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Janet 10-12-2011 05:32 PM

This morning after I ran the bus route, Ricky and I went to Mom's to mow her yard. We let it get just a tad too tall, but it looks really good now. After we mowed, I swept the front porch and Ricky used the weed-eater.

After that, we just came home and did what needed to get done. Ricky tinkered in the garage and I did laundry...lol.

My older brother called and said he had rec'd a check from a life insur. policy of Mom's. We had signed the policies over to the funeral home so while I was looking up the number to call them, our mail came and I too had a check. I assumed my younger brother rec'd one too so I called and sure enough...the insurance company made a mistake and was suppose to send the checks to the funeral home. So we have to take the checks we rec'd and give them to the funeral home so the services can be paid.

Ricky and I were going to take mine back this evening, but they had a service going on so we went to Dairy Queen....lol. I had been craving ice cream for a couple weeks so it was soooo good. Ricky got a banana split and I got one of those bowls of ice creams that you can eat the bowl....oh yum yum yummy!!!

Tomorrow since Ricky has 3 days off, we are going to a Toyota dealer in Lafayette and let them buy Mom's car. She leased it, but this dealer is interested in buying it since it has less than 3500 miles on it. They would pay off the lease and then sell the car at a profit. We would just be rid of the car. I like it, but we can't afford to make the $211 payment every month for the next two years. I would love to have a new car, but I just don't want payments...lol. Ricky has to go too and drive another vehicle so that I'll have a way to get home if they will take it.

I also had the Chaplin from the hospital Hospice call to see how I was getting along. It was so nice and so thoughtful of her. Me....I cried and cried. I felt so bad for the lady, but she was wonderful. I still have a hard time....like yesterday....I wanted to tell her the good news about Ricky and even though I know she knows.....I wanted to see her face light up. I'm not going to be able to see that ever again and it hit me really hard.

I'm okay now....in bed and ready to call it a night.

gja1000 10-12-2011 06:34 PM

Janet, you really had an up and down day, didn't you! I hope you feel better in the morning when you wake up. You get so much done in one day, I don't know how you do everything you do! You are so wise with your money - I'd probably keep the car and then regret it!

I've had a terribly busy week at school. Tomorrow is my class day and I'm really not ready to teach, so I think I'll conduct the class by seminar and let the students answer the discussion questions in small group work. I need to help them get started on the paper they need to write so I'll use the rest of the class for that which again, won't require me to prepare a formal teaching lecture. Graduate students like seminar better than lecture anyway, but some topics do not lend themselves to seminar. I'm glad the one tomorrow does!

My mom is having problems with one of her legs. I'm so worried that she is going to fall or have some serious mobility issues. It is the oddest thing. She has pain in the front mid thigh area - no joint involved. It's been there about a month. I took her to her orthopedic doctor a couple of weeks ago and he couldn't find anything wrong. He told her to take Aleve and use her walker (she usually walks with a cane only) to take the pressure off the leg and let it rest more. She did that and it got better but only for a few days and now it is worse :(. I made another appt with the ortho doc, but she can't get in till next Monday. The doctor at the assisted living center called me today and is going to get an X-ray of her spine tomorrow - the ortho doc only x-rayed her hip and knee. She is also going to give her a very mild pain pill, some topical rub, and she ordered some whirlpool therapy. I imagine the ortho doc will need to get a scan or an MRI. Mom is 89 and has never had any health problems to speak of. She has had both knees replaced, one 15 years ago and the other just a couple of years ago. Otherwise she is as healthy as a horse. However, if her mobility goes, that is very bad for someone her age. I guess we will know more next week.

My poison ivy is really not any better - well it is MUCH better on my face, but not any better on my waist and side. Someone at work today told me to get some OTC topical medicine that they SWEAR will help. I sure hope so cuz I am TIRED of this. It's amazing how a little rash can create so much havoc. We are going back to the deer lease this weekend and I am not concerned about getting more poison ivy - I'll be very careful - I'm concerned that it will be warm and I will be sweaty and sweat and poison ivy DO NOT MIX

judy 10-13-2011 04:44 AM

Oh Janet, I know what you mean about wanting to tell Mom about Ricky. I still want to tell my Dad things, or ask his advice. What I would give to have him watching out for me. I talk to him anyway. I think he is watching over me, and is listening.

