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Marilyn 07-21-2008 09:59 AM

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Looks like the weather around here could get interesting this week!!!

Attachment 3832

At least it's not projected to get above Cat 1, and is headed a little south of us on the current projected path.

Guess the season is getting started for real!!

Marilyn 07-21-2008 10:13 AM

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Looks like we are in for some rain though. A little relief for the water bill!!!

Attachment 3833

DianaB 07-21-2008 10:41 AM

I read something this morning about a hurricane hitting Texas and I meant to check it out further and haven't done it yet. It looks like it won't be too bad if it's only a Catagory 1 and I know that you've been dry so hopefully it will help with that as well. If it's strong enough we get rain from the hurricanes when they hit Texas. It would be really nice to get some rain on our corn and some of our other crops right now. Keep us posted on what's going on and stay safe!!!!

Marilyn 07-21-2008 03:40 PM

The 5 p.m. report made it look like it is tracking a little farther south than earlier. We may be lucky to get some rain out of this one. Never know what the next 24 hours holds. Corpus Christi may get some wind. We just have to wait and see for now.

gja1000 07-21-2008 07:01 PM

I'm hoping that everyone gets some (much needed) rain, with very little wind and no damage. We are so dry in Austin - we really could use some rain. Yesterday we went to our deer lease south of San Antonio and everything was so pretty and green. They had 3 inches of rain down there a couple of weeks ago - but in Austin, we've only had a half an inch in the last couple of months. Man it is dry!!! :mad:

Marilyn 07-21-2008 07:08 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 70691)
I'm hoping that everyone gets some (much needed) rain, with very little wind and no damage. We are so dry in Austin - we really could use some rain. Yesterday we went to our deer lease south of San Antonio and everything was so pretty and green. They had 3 inches of rain down there a couple of weeks ago - but in Austin, we've only had a half an inch in the last couple of months. Man it is dry!!! :mad:

The 7 p.m. update has it going even farther south now. Will probably go in at Brownsville or even northern Mexico. Doubt if we will get more than a shower or two. Your deer lease may get a bit more!!

Some friends were in Monclova, Mexico over the weekend. They will probably get the storm, and they are so poor there they are ill prepared to deal with it. Seems like someone told me that mudslides are a problem for them.

gja1000 07-22-2008 04:30 AM

:( the further south it goes, the less chance we have at rain. Oh well, I just hope it goes into an unpopulated area and does not cause any problems!

Marilyn 07-22-2008 05:54 AM

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Checking things out this morning, this may not be a powerful storm, but it's kinda strung out. Looks to me like we may be in for some rain after all. We're located near the coast in almost the very center of the Texas gulf coast. If you ever hear that a storm is going in at Port O'Connor, and I drop off the radar for a few days, you will know why. The rain may extend to San Antonio/Austin area. I know y'all could use it. We have daughters in each city and know what it's like up there. Here's the latest on the storm:
Attachment 3834Attachment 3835Attachment 3836

Marilyn 07-22-2008 07:58 AM

Don't know if anyone is really interested, but I find weather fascinating. Here's a link to another cool map.


DianaB 07-22-2008 03:44 PM

Keep us posted on what's going on! How bad does it have to be for you to evacuate? I know that you're not directly on the coast, Marilyn so I don't know how big of a threat you have to have. Do you just wait for the announcement to evacuate?

Tink 07-22-2008 06:12 PM

My prayers are with you to keep safe and get some much needed rain!

Marilyn 07-22-2008 07:12 PM

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Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 70814)
Keep us posted on what's going on! How bad does it have to be for you to evacuate? I know that you're not directly on the coast, Marilyn so I don't know how big of a threat you have to have. Do you just wait for the announcement to evacuate?

We would probably wait for a mandatory evacuation. We weathered a direct hit from a category 1, Hurricane Claudette in 2003. We did evacuate for Hurricane Rita in 2005, but it was occolating between being a category 4 or 5 and was coming directly for us. There was a mandatory evacuation order issued, so we boarded up, packed what we could and left. It veered north however and hit near Beaumont/Port Arthur, so we ran for nothing. As a result, lots of folks are saying they won't run again.

Today, our govenor declared 14 counties in Texas disaster areas and we are one of them. Thought you might enjoy a pic of a disaster area. Attached is a photo out our back yard this afternoon. If you look closely, you can see golfers on the 14th green in the background. (The white PVC thing is our neighbor's soccer back stop. He broke it down for some reason.)

Attachment 3840

We aren't seeing much at all from this hurricane, at least not yet here. So far have had a couple of very small showers. We may get some rain tonight or tomorrow.

Our hotels are all packed with evacuees from the valley. Lots of RV's in parking lots around town. I feel for the people in the valley. There are lots of poor people, especially in northern Mexico who will suffer from this storm.

We will be fine here though ladies, so your thoughts are appreciated, very much, but save most of them for later in the season. We may be running next time.

Dobie 07-22-2008 08:24 PM

I just want to put out there, that if any of you EVER have to evacuate your homes due to weather, fire, tornado - my door is open for as long as you would need it - I have a quiet house up in New Hamphire and it's always available to friends.

Marilyn 07-23-2008 03:51 AM

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Awwwww, Dobie, thank you so much for your very sweet offer to all of us. We have such a wonderful group of caring ladies on here!!!!

Here's the latest radar. The rain is moving on shore this morning. It's wet outside, but really not storming and the winds aren't too bad. We're supposed to get 30 mph winds today and lots of rain. We'll see how it goes. I have to go to work though. :( On kinda good thing about a little bad weather is sometimes we get to stay home.

