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I'm a little annoyed!!
My husband and son belong to Boy Scouts. I firmly believe Scouts is a plus for any child, boy or girl. They have many campouts and it gives me time alone once in awhile.
Here goes....They just had their fund raiser at Ft. Ouiatenon this past weekend. Then on Monday evening they had their regular weekly Scout meeting. I was suppose to attend a Yorkie meetup on the 14th, but it was cancelled so I thought the three of us could get a lot done before it really gets cold. Well, someone is working on their Eagle project and the boys want to go....for 3 freaking hours!!!! It ALWAYS ends up being longer. I'm getting a little annoyed that my husband spends so much money for Scouts when the troop should be paying for it and now, it is taking up so much time when they are needed around here. I can't do it all myself. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it, but I am pissed!!! AND my husband knows it. Can't discuss it with him right now, because I'm sure I would explode. He is going to have to choose I'm afraid which is most important. I'm afraid there is going to be a showdown.....and I'm not willing to lose at this point! |
Can fully understand how you feel, how about putting it all down on paper for your hubby to read then you will not get into a shouting match and he may understand how strongly you feel. This is what I do because when I am angry I never seem to get my piomt across without it being a case of who shouts loudest. Good luck.:thumbup:
I wouldn't do a damn thing if I were you. I would let it all pile up until your hubby notices and when he asks why you aren't doing anything, tell him that you are waiting on him to help you. Make it something that he would notice fast. Like do you do his laundry? Quit doing it! Quit cooking...he will notice when there's no dinner to eat. Don't do anything else until you have his help. Men are selfish. They aren't going to do anything unless there's something in it for them.
I love the way you think!!!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: |
I'm just mean. My hubby says that I'm "so vindictive." But if he does something to make me mad, I don't let him know that I am angry. All I do is say, "Alright, we'll see," and then walk away. That is usually enough to scare him into doing whatever I want him to do. hehehehe Men are very simple creatures. You just have to know how to work 'em. ;) |
Maybe you should teach a class, I know I would want to join in...LOL Never too old to learn!!:)
Janet, I completely understand the feeling that scouts seems to come first, except my mom is the one I got it from.
It is very frustrating and I agree with Rebecca.....don't do anything and tell him you are waiting for his help if he (that is IF) he notices. |
My mom did that one time! She has always been a homemaker without any help from my dad. She took care of 3 kids... kept a spotless house... cooked... waited on my Dad hand-and-foot... he never lifted a finger around the house. It all started with a stupid argument over a phone bill... and BAM!!!! The next thing you know she was on a total boycott! Didn't take him long to apologize to her, either! I guess washing his own dirty drawers, cleaning up after himself and fixing his own dinner wasn't as easy as he thought it was!!!:D I LOVED it!!!! You should give it a try, Janet! |
You're a quick study, Rebecca!!:p |
I do have to admit, I love the ideas shared here alot!! I just don't think I could let things go that long....LOL Things like that don't bother him....for instance, he has a four car garage that you can't get a car into. There is so much crap just all over the place that you can't walk more the 3 steps without climbing over something or tripping. I just don't go into his garage anymore. If by chance he puts something in my garage....I just take it and THROW it into his.
HAHAHA I learned it from my mom and my grandmother. :D If someone depends on you for something, then you are in control. I do a lot around the house, but I also demand that my husband helps out. If he doesn't do his part, then neither do I!!!! |
Oh boy, if I tried that, I'd come home to a filthy house and two skeletons, one of my husband and the other of the dog!! My husband would rather starve than make something to eat and if I didn't feed my furball, he'd let him starve too. Not because he is lazy or neglectful, it's that he is a teacher and is extremely overwhelmed by his work. He will forget to eat if I don't remind him. I actually feel sorry for him.
I can handle the no cooking and doing his laundry, but I can not let my house get in disarray, just can't do it!!! LOL
Ok, Janet, that is what you need to do. Don't cook and don't do his laundry! You better stick to it, now! :cool: |
Man oh man are you guys gonna get me in trouble!!! I just fixed my son some supper and hubby's last bit of clothes is dry and waiting to be folded. If you hear any loud yelling....it's probably gonna be us. Just turn your TV's up and you won't hear a thing!!!! LMAO:D
OK, Janet, the key is to act like nothing is wrong. Don't be in a bad mood, don't act pissed. Just when he asks where his food is and why his clothes aren't folded, say in a kind tone that he made it clear that he doesn't want to help YOU out, and tell him that is perfectly fine with you, but you aren't going to help HIM out either. And just smile. :) |
Oh my goodness....I just read all the posts and some make me die laughing.
