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Mom woke up and she was completely calm and reasonable. She asked what was going on and I told her she was out of surgery and every thing was OK. She said OH, and asked if I was OK, then she promptly went back to sleep. She woke up again a while later and again, was completely calm and lucid. I asked if she hurt and she said No. I have class in the morning at 8:00, so I came home. She'll probably wake up at midnight and be awake all night. I couldn't stay up there at that time anyway and go to class at 8:00, I'd be a zombie!
I'm glad she didn't wake up mean again. Sometimes it can be a little un-nerving (sp) when someone we love is acting so out of character. It's great that she's going to be just fine. The PT will help her get better faster.
Good news, always like the less invasive stuff.
I had a crazy day ... Pulled into the parking garage at work, got out, left my keys in the ignition. Motor running, lights on, door unlocked, for about an hour before a girl who knew it was my truck called to check in me. At least I did t lock the door!!!! I'm in total overload. Ended with a very nice dinner, at olive garden, with my daughter. Life is good. |
I'm glad your life is good, Sandy, but I think you need some rest, lol!
Gayle, sorry to hear about your mom. I hope she recovers easily. I'm getting things ready to leave for Seattle. I've been dragging out some warmer clothes, because it's actually cool there:D When I told Mike I was taking the laptop with me, he didn't like that idea too much so we went today and got an iPad 2. I have it all synched, so I'm taking it on the plane with me so I don't have to carry my MacBook. It will be so much easier to read my Kindle books on an iPad than on my phone! I'll be staying longer than I really wanted to, but with the days I picked to travel, my round trip ticket was just $248!! I love Southwest Airlines:p |
Gayle, I'm glad to hear that your Mother's surgery went well and that she's back to her sweet self!!! I imagine that she didn't even know that she was grumpy!
Betsi, have a great time with your son and daughter-in-law!!! It sounds like fun to go and travel a little......even if it is to your son's house. I imagine that there's a lot to do in Seattle!! Dean's a lot better today!!! Dae Lynn and I each had to change clothes three times yesterday!!! Yuck!!! About 3 o'clock yesterday his little tummy started keeping drinks down. We had several little kids from the church that were sick yesterday so I think that one of the nursery workers must have been sick and exposed them......or possibly another kid. Sandy, you need to go somewhere and relax. You are definitely stressed and need to de-stress. Is there a family memeber's house you can go to for the weekend and just do nothing but have a good time? If so you need to go!!!! Life has been too hard on you lately and you need to take your mind off of things and just have a good time!!! I forgot to mention that my granddaughter, Kiley, ran a regional cross country race on Saturday and placed 10th!!! So she gets to go to State on Saturday. Glen and I are making plans to go and watch her!!! Anyway I think that Glen's going......with his leg.....hmmmm......we'll see. I may just take a chair and sit him in the shade!!! He's finally going to the doctor to have it checked out this afternoon. Anyway......we're so excited about Kiley!!! She's only a freshman but she's out running all of the other Fredonia team!!! This may not be the last time that we'll be at state!!!! |
Betsi, have a great time.
Diana, I'm so glad Dean is better. Wow! Kiley sounds like she's quite a runner, that's really exciting! Sandy, I did that once too, but it wasn't because I was stressed out like you, it was just because I was silly!!!! You do need to de-stress! Mom is doing better today. Due to class and Gary having two doctors appts, I didn't get up here till about 2:00PM. She called me about 1:00 and told me if I didn't get up there she was going to whip me!!!!! She's getting a little feisty. The physical therapists came to work with her and she did really well. They recommended her for the rehab program here at the hospital. That is great news because I won't have to transport her to another facility on Friday. They still have to qualify her through Medicare for this program, so there is a chance she will have to go somewhere else, but hopefully not. They don't recommend everyone for the rehab program here at the hospital, so we are lucky they think she has the potential to do the program here. Now for the bad news, Gary is not feeling well at all. He is having major trouble breathing today. Coincidentally, we had a routine appt with his heart doctor this morning. His lungs sounded so bad she called his pulmonary doctor and we went straight from the heart doctor's office to the pulmonary office. It really helps to have a doctor call another doctor!!!! Gary had to start on steroids to help him breathe better. I sure hope they help! |
You're being double barreled aren't you. Sure hope Gary gets some relief soon. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
Gayle, glad your mom is better! I hate that about Gary. It's scary to be sent by one doctor to another doctor. It always makes me nervous to leave Mike at home when I go to Seattle, but it's hunting season:rolleyes:
Diana, I'm glad Dean feels better. It's so hard to have such a sick little one! What did you find out about Glen's ankle? |
Gary feels much better this evening and his oxygen levels are much better too. WHEW! He looked like warmed over sh!t this morning - but he looks sooooo much better this evening. :)
Whew!! It scared me to hear that Gary wasn't doing well! I'm so glad that he's doing better!!!
