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Janet 10-21-2011 05:57 AM

That's the way Mom was too.....she thought it was just easier to have someone push her in the wheelchair and she didn't walk as much as she should have. I tried, but she had a way that at times I gave in to her and I shouldn't have.

Janet 10-21-2011 06:17 AM

So far today I've run my morning route and then came home and went through the house like a tornado! I dusted every room and swept the floors and put away whatever needed out away. Let the dogs out, cleaned my kitchen and for this weekend....I'm done....sort of.

I'll run my afternoon route and then I'll be done for the day. Tomorrow I'm going to visit with a friend and her mother to celebrate her 94th birthday. We will be going out yo eat and while we are gone, the nursing home will be setting up for the party. That should be a lot of fun...I just adore her mother.

I'm hoping Sunday afternoon to get the dogs bathed. The look horrible and their nails need trimmed so bad. I've been such a bad dog mom recently. I'm just so tired of so many of them, but I don't think I could really let any go even though I want to so bad.

I'll just have to try and keep myself motivated. It's gotten so much cooler in the 30's and 40's so I mostly want to lay around and do nothing.

DianaB 10-21-2011 06:47 AM

Dae Lynn and the kids are home today because there's no school. Dean and I have pretty much gotten in a routine so having the other two home really changes the day!!

We have our ladies group from church coming out today to ride 4-wheelers, hay rack ride, and roasting hot dogs. We have a lot to clean up outside to make things look better. Tomorrow we have Chi Alpha, a college church group, that will be coming for the day. They are such an interesting group to have because they have a lot of international students.

We haven't had much going on.....same ol'....same ol'. I've been getting into orchids so I've been repoting some of them and arranging them in my kitchen window. I have three that are reblooming and a new on that's about to bloom. That's exciting for me!!!

Gayle, I sure hope your poison ivy is about gone!! I've never tried aloe on it so I'm not sure if it helps or not.

I hope your Mom follows the doctor's orders. It is probably hard to walk when it hurts and pushing through wouldn't be fun. Give your Mom a hug from me!!!

Sandy, hang in there!!! Maybe you should pray that Carol would find another job!!

Lindsey, don't worry about your brother's engagement. Don't compete and don't worry about what they plan or are talking about. If you do it will take a lot of your enjoyment away. Be happy for them but don't let ANYTHING stress you out. If your future SIL is small enough to try and up stage you on this then she is a very small person and don't stoop to her level!!!

judy 10-22-2011 07:25 AM

I was supposed to go to Kassidy's soccer game today, but since she was sick this week, they are keeping her home. I am going to see them tomorrow.

Today, there is a flea market nearby - clothes, I think, that were donated for flood victims, but weren't needed. Ya never know!!!

There is also a small vendor sale in town. It's a sidewalk sale, and maybe I can pick up some good produce. The apples I have gotten lately are so delicious!!!

Gayle, I hope your Mom feels better soon. It is so hard when the body gets old!

Linds, don't pay any attention to your future SIL. She is a bitch, and always will be. And, it seems that she will always try to one up you. Pray for her happiness. If somebody is happy, they tend to not want to annoy anyone else. Are her 2 girls your brother's daughters? I can't remember, but it would be best if they got married so the girls are happy. Anyway, she cannot outdo your wedding. The way you look in your wedding dress is unbeatable!!! And, you are wearing red shoes! No way she can top that! I bet she will have plenty of negative things to say about your wedding, so be prepared to ignore her. She really is pretty pathetic if this is the focus of her life. She sounds like she needs help!

Sandy, maybe that crazy boss will come back on medication!!! She sure needs it! I hope that gets better really soon! The divorce will be over before you know it, and then you are 100% free!!!:D

DianaB 10-22-2011 07:32 AM

This is how my last couple of days have gone.............................................. ...........................


DianaB 10-22-2011 07:36 AM

I'm having an awful day!!! Dean's pressing buttons on the computer so I'm actually re-writing this!!! The kids have been awful.......Dae Lynn's at the jail visiting Damon so I'm left with them AGAIN. Dean keeps playing in the dog food and Chi Alpha is due at any moment! I'm so ready to head somewhere.........anywhere!!!! I have a headache that I'm starting to think may be stress related......I'm not sure! BIG DEEP BREATHE.......Please God help me through this day!!!!!

judy 10-22-2011 12:16 PM

Oh no! Poor you, Diana!!! Maybe Dae Lyn has to get someone to help you when she goes out for the day. I'm sure there is somebody who can come over and lend a hand. Never try to be Supermom !!! Then, they expect it, and it just gets too hard! They forget that we are getting older, the kids are at a bad age, we aren't up to it, or whatever.

I just told Jessie that "No, the kids cannot sleep over tonight. They were home half the week with stomach viruses." Of course, I feel very guilty, but it's better than feeling very stressed!

