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Meg 09-06-2006 12:08 PM

Intro Quiz for EVERYONE!
I thought it'd be fun for everyone to post a little about them on the same thread, so we can all get to know each other a bit, here is a small getting to know you quiz-

Marital Status-
Fav Food-
Fav Restaurant-
Fav Vacation Spot-
Something interesting about you-
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?

Meg 09-06-2006 12:21 PM

Name- Meg
Age- 25
Marital Status- Married 4 years
Kids- None
Pets- One cute yorkie boy named Keeley!
Occupation- I am in Esthetician School!! I love being in the beauty industry.
Fav Food- MEXICAN!!!
Fav Restaurant- The Cheesecake Factory
Fav Vacation Spot- Hawaii
Something interesting about you- I drink way too much diet coke. I like seeing movies alone. I love to laugh and I love to cry. I collect elephants and have since I was in 2nd grade. I hate flying, but do it because I love traveling! I worked at Disney World in a college program after highschool.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I'd buy either a yorkie sister for my yorkie, or take myself on a shopping spree - I'd get Coach bags and new MAC makeup.

Mandy78 09-06-2006 12:34 PM

Marital Status-married almsost 2 years
Pets-3 yorkies
Occupation-hair dresser
Fav Food-anything Italian
Fav Restaurant-Alberini's
Fav Vacation SpoAnywhere that has a beach and shoppingt-
Something interesting about you-HMMMM??????
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?buy another Biewer Yorkie!

Kimberley 09-06-2006 12:36 PM

Name- Kimberley
Age- 33
Marital Status- Married
Kids- 2 kids (son is 5 daughter is 11)
Pets- 3 yorkies
Occupation- Working for school district
Fav Food- ANYTHING! I am NOT a picky eater
Fav Restaurant- No particular fav
Fav Vacation Spot- Love to go to the beach
Something interesting about you- I'm a funny gal that likes to laugh. Most people don't know how to take my sarcastic personality so therefore, they think I'm a bit**. Oh well, can't please them all!
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?Go buy a new diswasher or stove. :rolleyes:

Chimchim 09-06-2006 01:09 PM

Name- Whitney
Marital Status-divorced
Kids-2 girls, 17 & 15; and then all my surrogate kids their friends who are always over and call me mom
Pets-Yorkie - Alphy; Golden - Abby
Occupation-legal secretary
Fav Food-mexican and deserts
Fav Restaurant-Anthony's for all you can eat crab
Fav Vacation Spot-vacation? never heard of it (Vegas)
Something interesting about you-hard to answer; I'd say boring but my friends would probably sayI'm loyal, hard working, I always put my friends and family before my own needs. I like to cross stitch when I get time, read, watch movies/tv, camp, hang out with my kids when they let me. I love animals. Purple is my favorite color. My friend says I have two stomaches. I get full from dinner but I can always still eat a piece of cheese cake. mmmmmm
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?pay off something would be the responsible thing to do. But honestly, I'd probably buy my kids some clothes and put some food in our kitchen costco style

magnolia 09-06-2006 01:30 PM

Name- Suzi

Age- will celebrate the 13th anniversary of my 40th birthday later this month

Marital Status- Happily married:)

Kids- 2 boys, ages 16 & 13

Pets- Gabby, age 9 and Gage, almost 2 - both Yorkies :):)

Occupation- Health Information Management Supervisor/Coding

Fav Food- Italian

Fav Restaurant- Toney's (local restaurant)

Fav Vacation Spot- Smokey Mountains or the beach

Something interesting about you- Ummm...will get back to you on that one.

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Donate half to local rescue group here where I live and give the other half to the animal shelter.

Lindsey 09-06-2006 02:55 PM

Name- Lindsey
Age- 22
Marital Status- Just dating
Kids- Not quite yet :)
Pets- Layla the yorkie
Occupation- Civil engineering technician, 3 more months of school to become a technologist
Fav Food- hawaiian pizza
Fav Restaurant- Montana's or Boston Pizza
Fav Vacation Spot- Yukon/Alaska
Something interesting about you- I turned from a quiet shy girl to a crazy girl who plays drums and is learning to ride a sportbike :D I'm much happier being crazy.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Pay my tuition! If my student loan doesn't come soon they're gonna threaten to kick me out!

