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DianaB 10-16-2011 02:43 PM

Sandy, I know that you're so ready for the divorce to be done. At least you have a date set now. Hopefully things will slow down for you after that.

Gayle, I know that you've enjoyed having your daughter and granddaughters there for the weekend. I always have to tell myself when the kids are here that the mess cleans up easily when they leave!!! I visited someone once that the kids would bring out toys and when they went into another room to get more she would have the first bunch picked up!!! I swore that I would never be so picky!!! Like I said.....it all cleans up easily AFTER they're gone!!! I do know that you don't fret too much over it. I'm sure that the girls are growning so much!!! I hope they're liking where they're living now.

We had a church dinner after church. It was nice because I brought a couple of dishes that I can eat on my diet but was concerned that I might not get any because I tend to go through the line last but the lady in charge allowed me to keep them in the kitchen so that those of us on the diet could eat it. There were a couple of other things that we could eat but it was nice to know that we were being thought of.

After Glen and I got home (Dae Lynn and Dean stayed home because she's still not feeling well) Dae Lynn and Dean left to go and pick up Karlie. It's been such a restful weekend with her gone because she tends to be loud and Dae Lynn gets on to her a lot. I got to watch tv and be on the computer with NO interruptions!!!! Yay!!!!!

I did get my room straightened and some stuff taken out.....that still needs to be taken to the basement.....but I still have some stuff to go through and organize. It feels so much better though than what it did!!

Janet 10-16-2011 03:27 PM

Didn't do much today either, just laundry. Kind of been a down day, but I know they are to be expected. Missing Mom alot today, just wanting to talk with her.

Tomorrow I meet the guy who's going to fix the gas line and then on Tuesday, Jerry and I will be going back to Toyota. I'm not good at bargaining with people and he is....so...we'll see what will happen. Hopefully we'll come home without Mom's car.

gja1000 10-16-2011 05:42 PM

The kids left about 9:30 this morning, a little earlier than they planned, but Brooke woke up with terrible congestion, so they decided to hurry on home.

I got the house picked up and back to (almost) normal. I also had to work on the travel trailer a little bit. When I plugged it in for Brooke and Emma to sleep in, I turned on the hot water heater - but the LP gas detector went off, so I knew the pilot on the hot water heater didn't light. So I turned off the gas - they really didn't need hot water, they were just sleeping out there (we only have a twin bed in the guest room and our other bedroom is our office). So, this afternoon I went out and turned on the hot water heater again. This time, I could hear the pilot light fire up and I could hear the burners (or whatever they are called) were lit. In just a bit the water was hot, so I'm not sure what was going on. Anyway, I'm glad that everything is OK since we plan to take the trailer out to the deer lease next weekend.

Then I went to the grocery store and also to the nursery for an aloe vera plant. The poison ivy on my abdomen looks like a burn now, rather than poison ivy. So, I thought aloe vera might help it heal faster - who knows. I am still having tiny spots of poison ivy pop up in various places. All the poison ivy information says it CANNOT be spread but I think that's a bunch of bull. It says the only way it can spread is by the original poison ivy oil. I have taken a shower every day, sometimes twice, I wash my clothes and bedclothes everyday in HOT water - I do not think it is possible for there to be any more poison ivy oil ANYWHERE - yet, I'm still getting new spots. Anyway, the huge area on my abdomen doesn't itch or burn anymore, so that is good. My face looks really good, the rash/redness is almost all gone.

Now, I'm just vegetating and watching TV. I have to take mom to the orthopedic doc in the morning - she is not walking at all now, just scooting around in a wheel chair. I'm afraid something bad is wrong with her leg, and I hope we can find the problem. Gary is going to help me take her since I will have to take the wheel chair along to get her into the docs office. Sigh. I sure hope we can find out what is wrong.

DianaB 10-17-2011 08:42 AM

I've heard people say that poison ivy can't spread....but it does!!! I have to be careful when I have it because I'll end up with it all over. If I get it on my leg then I'll soon have it on my face!!! UGH!!! I have also gotten it off of Glen's clothes after he's been in it!!!

The last time I had a little spot on my leg I was using a little tube of Benedryl that you dab on and it started spreading because it got on the dabber. I had to throw the thing away!!! So make sure you're not using something like that to treat it!!

I don't usually get it under my clothes but I imagine that with it not getting air circulation it's making it harder to clear up. I do hope you get over it soon and before you go to the deer lease!!!

Janet, I hope that Jerry can get a good price for your Mom's car. It will be one less thing to worry about then.

