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AngieDoogles 10-25-2007 04:10 PM

Something Positive!
So in order to help us all stay focused on the positive, I thought it would be fun to have a "positives" thread where we can share all of the good things in our lives, no matter how big or small.

My positive today is that I have a few really awesome professors. :)

What is your positive for the day (or the week)?

katepoet 10-25-2007 06:42 PM

I have a great new student as of today!

Mandy 10-25-2007 09:15 PM

Great thread, Angie :thumbup: we all have something to be grateful for.

My positive is, i have some beautiful friends that are who they are in my company, i love them dearly.

Janet 10-26-2007 03:26 AM

I really have so many positives really, but I would have to say my positive for today is my friend Lynne.

rivermom 10-26-2007 03:56 AM

Great thread Angie. I have a long list....But if I take it day by day Id have to say I'm thankful today that hubby and I are heading out camping with my parents.

We are going to drinks lots of wine and carve pumpkins. Gotta love it!!

Hope everyone has a positive weekend. :p

AngieDoogles 10-26-2007 12:04 PM

Glad everyone likes the thread! :)

Sheryl, hope you have fun with your wine and pumpkins tonight! :2party: *we need a pumpkin smiley, lol*

My positive today is that IT'S FRIDAY!

judy 10-26-2007 06:08 PM

My positive for today is that Gracie Leigh is negative for giardia and so is Max.
Thank goodness!

Tink 10-26-2007 06:41 PM

My posiitive for today is that I'm enjoying the pups so much. Lily is going to be a handful for a while, but at least her problems are ones we can deal with.

I ran into a woman I know at the vets office today and she'd just gotten a diagnosis that spells early death on a 4 month old golden retirever pup that she recently bought to add to her breeding program. I felt SO bad for her, but so lucky for me.

katepoet 10-26-2007 10:35 PM

Wow, Tink, that's really hard for the woman with the sick pup. I'm glad you don't have to deal with that right now.

My brother and his wife breed Goldens in NJ - they recently found a good home for Libby who has retired from breeding :)

Good news? The rain is still coming down.

AngieDoogles 10-27-2007 06:44 AM

Traci and I are hanging out today doing "girly" stuff. :)

Mandy 10-27-2007 09:51 AM

We had a day of shopping in a big city, it was me, and my little family, we had a lot of fun, and a nice lunch together.

katepoet 10-27-2007 12:50 PM

I found some good online tutorials in economics to prep for the tutoring I have to do today.

Janet 10-27-2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by judy
My positive for today is that Gracie Leigh is negative for giardia and so is Max.
Thank goodness!

:thumbup: YEAH!!!:thumbup:

Janet 10-27-2007 12:53 PM

I went to an auction today and didn't spend a lot of money...!!

DianaB 10-27-2007 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Janet
I went to an auction today and didn't spend a lot of money...!!

So what did you get? Anything?

My daughter, Dae Lynn, and I went to an auction last weekend and she bought a really good washer and dryer and a Kirby sweeper. The sweeper cost her $30 and is fairly new and has a lot of accessories!!! I had to talk her into the sweeper but now that she's used it she loves it!!!

:thumbup: I guess that my positive for today is that my daughter has found a real cute little house to rent and is moving out this weekend. I'll miss having her around every day but she really needs to be out on her own. Her rent is very reasonable and the house is in good shape!!!

AngieDoogles 10-27-2007 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by DianaB
So what did you get? Anything?

My daughter, Dae Lynn, and I went to an auction last weekend and she bought a really good washer and dryer and a Kirby sweeper. The sweeper cost her $30 and is fairly new and has a lot of accessories!!! I had to talk her into the sweeper but now that she's used it she loves it!!!

:thumbup: I guess that my positive for today is that my daughter has found a real cute little house to rent and is moving out this weekend. I'll miss having her around every day but she really needs to be out on her own. Her rent is very reasonable and the house is in good shape!!!