Kimberly4 09-06-2006 03:12 PM

Name- Kimberly
Age- 30
Marital Status- Single
Kids- Nope
Pets- 2 (Simon and Hallie)
Occupation- Educator/Lecturer-Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Fav Food- Italian or Mexican (it's too hard to decide)
Fav Restaurant- The Turtle Club (Fairbanks, Alaska)
Fav Vacation Spot- Valdez, AK
Something interesting about you- Well I'm from Alaska and I used to spend every Fall hunting for Moose, bear, caribou, sheep, ducks and geese. I know isn't that horrible for someone who loves animals so much? But that is the lifestyle I grew up in. I can gut a 100 pound Halibut like you wouldn't believe! And I'm incredibly talented with firearms.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I would pay some bills (sad but true)

Amber_lv 09-06-2006 03:54 PM

Name- Amber
Marital Status- Married
Kids- 2 (one is 6yrs and one is 16 months)
Pets- 1 yorkie 4 months old named Peeka 2 cats Tigger and Lucky and 1 black lab Snickers
Occupation- home maker
Fav Food- Any type of pasta!
Fav Restaurant- Johnny Carrino's
Fav Vacation Spot- Home(lol)
Something interesting about you- I can't think right now LOL
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? go shopping for clothes for me and my Yorkie!and pay bills with the rest

Shannon 09-06-2006 04:28 PM

Name- Shannon
Marital Status- Engaged, getting married April 14, 2007
Pets- 1 yorkie. Lola Larue. She celebrates her first birthday on Sept 20th.
Occupation- Personal Assistant. I am a licensed Esthetician too.
Fav Food- Mexican
Fav Restaurant- Don Jose and Giuseppes
Fav Vacation Spot- Hawaii
Something interesting about you- Apparently, I was separated at birth from Meg.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? The shopping addict in me would want to go shopping for Coach purses and MAC makeup(I get a 30% discount on MAC.):) The practical side of me would pay bills.

brkfst8tiffanys 09-06-2006 04:42 PM

Marital Status-Married
Kids-3 teens: 15, girl. 17, boy. 18, girl
Pets-2 Yorkies, Pippa and Scout
Occupation-RN, Certified Clinical Research Nurse
Fav Food-Chocolate
Fav Restaurant-Outback
Fav Vacation Spot-Cabo San Lucas
Something interesting about you-
My mother died when I was 16, my sister and I raised our two younger brothers ages 2 and 4 years old at the time. I married my high school sweetheart and he's still my sweetheart!
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?[COLOR="Red"][/COLOR

I would buy a top of the line Celltei dog bag, and probably accessories and treats for my yorkies.:)

hle_625 09-06-2006 05:11 PM

Name- Heather
Marital Status-married for 1 year
Kids-nope not yet
Pets-2 yorkies
Fav Food-mexican
Fav Restaurant-El Charro
Fav Vacation Spot- any place with a beautiful beach
Something interesting about you- there is nothing interesting about me
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Buy another yorkie!

Sherry Lynn 09-06-2006 05:14 PM

Name-Sherry Lynn

Age-I was 47 last month

Marital Status-Been with Hubby for 20 years and celebrate 15th Anniversary this month


Pets-Five total - I have 2 geriatric Shelties, a 5 yr old Eskie and 2 Yorks under 2 yrs old.

Occupation-Usually an Executive Admin, but I haven't worked since I had a neck injury last November.

Fav Food-Seafood in general... shellfish in particular... also veggies!

Fav Restaurant-The Spice Market in NYC

Fav Vacation Spot-We go to all-inclusives in the caribbean for the winter... summer vaca varies

Something interesting about you-I was born in SC and that has always been 'home', but I was raised military so I've lived all over the place... SC, NC, MD, NY, PA, MA, FL, NJ and Turkey. I've been in Jersey almost 20 years now, but for some reason I still consider myself Southern...

