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judy 11-05-2011 06:41 AM

I have missed a few days, and I have to catch up!

I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I am doing fine. He took out the stitches, and now I just have to wait for whatever swelling there is to go down. My upper eyelid on one eye is really annoying, because of the way the stitches were. It is annoying, and intefering with my vision a bit. He said it will go back to normal, and I sure hope it's soon. I still have to take it easy, which I am not used to, but I think it's only for a couple of more weeks.

Then since I was in Schenectady, I went to a nice mall there. I cannot get used to the shopping here! Macy's was beautiful, clean and pretty, and the staff so helpful, but the store is so small! I am a city girl, and am used to big stores that are well stocked with everything you could want. I wanted to try on a coat they have advertised, and which is on sale. They didn't have it, and don't even have a petite department. I was going to order online which is much cheaper, so I just ordered it and hope for the best. I can return it if it doesn't fit. Annoying!!!

Gayle, I am sure you will keep Gary off dialysis! I'm also sure you will make sure your Mom gets the care she needs. You need a vacation in Hawaii, just laying on a lounge chair! You are the best wife and daughter!

Sandy, how nice that the house is moving along so nicely! How is it living there? I bet it's comfy and cozy. Good luck with getting the staff under control! It reminds me of teaching, keeping the kids under control, and avoiding the administrators!

Janet, I am praying for your brother. He will be fine. They do these procedures so easily now. I know you love him, and that will help him recover. I am sorry about Rick's job. I hope he didn't have to take a pay cut. As long as he is working, it is good though. I hope he gets used to it soon!

Diana, I hope you feel better! The flu is awful! Just stay in bed and take it easy. Maybe you can catch a good movie or something on TV while you're at it, if you feel well enough.

DianaB 11-05-2011 07:35 AM

Judy, it's good to hear that you're doing well. I can't wait to see pictures of you!!

Janet, Enjoy today!! You'll have a lot of people you know show up at the auction so enjoy seeing your friends!!! You're in my thoughts!!!

I'm feeling better but not completely. I have a headache. I need to go and take some ibuphrophen but I like to wait a while after I take my other meds. Hopefully it will help.

I had made plans with all of the kids to go hiking tomorrow a couple of weeks ago but it's really cooled off and it's suppose to be rainy so I've got to figure out what to do. Glen's broken his foot since then so he wouldn't be able to go and he's the one who really loves that kind of thing. I may just fix something to eat and have everyone over after church. We can play pool, ping pong, or air hockey in the basement. We'll see what happens.

Today is my son's 37th birthday!! It's so hard to believe that he's almost 40!!! I don't feel a lot older than that myself!!! I do have to say that I have a wonderful son!!! I so wish that all of you could meet him!! I'm so proud of him!!! He turned out pretty good considering he was born to 17 year old kids!!!!

Janet 11-06-2011 02:18 PM

The auction went very well, everything sold and for a good price. It was horrible watching things go to people that I didn't care for, especially a couple that are friends of Jerry's. It was just a hard day period and I would rather have not been there. I don't think I've stopped crying for much length of time. My Mom's things, her treasures are gone and the house is empty. I have to go clean now, but will wait a few days. I have a few errands that need to be done first.

Today, I swept the floors and did laundry. That's about it.

gja1000 11-06-2011 03:43 PM

Oh Janet, that must have been very hard, I can't imagine. My mom had to get rid of all her things when she moved down here with me, so I won't have to go through that. I can't remember, what are you all going to do with her house? You'll feel better after some time passes, you know your mom wouldn't have wanted you to be so sad.

Gary and I went to the deer lease this weekend and I am POOPED! He shot a deer so now he's got to get it all cut up over the next few days. We'll keep the tenderloin and some backstrap for chicken fried steak and then have the rest made into summer sausage. There's a guy in town that makes the BEST venison summer sausage. We haven't had any in quite a while so I am ready.

But I am really really tired. These weekends at the lease just really take a lot of work. It won't be quite so bad the next time - it's just that we have had so much to do to get things out there organized. I really love being out there, but i don't like all the getting ready to go, and cleaning up after we get home.

judy 11-06-2011 04:54 PM

It sounds like your day was very hard, Janet. It may take you a while to get back to yourself, but have faith. I know you do, and I will keep you in my prayers.

Go Gary! I am so glad he got a deer, Gayle. How many weekends are you planning to go to the lease?

I did nothing today. I was going to go see Jessie and the kids, but they had plans. I'll go over tomorrow after school for a cdouple of hours. I hardly had them sleep over since August! They went on vacation, and then things just keep coming up. I hope to get them in a couple of weeks. I miss them!