Janet 10-22-2011 05:21 PM

Diana....since you watch Dean during the week...maybe you should see if Dae Lynn can get someone else to watch them on the weekend....maybe one of the older grandkids. That way you can have your weekends to do as you please. I know she wants to spend time with Damon, but you need a break too.

Judy's right...we just are not spring chickens anymore and the stress can really get to us. So...continue with those BIG DEEP BREATHS and hopefully they will help.

Forgot to say that I spent the bigger part of the day with my friend Diane and her mother. Her mother turned 94 years young. We had a really nice time. For lunch we headed to Lafayette to eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken. They have a really nice buffet there and Marian really liked it. While we were gone some of the staff decorated Marian's room for her birthday (she lives at the Mulberry Retirement Home).

When we got back we had cake and some of the residents stopped by to give birthday wishes, cards and to have some cake. There was a new resident across the hall so I went and spoke with her for awhile and took her a piece of cake. Turns out she knew Mom and attended the same church as Mom....small world. I was so glad that I included her in the celebration, she was so sweet.

Tomorrow...I hope I have the energy and motivation to get the dogs groomed...they need it soooo bad!

Tiramisu 10-22-2011 07:32 PM

Got my divorce! I'm not celebrating because I do believe in marriage. Now, he's texting wanting to be friends. Now, he understands what went wrong. Boohoo, my fat butt! As soon as he transfers the funds, I'm blocking bus number. I do feel a huge release and am so glad it's done.

I ripped out the paneling over the bar area and have decided to take those cabinets out to open the kitchen up to the dining. I have room to build a pantry/pans cabinet on the open wall area.

I lost all my before pictures from my iPhone when I upgraded to the new software. I had pictures lots of pictures on there that I would dearly love to have back. No, they weren't backed up on my laptop. I'm just sick about it.

Church tomorrow and maybe some yard work and wall painting.

Love y'all!

Janet 10-23-2011 03:35 AM

I know you're not celebrating, but congrats on your new beginning. Hopefully he'll transfer the funds quickly and you will be able to move on.

Sounds like you're moving right along with your remodeling Sandy. So sorry you've lost the pictures.

judy 10-23-2011 06:46 AM

Janet, is this a new picture of you? It's lovely! You are just so pretty! Yesterday sounds nice for you. Have fun with the dog bathing.

Sandy, congrats anyway. Onto the future woman!!! Did you rip off the paneling by yourself?

I have to go to Jessie's today! I haven't seen them in over a week, and I feel so guilty about not letting them sleep over last night. I was right, but maternal guilt sucks! Especially because Jess is sick, and works so hard with the kids. He helps, but they don't allow him to go out with them anymore. It got to a point where he was so grouchy (because he doesn't have a job????) that Jessie just told him flat out that the kids and she don't want him with them. I feel bad for him, but maybe he will learn to stick a smile on his face like most adults do. He is so self involved! She threatened to divorce him a few weeks ago. He didn't believe her that the kids can't stand his grouchiness anymore, so Mackenzie told him flat out. He kept asking Jess if they were getting a divorce, and finally she told him that she doesn't have the energy to get divorced right now. She loves him, but her kids come first. She is tired of being around someone in a bad mood too.

Maybe you could send some prayers their way? It would be good if they were all happy with each other.

I'm going for my under eye surgery tomorrow. I'm nervous!

Tiramisu 10-23-2011 04:54 PM

Hope you all got some rest today.

Church was awesome this morning, then went to home depot to get more paint, went to cvs to get prevacid, got home and put the last coat of paint on that one living room wall. The molding is stained ... Should I paint it?

Sipped wine on the front porch and am turning in for the night. Let's go out there and have an awesome week. He'll yeah!

DianaB 10-24-2011 05:16 AM

Sandy, I'm glad that your divorce is final. I know that you're relieved that it's finally done.......less stress for you now!!!

I'm sure that you'll have the house just like you want it in no time!!! That's rotten about losing all of your pictures.

Janet, I'm so glad that you went to the birthday party for your friend's mother!!!! She sounds like a sweet lady!! I'm sure it meant a lot to find a friend of your Mother's while at the nursing home!!

I have to say that your new avatar looks really nice!!!

Judy, don't feel too bad about not having the kids come and stay with you.......after all you don't want to deal with sick kids or getting sick youself especially with your surgery coming up. I hope that you're not in too much pain afterwards. And I hope the surgery is all that you want it to be!!! I'll say a prayer for you!!

Poor Jessie!!! Hopefully her husband will straighten up soon. She sounds like a strong woman......dealing with her husband and her illness.

DianaB 10-24-2011 05:47 AM

This weekend was just hard. Whenever Karlie is around life is so different.......not that I don't love her. I have to keep reminding Dae Lynn that she's only five but she just knows what buttons to push and it keeps her in constant trouble!! Whenever Karlie is around Dean she does things to keep him screaming, then Dae Lynn's yelling and the whole house is in an uproar!!!