How do you find out about auctions and where they are and such? I'd love to go to one, but I don't know where or when...

Tink 10-27-2007 02:53 PM

My positive today is that I have strong prospects for 3 of the remaining 5 pups.
I would LOVE to get them all sold soon so I can decide how to go ahead... I've really enjoyed this and would love to do it again with a spring litter, but I promised myself if the pups don't sell quickly I won't. So this gives me hope!

Janet 10-27-2007 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
How do you find out about auctions and where they are and such? I'd love to go to one, but I don't know where or when...

They are usually advertised in the classifieds of your newspaper. They will have a listing of some of the main items in the sale and then there are tons of misc. Today my Mom came too and bought a really nice microwave (hers is starting to go out) for only $2.00. It was clean and works like a charm.

Janet 10-27-2007 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tink
My positive today is that I have strong prospects for 3 of the remaining 5 pups.
I would LOVE to get them all sold soon so I can decide how to go ahead... I've really enjoyed this and would love to do it again with a spring litter, but I promised myself if the pups don't sell quickly I won't. So this gives me hope!

I know what you're saying Tink. Puppies are a lot of work and I was really glad all of mine found wonderful, loving homes. But now I'm ready for more and I'll have to wait until early 2008....bummer!:(

judy 10-29-2007 09:22 AM

My positive for today is that I'm sitting on my couch, with a comfy red quilt over my legs, Max is sleeping on the arm of the couch, the little one is in the dog bed, and I'm having a nice relaxing morning on 4WT. The cleaning woman was supposed to come today, but she must have gotten mixed up, so it's nice and quiet.

In about 15 minutes, I'll get up, get dressed, set up the dogs - and I'm off to get my hair done, go to the dentist (still going Marilyn?), get some groceries, and come home to get right back under this red quilt.

Life is so good!

katepoet 10-29-2007 09:57 AM

The new chiropractor I saw today did a very minor adjustment but my right leg is a little longer!

AngieDoogles 10-29-2007 10:41 AM

Hmm...my positive is similar to Judy's. I'm sitting here on 4wt, Marty cuddled up on my lap, and I'm done with class for today so there's nothing really pressing to do. It's a nice feeling!

rivermom 10-29-2007 01:43 PM

My positive today is 1/2 my house is scrubbed clean. Tomorrow hopefully my positive will be able to say "the other half is clean". :)

Mandy 10-29-2007 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
My positive today is 1/2 my house is scrubbed clean. Tomorrow hopefully my positive will be able to say "the other half is clean". :)

Wanna come do mine? :D

rivermom 10-29-2007 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mandy
Wanna come do mine? :D

Are you kidding? Id LOVE to! :thumbup: (Bring it on!! But seriously Id doubt you and I would have time to clean....We'd be out seeing the town.) ;)

Mandy 10-29-2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
Are you kidding? Id LOVE to! :thumbup: (Bring it on!! But seriously Id doubt you and I would have time to clean....We'd be out seeing the town.) ;)

Hahahaha you got that right for sure :D :cheers:

katepoet 10-29-2007 02:27 PM

The day I can do 1/2 a house in one day again, I'll invite y'all over to celebrate! Wow!

DianaB 10-29-2007 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
How do you find out about auctions and where they are and such? I'd love to go to one, but I don't know where or when...

Like Janet said, they're in the newspaper. We have a pretty small town newspaper and they really stand out so they're easily seen. There's also a newspaper that's for a large area, kind of a trader newspaper, and it always has a lot of auctions within an hour or twos drive.

AngieDoogles 10-30-2007 05:32 AM

I will check that out Diana!

My positive today is that I get to see Mom in just a few minutes! I'm meeting her for her chemo, but at least I get to see her! It feels like it's been forever!!!

Mandy 10-30-2007 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
I will check that out Diana!

My positive today is that I get to see Mom in just a few minutes! I'm meeting her for her chemo, but at least I get to see her! It feels like it's been forever!!!