I'm sure Mom is listening to you too, but I know how it feels to not be able to have her right there.

Gayle, get that OTC stuff! I hope it works! What if you - this may sound weird, but it might help - took off a few days, and covered the rash loosely, and leave the clothing off? Okay, I said it. I'm sorry if this is too invasive an idea, but I am just trying to help.

gja1000 10-13-2011 06:21 AM

Judy, you read my mind! I'm not going into work tomorrow, I can work from home. I'm going to run by walmart today and get a moo moo type dress/robe and then run around tomorrow with very little touching the rash.

I did get the OTC stuff yesterday on my way home and it actually LOOKS better today, but doesn't feel better yet. I'm hopeful that since it looks better, it will actually feel better. The guy that told me about it said it would take 3 days to work.

Problem is that we have to take the trailer out to the deer lease on Sat. I'm concerned about wearing jeans around my waist and sweating (it will still be about 85 degrees). So I tried on Gary's overalls and I can wear them with the legs rolled up. I will look like I am dressed for Halloween, but no one else will be out there and it is way in the country so I am safe! LOL!

Janet 10-13-2011 04:27 PM

Today Ricky and I drove Mom's car over to Lafayette to the Toyota dealer only to be told that pay off is like $18,000 and they are only willing to pay $17000. It was suggested that we put it on Craig's List in the Lafayette area. She said the overseas students come to Purdue with a checkbook and we probably won't even have it listed 2 days before it's sold. I just wanted to have them buy it and not worry about it anymore.

After all that we stopped by Wellbound (Mom's kidney center) and took back used syringes that they will dispose of and then all of the supplies that were unopened/unused. It was good to see them and of course I cried.

Ricky and I then went to Denny's for breakfast. NEVER again...lol. For both of us, it cost $22....can you believe that? Ricky got "The LumberJack" and I got "The GrandSlam". I had coffee and he had orange juice. I couldn't believe his little more than 8 oz juice was almost $2.50. It was really good food, but not $22 worth of good....lolol.

Then we came home for an hour or so and then I ran the afternoon route. When I got home we headed into the funeral home to return the check I had recieved and then to Mom's. I decided to bring her plants home before they died. She had one that was from my Dad's funeral in 1973...a climbing philadendren (sp). It's looking kind of puny being all alone so hopefully it will grow better here with us. She also had a couple of African violets and a cactus.

Also brought the big wall mirror home that I had wanted. Then we headed to Wal Mart....for all things.....a cat bed..lolol. Ricky decided the cat needed a bed out in the garage so he found a real nice one for only $5.00. He can find better deals than I can... :)

Gayle, can you wear the moo moo type gown to the deer lease? I wouldn't want anything to confining until it's gone, especially if it's going to be hot. AND I sure hope and pray your Dr. can figure out what is going on with your Mom's leg. I would worry about the falling too. It's so scary.

Tomorrow I get my hair cut. That's all I have to do besides make some phone calls. Yay...the weekend is almost here.

gja1000 10-13-2011 07:00 PM

Sometimes Denny's has some good specials, but generally it is pretty expensive. I like to eat there sometimes though. That sounds like Gary and my breakfast this morning. I had cherry crepes with bacon and he had a pecan waffle. I also had coffee and he had a diet coke. It was $24 - I agree with you Janet, that's too much!

WHEW! I made it through a very long day. I had to go get fingerprinted this morning. No, I'm not a criminal :D it's required now for renewal of your nursing license. They are doing background checks when you renew. It's a GOOD idea. Anyway, my appt was at 10:00, so I really couldn't go to school and then go back and get it done so Gary had to go to the lab for blood work and it had to be fasting. I said that I would take him, then we'd go out for breakfast, and then it would be time to go get printed. He told me to wake him up in time to take a shower - which should have been about 7:00. He was up at 5:30 :eek: taking a shower. I thought he had lost his mind!!! I asked if he knew what time it was an he said he did and that he got up because he couldn't go back to sleep. Well, I sure could have gone back to sleep. This was my late day, I had class till 7:00PM so getting up at 5:30 is not what I had in mind. But I survived! :D

DianaB 10-14-2011 01:04 PM

Wow!! You guys have been sooo busy!!!