Attachment 3841

Have a wonderful day everyone!!! You may wish to say a prayer for the folks down in the Brownsville and Matamoros areas, and beyond. They are in for a mess the next few days. South Padre is supposed to be back up and running this weekend, and people are being told not to cancel their vacation plans. Guess they are used to it on the island.

Janet 07-23-2008 04:43 AM

Just curious, you said you're just getting a little bit of rain, so why did your governor declare your county a disaster area?

Marilyn 07-23-2008 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 70841)
Just curious, you said you're just getting a little bit of rain, so why did your governor declare your county a disaster area?

Part of it is over-reaction since Katrina. The politicians don't want to be accused of not responding quickly enough, so they declare disaster areas well in advance, just in case, so they can get federal relief in quickly should things get bad.

The only real potential for problems here is flooding, should Dolly dump a lot of water. San Antonio could also get a lot of rain and they have major flooding from just thunder storms sometimes. Bexar county (San Antonio) is part of the disaster area. We get their runnoff.

We are under a tornado watch, and Corpus is under a tornado warning. There is a possiblity that a twister is on the ground at the Portlant/Ingleside area. One has not been sited, they are looking at radar and saying this.

We could see a twister in this area, but honestly, it is not likely. The Weather Service is just being cautious.

DianaB 07-23-2008 11:27 AM

If you ever need to evacuate you're more than welcome to drive up to Kansas with the girls and your SIL. I have a nice guest room! Or I have family in Mt. Pleasant that you'd enjoy staying with!!!

I hope that you get enough rain to completely wet things and fill up some ponds.

Marilyn 07-23-2008 12:15 PM

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Thank you, Diana. Hopefully we won't need to take you up on that, but do appreciate the generosity.

Here's an update, another disaster area photo:

Attachment 3842

This was taken in front of my office a few minutes ago. I know it's boring. We had a little rain this morning, but the sun has been shining most of the day. It is kinda windy though. I work very close to the bay. The camera is actually pointed toward a causeway bridge. Guess I could have driven to the water and taken a shot of the bay to make it more interesting.

I hear Corpus is getting lots of rain. I need to call down there and see how things are going!!

Janet 07-23-2008 06:02 PM

Saw some of the weather there on the news this evening, down by Padre(?) Island. lots of wind and rain. Hope everyone there is safe.

Marilyn 07-24-2008 03:46 AM

We're hearing they are getting lots of rain down there. Some wind damage. Looked on the weather channel maps like southern Louisiana was getting lots of rain from the storm, too. It was kinda weird that we were sorta close and were between bands of rain most of the day yesterday. Did get quiet a few heavy showers during the night. It kept waking me up.

Today I have several sales calls to make. So hopefully I can travel between showers. Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

judy 07-24-2008 05:42 PM

I hope you and the girls are all okay. Please update us when you can.

I feel so sorry for those who really get hit by these storms. I will pray for them.

Marilyn 07-25-2008 03:51 AM

We're all fine. It's basically all over for us. The rain has moved out to the Big Bend area. The people in the valley just have to rebuild what's needed and get power restored to everyone. It looks like the damage to South Padre was a little more than originally expected, but I'm sure they will be back to normal very soon.

Not trying to make too little of the storm. I'm sure there are many down in the valley who will suffer financially and are having to deal with a lot of storm related issues. They have our greatest sympathy. I don't think there were any fatalities, at least none that we have heard of. I'm sure there will be some needs that will have to be met in the coming days. We usually hear from churches who were affected by flooding who need supplies and assistance.

It's back to normal for us around here, until the next threat in the gulf.

Janet 07-25-2008 03:58 AM

I'm not sure it matters where one lives, there is always some kind of weather threat. It really helps with today's technology to at least be able to take precautions if one needs to or wants to. Here in Indiana, it's mostly flooding and tornadoes.

judy 07-25-2008 05:58 AM

I saw some pretty bad damage to buildings on TV yesterday. Thank goodness nobody was hurt though. My prayers to those who have to rebuild.

In NYC we don't have weather issues, but I'm leaving that safe little niche. Snowstorms and ice, here I come! Can't complain though. Hurricanes, floods and twisters are far worse.

donna1990 07-25-2008 10:59 AM

So glad that it was not worse.
Did you see the tornadoes in NH today.
I will never forget a few years ago the hurricanes we had. It is so, so frightening.

Janet 07-25-2008 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by judy (Post 71138)
I saw some pretty bad damage to buildings on TV yesterday. Thank goodness nobody was hurt though. My prayers to those who have to rebuild.

In NYC we don't have weather issues, but I'm leaving that safe little niche. Snowstorms and ice, here I come! Can't complain though. Hurricanes, floods and twisters are far worse.

You'd think so wouldn't you Judy..., but wait till a heavy wet snow takes down power line, collapses roofs, can't walk, drive, anything because of ice. We were without power for over two weeks because of an ice storm when Ricky was only 2 months old.

Marilyn 07-26-2008 10:57 AM

Judy, I saw a thing on cable TV one day about what IF a hurricane hit NYC. They say it is possible and could very well happen some day, and probably will. They modeled what the storm surge would do to the city, and the subway system would be flooded as well as a lot of other things.


judy 07-26-2008 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Marilyn (Post 71413)
Judy, I saw a thing on cable TV one day about what IF a hurricane hit NYC. They say it is possible and could very well happen some day, and probably will. They modeled what the storm surge would do to the city, and the subway system would be flooded as well as a lot of other things.


It's so true! The subways and highways flood if there's a heavy rain! The infrastructure is so old that it's really not safe at all.

We're also on a fault. An earthquake would, of course, do us in. The tall buildings
aren't earthquake-proof in any way. I think they are windproof to a point.


I'd still rather have snow and ice than a twister. At least I would know what to do during a power outage. It sure doesn't sound pleasant though.

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