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Spend it at the Biewer-Fest in Orlando this October

Necee419 09-06-2006 05:19 PM

Marital Status-Married
Kids-hopefully soon;)
Pets-Yorkie boy named Nikko
Occupation-Investigator for social services agency
Fav Food-Chinese
Fav Restaurant-Red Lobster
Fav Vacation Spot-Any place with a beach
Something interesting about you-I can wiggle my ears :D
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?Go shopping!

blowry 09-06-2006 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Meg
I thought it'd be fun for everyone to post a little about them on the same thread, so we can all get to know each other a bit, here is a small getting to know you quiz-

Age- 49
Marital Status-married (7 yrs in Nov, 2nd marriage)
Kids-2 girls, Erin 28 & Courtney 23
Pets-2 yorkies, Sadie & Lillie 1 maine coon cat, McKenzi
Occupation-unemployed at this time but looking
Fav Food-italian
Fav Restaurant-don't really have one
Fav Vacation Spot-anywhere with antiques
Something interesting about you-hmmmmm! not sure right now!
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?

I would pay bills...being out of work isn't easy...If I was working I would buy all new clothes~

okiegal 09-06-2006 05:51 PM

Age- 67
Marital Status-married
Pets-2 yorkies
Occupation-retired RN
Fav Food-cheeseburgers
Fav Restaurant-Swadleys burgers......(a local Oklahoma City burger spot)
Fav Vacation Spot-beach, beach beach
Something interesting about you- I am a people person, non judgemental, compassionate, love animals, reading, sitting on the beach....nothing spectacular just enjoying my life

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now-buy new t-shirts and jeans.

Mone't 09-06-2006 06:13 PM

Marital Status-Dating
Pets-1 yorkie 6 months
Fav Food-Turkey Wings and green beans
Fav Restaurant-Sylvia's NYC
Fav Vacation Spot-Hedo Resorts...Jamaica
Something interesting about you- I am really a very sweet lady!
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Pay bills, and BUY SHOES!!!

Kriston 09-06-2006 06:25 PM

Name- Kriston
Age- 41
Marital Status- Married - 14 years
Kids- 3
Pets- 3
Occupation- Teacher
Fav Food- Steak, Lobster, EggPlant
Fav Restaurant- Bonefish Grill & PF Changs
Fav Vacation Spot- Disney w/Kids, Aruba or Cruise w/o Kids
Something interesting about you- I love the water, sewing, museums, and sightseeing/visiting new places
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Could we make it a Million? LOL! I should donate it, but I'd probably put it toward a family vacation

This "getting to know you thread" is a good idea!

butterfly 09-06-2006 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Meg
I thought it'd be fun for everyone to post a little about them on the same thread, so we can all get to know each other a bit, here is a small getting to know you quiz-

Name- Heather
Age- 27
Marital Status- Married, almost 11 yrs
Kids- 3 two girls and one boy
Pets- Meg, our yorkie furbaby, and Isabella our calico cat
Occupation- Stay At Home Mom
Fav Food- Lasanga.. anything pasta
Fav Restaurant- Bostons
Fav Vacation Spot- Florida
Something interesting about you- I love animals and I dunno, my eyes are two different color one brown one green, weird huh
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?

Go Shopping, a day for myself for once ... lol

Elaine 09-06-2006 07:33 PM

Name- Elaine
Age- 49
Marital Status- married 33 years come november :)
Kids- 5
Pets- 2 yorkies Dixie & Peanut, tropical fish, 3 finches, 2 lizards
Occupation- stay at home mom
Fav Food- seafood & italian
Fav Restaurant- olive garden
Fav Vacation Spot- virginia beach
Something interesting about you- cant think of anything that would be interesting
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? save it for our new house

Meg 09-06-2006 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Shannon
Name- Shannon
Marital Status- Engaged, getting married April 14, 2007
Pets- 1 yorkie. Lola Larue. She celebrates her first birthday on Sept 20th.
Occupation- Personal Assistant. I am a licensed Esthetician too.
Fav Food- Mexican
Fav Restaurant- Don Jose and Giuseppes
Fav Vacation Spot- Hawaii
Something interesting about you- Apparently, I was separated at birth from Meg.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? The shopping addict in me would want to go shopping for Coach purses and MAC makeup(I get a 30% discount on MAC.):) The practical side of me would pay bills.

Shannon you crack me up, but you just may be right!

