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Doesn't Pay to Get Out of Bed!!
Got up this morning, went to the mud room to let the dogs out and there was water on the floor. Darn water heater needs replaced. It's probably 28-29 years old, so I guess it's done it job.
I've been trying to save (in a private stash) for maybe some flooring, but now I have to buy the freak'n water heater. I honestyly don't know what I need him around for....I have to do it all anyway! |
I'm sorry your day has started out this way, Is the sun shining in Indy?
Janet, you're cute when you're mad, I never get to see you like this.:rolleyes: It could be worse, your furnace could've died.:eek: Maybe todays song will put that twinkle back in your eye!;) |
Sorry Janet. Bad way to start your weekend.:(
I'm sorry, Maybe the new one will make up for the extra dollars by being more energy efficent
I know what you mean Janet....The leach field has been needing replaced but everytime I think I can do it something else gets in the way, and with the trying to stash away the $2000 to do it.....I hope you get your water heaater in soon, it sure stinks not haveing hot water.....
Ahhh shucks, Janet, that's too bad! You have a water heater to spend money on and I'm spending on appliances! It's always something isn't it? I really need my back yard done and instead, I had to get a new stove. I hope that your husband pitches in and helps you to get it repaired or replaced. I'm sure that you'll find that a new one will be more energy efficient and will pay for itself in the long run.
If you're total electric you might check with your electric company and see if they'll replace it for you. I know that our electric company will do that for you once IF you're total electric, which we aren't. Good luck and it hope that it's not as expensive as you're afraid that it might be. |
{{{Janet}}} Some mornings you just wanna crawl back into bed don't you?
I hope it's a cheaper fix than you expect it to be. |
Janet, you shouldnt have to pay for that alone, ask your hubby to pay half, after all it is also his responsibility.
You all are so good to me you make me cry. How in the world could I stay in a bad mood with you all as my friends!
I paid for a new water heater..$296 and hubby put it in. It's been in for 3 hours now and so far no hot water. He's calling the 1-800 number to ask how long it takes for the water to get hot. He called and only got a recording, he's trying our electric co. now, probably won't get anyone there either. I've decided to say to heck with WW tonight. I'm going to to a local bar and have a big breaded tenderloin, onion rings and a COLD Bud Light. I need it! Then I'll come home...one will be enough...LOL |
Aww Janet, what a way to start the weekend. I am sorry but things happen, my car was making an awful smell and the defroster was not working when to the mechanic and 980.00 later I need a new raditaor coil or something like that. It never fails bills just keep coming.
The water heater has been installed since 4:00 PM...it is now 9:30 PM and still no hot water. Guess my plumber husband didn't know what he was doing or he installed a bad water heater.
Anyway...went to a bar/restaurant and had breaded catfish curls with tarter sauce, onion rings, steamed veggies, slice of garlic bread and TWO COLD Bud Lights I'm good for the night...so here I am, on 4WT all alone....wahhhh!!! |
Janet, did he remember to turn the breaker back on? :p
Oh, Janet, no hot water is horrible to wake up to!!! Hope it kicked in during the night last night!!! I don't know what Id do with out hot water in the morning. Sincerely hope this works out very soon!!
Here it is this morning and still no hot water. I asked my husband if he even read the freak'n directions and of course his answer was no. I asked him (as I was skimming the booklet) if he filled it up with water first before turning on the breaker..he said yes. BUT being the little liar that he is...he told me this morning that he didn't. So he took one of the elements out and it was destroyed. Here I bought a new water heater and he has to repair it. He is paying for the repairs...jerk! I'm really mad at him for thinking he's too smart for instructions.
He did the same thing when I bought a new grill, I was going to put it together, but he did...not reading instructions and broke a couple pieces. He will never be allowed to do anything now without reading the instructions. I know this isn't very nice, but he needs this spyware program on his computer...wish I knew how to screw it up....because I didn't read the instructions!!!!! But I did read them and it's already on mine and my son's. I'll just let him put it on his..hopefully he'll screw it up and no money to fix it! Would serve him right! By the way.....I had to pay for my half of supper last night! |
I am sorry you still don't have hot water. If its gas, did they light the pilot on it?
Sorry you are having so much trouble Janet. Hope you have a better day.
Wow!!!:eek: Did I ever come off sounding like a 'YOU KNOW WHAT!!!'
I am so sorry! I just lose it sometimes when things like this happen due to what I think is plain stupidity. No I'm not calling names right now. My husband just jumps in and starts something without reading the paper work that comes with it. I mean the last one he installed was the one that went bad and that was put in in 1976 when we built the house. I've calmed down now and realized that my typing in anger is no better than what he did..really. I need to calm down before I 'type off the handle'...:tongue030: I will promise to count to 5000 before typing next time...please forgive me.:hands: |
Hey that's what we are here for. Maybe if you vent to us first you will calm down before you vent to Hubby. Then you can vent more calmly. You had a very rough weekend. Anyone would be upset. We love you.
Janet, it's good to get these feelings out sometimes. I'm glad you're feeling better though. *hugs*
Janet, no apology needed. We ALL get frustrated over things like that. Does us no good, but that doesn't stop any of us. LOL
Still love you just as you are. :ittykiss: |
sorry to hear that Janet, i swear my house knows when i have extra cash, something always breaks down... i swear there is a ghost in my house....:p
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