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Other people's driving....
I hate when other people....
1-do not use a turn signal 2-go way under the speed limit, and you can't pass them, cuz the idiot in the other lane is going just as slow 3-people who gab on cell phones and don't pay attention to whats around them 4-when people pull out right in front of you, and there is not one car anywhere near behind you....grrrrrrrrr 5-then i have to slam on MY brakes cuz you just pulled out in front of me! 6-when people brake for absolutely no reason...and there is no one even in front of them to brake for....grrrrrrr 7-when people don't pay attention to the traffic light, and its green for a few seconds before they go....usually after you honk your horn at them to go! 8-when people stop right when the light turns yellow....then I have to slam my brakes on! 9-on the highway--when you need to merge onto the highway, and the person is still in the right lane, and no one is even close to them in the left lane, and they won't move over to let you on the highway!!! 10-when people cut in front of you then slam on their breaks!!! Ok...these are just a few...what pet peeves do you have about other drivers? |
Yes i totally agree to everyone!!!! I have major road rage!!
Yep I hate all those things too
and to #9, those on the interstate who travel in the left lane (which is supposed to be for passing) going the speed limit or less and won't get over in the right lane so you can pass - they'll get a line of cars behind them (cause invariably there's a person going the same speed in the right lane), doing their best "sight seeing" act, mindless to the mile long traffic behind them. Finally, they'll increase their speed by like 1mph, just enough to get over in front of the other slow person, let the mile long traffic pass, then they are back over in the left lane. I think THIS is my greatest pet peeve as far as driving. :mad: |
Wow, Mandy! I think you hit them all!! Are you sure you're not from Jersey?:cool:
Those pet peeves hit mine right on!!! It would help out so much if everyone would just get out of my way!! LOLOL :D :D :D
SLOW A$$ drivers and people that leave their turn signals on but never turn!:mad:
I am pretty sure that in Wa state, they don't make cars with turn signals:rolleyes:
I hate other drivers... I swear no one knows how to drive but ME! :D I can't even keep track of the number of times a day I get cut off or just about hit....
But I guess it's one of the problems with living in a larger city... I'll take the bad drivers over living in the middle of nowhere! |
Your #3 is one I hate terribly. I think my biggest driving issue w/ others is seeing children NOT in car seats. :mad:
Do they come optional there too..? |
You can add one more to your list..as a school bus driver I hate it when they run my stop arm...you wouldn't believe how many do...are they that freak'n blind they can't see a big yellow bus with red lights flashing? If they can't see that, they should not be driving. :mad:
I agree with all these!!
I agree with ALL of these. THey are ALL my pet peaves. :mad: But what I hate MOST OF ALL is when people just cruise in the left passing lane. Do people not get that it is called the "PASSING LANE" for a reason?! If you aren't passing someone, get your A$$ over to the RIGHT side of the highway! :mad: :mad: :mad:
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