Luv2Teach 09-06-2006 10:26 PM

Name- Michelle
Age- 26
Marital Status-I've been with my bf for 6 years, we live together
Kids- 20 -- oh you mean of my own? none. Just the 20 that I take care of for 6 hours of the day.
Pets- 2 fantastic yorkies! Kona and Bernie
Occupation- 1st grade teacher
Fav Food- Mexican...mmm
Fav Restaurant- The Stinking Rose
Fav Vacation Spot- Anything tropical
Something interesting about you- oh boy, I've drawn a blank
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I'd LOVE that...that would pay for the tune up that my car is having right now. But I'd really rather go shopping. (Did someone mention MAC?)

Khristine 09-06-2006 10:43 PM

Name- Khristine (Yes there's an H in my name ;))
Age- 20, but on September 22 i'll be 21 finally!!
Marital Status- Engaged to my highschool sweetheart of 6 years and 2 months.
Kids- Wow I can actually say yes to this one! 1 baby girl that's 2 months old
Pets- 2 Yorkies Oreo and Ginger
Occupation- LVN & Freelance Makeup Artist
Fav Food- Pizza & Mac n Cheese
Fav Restaurant- Applebees
Fav Vacation Spot- Las Vegas
Something interesting about you- I Love to Sing :)
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Pay off all my credit card bills :rolleyes:

ice queen 09-07-2006 04:58 AM

Name- Christina
Age- 29 (i'm really 31!);)
Marital status- Married 8 years:eek:
Kids- 2 daughters-3 if you count my hubby!
Pets- 4 dogs- sweetpea, harley, whiskey, and pudge and two cats mr. cuddles & mr. kitty
Occupation- homemaker starting up a candle business
Fav food- crablegs, crablegs, crablegs and crawfish
Fav restaurant- El Reparo-best margaritas- two will knock you on your ass!!! :cool:
Fav vacation spot-in bed with y hubby cuz it's free and he's GOOD!!!And a cabin on the lake with my family
Something interesting about me-i like to crochet and read books all the time, and i love to work in my yard and love my babies and spoil my animals plus i'm addicted to YT!
What would you do if I gave you a $1000 right now- treat myself to a little baby boy yorkie and buy a jacuzzi bathtub with extra jets!!!calgon take me away!!!:p

Carolyn 09-07-2006 05:50 AM

Name- Carolyn
Age- 41
Marital Status- Married Almost 14 years
Kids- Son 7, Daughter will be 6 Saturday
Pets- Yorkie Brutus, Vito the cat and 21 fish
Occupation- SAHM
Fav Food- Seafood, steak
Fav Restaurant- Can't find one since we moved
Fav Vacation Spot- A cruise to anywhere!
Something interesting about you- I don't know if it's interesting but I'm a closet computer geek.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? What else? SHOP!:)

rivermom 09-07-2006 09:21 AM

Name- Sheryl
Age- 41
Marital Status- Married happily most of the time
Kids- a bunch of them
Pets- 3 and I couldn't live without them
Occupation- Self Employeed
Fav Food- Mexican, Italian, and anything fried
Fav Restaurant- Oscars (known for their prime rib)
Fav Vacation Spot- Jamaica, Puerta Vallarta, Florida (pretty much anywhere there's an ocean, food, and plenty of drinks that have a pretty umbrella in it.
Something interesting about you- I can too often feel other people's emotions and become overwhelmed at times.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?
Tell you thank you!!

RLC12345678 09-07-2006 12:59 PM

What a great idea!
Name- Rebecca

Age- 22 (23 on October 14)

Marital Status- Married since August 6, 2005, so for 1 whole year!

Kids- Do furbabies count? I have 2 yorkies, Hootie & Hobbs, but no skin children yet

Pets- Oh, I already answered that! :p I have 2 yorkies, Hootie (4 months old) & Hobbs (11 months old)

Occupation- Litigation Paralegal, but I'm in the process of applying to law school

Fav Restaurant- LOTS! But one everyone will know...Olive Garden! Yum!

Fav Vacation Spot- Beach beach beach

Something interesting about you- Let's see....I graduated college in 3 years, does that count?

