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I played hooky today. Actually, my allergies are out of control after the awesome rain we got, but I could have suffered through at work. I had my work laptop and did log in and do a few things. Went to the plastic surgeon and he wants to see me back in May to look at taking taking a little off the right one that's noticeably bigger.
I stopped at a furniture store and found the exact sofa, chair and bedroom suite I want. I was horizontal most of the afternoon and have tinkered around a little. |
I had a HUGE scare this afternoon!!! I went to go get parts at another town for Glen and when I left home I have to go across a low water bridge and I came across a man that had turned his 4-wheeler over on himself. I ran out of my car while calling Glen to come immediately. When I got to the other side of the 4-wheeler where the man's head was he was alert. He asked me to push the 4-wheeler a little bit so he could get out from underneath it. He let me know that his wrist was broken and there was no doubt when I looked at it. We talked for a while as he layed there. Glen finally showed up and he and I turned the 4-wheeler up right.
I felt so much better once Glen was there!!! I can't tell you how scared I was to walk up on the accident because he was just laying there!!!! It ended up that a friend of his showed up and also my son, Feyn. The guys eventually helped him into his friend's pickup and he drove him to the ER. I got a call later from one of the nurses wanting to know what he was like when I found him. He kept repeating himself and I wondered if he had a mild concussion and the nurse, who is a friend of mine, said that they were wondering that as well. The hospital was running tests to check him out. What a scare!!! I shook so badly.....and I thought that I usually handled things well......but not this!!!! |
WOW! Diana, my heart would be pumping!!! Even though I am a nurse, I never liked working in the emergency room and I don't like to see injured people outside the hospital either. For some reason, after they are in the hospital, in hospital attire, and attended to, I can take care of them - but it always bothered me to see injured people in the ER in their regular clothes - weird, I know. LOL!
I'm still having trouble with the poison ivy around my waist. It is spreading!!!!! :mad: I guess since I can't see it glaring at me on my face, I haven't been as diligent in taking care of it - clearly I have not since it is getting worse and my face is getting better. Diana, I may try your bleach. I've read that lots of people use it. I've got to do something. And I will only be able to wear my slacks/jeans once - and they will have to be washed or dry cleaned every time I wear them in order to help stop spreading it. I already wash my bedsheets, pajamas, and pillow cases every day. GRRRRR! This is causing me a lot of WORK! :thumbdwn: |
He is so lucky you showed up, Diana! You probably saved his life! How is he now, do you know?
I would be as scared as you were for sure! Have you stopped shaking yet? It might take a bit for your body to calm down. You need a hot bath, and a relaxing day! |
I ran over to my pottery workshop teacher yesterday., Some of my stuff was ready to take home, but I have more pieces to glaze than I realized! I decided to stay and glaze three pieces. It took hours! It was so nice in the studio, and the sun was just right. I worked really slowly. I had forgotten all of the steps, but I enjoyed myself so much. I really liked working by mself too. She was in her house packing for a trip.
I would like to take some pieces home with glazes to work on here. She said it would be fine. Someone else is doing some work there, so I left her my phone number to let me know which glazes I can borrow. I'm a little nervous about carrying these unfinished pieces back and forth. They are fragile, and I don't want anything to break. I'll get bubble wrap. Then, I took Max and Annie for a long walk. We have some trails so I took them there. They had a lot of fun, but Annie is too little. She got stuck in the leaves in the ground, so we left the woods. Today, I am going to town to Walmart to do a big shopping. I am going to take my camera because it is so beautiful here right now, and I keep forgetting to bring it. There's a TJ Maxx there too!!! Exciting! |
What a horrible incident to come across Diana. I'm usually great in an emergency, it's afterwards that I crash...lol. I know someone has to keep their head and I'm usually able to do that. After it's all over....I just cry and cry and shake, maybe get sick..etc.
How did his friend know to show up? And Feyn? I'm curious to how he is doing too. Did you know him? Isn't that bridge on your property? Gayle...I was hoping your poison ivy was just about gone.....not spreading. I've not heard of using bleach before, but I sure hope it works for you. I've got some kind of rash under both my arms. Not sure what it is and don't remember ever having it before. If I raise my arms above my head...the rash starts midway between my elbow and shoulder and then continues down beside my breasts. I'm thinking maybe a heat rash or something, but I would have thought I would have had it earlier in the summer when it was really hot. So...I'm just not sure. The spots do have little whiteheads so I don't know what it is. My husband is going to the Dr. on Thursday. He's been having this horrible cough that keeps him awake until the early morning. He gets to coughing so bad he can't breathe or spit anything up. The other night he said he just about came and got me to take him to the emergency room. Does a little better when sitting up, but lying down is bad. He had that cowboy shoot on Saturday and said he almost came home....he was so embarassed because he said he coughed the whole day. Not sure what's going on there, but his dad did have lung problems and was on oxygen. I think it was emphysema. Rick did have fluid taken off his lungs one time so I don't know what is wrong with him. Judy...you know you need to post pictures of your pottery pieces don't you? :) |
As soon as I saw him I started shaking!!! He was just laying there and I couldn't see his head because it was on the other side of the 4-wheeler. I can't tell you how relieved I was to see that he was awake. After I called Glen he called Feyn to come and help because he just lives a short distance on the other side of the bridge.
