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DianaB 04-27-2010 05:56 AM

Judy, I'm so glad that you're making friends and becoming an active part of your community!! I know that you're excited to finally have others see your home and all of your hard work!! I'm sure that you'll get lots of compliments!!!

Gayle, you constantly amaze me!! All of your travels and your work!!! You are soooo busy and yet you still find time to be on here with us!!! It sounds like you did a wonderful job getting your report together and understood everything so well that you could answer questions with having to search for the answers!! I hope they give you a HUGE raise!!!! I hope that you can find some time to enjoy being in DC and not in meetings all day long!! Your posts after a trip are always so interesting and so I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!!! Just stay safe!!!

Lynne, it sounds like you planned a wonderful party for your Mom!!! I'm sure that she loved having all of her family around!! She's a very beautiful lady!! I know that after I've moved out of a house that I have a hard time thinking about someone else living there too. I've even gone back to houses and asked to visit them again......it's not the same though!!! I even had a couple of girls ask to come back and visit our last home.....I know that it was hard on them to see things different too. It was funny because we had all kinds of things that showed they had lived there......we had their names carved in the woodwork here and there and the kids would find little toys and stuff in the yard from them!! The kids thought that was so cool so they buried little things all over the yard for the next people......sadly though we now own the home and it's in such bad shape that no one will ever live there again to find their little "treasures". Ahhhhh.......memories!!!!

Blueyes 04-27-2010 06:02 AM

Diana, how are the wedding plans going? What is the date? Sorry if this is posted somewhere else, but I didn't see it. Do you have your dress?

DianaB 04-27-2010 06:09 AM

I went to Wichita yesterday with our pastor's wife, Brenda. She's about my age and her kids are grown so we have a lot in common. I saw her at Jaci's shower and she sensed that something was not quite right so she invited me on a shopping trip to get my clothes for the wedding!! She's very talkative so we had a very nice conversation the whole time!! I found a beautiful shirt that matched all the colors of Jaci's wedding and I bought dress slacks and also crop plants to go with it. I'm thinking that I may wear the crop pants for a more casual look since the wedding is outdoors. Anyway....I also bought a nice shawl to go over the top and give a little dressier look!! We found it in the first store that we went to so it took a lot of pressure off of looking for something the rest of the day. I also found a really beautiful necklace and earrings to go with it!! We had so much fun and laughed the whole day!! I was so apprecitive to get out and have some fun!! So many people work that it's hard to do things with friends like that. Brenda works too but she had a day off!! I'm so glad to have my outfit for the wedding!!!! Yay!!!

This is the shirt that I bought but it's so much prettier in person!!


This is the wrap I got to go over it to dress it up!! It looked really nice on!!

We stopped by Sam's Club so I could see if they have their ferns in yet. I'm wanting some for the wedding. They are suppose to be in TODAY!! So I'm driving back out to Wichita again today!!! Bummer!!!!


I got beige crops to wear with it!!

Janet 04-27-2010 03:40 PM

Love the outfit Diana...you did good girl. It will be very pretty for an outdoor wedding and comfy to, you'll look beautiful in it. I'm glad that you had such a great time with Brenda...wish I could have been there too.

Blueyes 04-27-2010 06:19 PM

I especially like the way the blouse is made. It's so dressy and pretty!! You'll be beautiful! I hope your shoes are comfy;)

judy 04-28-2010 03:16 PM

What a pretty blouse! It is so feminine, and perfect for you. The shawl is mighty classy, and I can't wait to see the pictures!

What kind of shoes?

DianaB 04-28-2010 05:27 PM

I bought some shoes yesterday when I went back to Wichita with Dae Lynn. I picked out black sandals because I thought that I'd probably get more use out of them than white ones.


Blueyes 04-28-2010 05:43 PM

Those shoes are really cute!! For my youngest son's wedding I bought the CUTEST shoes at Dillards... they hurt my feet so bad all night that I put them in the trash at the church after the reception and went home barefooted. Since then COMFORT is at the top of my priority list, lol!!

DianaB 04-28-2010 05:47 PM

I had tried on a pair of Naturalizer shoes that I just loved but they hurt so I went back the next day to try on a larger pair but they still hurt. I tried these on and they were actually pretty comfortable.....I'm not sure about all afternoon and evening but I figure that I can always take them off and go barefooted!!! I'm a country girl at heart!!!

Janet 04-29-2010 09:42 AM

Diana...your blouse and pants will look so summery with light/bright colors...I'm no fashionista by any means, but will the black sandals look alright? I love the style, but wondered if they could come in a lighter color other than white. What d'ya think?

Just went back an looked...what about a tan? or sandlewood?

gja1000 04-30-2010 07:06 PM

Hi all!

I'm finally home. It was a long hard week in DC and I am so glad to be home. I got in at midnight and in bed by 1:30, and then up at 6:00. Another long day today at school!

Gary and my sil are fishing, so i'm spending the weekend with Brooke and the girls this weekend. Brooke had a cyst removed from her foot this week, she's in a boot and can't drive. I'm REALLY tired, but going to bed early tonight, although I won't sleep as well not being in my own bed. Oh well, I guess i'll get caught up on my sleep next week. Our classes are over on Friday and I'm ready!

Diana, I love your blouse, wrap and shoes. They will look so pretty at the wedding!

Janet 05-01-2010 05:18 AM

Glad you're home safe and sound Gayle, you are one busy lady. I know how much I LOVE sleeping in my bed so I know how you're looking forward to being in yours. It's nice though that you are about to stay and help Brooke. You will have a good time...I'm sure.

paula1961 05-01-2010 05:25 AM

Diana I love your blouse and shawl. They will go really well with beige crop pants. I also love those black sandals. I would think that they would look really nice with your outfit.:)

Glad you're back Gayle!! Have a nice visit with Brooke and the girls. I hope her foot is better soon.:)

Marilyn 05-02-2010 08:12 PM

Diana, your outfit looks really nice. I know it feels good to have that all done & that you have something you really like and will feel good wearing!!

DianaB 05-05-2010 04:32 PM

Thanks, everyone!! I'm really pleased with the clothes that I bought. I wish that you could see the blouse in person because it's so much prettier than the picture.

Janet, I think that the black shoes will look alright......or I'm going to pretend that they do!!! I looked at the lighter shoes but decided that I'd get a lot more use from the black ones later on......so I'm turning a blind eye to whether it really "goes" or not!! Hopefully everyone will have their eyes on Jaci and not on my feet !!!!!

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