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I'm boring...I would probably save it to buy Christmas presents. :rolleyes:

Janet 09-07-2006 03:35 PM

Name- Janet

Age- 51

Marital Status- Married 33 years the 28th of this month

Kids- A wonderful 15 year old son

Pets- 4 Yorkies (Emilee, Gidget, Izzie and Joey) and Golden Retriever Penny

Occupation- School bus driver

Fav Food- Anything chocolate, Seafood, Chinese, Mexican (that's why I'm overweight)

Fav Restaurant- Red Lobster and Everything OK (Chinese)

Fav Vacation Spot- Disney in Florida

Something interesting about you- Not sure it's interesting, but I've had the same best girlfriend for about 25 years.

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Hold on to it for awhile, then realize it would make me happier if I spent it on ME!!!

Emmsmom 09-07-2006 03:52 PM

Name Michelle
Marital Status-Married for 12 years !
Kids-I have one Daughter who is 9 years old
Pets-I have a Yorkie(Diesel), my daughter has a cat(Socks), and my husband has his German Shepherd(shep)
Occupation-I am a Domestic Engineer :D
Fav Food-I really don't have just one favorite food. I do LOVE the Chicken Scampi dish at Olive Garden tho!
Fav Restaurant-Olive Garden
Fav Vacation Spot-Yosemite National Park
Something interesting about you-I have been homeschooling for 4 years. This is my last year.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?[/B][/QUOTE]I would either pay a few bills or I would go shopping for my daughter!

Gina 09-07-2006 06:12 PM

Name- Gina
Marital Status- married 24 yrs.
Kids- 2 ,son 21 , daughter 19
Pets- Gucci is my grandbaby
Occupation- Realtor
Fav Food- Italian
Fav Restaurant-Angelica's
Fav Vacation Spot- I love Las Vegas
Something interesting about you- Gotta think...lol
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Spend it on clothes and bags for moi ...lol

Cribal 09-08-2006 06:48 AM

Name- Crystal

Age- 24

Marital Status- Married - This sunday (10th.) it will be 1 year (one really long year...LOL)

Kids- Not Yet

Pets- Lucy Too the yorkie, Tank the Miniature Schnauzer and Annabelle the Great Dane

Occupation- I run a really boring office at an electrical company

Fav Food- ......... I eat everything, I guess if I had to choose it would be crab legs or sushi

Fav Restaurant- Don't have one

Fav Vacation Spot- Jamaica

Something interesting about you- I have a couple goals that I will achieve b/4 I die. Sky diving, bunjee jumping off the new river bridge (even though it's not allowed anymore) and I want to go scuba diving and feed sharks. No the wimpy way with a cage and stuff, I wanna be face to face with nothing inbetween.

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I would plan to be able to do something for my husband and I's first anniversary. We're broke so I think a kiss on the cheek is all I'm gonna get....LOL

Leslie 09-09-2006 11:27 AM

Name- Leslie (baileysmom31 on YT)

Age- 46

Marital Status- Married - 22 years on October 5th

Kids- Twin Boys - 13 years old

Pets- 2 cats- BooBoo and Emi and 2 Yorkies- Bailey and Tia

Occupation- Executive Director of a shelter for women and children who have experienced domestic violence

Fav Food- Pizza

Fav Restaurant- Montanna's

Fav Vacation Spot- Grenada

Something interesting about you- I live in a very isolated community in Northern Manitoba where the tempetures can get down to 40 below zero

What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? I'd say thank you :D and then I would invest it

khardy57 09-10-2006 01:48 PM

Name: Kim
Marital Status: Widow (will be 1 year in October and I miss him every day!)
Age: 49
Kids: 2 sons - 30 & 27
Pets: 1 yorkie and 1 fighting fish
Occupation: Loan assistant
Fav Food: Steak
Fav Restaurant: Local catfish house called Riverbend
Fav Vacation Spot: Savannah, Ga.

Something interesting about you - I don't know that I'm really that interesting. My sons and my late husband said that the Roseanne show was about me!

If someone gave me $1000 right now, I'd buy another yorkie!

