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HALEY 11-18-2008 11:37 AM

Micah still sick...
wanted to give everyone an update on Micah, he is still sick, he still has one ear infection in his left ear, they put him on stronger antibiotic again for 10 more days, can't understand why one ear cleared up and the other didn't.
he has a bad cough, runny nose, and his two year old molars are cominig in, one is in and the other three are pretty close. mild fever yesterday 100.1. going back to the doctor's again this Friday, to check on his ear infection and i'm praying he doesn't have a respirtory infection now. ( i'll be off work Friday since they cut my hours so i'll be taking him).
Just so sick of everything, was just laying in bed last night in tears... it has to get better...

judy 11-18-2008 01:14 PM

Oh, sorry you're so sad Haley. It always gets better one way or the other. Micah's ear infection is probably because he's cutting teeth.

Love ya,

Janet 11-18-2008 02:57 PM

Things always seem worse when the kids are sick Haley. You can't be any good for him if you don't take care of yourself.

I was just wondering if there is something your Dr. can suggest to boost his immune system...seems like everytime ya turn around this poor little guy isn't feeling good. I think I would ask and see if there is something that can help him...do you get him flu shots?

gja1000 11-18-2008 03:46 PM

So sorry little Micah is sick - it is so hard when they are little. He will get better and these infections will likely help build his little immune system. It's so hard when they have to go through all these illnesses. I have a two year old granddaughter who is not in day care, but every time they take her to the church nursery, she gets sick. Or when they take her to play in those inflatable playlands in the mall, she gets sick. I think they just have to work their way through all the bugs in the enviornment - but it is so hard! :(

Gina 11-18-2008 04:23 PM

Sorry to hear about little Micah not feeling better.. Like the rest said this is part of childhood , may I make a suggestion, I had a friend whose child would have reoccurring ear infections and they had ear tubes put in and the problem ended.. It has been many years ago, ask your dr. see what he says. If they continue to reoccur. Just a suggestion

My son as a little boy suffered with his tonsils he was on antibodics every 10 days for strep throat till finally I had them removed and he was never sick after that.

Give him a kiss from me, poor little guy. You take care don't get run down for you will be no help if you get sick.

HALEY 11-19-2008 04:14 AM

thanks everyone, Janet i am scared to get him a flu shot, it makes everyone in my family sick to death, almost killed my cousin, she had a bad reaction to it ended up in the hospital over a flu shot... so i really don't want to take that chance now..
as for the ears, my husband had very bad ear infections when he was a child and he also had tubes so i hope Micah don't follow in his foot steps.. he's going back to the doctors friday hopefully the doctor has good news for me, this is going on three weeks this kids been sick, and not eating good, he's going to waste away to nothing....

2tiredmom 11-19-2008 04:17 AM


I can't believe poor little Micah is still sick. I feel for you. Your in my prayers.
I hope the new medicine is working.

HALEY 11-19-2008 04:20 AM

thanks hun, he's on his second set of antibiotics but is still pulling on his ears, i don't know what else to do to comfort him...

Janet 11-19-2008 06:56 AM

I sure hope he gets to feeling better soon Haley. I know it is hard for him, but also hard for you. I was so blessed that Ricky was never sick as a child. I mean I think he's only vomited no more than 5 times his whole life and never had an ear infection.

GAYLE.......I was just curious and thought you may know. I have heard this and wonder if it is true.

I was told that when you are feeding the babies their bottles or nursing, that you need to sit them up as much as possible and to never give a bottle to a baby laying down. That the milk/formula can somehow affect their ears. Is this true?

I made sure when Ricky was a baby to sit him up as much as possible and while other kids his age were getting ear infections, Ricky has never had one.

Is there any truth to that or were Ricky and I just one of the lucky ones?

HALEY 11-19-2008 07:13 AM

Janet they told us that in birthing classes, cause the milk could run down the babies check into the ear, and that can cause ear infections. they also told us not to put him in bed with a bottle cause of this.. there might be other reason that Gayle could answer,,

DianaB 11-19-2008 08:09 AM

Haley, I'm sorry that Micah is still having his ear infection. I think that it probably has to do with his teeth coming in too. They always seem like they have a cold when their teeth come in and ear infections go along with colds. Give Micah a hug from me.