You are being hit with a double whammy!! Your Mom AND your husband!!! However it sounds like your husband's better and your Mom's pt will work out great for you as well!!! Today I have Karlie home sick!!! She's not as bad as Dean though. She had an upset stomach before Dae Lynn left for work and has just complained that her stomach hurts since then. She's not eating so hopefully she won't have trouble with throwing up. You couldn't explain to Dean that he should only take small sips of stuff......so he's drink and get sick......drink and get sick. She's well enough to still pick on Dean and tattle!!! It will be a long day!!!!! Glen went to the doctor yesterday and they x-rayed his foot. He has a broken heel and a small bone is also broken on the bottom of his leg. The doctor is suppose to let us know if we'll have to cast it tomorrow. He was going to consult with someone else about it. Glen would prefer to not have a cast so I'm not sure if he'll get one or not. You never know with him until he actually does it!!! |
I feel for you Diana with both of them home and one sick. That can't be fun. Hope you're making her carry a bucket around with her just in case.
Poor Glenn...tell him to man up and where the cast if he needs it....lolol. Maybe he'll only have to wear one of them boot things. That wouldn't be so bad. At least he could take it off to bathe. This morning I got my flu shot at the school for $15. Most around here are charging $25. Hopefully there will be no reactions. I still have trouble with my arm from a few years ago. There is less than two weeks (Nov. 5th) till we have the estate auction of Mom's things. I'm dreading this so bad. It was bad enough taking the car back...just one more thing to prove she's gone and now the auction. I still cry at least once everyday. I miss her. Jerry gets a pacemaker on Nov. 3. I hope everything goes well. He still smokes and coughs so bad that he sometimes can't breath. It scares me. I really haven't done anything exciting or fun....lol. Just normal things around the house and then time on the computer. I have been using my crockpot a little bit more. I think of what I want to fix and then go to CrockPotGirls and find a recipe for it. Maybe I'll start cooking more...maybe, there's still the mess to clean up....any volunteers? LOL |
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Nov. 5th is Feyn's birthday!!! We're planning on going hiking at a lake on the next day!! I hope the whole family goes!!
An auction sounds like fun!!! Of course, it will be a lot of work for you!! Don't pay attention to what things go for because what you think will bring a lot won't and things that you think won't go for much do......so it evens out in the end!!! I know that you'll be glad when this is all over!!! I'm glad that you're cooking!!! The crockpot is sooo easy!!! Make sure you spay it before you use it and that will help it come clean! There's a new product out where you line pans with it.......I don't know if it would work in a crockpot or not......it might not be wide enough but you might want to check it out. I hope that all goes well with Jerry's pacemaker. My FIL had one and got along so well with it but he did have to go in several times for a "tune up"!!!! After that he would feel so much better!! Here's a picture of our "runner".......Kiley!!! We're so proud of her going to State!!! 1. Kiley is on the far left side. 2. Here she is with her Grandma!!! OMG....she IS taller than me!!!! |
Long day, went by to see mom at 7:30 this morning and then at 8:00 tonight after class. She's doing OK, tired of the hospital, of course. She is not going to get to stay at the rehab at the hospital. I'm not sure if Medicare didn't approve it or if they decided she wasn't able to do the higher level of rehab. It really doesn't matter. She'll actually be closer to us in the facility that we will use. We will just have to transport her over there tomorrow or Monday - not sure when she will be released. I'm just looking forward to getting her settled into a rehab center so she can start getting some strength back.
I'm sure the hospital is doing what is best for your Mom. Hugs to both of you!!!
Karlie is better now......but Dae Lynn was sick in the night. She seems better but every once in a while complains that she's feeling worse. She's planning on going to Wal-mart this afternoon but we'll see how she's feeling. Glen and I went to the hospital this morning and got Glen's cast put on. Glen's not happy about it but it sounds like it was the right thing to do in talking to the doctor. He's not suppose to put any weight on it for 3 weeks....Ha!!! He's already trying to figure out how he's going to drive his standard pickup!!! We had another hayrack ride last night with our Alley kids. They were just wild......and my patience got very thin with them!!! Tonight is our youth group from church and I don't look forward to them either!!! We end up with trash all over and they don't care about anything.......not like the Chi Alpha group. This will be our last one.......I think!! Don't get me wrong......I love having the kids out but I do like them to be respectful and act responsible around the fire and to others. Everyone wants to play in the fire. |
I'm sure you're ready for you Mom to start getting her rehab started. The hard part is making them want to do it when we're not around...lol. Mom always had the excuse she was just too tired. She had never liked any kind of exercises. We made her at least do a few of all the exercises so she never got away with that excuse..lol. Hope your Mom gains her strength back soon.
I was hoping Glenn would be able to wear the boot thingy. I've heard they are a bit more comfortable than a cast. Hope he heals quickly Diana. Is he just about done with harvest? Maybe after the hayride you could have all the children gather and then pick up their mess. That's not right for them to accept the fun and be so disrespectful. Is there some kind of fencing or something like a exercise pens for dogs that you could put around the fire to keep them away from it? |
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