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Janet 10-04-2006 05:13 AM

Little Worm things
Do any of you know what I can do for these little worms in my house? They are really narrow, little bigger than a pencil lead and no longer than an inch. They don't hump up in the middle when they move, just slither. I first noticed them last fall and just picked them up and threw them away. Didn't see any all winter or summer, but they are back again. I hate the thought of these little worms in my house. They don't climb walls or anything like that, I only find them on the floor. Usually one or two a day. What are these and what can I do to get rid of them? I don't want to call an exterminator, too afraid the furbabies would get sick.:)

Mandy 10-04-2006 09:30 AM

No idea what they could be, but i would be freaking out if i had any LOL... maybe you could take a pic and post it, there might be someone that will recognize them! :)

RLC12345678 10-04-2006 09:49 AM

I would definately call an exterminator! Eek!

Courtney 10-04-2006 09:59 AM

I would spray around the outside of the house. In the past we have gotten these little centipede things that were about an inch long and the neighbor said that seven dust worked great, it did. We try to spray around the outside of the house about 1 a month now for ants or spiders or just whatever. We haven't gotten anything inside since. We use a spray so when it dries it shouldn't bother the dogs, it hasn't so far, and we just spray about a 4-6 inch strip around the entire foundation of the house.

Janet 10-04-2006 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Courtney
I would spray around the outside of the house. In the past we have gotten these little centipede things that were about an inch long and the neighbor said that seven dust worked great, it did. We try to spray around the outside of the house about 1 a month now for ants or spiders or just whatever. We haven't gotten anything inside since. We use a spray so when it dries it shouldn't bother the dogs, it hasn't so far, and we just spray about a 4-6 inch strip around the entire foundation of the house.

Thanks, I'll check to see if I can get a spray for the outside. They're not numerous or anything like that and I usually only see them of a morning. Like I said maybe one or two a day. I'll try to take a picture and post it.

RLC12345678 10-04-2006 10:24 AM

We have Terminix come out once a month to spray because I'm deathly afraid of critters. Our exterminator told us that the solution would not hurt our furbabies. We just have to wait 30 minutes after he sprays to let them on the floor again. He sprays mainly outside around the foundation of the house. If you got someone to do that, that would not hurt the furbabies since it is outside.

rivermom 10-04-2006 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mandy
No idea what they could be, but i would be freaking out if i had any LOL... maybe you could take a pic and post it, there might be someone that will recognize them! :)

My thoughts exactly! Ewwwww, I hate bugs, ESPECIALLY wormy ones! :eek:

rivermom 10-04-2006 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by RLC12345678
We have Terminix come out once a month to spray because I'm deathly afraid of critters. Our exterminator told us that the solution would not hurt our furbabies. We just have to wait 30 minutes after he sprays to let them on the floor again. He sprays mainly outside around the foundation of the house. If you got someone to do that, that would not hurt the furbabies since it is outside.

We too have Terminex come out once a month. Some contract thingy we've got with them or whatever. Anyway, our guy uses something that is completely safe for pets (fur kids). I've never kept the dogs away inside while he's sprayed and I've never had any issues at all.

I don't know the name of it though, ugh. He also sprays outside.

We STILL though get a few spiders inside, but there's just no way of keeping every creepy crawly thing away.

Sherry Lynn 10-06-2006 06:00 PM

I know I read on another forum that ants don't like mint. Perhaps that would work on your little critters, too.

Make a really strong mint tea and spray it in the areas that you have problems. No harm to the furkids and it smells good, too! Couldn't hurt to try it.

PS I also have a contractor (Western) come out and spray because our lot is wooded and we get spiders!:eek: The products that they use are safe for pets, too.

Taurus Babe 10-06-2006 07:17 PM

Worms are sooooo icky sticky GROSS! ;) sorry your haviny problems...I would EV_A_CU_ATE!! But for real, I wish I had some advise, maybe you can find some organic spray or something...that's best for the environment, your fur kids and your self!

Janet 10-07-2006 02:12 AM

So far I think my best bet is to call Terminex and see what they have to say. Since the last few days have been warmer, I haven't see any, but the cooler temps are suppose to be back today.

Janet 10-13-2006 02:13 PM

Here's the picture
1 Attachment(s)
Keep in mind that this worm is very, very tiny, about 1 inch long and about as round as pencil lead.

Marilyn 10-14-2006 06:37 AM

It looks like a centipede to me. Yuck!!! We have all kinds of bugs around here with the warm climate, and I think I've seen these before. They are probably coming in due to the cooler temps. Spraying around outside may be the solution.

We had a big caterpillar just inside our front door a couple of nights ago, but I'm sure it slithered inside from the plants by our porch. I picked it up with a paper towel and flushed it. My hubby said it would probably come back up and bite me :D .

Good luck getting rid of your little pests!!!

DianaB 10-14-2006 06:55 AM

It looks like a centipede to me too. Malathion is another good chemical to spray around your house because it's safe for animals. Even to get a bug spray in a can would be alright to use, just make sure it's safe for use around animals. I'd just spray it around the baseboards in the house. It's no fun having creepy crawlies around your house. Good luck!!

Janet 10-14-2006 10:22 AM

I'll have to check out the Malathion stuff. Thanks for mentioning it. I really need something safe for all the Yorkies and my Golden. Time for the worms to go!!!!

Kimberley 10-15-2006 06:46 AM

that looks like a millipede. GROSS! Spray around your house!

rivermom 10-15-2006 06:55 AM

Ewwwww! Why did I pull up that picture? Oh why oh why? How gross. But yes it does look like some sorta centipede thingy. It also looks like it needs to be killed. Oh gross, I hate bugs i swear i hate bugs! :eek:

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