No, Janet, we don't own the bridge. Glen's brother owns one corner beside the bridge but it's been a place where they've played all their lives!!! It is the one that you drove over to get to the house. You probably saw the trails all over the sides of it as you drove by. Victor's wife is a friend of mine and went to school with one of my kids.....I also know her mother. She called last night to give me a report and to thank me for stopping and helping which I thought was really nice of her. Victor's wrist is broken in four places and he's had trouble with it before so is having surgery today with a specialist.....it's bad enough that they're hoping the specialist will do it. The doctor kept him over night for observation. She said that Victor got worse at remembering while he was in the hospital and they were worried about a brain bleed but they didn't find anything in the tests they ran. I guess that he had just bought the 4-wheeler a month ago but he didn't even remember that he had one.....he kept asking her over and over what had happened to him so something was going on with his head. I'm glad that they kept him. The friend that showed up was going to ride 4-wheelers with him. I don't think that he knew that he was coming but must have mentioned that he was going to go sometime in a converation. We knew the friend as well, slightly. By the time Victor was in his friend's pickup and headed to town I had stopped shaking so much. It was mostly when I came up on him because I was worried that he was going to be really hurt bad.....I tell you I couldn't get my phone dialed fast enough to get some help there!!!!! I wasn't even that scared when we ran over Dean!!!! |
I enjoyed yesterday, so I stayed home again. I have never done this before. I'm kicking myself and know that I must get up and deal with this manager. I need this job and know that this shall pass.
Gayle, I've had something going on with my jaw for a couple weeks. It's been stiff to open. This morning I yawned, it hurt like heck and now I can't bite all the way down. Go to doc? |
Oh great, I have divorce mediation tomorrow afternoon, so ill get an appt for Thursday. it could be my teeth because they're all crooked, but I don't think it is. I've wondered if it's in with the stiffness in my neck. I'll go get it checked.
My Abigail's rabbits won grand champion at the show this evening. She's a natural. |
Hope whatever the problem is Sandy, that it's nothing serious. Congrats to Abigail!!
Good luck with mediation tomorrow Sandy. And congrats to Abigail and her rabbits. My daughter had rabbits too when she was in high school.
I hope the jaw pain is easily solved. It is possible that you are clenching and grinding your teeth at night, especially now with all the stress of moving, your boss, the divorce, etc. You might just need a night time mouth guard. |
Oh my, rashes, poison ivy, jaw pain!!! I hope all of these go away very, very soon! Sandy, Kassidy has TMJ. They made her a mouth guard, but it didn't work. They went to the drug store for a home kit mouth guard under the dentist's directions. It is probably from stress. You have had quite a bit!!!
Janet, you should check that rash out. I get all kinds of skin rashes, but I have a couple of tubes of really good medicine that works. The only thing that is hard to get rid of is excema, because I don't apply the medicine as often as I'm supposed to. Poor Gayle!!! Did you try the bleach? I hope it stops spreading! |
I keep forgetting to finish my posts on this thread!
I went to Oneonta yesterday, to TJ Maxx, and got 3 tops. I went to another store in the mall and got another top. I was going to go to Walmart's for food, but it was late, so I decided I will go today. I want to go get my nails done, and there is a nice, little Walmart in that town. I need groceries for a few weeks., I am going on Tuesday to have the bags under my eyes fixed. I trust this doctor, but this is surgery. I have never had any real kind of surgery in my life, much less plastic surgery, and I am really scared. Not of the surgery, but that it will not look natural. I don't want to look like all of those women on TV who all seem to use the same plastic surgeon. They all have the same lips, the same nose, the same eyebrows. I'm also worried that it will change what I look like. Of course, I don't have to do this. So, why am I? This is my last big thing I am doing, and, for some reason, I am going through with it. It's expensive, so I will pay it out over a year, with no interest. So, I need to stock up because I don't know how I am going to feel afterwards. Or, what I am going to look like for a while. I really don't want to go shopping with bruises under my eyes. That just makes people think "abuse." Jessie is driving me on Tuesday. They will never let me live this down!!! |
I'll be praying that all goes well, Judy. I'm sure it is scary with all of the bad things you hear about......but there has to be more good that comes out of it or the surgeons would be shut down. You know that we'll want pictures after you're all healed!!!
Sandy, with your neck being stiff I would imagine that it's stress related. Like Gayle said you're probably clenching your teeth when you sleep. I have TMJ as well but I don't necessarily have stiffness in my jaw. I don't chew gum hardly at all because it seems to make it worse. You should probably go to the doctor and have it checked out. Congratulations to Abbigail on her rabbits!!!! |
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