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DianaB 08-04-2008 03:04 PM

Mom's in the Hospital
My Mom took a trip on Saturday to Hutchinson with our senior group at church to see the Salt Museum. They stopped to eat on the way and the people mover had trouble keeping very cool after that and my Mom got sick to her stomach. I guess that she was very, very sick. Even yesterday she was still sick. This morning she was dizzy and still not feeling well so the doctor put her in the hospital because of being dehydrated. Hopefully, she won't be in more than a day or two. Your prayers would really be appreciated.

Shada 08-04-2008 03:22 PM

Prayer on its way.
I hope your mother improves quickly and is able to come home fully rested.

Janet 08-04-2008 04:23 PM

Oh Diana, I am so sorry to hear this. The heat here, more like humidity is really bad too. I hope your mom starts feeling better really soon. Of course she'll be in my prayers.

Tink 08-04-2008 04:46 PM

My prayers are with you both!

AngieDoogles 08-04-2008 04:53 PM

I'm so sorry about your mom Diana. Sending prayers for you, her, and your family. *hugs*

Taurus Babe 08-04-2008 08:58 PM

Wishing you mom well soon! (((HUGS)))

Marilyn 08-05-2008 03:44 AM

Diana, I was so worried when I saw this thread. Hope it is just dehydration and that she is better and home very soon!!!!!!! So sad that she and you had to go through this. I'm sure she felt awful. Prayers are headed your way!!!

The heat where you are is worse than we are having. We'll be at 100 and you're at 103. Stay cool!!!

Gina 08-05-2008 04:36 AM

Diana sorry to hear this, I hope she is feeling better real soon. She is in my prayers.

Emmsmom 08-05-2008 04:54 AM

Haet can do some really nasty things to the body! I hope your mom fells better soon.

DianaB 08-05-2008 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Marilyn (Post 72513)
.......The heat where you are is worse than we are having. We'll be at 100 and you're at 103. Stay cool!!!

Not only have we been hot but the humidity has been really bad. It just sucks the breath right out of you when you step outside. I don't remember when it's felt so hot. Our temperature is suppose to be 100* today but with the heat index values it will seem like 109*.

I talked to my Mom and she's still really dizzy and that she's still being given fluid. She said that she was able to keep her breakfast down and that was good news. I bet that she stays in the hospital at least for another day.

Janet 08-05-2008 11:35 AM

Her staying in the hospital may be the best thing for your Mom Diana. Please tell her your friends here at 4Wt have her in our prayers.

Tink 08-05-2008 11:44 AM

Diana, I'm thinking too with that kind of heat outside, the hospital is probably the safest place for her. At least there you KNOW she's being watched and kept cool and getting the liquids she needs. That kind of weather is terribly unhealthy but particularly hard on the very young and elderly.

Wish I could ship you some of our 79 degree temp today.
It's lovely here.

DianaB 08-05-2008 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tink (Post 72600)
.......Wish I could ship you some of our 79 degree temp today.
It's lovely here.

It would be so appreciated if you could send some of it down here!!! I think that we're suppose to cool off on Thursday. The forecast is for 86*. That will be a welcome relief!!

I went and saw Mom this afternoon and she's still dizzy, but feeling better. Hopefully she'll be let out tomorrow evening. My step-Dad is a sweetheart and he's been hovering over her. He's there to help her with every little thing and it's so sweet to see. My Dad didn't treat my Mom very well so it's nice to see her well taken care of now.

Tink, did you see my Mom on the back of the Sea Doo with my husband? She is very young for her age (70) and takes really good care of herself. And she still works 4 days a week! She's hardly ever been in the hospital so this was a surprise. She's in post #4.


Tink 08-05-2008 08:31 PM

Diana, she sounds like MY mom! lol
Mine's 72 but goes dancing every chance she gets and loves to Polka. People half her age have trouble keeping up with her. She also babysits my 2 grandaughters several days a week and I will admit I cannot keep up with that 3 yr old. lol

Marilyn 08-06-2008 03:37 AM

Wow, your moms are young. If mine was still alive, she would have celebrated her 94th birthday on Aug. 2nd. She died in 2000 at the age of 85. Daddy would be 96 on Sept. 13. He passed in 1995 at 82. Spend time with them while you can and get those recipes you want and have them identify the people in those old pictures they have.

Diana, hope your mom improves very soon and gets to go home to that sweet husband of hers!!

Dobie 08-06-2008 05:42 AM

I hope she is back home soon!

blowry 08-06-2008 06:13 AM

Diana, I hope all goes well with your Mom. Sending prayers out to her!:hands:

DianaB 08-11-2008 08:03 AM

I forgot to tell everyone that my Mom got out of the hospital either last Wed or Thurs. I can't remember which. The doctor sent her home with some antibiotics, just in case she had a middle ear infection.

I saw Mom yesterday at church and she's still really dizzy. She held on to my Step-Dad the whole time. She's going back to the doctor soon. Hopefully what ever this is will go ahead and take care of itself. Some told her that heat exhaustion can last for 2-3 weeks.

BTW--I saw Zach's family and Zach over the weekend. Zach is doing so good!!! His Mom said that he still has some anxiety issues but that he's working on them. He looked so nice and filled out, not thin like he was the last time we saw him. I miss this family so much. After I told them good-bye last night I cried all the way home. They are so special to us!

Tink 08-11-2008 08:31 AM

I'm glad she got back home Diana.
I have had middle ear infection and it does make you really dizzy but rarely lasts more than 3-4 days.

How nice it had to have been to see Zach with some weight on him! It sounds like that poor boy has been through a really rough time.

Forgivenmom5 08-11-2008 07:18 PM

Hope the meds help and your Mom feels much better.

Janet 08-12-2008 03:49 AM

I'm so glad your Mom is home and doing somewhat better. Remind her take it easy so she doesn't get dizzy and fall and break something. I know my Mom would be hard to keep down or would still want to do everything herself. She just needs to be carefully until she is fully recovered.

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