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Janet 10-24-2011 06:29 AM

Thank you all for the compliments on my avatar. It's a far cry from pretty , but at least I'm not scaring children...lol.

If possible Judy, let us know ASAP how your surgery went. I'll be on the nervous side until we hear from you. I'm sure everything will be fine, but you know how I am. I hope you'll be very happy with the results. Of course prayers will be said for them....as always.

Diana...when will Damon be let out of jail? Isn't there any place that they could rent for awhile? It so different when someone moves in with you, but when it's a whole family...it's really hard. Will Damon be able to find work? You know you and your family are always in my prayers.

I know you all have such great time this time of year with all the activities. I haven't been on a hayride in years, but do have fond memories. I've not heard of anyone reacting the way Glenn does when he gets hurt...what a scary thing to have happen. Let us know about the x-ray.

So glad your brother's wedding will not be a competition.now forget about their wedding and start enjoying making the plans for yours. I know it will bea beautiful event!

DianaB 10-24-2011 09:39 AM

Glen decided not to go to the doctor. His foot shows a little bit of bruising but no swelling. Feyn and Jason have both broken their foot in about the same area and they said that there really wasn't anything the doctor did for it so Glen's decided not to spend the money to have nothing done. Anyway that's the decision for now. He got some crutches and got dressed....with a boot on one foot and a tennis shoe on the other......and is now sleeping on the couch!!! I know that he'll be out and about when he's ready.

Feyn was by this morning to check on Glen and we got to talking about Damon. He has very definite opinions about what we should and should not do. Anyway Glen and I have decided that before Damon gets out we're going to call a family meeting and have everyone help us decide what to do. Maybe it will help the family deal with this together. We'll see......

Janet, we're not sure when Damon will get out. He has another court date the middle of November and Dae Lynn thinks that they may let him out because he will have been in 5 or 6 months. Now she's not sure if Teen Challenge is where he needs to go and can't bear the thought of him being gone a year or more. It makes it hard for us to know what to do. Thanks so much for your prayers!!!!

gja1000 10-24-2011 03:14 PM

Just a quick update. Mom fell today and we are at the ER. She had a lot of pain in the hip area when she fell, but has no pain now while lying still. I imagine she has broken her hip, but I guess we will know soon. Sigh.

gja1000 10-24-2011 04:34 PM

The stress reaction in mom's leg converted to a stress fracture when she fell. So, the good news is she doesn't have a broken hip. They will have to do surgery to fix the femur, but that recovery will be easier than a broken hip. That's about all I know. We haven't yet seen the ortho doc. Probably won't see him/ her till tomorrow.

Janet 10-24-2011 05:41 PM

Oh Gayle I'm so sorry to read this. Thank God it wasn't her hip. I'm just about ready to sign off here and will then say a prayer for your Mom. Do you know how she fell? Well....they sure know how to keep us on our toes don't they? Give her a hug from your friend in Indiana!

Tiramisu 10-24-2011 07:08 PM

Oh, Gayle, I'm sorry, stay In touch.

Tiramisu 10-24-2011 07:16 PM

Regular stressful Monday. Stayed in my office and away from most of the whining. Had one of my girls go home sick, but he others were present. Started my name change process, hoping exxonmobil doesn't make it too difficult. Ironically, it seems natural to use my maiden name.

Take care

Tiramisu 10-25-2011 05:39 AM

Gayle, hope you and your Mom got some rest last night!

gja1000 10-25-2011 08:09 AM

Mom is OK today, no pain when the leg is still so she is just resting. They said maybe surgery around noon, but I haven't even talked to the surgeon yet and it's 11:00 so who knows.

Mom said she really didn't know how she fell or why. She said she was getting from her lazy boy chair to the wheelchair which she has done many times and then all of a sudden, she was on the floor. The leg may have broken and caused the fall, or the fall could have broken the leg, but I guess we will never know for sure.

I just met the internal medicine doctor who will follow her in the hospital and through rehab. I really liked her. She talked about some rehab facilities near our home, so that will be good if they are close to me. Mom will have to spend some time in rehab getting up and about again so she can go back to her assisted living apartment. She's not very hep on PT, but she's gonna have to do it.

Lindsey 10-25-2011 10:09 AM

Thank goodness your mom is okay! I hope she heals well and gets back to normal soon.

I am exhausted today and I have no idea why. I didn't go to bed TOO late but I just couldn't get out of bed this morning! I'm excited to be able to sleep in a little longer starting next week!

gja1000 10-25-2011 10:40 AM

Mom is gone to surgery. Gary and I are eating some lunch. I really liked the surgeon. He was really nice and personable and was really nice to mom. Hopefully it is an easy fix!

Janet 10-25-2011 12:24 PM

Keeping her in prayer Gayle.

DianaB 10-25-2011 01:15 PM

Gayle, I'm saying a prayer!! I hope all goes well. Keep us posted!

Dean woke up sick at his stomach this morning. Dae Lynn went on to work but called after a little while to check on him. He was still sick and not able to keep anything down. She ended up coming home to take care of him. He's too small to catch himself when he's sick so we both smell horrible!!! He seems to be doing a little better because he's keeping some food down now. I sure hope that this is over by tomorrow!!!

I've got the Alley in a little while so I'll take a shower here soon. I'm excited about going because I've been at volleyball games for a couple of weeks. I miss the kids and seeing what all they do!! Next week it's moved back to Wednesday nights.

gja1000 10-25-2011 02:14 PM

Oh Diana, I remember those days. Once when Abigail was about 4, we were in Oklahoma staying in a hotel and she got a stomach bug. She threw up in the bed with her mom who has a queasy stomach anyway, so I had to sleep with Abi (well lay there anyway) and when I heard her starting to throw up, I'd just hold a towel so she could throw up in it. Half the time she didn't even wake up. We did that most of the night. We were supposed to stay another day and ride the train home, but she didn't feel good and Brooke and I were so exposed we were afraid we'd all be sick on the train, so we rented a car and drove home. I'll never forget that adventure.

Mom is back in the room. The doc was able to do the less invasive procedure so barring complications, she should be OK. She woke up belligerent, which I have never seen before. Usually she is whiny tiny, but I've never seen her be mean! LOL! She's sleeping now, hopefully she is getting rid of all the meanness!

Shada 10-25-2011 02:16 PM

Your poor mom Gayle! Here is to a speedy recovery... prayers are with you and your mom...

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