Tiramisu 10-17-2011 03:53 PM

Went to work, three of my girls were out, came home and started priming the paneling. Life is good, except Carol comes back tomorrow!!!!!

Janet 10-17-2011 04:35 PM

Hopefully everything will be much better for you Sandy once the divorce is finalized.

Gayle....I just hate that you're having so much trouble with the poison ivy. Maybe you should just stay home and walk around naked while dabbing alcohol all day. Either that or drink the alcohol....either one couldn't hurt.. :)

Today was cold. Tomorrow we aren't suppose to get out of the 40's...brrrrr. Long as we don't have snow....it's okay.

I hope Jerry can do the deal tomorrow so we won't have to bring Mom's car back home. We just don't have the room in the drive for another car during the winter months.

gja1000 10-17-2011 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 123488)
Went to work, three of my girls were out, came home and started priming the paneling. Life is good, except Carol comes back tomorrow!!!!!


As you can see, I'm excited to hear from you!!! Sorry Carol is back tomorrow. It sounds like you are making good progress on your house! Yay!

gja1000 10-17-2011 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 123489)
Gayle....I just hate that you're having so much trouble with the poison ivy. Maybe you should just stay home and walk around naked while dabbing alcohol all day. Either that or drink the alcohol....either one couldn't hurt.. :)

Today was cold. Tomorrow we aren't suppose to get out of the 40's...brrrrr. Long as we don't have snow....it's okay.

Sounds like a plan to me, Janet! :D It's actually a little better today. The ivy on my abdomen looks like a burn so I bought an aloe vera plant (think I already told you that). Anyway, it looks a little better today, so maybe the aloe is helping!!!

Took mom to the orthopedic doc today. He couldn't find anything mechanically wrong so we are going tomorrow morning for an MRI. We'll go in Thursday afternoon to get the results. Mom is doing pretty good. She is scooting around in a wheel chair. She can transfer herself from the toilet, bed, and chair to the wheel chair. She can get dressed and get down to the dining room - so she's doing pretty good. I sure hope we can find out what this is!!!

Lindsey 10-17-2011 07:47 PM

There is some more big news in my family... on Sunday, my brother got engaged too! This is terrible, but the first thought in my mind (and Scott's) was that they were going to try to out-do our wedding, by maybe having theirs first, or right after, and doing it bigger and better, because that's how it always seems to happen... I was relieved when I found out they are planning it for 2013! I think that was really nice of them to let us have our day still.

Well, I have two weeks left at my current job, and then moving on again. I swear, this is the last big change I'm making for a long time!!!

Gayle, I'm glad your mom seems to be getting around well on her own, but I do hope a doctor can figure out what's going on. I am so sorry you're still having problems with that poison ivy! That must be terrible.

Janet, it has gotten pretty cold here too! I'm kind of hoping for snow :) I will not be saying that in January though.

Sandy, did you decide to prime and paint all the paneling?

Janet 10-19-2011 07:12 AM

Gayle...let us know what you find out about your Mom's leg at her Dr. visit. I hope they can get to the problem and make it better and that for now she can get around okay.

Tiramisu 10-20-2011 04:17 PM

Regular stressful day. Knees are callused from praying for carol. She's looney. Plan to get me some geritol and get lots of housework done this weekend.

gja1000 10-20-2011 04:57 PM

LOL! Sandy you are a HOOT!!! I hope your crazy manager gets some help soon - or a new job!!!

Well folks, my mom has a stress reaction in her femur (top long bone in the thigh). I'm sure you've heard of stress fractures - well she doesn't have a fracture, just a reaction which is causing her pain. They don't have a clue what caused it other than she walks with a cane in her right hand and the leg next to the cane (her right leg) has more weight on it, and thus, stress on it because a cane in your right hand takes the stress of the left leg. So the doctor said that always having more weight on the right leg could have caused the stress reaction - or not - who knows!

Anyway, it should get better with time and physical therapy. It will take a while, but she has to "push through it" as the doctor said. She can use the wheel chair, but she needs to get up and walk some everyday with a walker, which takes pressure off both legs.

I am very relieved to know that it is not something more serious. I'm not sure my mom WILL "push through it". She's a wimpy baby - but we'll see.

Janet 10-20-2011 05:52 PM

At least you know what to do now. I hope she'll use the walker and get better quickly, will she do that?

Tiramisu 10-20-2011 07:01 PM

Good news, Gayle.

gja1000 10-20-2011 08:04 PM

Yes Janet, she will use the walker. I'm concerned that she will spend too much time in the wheelchair though. She tends to use the way out. I know she'll walk some, but I'm concerned that she won't try very hard. I guess we'll see.

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