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Passionfruition 04-26-2007 07:48 PM

oooh MY!
I don't even think I have many words for this...what do you girls think? LOL!!!


goofywife 04-26-2007 07:54 PM

Wow, not sure what to think about that.

Lissa 04-26-2007 08:25 PM

Moral #1: EAT!

Moral #2: Sunblock is your friend, tanning is not

Moral #3: implants look really bad when you get old so either get them taken out or not at all


End of lesson. But thanks for sharing! I find stuff like that interesting

Tink 04-26-2007 09:15 PM

Oh my
They say you can never be too thin, but being thin does not mean you're attractive or should flaunt it. Those implants look like tumors!

Mandy 04-26-2007 11:09 PM

Awwww poor woman. The way those people look at her, shes quite the spectical.

Janet 04-27-2007 05:47 AM

Oh my goodness!!! I'm just not sure what to say....Lissa said it very well!!!

Jlynn 04-27-2007 05:26 PM

Ummm, all I can say is YIKES!!!

RLC12345678 04-27-2007 06:36 PM

YIKES! Makes me never want to tan again!!!!!!!!!!

Mandy 04-28-2007 12:31 AM

She needs to live on fish & chips for a couple of months!

Gina 04-28-2007 05:10 AM

Yikes is right, I have seen that email before and let me tell you, what was she thinking in parading in that thong bathing suit. I think thats disgusting..

DianaB 04-28-2007 05:21 AM

Obviously she views herself differently than everyone else views her.

Amber_lv 04-28-2007 07:29 AM

I am speechless lol :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

IamTam 04-28-2007 06:07 PM

She actually has a very nice figure but can you say "DR. 90120" She def needs to go on that show! Can you imagine what a skin lift would do for her!!!!!!!!:cool:

Rae 04-28-2007 06:18 PM

No comment on that one!

Lissa 04-28-2007 09:36 PM

I don't know how far I'd go in saying she's got a nice figure, she's definitely not large but I think she's beyond the line of too thin, you can see her pelvis from behind and her arms and legs are quite thin...

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