Dae Lynn went to the jail and saw Damon and he talked to her about where he should go when he gets out of jail because he wouldn't come here with Glen upset with him so Dae Lynn came home all upset and talked to Glen about how he would feel about Damon moving in with us.......and let's just say that it didn't go well. I talked to Glen and he's willing to let him but it's not without hard feelings.......so Dae Lynn was in tears. I feel trapped in the middle because I can see both sides.

During all of this we had Chi Alpha here!! They are such a great group of kids!! We didn't have as many kids this year so that was a disappointment. There are several that have been here before so it's always good to see them. One I talked to is going on to get her Master's so probably won't be here again. I was so sad over that because she's so friendly!! She's from Malysia......one was from France......another from Napal. There's s so many different accents that you know that they're from different places!!! They played games in the meadow........carved pumpkins........roasted hot dogs and smores.......then went on a WILD hayrack ride!!! Everyone says that there's not a hayrack ride that compares to Glen's!!!! Chi Alpha was a nice distraction with all of the things going on with Dae Lynn.

Yesterday was church. I had to do children's church for Amy since she's sick. She had a movie all ready so we did that for the kids and they were really good at sitting still and watching it. Then we went out to eat with Dae Lynn and the kids, Kera and Daya, and Jaci and Nate. Dae Lynn had asked me to watch the kids while she went back to the jail to see Damon but at lunch we decided to go 4-wheeling with Jaci and Nate. I could tell that she was upset but she didn't complain about it. She CAN talk to him on the phone now a couple of times a day now.

So.....we went 4-wheeling!!! Jason (Amy's husband) came with Daya.......Jaci and Nate and Glen and I all went. Later a few other friends came and after the kids' naps Dae Lynn and the kids came. It was such a blast!!!! We rode around a dry creek bed. One of our friends, Steve, is a real dare devil!!! He's usually one to get hurt.....and I noticed that he was the only one with a helmet and padding!!! I'm sure that his wife makes him wear it!!! I got some GREAT pictures of him in the air!!! I'll post them soon.

Later we went over to another place that was all hilly and it was so much fun to ride there. I was really careful at first but soon got the hang of it but there were still places that were too steep for me!!! I stopped a lot and took pictures of the others!!

Right before we were ready to leave Glen rode up the side....not over the top but just up on a side and, I'm not sure what happened but I saw his motorcycle sliding down the hill with Glen beside it. We all ran over there to help and Glen was limping around. He just sat for awhile and the guys got his motorcycle put back up. It was about dark so we were ready to leave and Glen insisted that he could still drive back to the pickup. He got on the motorcycle, started it, then bent over like he was checking something on the motor. Dae Lynn started asking him what was wrong when he suddenly just fell over!! He had passed out!!! It probably wasn't but about 20 or 30 seconds but scared all of us half to death!!!! We decided that he WASN'T going to drive back but was going to ride back on a 4-wheeler with one of us. So Jason took his motorcycle up closer to the road so he could pick it up easier and Glen got on with Nate and we all drove back to the pickup. The guys made Glen take off his boot so we could determine if we needed to stop at the hospital on the way home but his ankle didn't look too bad. He kept telling us that it was just sprained.

I have a feeling that we're headed in to the hospital today to get it x-rayed!! He can't put any weight on it so we're going to have to check it out.

I should mention that he didn't hit his head!! Glen goes into shock or something whenever he gets hurt. I've never had him pass out but he gets light headed or shakes and shivers. Even having a cold is hard on him at first. His body just doesn't handle things like that well. So......it looks like we've got a day at the hospital ahead of us. I think that I'll see if Tammy can watch Dean for me for a while.

Lindsey 10-24-2011 06:05 AM

I'm glad your divorce is done Sandy. Now you can just move on!

Janet, I'm glad you had fun with your friend and her mother! I love your new avatar too!

Judy, I hope things get better for Jessie and Steve. I know what it's like to be around someone grumpy all the time and I just can't stand it. I hope he realizes how hard it is on everyone else. Good luck with your surgery today!

Diana, I think you need a break too. Maybe you could talk to her about having another family member watch them on the weekends, like Janet suggested.

I had a talk with my brother about his wedding and they went on the weekend to look at a park/zoo to have it at. We had thought about that location too in the first place but we decided not to have an outdoor wedding because it's just more stress that day depending on the weather! But they are also renting the hall in the same location for the reception, which makes it easy to move inside if the weather isn't great. I am glad that they are going a totally different direction with theirs, so they won't compare. They will get married in July, 2013.

This weekend we had no plans, but ended up with lots of plans. We went into the city on Saturday, stayed overnight, checked out some churches for our wedding on Sunday, and then met up with some friends at a mall to hang out. We hadn't seen them since before we went to Europe! We didn't get home until yesterday evening, had a late supper, and went to bed. I kind of feel like I didn't even get a weekend!

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