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Gutu28 10-10-2006 09:50 PM

Marriage Counseling?
How many of yall went to a marriage counselor before you married your hubby? I think its a great idea and have even heard of some churches not marrying couples unless they went to one. Did it help?? Do you wish you would have gone to one if you didnt? DO SHARE!

Janet 10-11-2006 06:01 AM

I wish we would have had it offered, but we didn't. We really didn't discuss money and things really important and we should have!!!!!

RLC12345678 10-11-2006 06:52 AM

Yes! My hubby and I went to pre-marital counseling before we were married. Our church would not marry us unless we did. I am SO glad that we did it! It was actually fun for both of us! We actually looked forward to going. At the very first session, we each took a separate personality test that asked us questions about how we grew up, how we would handle certain situations, etc. etc. The test was sent off and our preacher received a report back and our counseling sessions were based on that report. There were certain areas that we were VERY campatible in, and other areas that we were not so compatible in and those areas were the ones that our counseling sessions were based on. We talked about money, careers, children, conflict resolution, our expectations, our fears, everything! It was a very rewarding experience. I wouldn't mind going back and doing something like that again after we've been married for several years.

Oh yeah, after all of our conseling sessions were over, our preacher looked at my hubby and me and told us that we were "suspiciously well-suited for each other and if anyone can make a marriage work, it would be us." I thought that was a great compliment.

Taurus Babe 10-11-2006 07:54 AM

Awww! That's great! I think it's a great thing to go through before you marry. I
m not married but I think I'll do it before I get married.

Necee419 10-11-2006 08:01 AM

My husband and I plan to marry through the church next year and we are required to attend what are called "pre-cana" classes. We are Catholic and it is mandatory for us to attend these before we can validate our civil marriage through the church. I have heard from other couples that they are rather fun and very informative. Even though we are already married, I still think we will benefit from them. Our church also offers couples retreats and I hear they are very positive experiences for couples. We are scheduled to attend these classes in November and I will be sure to post on here to let you all know how they went.:)

RLC12345678 10-11-2006 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Necee419
My husband and I plan to marry through the church next year and we are required to attend what are called "pre-cana" classes. We are Catholic and it is mandatory for us to attend these before we can validate our civil marriage through the church. I have heard from other couples that they are rather fun and very informative. Even though we are already married, I still think we will benefit from them. Our church also offers couples retreats and I hear they are very positive experiences for couples. We are scheduled to attend these classes in November and I will be sure to post on here to let you all know how they went.:)

We have friends that are Catholic and went on the couples retreat and said it was definately a positive experience. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

May5 10-11-2006 08:55 AM

We went to marriage counseling also. It was great. There were areas that we hadn't discussed before (surprisingly) and it was really interesting to talk about it, and iron out our differences. We also had to take separate little "character" tests or something, and then talk about them. It was great. I would recommend it to everyone; it forced us to talk about children, finances, future goals, etc. I think our church would've married us without the counseling, but regardless, I'm glad we did it :)

rivermom 10-11-2006 02:43 PM

With all my marriages none of us went to pre-marriage counseling. I think the first two marriages we should have though, LOL.

But then again...I'm glad those didn't work out cuz then I wouldn't have the love of my life now.

I am all for counseling as long as you don't get physco info from your counsler. I've gone to some (after marriage) and WOW, THEY were the one's who needed help.

I recall one of my ex's going into counseling cuz well let's just say "he needed Viagra!". The counsler told him to have an affair as it would "jazz things up a bit".

Now c'mon people, and we paid this moron for this type of info? Good Lord, help that man!! :eek:

Janet 10-11-2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
With all my marriages none of us went to pre-marriage counseling. I think the first two marriages we should have though, LOL.

But then again...I'm glad those didn't work out cuz then I wouldn't have the love of my life now.

I am all for counseling as long as you don't get physco info from your counsler. I've gone to some (after marriage) and WOW, THEY were the one's who needed help.

I recall one of my ex's going into counseling cuz well let's just say "he needed Viagra!". The counsler told him to have an affair as it would "jazz things up a bit".

Now c'mon people, and we paid this moron for this type of info? Good Lord, help that man!! :eek:

He should have been reported to the medical board...what kind of creepos are out there giving advice!!!

rivermom 10-11-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
He should have been reported to the medical board...what kind of creepos are out there giving advice!!!

No kidding! It turned out he just didn't like sex. Now how the hell can one not like sex? It just baffles me really. It's amazing we ever had two kids together really. :confused:

Janet 10-11-2006 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
No kidding! It turned out he just didn't like sex. Now how the hell can one not like sex? It just baffles me really. It's amazing we ever had two kids together really. :confused:

Well now....that's a whole other story....I personally hate it myself...just another damn mess to clean up!!!

rivermom 10-11-2006 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
Well now....that's a whole other story....I personally hate it myself...just another damn mess to clean up!!!

Ok...time to begin a new thread!!! :eek:

Janet 10-11-2006 03:07 PM

LMAO......:yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:

Willow 10-11-2006 04:10 PM

Now I know the story behind the sex thread!!

We went to one counseling session...it was required by the minister who married us. He told us he thought we were very compatible and he was happy to marry us. We tried to pay him for his service and he refused the payment!

Mandy 10-12-2006 12:57 AM

Yes, we went to pre-marital counselling. The church would not marry us if we didnt attend ... now after being together for 20 years, it's kinda strange sitting there answering questions and filling in questionairs about each other, but it gave us a good laugh though LOL

Even our minister (female) laughed, she said, she has to make us do it and she had to make a few "home visits" she was cool, and had a great sense of humor!

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