Gayle, I hope you can get your poison ivy cleared up soon. I know that it's miserable!!

Janet, I hope you don't have any trouble selling your Mom's car. I'm sure that they probably know about the students buying cars so I'd give it a try.

On Tuesday Jaci and I went to another town to watch Karley (our oldest granddaughter) play volleyball. It was nice to get out and away from the kids for awhile!! Then on Thursday Jaci and I went to another town to watch Kiley run cross-country!! She ended up in 16th place.....which was really good....and first place for Fredonia!!! It was really different going to a cross-country meet!! We had to walk....quickly to be able to watch them from different places!! She ran for about 20 minutes then was done except for giving out the awards!!! It's good to see the twins in different sports......they each have their own personalities so it makes sense for them to be involved in different things now.

Dae Lynn got home from school and isn't feeling good......she thinks maybe it's the flu. I sure hope not!!!!

We have a nice quiet weekend coming up!!! Hopefully a few garage sales and not much else!!!

Oh....our town had some really bad news today. Our main business in town which is a cement plant is going to shut down next March. This will really hurt our town and a lot of people we know. I really, really hope that it's not true but I've heard it from several different places and I haven't even left the house today.

Janet 10-14-2011 04:34 PM

Today....I didn't do much of anything.... :p Oh I made the phone calls I needed to make and that was it. Ricky and I did get our hair cut and we just look adorable.... :D

Tomorrow I will be on my own. Have to be in town so a guy can come and work on a gas thingy at my Mom's and then hopefully I'll be able to make it to Applebees with a school friend and her mother at noon. If not...that okay because I'll be at her mother's birthday celebration next weekend. I will probably end up at the town garage sale at our 4H building too, not really to buy anything, but to see if I know anyone there. :)

Once I get home...I really need to give the dogs a bath. I just haven't been as good as I use to be in keeping them groomed. It shouldn't take near as long though, because they are cut shorter except for Brenna, so just need to trim their ears, feet, private parts and toenails. Awww...maybe next weekend...LOLOL

judy 10-15-2011 06:02 AM

I took Max and Annie for haircuts yesterday. They look nice, and they don't smell!!
Their fur was too long, and they were so dirty from rolling around in the wet leaves out front. I don't know how to trim them, and Annie is hard to even brush, or I would do it myself. You are lucky that you know how, Janet.

Wendy, their groomer, gave them both a free flea bath because her yard is full of fleas. I wish I would have know, so I could have carried them inside. I have to Frontline them. Does anyone know why I have to wait 3 days after they are bathed to Frontline them? Doesn't make sense to me.

I was going to get a manicure today, but I am cancelling. I'll go tomorrow. This house needs a good straightening up, and the laundry has to be done. Annie threw up on my blanket and my sheet, so it is derinitely a laundry day! I have to go pick up their dog food too. I have been feeding them raw food and dry, so I think I'm going to make this the last time I get the raw. I already ordered it, so I have to go get it. They don't need both kinds of food. I give them Wellness reduced fat dry food, which I think is fine. I'll have to add a drop of something wet because they love it. I can put a half a spoon of cheaper wet food in.

DianaB 10-15-2011 06:42 AM

I'm like the two of you....I haven't kept up on Reuger and Jazzi's grooming. They both need baths so badly and Reuger needs to be groomed before it gets much colder. I've decided that I'm going to keep him short through the winter because he just gets so shaggy by the time spring gets here.

Today I'm determined to get my room straightened. It's been a mess since Dae Lynn moved in because I moved several things in there that I didn't want in the basement......Well, guess what........they're going to the basement!!!!! I have several things that I want to sell on e-bay so I'll leave them there as a reminder. I'm so ready to have things back in order!!!

Dae Lynn came home from work yesterday not feeling well and was sick in the night. I sure hope that the kids don't get it. The flu has been going around......already. She's not too sick because she still got up and is getting some things done and is taking Karlie to Damon's sister's for the weekend (It's been a tough week with Karlie.) Then she's coming home to crash. I hope she's better soon!!

Janet 10-15-2011 04:54 PM

I'm not really noticing mine smelling too bad, but they look horrible. I'm keeping them all short for winter, but not near has short as summer. Brenna is still in long coat so she's in for a big surprise...lol.

