewhere!!! Glen pretty much was with me all afternoon....he usually finds some farmer friend and stands in one spot and talks but this time we were together. We went through our town's museum. There are several things in there that are Glen's family's because his aunt worked in the museum when she was alive so it's always interesting to go and visit. We shopped at the few craft booths.....I bought an apron for Karlie and another one for Jaci that had John Deere tractors on it!! I bought a bracelet for me and some clips for Jazzi's hair. Our church youth group had a food booth so I had a turkey leg....it was one of the most tender ones that I've ever had and we bought some extras to bring home!!! Yummm...... We went home about 4 or so. There is also a bean feed but since it's not on my diet we just went home. The rides were pretty expensive and we're not into them so we were done with Homecoming for this year!!
Dae Lynn was off of work on Monday so we went to Wal-mart to get some groceries. It's nice to shop together and plan meals!!! I'll miss that when she leaves!!! We also shopped at Cato's and I bought some clothes a size smaller!! My clothes are really hanging on me but I hate to get new but it's becoming necessary!!! I've bought a couple of pair of jeans on e-bay so I'm anxious for them to come and I'm hoping that Amy will fit into my clothes that I'm leaving. She's having the same problems!! So far I've lost 20 pounds!!! Yay!!! |
Wow Diana, 20 pounds is a lot to be proud of!! Way to go! Enjoy buying your new clothes!
I have been so tired lately, and I have no idea why! I sleep in the car while Scott drives to and from work, and I've been napping after work, going to bed early, and sleeping all night! I'm trying to get ready for Thanksgiving, which is this weekend. I had no plans until Scott's parents asked to come last weekend. That was a little late to plan, but still okay. We invited my grandma too and bought a small turkey last weekend. Might as well! Then without telling me, Scott also invited his sister, her husband, and their son. We may have enough turkey if nobody eats very much, but I don't want to go buy another bigger one now. I'm just stressed knowing I'll be cooking for 8 now! They are all staying over too so I have to go shopping for things to make for breakfast. And there I was, looking forward to a relaxing long weekend! |
Well folks, I have poison ivy alll over the right side of my face. I'm sure I got it at the lease. I've never has it before, I was the only one in my family who never got it :mad:. I picked up a stick and walked with it for about 10 minutes. I'm betting it was a poison ivy or oak cane. It never occurred to me that it might be poison ivy. I carried the stick in my right hand and then I probably wiped my hand all over the right side of my face. :mad::mad::mad:. It's even inside my right ear, that's one reason I'm pretty sure it was on my hand to start with. I don't have any on my hand though. Weird.
I noticed it yesterday, and it's much worse today. I had to go get some benadryl gel, it was itching so badly. I have class tomorrow evening. I'm gonna be so pretty. Thankfully I don't have any appointments on Friday, so I'll just work at home on Friday. if my face sweeps any more, I'll prob go get some cortisone. |
Happy thanksgiving, Lindsey.
Oh, Gayle, that's terrible. I'm struggling to keep my positivity lately. I can't seem to stay on my stride. On a lighter note: since I don't have a washer/dryer yet, I treated myself to taking my clothes to a cleaners on Monday - towels, underwear and all. Went to pick it up today ... $6.00 to dry-clean my $12 three year old walmart pajamas, even though the ticket says laundry only. Paid $44 for about half of my stuff. My work slacks and undies won't be ready until Friday. No idea why. I didn't realize it's only a drop off place. I actually plan to not pay any more when I get the rest. When they hang it on that rack, I'll let them wrestle me down as I pick it up and walk out. I'm really worried about how much that $8 sports bra is gonna cost me. I could have bought a nice used washer for that much. |
Happy thanksgiving, Lindsey.
Oh, Gayle, that's terrible. I'm struggling to keep my positivity lately. I can't seem to stay on my stride. On a lighter note: since I don't have a washer/dryer yet, I treated myself to taking my clothes to a cleaners on Monday - towels, underwear and all. Went to pick it up today ... $6.00 to dry-clean my $12 three year old walmart pajamas, even though the ticket says laundry only. Paid $44 for about half of my stuff. My work slacks and undies won't be ready until Friday. No idea why. I didn't realize it's only a drop off place. I actually plan to not pay any more when I get the rest. When they hang it on that rack, I'll let them wrestle me down as I pick it up and walk out. I'm really worried about how much that $8 sports bra is gonna cost me. I could have bought a nice used washer for that much. |
Sandy, I would have complained about dry cleaning a shirt that I wanted laundered. You shouldn't have had to pay for that. Sounds like you better invest in a used washer and dryer......and soon!!!! Or else go to the laundry mat to do your washing.
Lindsey.....don't get too stressed out by the company coming. Buy a small ham to go with your turkey. They're easy to bake and you'll have plenty then. Make sure that you have plenty of other food and you'll be just fine. Ask any women that are coming to bring a dish or dessert......let them know what you want them to bring or give them a choice between a couple of things. With providing the place to have it you have enough to get done so it won't hurt for them to help out. Also....use paper plates and cups so clean up is easier!!! Don't stress!!! If you have anything else that pops up let us know and we'll help you handle it!!! Oh Gayle......I feel so sorry for you!!! I've had poison ivy and poison oak and they're both awful!!! I used to have to go and get a shot when I got it because I would get it so bad! I hope that you find some relief soon!!! Hugs!!!! I haven't had much going on this week but I'm leaving in the morning for a women's conference in Wichita. Several of our church ladies are going so it will be fun. We have some really fun women!!! On Saturday morning I signed up for a work day in an orphanage or girls home or something. I was told that some women will get to interact with the kids and some will be working and organizing clothes and painting. It sounds like a good time no matter what I end up doing. So I'll be gone for a couple of days. Damon goes to court tomorrow. We're not sure what's going to happen. Dae Lynn's checked into another program that's only a few months but the cost is more than they can do. I guess we'll see what happens. I'm torn between what I think should be done with him and mad at myself for being fustrated by him. I care what happens but I'm tired of everything that goes with having him around but feel like he will be worse if he's not around us......so hard. |
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