HALEY 11-19-2008 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 81998)
Haley, I'm sorry that Micah is still having his ear infection. I think that it probably has to do with his teeth coming in too. They always seem like they have a cold when their teeth come in and ear infections go along with colds. Give Micah a hug from me.

Thanks Diana, i don't know what to do, seems like the antibiotics aren't working so well, then they put him on stronger ones, and he is still pulling those ears. I feel so bad for him, his nose is running so bad. and Harley scratched his face last night to boot, and his nose is so red and sore, i'm going to put some aquaphor on it after his bath tonight, probably from wipping it so much lately.

Gina 11-19-2008 04:43 PM

Aww poor little guy I hope he is feeling better soon and the antibodics kick in.

HALEY 11-20-2008 04:36 AM

thanks Gina, but he was still pulling on that ear this morning, Thank God he has a doctors apt tomorrow.

donna1990 11-20-2008 11:49 AM

Thinking of you and that baby. It's got to get better.

HALEY 11-20-2008 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 82189)
Thinking of you and that baby. It's got to get better.

thanks Donna, i'm praying it does...

DianaB 11-24-2008 08:16 AM

Haley, how is Micah doing now? Is his earache any better?

HALEY 11-24-2008 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 82534)
Haley, how is Micah doing now? Is his earache any better?

Not good Diana, he has fluid build up in both ears have to take him back in a couple of weeks for them to decide if he needs tubes in his ears... i'm flipping out about all this.... just depressing.

DianaB 11-24-2008 11:19 AM

Micah will be fine. Just listen to his doctor. You're the Mom and you can't just "flip" out. Take a deep breath and be thankful that it's only an earache. Just think of all the things that other mothers are dealing with with children that are very, very sick. You CAN handle an earache and what it takes to put the tubes in. Micah's going to be just fine and back to healthy in no time. We've all dealt with things like this with our own children.

HALEY 11-24-2008 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 82559)
Micah will be fine. Just listen to his doctor. You're the Mom and you can't just "flip" out. Take a deep breath and be thankful that it's only an earache. Just think of all the things that other mothers are dealing with with children that are very, very sick. You CAN handle an earache and what it takes to put the tubes in. Micah's going to be just fine and back to healthy in no time. We've all dealt with things like this with our own children.

Thanks Mom i needed to hear that.

donna1990 11-24-2008 01:13 PM

Don't worry about the tubes in the ears, not a big deal today.
My son had them 30 years ago and it was nothing.
I know you can't help but worry but know that we are all praying.

celstu1 11-24-2008 01:18 PM

My brother had tubes put in when he was a kid also. That was 30 years ago. Im sure its easier now, but it was easy back then too! :) I just hope Micah gets better now and the tubes help prevent him from getting this bad of an ear infection again. Poor baby!

HALEY 11-25-2008 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by donna1990 (Post 82567)
Don't worry about the tubes in the ears, not a big deal today.
My son had them 30 years ago and it was nothing.
I know you can't help but worry but know that we are all praying.

Donna its not so much the tubes, i don't like the idea of them putting him under, there are alot of risk for a child to be put under, under the age of 2 years old that i wasn't aware of...

Tiramisu 11-25-2008 07:19 AM

Haley, the risks of damage from the ear infection is probably much higher!

Dobie 11-25-2008 07:55 AM

Sorry to hear that he's not feeling well - I hope the problem clears up quickly for him.

Shada 11-25-2008 04:27 PM

Saying a prayer for you and your son.

Please don't worry about the procedure to put the ear tubes in, I know many children who have had this done with no problems.

Focus on the help it will give him. It really will help.

DianaB 11-26-2008 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Tiramisu (Post 82633)
Haley, the risks of damage from the ear infection is probably much higher!

That's probably true. Without having this done he could possibly have some hearing loss.