Marilyn 09-10-2006 05:03 PM

Name- Marilyn
Age- 52
Marital Status- Very Happily Married :)
Kids- 2 daughters, ages 21 & 19 :) :)
Pets- 1 that's all mine, Zoe a 1 year old Yorkie. We as a family also have an 8 year old yorkie, Chase, and a 14 year old rescued dog Goldie a spitz mix.
Occupation- mechanical engineer, working as a sales manager & outside sales for an industrial supply company.
Fav Food- There are so many - shrimp, chocolate, ice cream, cheese cake, potato chips, peanut butter (if I didn't watchout, I'd be really heavy)
Fav Restaurant- Barkett's in Seadrift, TX - the best shrimp ever
Fav Vacation Spot- Hard to decide - NY,NY ; Colorado; Florida; Hawaii (love to travel!!!!!!:cool: )
Something interesting about you- I ride a Harley a Fatboy with red flame paint job.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? - That's not enough to do much......put it in my daughter's college fund.

Marilyn 09-10-2006 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Marilyn
Name- Marilyn
Age- 52
Marital Status- Very Happily Married :) 32 Years.
Kids- 2 daughters, ages 21 & 19 :) :)
Pets- 1 that's all mine, Zoe a 1 year old Yorkie. We as a family also have an 8 year old yorkie, Chase, and a 14 year old rescued dog Goldie a spitz mix.
Occupation- mechanical engineer, working as a sales manager & outside sales for an industrial supply company.
Fav Food- There are so many - shrimp, chocolate, ice cream, cheese cake, potato chips, peanut butter (if I didn't watchout, I'd be really heavy)
Fav Restaurant- Barkett's in Seadrift, TX - the best shrimp ever
Fav Vacation Spot- Hard to decide - NY,NY ; Colorado; Florida; Hawaii (love to travel!!!!!!:cool: )
Something interesting about you- I ride a Harley a Fatboy with red flame paint job.
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? - That's not enough to do much......put it in my daughter's college fund.

Just adding, married 32 years ;)

KellyV 09-11-2006 08:10 AM

Name- Kelly
Age- Early 20s
Marital Status- Married
Kids- None
Pets- Two Cats (Twiggs & Baby), Two Yorkies (Pixie & Charlie)
Occupation- Insurance Broker
Fav Food- Sushi
Fav Restaurant- Fujiyama (Sushi Restaurant in Milwaukee)
Fav Vacation Spot- Had a Ton of Fun in Vegas!
Something interesting about you- Ummmmm... I don't know. I don't think I'm all that "interesting"!
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Put it towards the credit cards!

Tink 09-14-2006 11:56 AM

Name- Brenda
Age- 51
Marital Status- married (21 yrs)
Kids- 3 and finally all grown!
Pets- currently petless which is unusual for me
Occupation- medicare claims processor
Fav Food- Beef stir-fry or raspberries PLEASE don't make me choose!
Fav Restaurant- Applebees
Fav Vacation Spot- Vacation? does not compute
Something interesting about you- I am trying desperately to get a job that I am totally overqualified for so that I'm not having to strain my brain full time. :D
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now? Buy a newer, bigger computer.

Jlynn 09-14-2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by Meg
I thought it'd be fun for everyone to post a little about them on the same thread, so we can all get to know each other a bit, here is a small getting to know you quiz-

Marital Status- Celebrated our 20th this summer
Kids- 0
Pets- 2 dogs, 1 cat, multiple gold fish in backyard pond :)
Occupation- full time student, after selling my business of 12 years. Like the freedom of taking care of just me. No staff, no clients (at the moment)
Fav Food- mexican
Fav Restaurant-
Fav Vacation Spot- Arizona, love Sedona and Grand Canyon
Something interesting about you- diet coke addict
What would you do if I gave you $1000 right now?

If I couldn't use it to pay bills, use for a weekend away!

magnolia 09-27-2006 05:24 AM

Bumping this to the front - we have some new members since this first was placed on here and thought, if nothing else, they might want to read about those of us who filled this out - but we sure hope they take the time to let us know about them:)

Janet 09-27-2006 05:48 AM


Originally Posted by magnolia
Bumping this to the front - we have some new members since this first was placed on here and thought, if nothing else, they might want to read about those of us who filled this out - but we sure hope they take the time to let us know about them:)

Great idea, let's really try, everyone, to keep this up top. I just read through them again and it's so interesting to learn more about everyone.:)

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