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-   -   Helpful hint for foil and saran wrap boxes.. (http://www.4womentalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4861)

Shada 05-15-2008 08:29 PM

Helpful hint for foil and saran wrap boxes..
This is so silly and yet so important!
How many of did not know of this? I know I did not! I just read of this in a recipe/tip forum I am a member of, then got this email tonight.

Yesterday I went to throw out an empty Reynolds foil box and for some reason I turned it and looked at the end of the box.

And written on the end it said, 'Press here to lock end'.

Right there on the end of the box is a tab to lock the roll in place. How long has this little locking tab been there?

I then looked at a generic brand of aluminum foil and it had one, too. I then looked at a box of Saran wrap and it had one too!

I can't count the number of times the Saran wrap roll has jumped out when I was trying to cover something up.


Just checked.....oh my goodness, tabs really ARE there ;-) With all the tech machinery, why don't THEY just tuck the tabs in as part of the packaging???????

I hope I'm not the ONLY person that didn't know this. If you already do, then delete this message and don't e-mail me and make me feel dumber than I already feel. If you didn't know this, e-mail me and let me know so I won't feel so dumb.

Janet 05-16-2008 02:06 AM

I think I saw this on YT, but still haven't checked it out yet...has anyone else?

Marilyn 05-16-2008 03:43 AM

I just checked, and the tabs are there. I never knew either. Now I feel dumb. Why did no one ever tell us???? and when did they appear?? I don't think they've been there too long. Wow, learn something new every day!!!

Chandra Amaya 05-16-2008 01:02 PM

I didn't know this either.... Well, the things we miss that make life go smoother :rolleyes:

judy 05-16-2008 03:48 PM

It's always the little things!

Gina 05-16-2008 05:28 PM

Count me in too. I never knew this either. Is it something new? I just went to check my box of Sarah Wrap and yep it was on the outside on the sides.. I looked at the generic brand of aluminum foil there weren't any.

Marilyn 05-16-2008 06:38 PM

I looked at the store brand for plastic wrap, foil and parchment paper. They all have the tabs. Strange.........

Janet 05-17-2008 04:32 AM

I still haven't checked yet, but ya know...I think I'll save my search for at the grocery store. Can you imagine me getting everyone that goes by to check it out???....LOL.

Marilyn 05-17-2008 04:49 AM

Oh, wow, you could be a roving reporter Janet and poll everyone in the store to see who knew and who didn't. ;)

Dobie 05-17-2008 06:42 AM

Would you believe me if I said I knew they were there?

No - I wouldn't believe me either!

pope1982 05-17-2008 08:30 AM

:scratchhead: LOL
Thank you! :notworthy:

janc 05-17-2008 10:15 AM

I had no idea there were tabs. My foil and saran wrap both have them. Thanks for the info., Shada.

DianaB 05-17-2008 10:27 AM

I didn't know they were there either. I looked and, sure enough, they were there!!! Thanks!!!

Taurus Babe 05-17-2008 04:49 PM

I looked on both ends of saran and tinfoil and I DIDN't see tabs?? Wonder why I'm the odd ball out?

judy 05-18-2008 06:28 AM

I say bring it back Taurus! Tell them you're returning it because it has no tabs.

I'm sure they know nothing about these tabs. That should make their day interesting.

donna1990 05-18-2008 11:48 AM

What's up with this? I have received so many emails from friends about this.

Janet 05-18-2008 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dobie (Post 63845)
Would you believe me if I said I knew they were there?

No - I wouldn't believe me either!


Janet 05-18-2008 02:14 PM

Well I did check it out in the grocery store. Not all of them have it, but most of them do. I asked about 4 people and no one knew they were there either. Would have been nice of them to tell us.

I think we should all write to the Reynolds Wrap people and tell them it was rude and we would like a free one as their apology...LOL

Taurus Babe 05-20-2008 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 63998)
I say bring it back Taurus! Tell them you're returning it because it has no tabs.

I'm sure they know nothing about these tabs. That should make their day interesting.

Hahaha! They would think I was crazy!!

"Tabs! Do you see any on this box? You refund this right now or give me some tin-foil with some tabs, why are there not tabs on here??"

HALEY 05-21-2008 06:43 AM

where the hell have i been, i feel so stupid now :confused::confused:

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