Nina 11-26-2008 01:49 PM

Poor baby, I'm sorry to hear he's having trouble with ear infections. My son had trouble too (he's 22 now). He got one ear infection after another, and I took him to an ENT. He told me he needed to have his tonsils out and have tubes put in his ears. When I started to ask questions, he said he didn't have time for questions, he was running behind. So, I got a second opinion. The second ENT put him on antibiotics for 10 days, and my son's ear infection cleared up. Then, he took his tonsils out, but no tubes. He was 3 at the time, and he did very well with the surgery. Had surgery in the morning, and went home that evening. He never had another ear infection after that.:)

If you're concerned about the tubes, try a second opinion. But, these days they aren't a big deal. They have improved over the years.

HALEY 12-01-2008 04:49 AM

Thanks everyone, i might move his apt up, he is still messing with his left ear, it's still bugging him. but with Mike out of town its hard to take him all the way to wash. its about a 45 min drive from my house... but i can always take my mom with me...

donna1990 12-01-2008 06:36 AM

Micah still sick

Originally Posted by HALEY (Post 82632)
Donna its not so much the tubes, i don't like the idea of them putting him under, there are alot of risk for a child to be put under, under the age of 2 years old that i wasn't aware of...

I know it is scary but the time spent under is so short.
He could lose his hearing. My son had it done at 18 months old, the first time.
When he turned 6, the teacher said he was retarded, took him back to the Doctor and he had lost quite a bit of his hearig, they put tubes in again and he was fine.
Good Luck, more prayers for you.

HALEY 12-01-2008 06:46 AM

Thanks Donna, i still don't know why the doctor wants me to wait til dec 26 th,, he only told me to see if the fluid dries up in his ear on its own, but why so long, i think i'm going to move his apt up... :( he is scratching the hell out of that one ear..

donna1990 12-01-2008 10:40 AM

I don't understand why he is delaying this, BUT, my friend went through this and talked to a friend of his that worked for the Doctor and they got him right in. I say, "it is who you know". Maybe you should get a second opinion or tell this Doctor you will be looking for another one.
I am not happy with our medical professionals at all. I have been so upset these last six months because the appointment wait time has been 2 to 4 hours. Guess we don't have enough Doctors.
Poor baby, is he on any medication?

HALEY 12-01-2008 11:08 AM

He was on two anti biotics, the first ones weren't strong enough only cleared up one ear infection and the second set cleared both up, there is just a fluid build up in both ears now... i want to move his apt up, but Mike is out of town and took that friday off so he can go.
But Micah is scratching that left ear really bad, i just might have to move it up and Mike will just have to come home early one week....

HALEY 12-02-2008 06:51 AM

i can't take it anymore, i made Micah an appointmet for Friday at 9:30 am, if the doctors don't do anything about his ears, there going to deal with one pissed off mother in there office, the poor kid is digging those ears in his sleep and shaking his head, that fluid has to be driving him crazy.. i wish i could take him today...
if he gets any worse im just going to take him the the ER....

DianaB 12-02-2008 09:29 AM

I'm so sorry, Haley, that Micah's still having trouble with his ears. I wish that there was something that I could suggest that would help. I'll keep praying for the little guy.

HALEY 12-02-2008 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 83289)
I'm so sorry, Haley, that Micah's still having trouble with his ears. I wish that there was something that I could suggest that would help. I'll keep praying for the little guy.

Thanks Diana, its just driving me crazy i dont' know what to do, the doctor wants to see him Friday, but if he is still messing with that ear tonight, i'm jumping in my truck and taking him to med express, i don't want the poor kid to go death in that ear or it get worse.. i'm home by myself and Mike is still in Cleveland, its just very frustration to me... If that doctor don't do something this visit.. i'm going to be a very unhappy mother... and i don't think he wants to see that side of me... especially since its that time of month for me my patients are very thin right now... :D

judy 12-02-2008 12:07 PM

Poor little Micah! I hope you get him the treatment he needs quickly.

celstu1 12-02-2008 01:10 PM

What about ear candling? I think you can do that at home to see if it will draw the fluid out of his ears.

Janet 12-02-2008 02:37 PM

Poor Micah. I sure hope he starts feeling better soon. He has to be pretty miserable to keep messing with that ear.

donna1990 12-02-2008 03:05 PM

I am so sorry sweet heart, you are still in my prayers.

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