Today I met with the guy that's going to put on an extension and new valve behind Mom's gas stove. I asked Jerry to come and he did. The man's name is Wayne and he did a lot of work for Mom. He said he would be glad to do it and will come on Monday around 4:30, that gives me enough time after my afternoon route to get there. I think Jerry is going to come too.

After Wayne left...Jerry and I sat and talked for about 90 minutes before I had to leave for Applebee's. It was really nice...just talking and not about Mom or the auction. Just normal things.

I met my friend and her Mom for lunch and another girl that we graduated with was the bartender. She wasn't busy so sat with us quite a bit and we had such a good time. The food was so good and so was the conversation and laughs. We were there for a couple hours. My friends mother will be turning 94 next Friday so I'll be going to the nursing home to share in cake and ice cream. Her mother also played the organ I our wedding.

After lunch, I went to Wal Mart and bought some potting soil, African Violet soil and a couple pots to replant some of the plants that I brought home from Mom's. I'll probably do that tomorrow sometime after giving the dogs a bath...maybe before.

Guess that's about all for today. I really need at least one more day for the weekend, two days just aren't enough to get everything done.

Karlie is a pistol Judy.....I hope you can handle her...lol. Really.....she is so cute, but I can see where she can be just as Diana describes at times.

Tiramisu 10-15-2011 06:49 PM

I've been going around in my little circles. Mediation went ok, divorce should be final on the 21st, so that will be behind me. My emotions have gone crazy, he's asking for 6 more months, but I said no more tries. Jaw is better and I realized that I was bearing down really hard on my teeth in stress. I have my 19 year old niece with me for the weekend, hanging out, relaxing.

My doggie needs grooming really bad, wish she'd learn to bathe herself!!!!

gja1000 10-16-2011 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 123469)
I've been going around in my little circles. Mediation went ok, divorce should be final on the 21st, so that will be behind me. My emotions have gone crazy, he's asking for 6 more months, but I said no more tries. Jaw is better and I realized that I was bearing down really hard on my teeth in stress. I have my 19 year old niece with me for the weekend, hanging out, relaxing.

My doggie needs grooming really bad, wish she'd learn to bathe herself!!!!

I bet you've been going around in circles. You NEED this divorce to be OVER! Yes, STRESS will do that to your jaw, I'm glad you know what is causing the issue, NOW I just want the issue to be OVER for you so that you can relax! Take care of yourself.

gja1000 10-16-2011 04:48 AM

My daughter Brooke called yesterday and said, "If y'all are going to be home this weekend, the girls and I are coming up". And the answer was yes that Gary and I had decided not to go to the deer lease this weekend. Gary was really tired from being in Oklahoma last weekend, and he had worked hard (well he had been busy running around :p) all week long, so he said he was just too tired to take the trailer to the deer lease. Plus, I think he felt sorry for me with all my poison ivy and he knew having to be out in the warm temps (high 80's) I would be miserable. So on Friday, we had decided we wouldn't go anywhere this weekend.

The reason for the girl trip from Houston was that Abigail wanted to go to a haunted house here in Austin. It's one she's gone to with her friends for several years - sort of a tradition. Bryan was going to work all weekend and Brooke thought it was a good time to come on up.

We were delighted to have them, except my housekeeper has been on vacation, so I had to scurry around and get the house cleaned up a little bit. It turned out to be fine and the house looked better when they got here, but now it looks like a tornado went through! LOL I'm glad the maid is coming on Tuesday! :D

We had fun, we went shopping for a bit yesterday afternoon. Then we went out to eat at a local restaurant, and the food was really good. Then Brooke left with Abigail and the other girls going to the haunted house. Emma, Papaw and I stayed home and we had a fun evening!

We will go out to eat this morning and then they will head back to Houston. I'll be able to get the rest of my errands done, and so it will have been a busy, but fun weekend!

Tiramisu 10-16-2011 02:37 PM

Gotta love those busy fun weekends with your babes. My niece and I had fun doing nothing much but catching up, talking. I think I have her talked into getting into college. She's very smart but has no aggression, like her dad. Got my laundry done and am about to go chill on the porch.

Let's have a gooooooood week.

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