I have to admit that I have been enjoying doing nothing for the past couple of weeks since the surgery. I am bored at times, but I feel like I needed this peace and quiet. It's like I'm soaking up energy, and getting rid of stress.

gja1000 11-06-2011 05:44 PM

Judy, I like to do nothing sometimes too! We won't go back to the deer lease till the Friday after Thanksgiving. I'm not sure how many times we'll go. The season is over about the middle of January and we might go every two- three weeks.

judy 11-07-2011 05:15 AM

How far away is it? We are in the beginning of deer hunting season. Bows are allowed; no guns yet.

When guns are allowed, you can see tons of married men, off for a weekend of beer and butt watching with the guys,, dressed from head to foot in brand new camos, who pick up a deer carcass on their way home for about $600.00.

DianaB 11-07-2011 07:08 AM

Gayle, you do so much for Gary!!! You just amaze me!! Do you ever have time for yourself??? It's no wonder you're tired!!!! Taking care of your Mom and Gary!!! Wish I lived closer I'd run over and help you get things cleaned up and put away........you could watch Dean for me while I did it!!!!! LOL

But....Yay.....Gary got a deer!!!! I love deer sausage and jerky!!!! That's exciting!!! I bet he was so happy!!!!

Janet, I'm so sorry that the sale was hard. Hugs. At least you know that you kept what you wanted and you got the best price you could out of the rest. Don't even think about where the stuff was going.

I know that when I finally got my Dad's apartment cleaned out it was hard to close the door that final time and I cried. It was just so final. It still brings tears to think about. I think that was the hardest thing I did.....was close that door.

Tiramisu 11-07-2011 06:14 PM

Regular Monday work day for me. Met Laura and her girls at chilis for supper. They want me to read the hunger games books, so there'll be no housework going on around here. I sure wish I had finished painting BEFORE I moved in!

I'm excited. I just booked Christmas in Branson. I invited the kids and they might go, but I plan to go without them, if I must.

gja1000 11-07-2011 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 123805)
How far away is it? We are in the beginning of deer hunting season. Bows are allowed; no guns yet.

When guns are allowed, you can see tons of married men, off for a weekend of beer and butt watching with the guys,, dressed from head to foot in brand new camos, who pick up a deer carcass on their way home for about $600.00.

Yep, that pretty much sounds like where our deer lease is located. With all that Gary has spent throughout the years on the deer hunting clothes, binoculars, guns, deer blinds, lease, etc etc., we could have bought a deer hunting ranch, I'm quite sure. Our lease is about 110 miles from where we live - not too far in Texas terms. We ate lunch Sunday at the little town nearby and if the men in the restaurant weren't dressed in church clothes, they were in camo! LOL!!!

Saturday was the first day of gun season - it's been bow season for the past month. The husband on the lease with us killed a deer a couple of weeks ago with his bow.

gja1000 11-07-2011 07:27 PM

Thanks Diana. Yes, I do a lot for Gary, but I love doing it - most of the time. His time is limited and there will be a time when he is not able to do these kinds of things. I want him to have as much enjoyment for the time he has left. 60% of people with his diagnosis (heart failure) die within 5 years of the initial diagnosis. He was diagnosed 8 years ago, so he is beating the odds. And that is combined with the fact that he has had diabetes for 17 years, lung problems and now kidney problems. I just want him to be able to do the things he can do for as long as he can do them. Sometimes though, I just want to stay home alone like Judy!!!

Tiramisu 11-08-2011 06:09 PM

Yes, we got rain, a couple inches at my castle. I'm one of the masses who has trouble with the daylight savings thing, so I'm in bed at 8 pm. So nappy!

gja1000 11-08-2011 07:04 PM

I'm right there with you Sandy on the daylight savings time. I absolutely love DST - I don't like it now when it is dark by 6:00 - BUT - it really messes me up for about a week. I feel tired and worn out all week long. I force myself to stay up to my usual bedtime, but I am miserable mostly all evening.

judy 11-09-2011 06:01 AM

I understand what you are doing for Gary, Gayle. My father did the same dor my mother, who had rheumatic fever, and lots of heart damage. She died at 56. He gave her whatever she wanted. I also give Jessie whatever I can because of her MS. It's a one day at a time life with MS. She is doing well now, but I see some cognitive changes, like memory issues. I never mention it to her. I don't ecen knows if she is aware of it. It just makes me so sad, but I don't dwell on that. I pretty much go along with whatever she wants, and am supportive of everything she does. She could live like this until she is old and gray, or she could go downhill at any time. She should enjoy every day!!!

judy 11-09-2011 06:04 AM

I never seem to finish my posts!

I missed Mackenzie's school show last night. Jessie forgot to tell me until yesterday morning, and I said I wasn't going to go. I am going today to Kassidy's first gymnastics class, and will see the kids today. I planned on going over to the school last night anyway for about an hour, but my eyes bother me at night, so I missed it.


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