I know I NEVER cook when I am ticked at hubby. He knows that crap hits the fan when his dinner don't get served...He automatically realizes that he's done bad. Once I was so mad at him I didn't cook for like 4 days...But then I realized I wasn't eating myself and I was STARVING. So, I ended up cooking just so I could eat. LMAO!! Oh the things we do to let our hubbies know we're pissed. It's insane at times. :eek: |
I slam doors and give the silent treatment when I'm pissed. I never cook anyway and hubby does his own laundry so I have to come up with creative ways of letting him know that I'm pissed. Hence the slamming doors and the silent treatment. :p
I can't help but laugh....now I have to take acting lessons????? Rebecca, you just crack me up...sure wish you lived closer!!! ROFLMAO :D :D |
I wish I lived closer too!!!!!!!! I need to come visit you next time I'm in Indiana visiting my hubby's grandma. She lives in Brookston, IN. I think I've told you that before. THen I can just pick up that precious little baby of yours and bring her back to my house!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D |
I TOTALLY agree with Rebecca....That's a great one!! Ok Janet....Hurry up and start those acting lessons. LMAO!! ;) |
Shall I start with Shakespeare???
Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo????? LOL Or how about Roseanne....I'm told I act like her anyway!!! :D |
So how is it going? Has the message hit home with him yet?
Well he got home around 7:30 PM. Thought he would try to sell Popcorn (Scout fundraiser) on his way home is why it took so long. His clothes were in the basket, I had washed them before this thread, and are still there. He didn't eat anything. Tonight he won't be here till around 10:00 PM he has to go to "Roundtable" another Scout function for leaders. Then they are definitely going to help a Scout with his Eagle project on Sat. from 8 - 11 in the morning.
I'm not doing one freakin thing for him for the rest of his freakin life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd hold off sex, but it's been 15 years anyway....I don't think he'd notice! Now my sinuses are draining and I'm starting to feel like crap so he'd better not pi$$ me off anymore than I am. |
YAY, Janet! Way to put your foot down! You need to be treated like the princess that you are! All women are princesses. He has 2 hands...he can do his OWN chores! |
He's pretty good when I'm sick...soooooo LOLOL I just may play the "sick card" all weekend....sound like a plan?:D
I hope being a snot, doesn't make me sick all weekend! |
Yeah, I would definitely play that sick card! LOL
I hope he gets a clue soon, Janet. That roundtable stuff can sure be annoying too. And why is he doing the popcorn stuff? I thought the scouts were supposed to sell the popcorn?? |
Well I hope things are getting better there Janet. You are too nice to be put up with crap. |
Okay everyone.....I left a list of at least 15 things on it that at least half could have been done this weekend. They did about 4 and none are completely done. I wish I felt like going outside and doing some of it, but I have an excuse...I don't want to go out and breath in more dust and ragweed. They feel fine....so guess I'll go on strike for awhile and only do what pleases me and see if it's noticed.
The sick card didn't work real well, because they were outside most of the time. Wonder if he'll notice he doesn't have clean clothes for tomorrow??????:) |
Y'all are so conniving!!! If I went on strike, my husband would be livid. I could never do that to him. But then, he helps out a lot, and its give an take on both sides. We just can't function well when things aren't good at home.
Janet, hope this all works out and he helps you more. I'm praying for all of you. |
I too hope everything works out. I am like Marilyn, if things aren't right at home I can't function with anything. My happiness or a calm mental state of mind is the only way I can do anything. :p
Well, ladies he apologized for being so selfish!!! Where's that thread about "surpirses"....LOL I told him even though I'm home during the middle of the day, there was no excuse for me having to do or feeling like I have to do everything. That if I didn't do it, it didn't get done, unless I complained. He said from now on just make a list of things that need done, because sometimes he just doesn't see it and doesn't feel it's as important as I do. So....I feel better...but we'll see!
That was very very nice of him!!!!!!!!! Now stay on him! Just because he apologizes does not mean he's off the hook. He needs to follow through. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: |
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