Please give your mom a hug from me, and my girls :)

Janet 10-30-2007 07:19 AM

My positive for today is I'm just feeling good about being home and on the computer. I am doing laundry (bedclothes), while I'm typing. My positive for tonight will be fresh clean sheets to fall asleep on....oooohhh I love it!

Best wishes, love and hugs to Debbie during her Chemo treatment!!!!!

Tink 10-30-2007 09:22 AM

My positive for today is that the first of the puppies is leaving this afternoon for her new home with someone I really like. I got the 4th and final worming done, the shot was done last week, the puppy health records to go home with each of them are filled out and other than giving her a bath before she picks her up, she's all ready to go.

I'm waiting for final confirmation, but I believe there will be 2 going tonight. A cream girl and a white boy.

2 more go on Sunday.

OH and Lily is really doing noticeably better already! She's peeing easier, more at a time, and is getting spunkier. Amazingly, Moses is tolerating her better, and he even ate WITH one of her brothers last night out of HIS food bowl. He still growls like Chewbaka when she gets too close, but at least he's not snapping at her like he was. SO I have several positive things today! :)

rivermom 10-30-2007 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
I will check that out Diana!

My positive today is that I get to see Mom in just a few minutes! I'm meeting her for her chemo, but at least I get to see her! It feels like it's been forever!!!

That is so great Angie!! I am thrilled for the both of you. :p

My positive for the day is the other half of my house is cleaned and I'm now drinking champagne while I clean out the frig.

AngieDoogles 10-30-2007 01:40 PM

Tink, sounds like things are going well for you and the puppies! :) Congrats!

Sheryl, WTG on the housecleaning! I bet you feel so productive! Now it's time to sit back and relax girl!

Another positive for me is that Mom is doing well. She got GREAT news about the size of her cancer. It has, after only one treatment, gotten noticeably smaller! It's pretty rare for this kind of result to happen after just a single treatment so her doctor was very happy! :):):)

rivermom 10-30-2007 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
Tink, sounds like things are going well for you and the puppies! :) Congrats!

Sheryl, WTG on the housecleaning! I bet you feel so productive! Now it's time to sit back and relax girl!

Another positive for me is that Mom is doing well. She got GREAT news about the size of her cancer. It has, after only one treatment, gotten noticeably smaller! It's pretty rare for this kind of result to happen after just a single treatment so her doctor was very happy! :):):)

Angie - The news about your Mom is ALL OF OUR POSITIVE for the day. I am soooo happy for your Mom!! :thumbup:

AngieDoogles 10-30-2007 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
Angie - The news about your Mom is ALL OF OUR POSITIVE for the day. I am soooo happy for your Mom!! :thumbup:

Aww, thanks Sheryl! It really made my day! :)

Mandy 10-30-2007 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by rivermom
That is so great Angie!! I am thrilled for the both of you. :p

My positive for the day is the other half of my house is cleaned and I'm now drinking champagne while I clean out the frig.

And YOU drink alone? I ALWAYS share with you :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :D

Mandy 10-30-2007 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
Tink, sounds like things are going well for you and the puppies! :) Congrats!

Sheryl, WTG on the housecleaning! I bet you feel so productive! Now it's time to sit back and relax girl!

Another positive for me is that Mom is doing well. She got GREAT news about the size of her cancer. It has, after only one treatment, gotten noticeably smaller! It's pretty rare for this kind of result to happen after just a single treatment so her doctor was very happy! :):):)

I agree with Sheryl, that is wonderful wonderful news to all of us, and thats definatly a 4WT positive for today!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

AngieDoogles 10-30-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mandy
I agree with Sheryl, that is wonderful wonderful news to all of us, and thats definatly a 4WT positive for today!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

It's definitely something to be happy about! :)

Mandy 10-30-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by AngieDoogles
It's definitely something to be happy about! :)

Oh girl, i am excited, i have faith in your mom! She IS the best :thumbup: ;)

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