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gja1000 03-04-2010 04:46 AM

Hi Everyone!
It's been sorta quiet in here! I've checked in everyday, but haven't had much time to post.

School is busy right now, it's about the middle of the semester, so that means things are gearing up, assignments are due, and students are getting a little stressed!

We are getting ready for accreditation by our national organization in April. We've been writing what is called a "Self-Study" for the past year. It contains EVERYTHING there is to know about us and our school. Then, for 3 days in April, we will have visitors from the accreditation organization spend time here with us looking over things and talking with faculty, students, and anyone else they want to talk with! :p It is a very stressful time, but we are in good shape and shouldn't have any problems!

Gary is still at the lake fishing with his aunt and uncle. I've gone down the past two weekends and will go again this weekend. I like getting away to the lake, but being gone every weekend is tough! He will likely stay through my spring break (I'll go down for the week when I am off).

Abigail has a track meet today and volleyball on the weekends. I got to see her play v-ball last weekend and I'm going to her track meet today. My Yorkie boyz are NOT happy with Gary and I for being gone so much. They are being very whiny and clingy when I am home. I don't blame them, I'm not home very much! I feel badly for them.

When you have a minute, tell us what has kept you so busy!

DianaB 03-04-2010 06:57 AM

You are such a busy woman, Gayle!!! Working your job then going to the lake on the weekends and keeping up with your Granddaughter's activities!!! It's no wonder that you haven't been on much.

I don't know what I've been doing. I've come on and kept up with the new posts and then when I have more time I go back over the ones that I've already answered. I've been searching for stuff on e-bay for my flea market booth but I'm hesitating buying much until I actually have my booth but I do enjoy finding good buys on e-bay so it's hard to resist at least looking. However when I'm on the computer a lot Glen gets upset with me so sadly.....4WT suffers for it. I will admit that I do spend wayyyyy too much time on the computer.

Besides that we went to Wichita to a couple of antique malls just to get away for a while before Glen gets busy in the field. I found a few things....not much. We also stopped at Lowe's and I picked out a nice curtain rod for my living room. The one that I had up was just one of the cheap white metal rods. The curtains were pulled back and the rod kept showing. Glen put it up for me a couple of days ago and it looks soooo much better. The curtains are hanging nicely at the side and the window is more open now....of course, you can see all the fingerprints from Karlie and nose prints from the dogs now!!!!.......You know.....that lived in look!!!

I had Karlie for awhile yesterday!! She was so excited to be here and she told Glen and I that over and over. We just saw her on Sunday!!! She makes us feel so loved.....I don't know what we ever did before we had her in our family!!! Dae Lynn went to the doctor and she is going to be induced on Friday. The baby hasn't dropped so that's a big concern. If she doesn't deliver on Friday they'll try inducing again on Saturday and if that still doesn't work then they'll take him c-section on Saturday evening. Please pray that she can deliver naturally on Friday. She's been diabetic and the doctor is concerned about letting her go over because she thinks the baby is big....................and the real kicker is that she's going to be gone next week. Anyway, by the weekend we should have our baby!!

I haven't been doing anything with the wedding plans....it seems that Jaci is determined to do things on her own.......I've really been struggling with that and my feelings have really been hurt. No disagreements or anything like that......just not being included in the decisions. The thought that my kids will finally be out of the house is difficult for me too. Just a lot of emotional things going on right now.

Anyway....for the next few days I'll be waiting for the baby and getting used to being a new Grandma!!! I can't wait for that sweet little boy to arrive!!!!

paula1961 03-04-2010 01:43 PM

I have been on here everyday too. It sure has been slow lately. Sometimes when I check in, there aren't even any new posts:eek: Anyways........wow Gayle you sure have been busy.

Enjoy your time at the lake and the time you are getting to spend watching Abigal in her sports. You will just have to give the boyz extra treats and love.:)

I have been busy seems like, but it's just been doing things that are not at all enjoyable. I have had some problems with my lungs after I had that really bad cold and flu. That hung on for a couple of months. So now I am dealing with having to go for a ct on my chest, that one was Monday. One on my neck will be on the 8th, and then back to see the dr on the 16th for a followup. I guess I will find out then what the problem is. Say a prayer for me please.
That's about it for me except just trying to keep up with these yorkies, that puppy is wild as a little buck:D I have her advertised but have only had 2 calls on her. I sure wish I could find her a wonderful family. I am in no hurry, I wouldn't want anything less than perfect for her. She is a mess:D

Diana, I certainly will say prayers for Dae Lynn! You let us know the minute that little bundle of love gets here. I will be watching everyday now for your news.
Sorry that you are not getting to help much with wedding decisions. I know that is tough for ya. But you can bet that before it's over, she will be wanting her Mom's input. That just seems to be how it goes.:)

Janet 03-04-2010 02:40 PM

Sounds like everyone has something going on doesn't it. I think Facebook has hurt us a lot...anyone else think the same thing? It's so easy to get a quick check on everyone and then off we go again...:)

I've been on the computer too much too Diana, only I'm not doing anything productive, mostly checking forums real quick and then playing games. I need to get our taxes done, but haven't done that yet...or Ricky's. I also need to learn to put this computer away for awhile. Seems like once I'm on it....the hours fly by and my house shows.

Been taking care of whatever Mom needs. She went to the Dr. today. Still has fluid in her lungs and Dr. thinks it's because of the dialysis. It's not taking enough fluid off. It's so hard to find a balance.

Ricky lost his job so been busy trying to find place for him to apply to part-time. It's hard to work and go to school, not everyone wants a part-time employee. Please keep him in your prayers.

We are considering selling Fancy. Haven't decided yet for sure, but I bought her for a specific purpose and so far nothing. It's like selling a family member and will be hard, but somethings gotta give somehow.

Looking forward to spring break the last full week of this month. Can't do much of course, but maybe I can get my house in order...clean a few closets and drawers. I just want to be able to sleep a little later...lol.

Hopefully everyone will come back to 4WT soon. I do miss the closeness. As nice as FB is for keeping in touch with friends and family, I almost wish it didn't exist. It's drawn alot of us from here.

Looking forward to baby news from Diana and keeping Dae Lynne in my prayers for a safe and easy delivery.

Blueyes 03-04-2010 06:32 PM

Hi Everybody!! I'm glad you started this thread, Gayle. Working and weddings and babies and medical tests and care giving....life does get tedious sometimes, huh?

I have been busy helping Teresa. I took her to see her surgeon today. He said she was doing great and can start cardiac rehab in 2-3 weeks. Then I get to drive her there 3 days a week:rolleyes: I really don't mind, lol! I'm just thankful she's getting better!

I decided that I'm tired of looking at my bedroom walls, so I'm painting them tomorrow! The carpet is blue and the walls are very pale blue. It really doesn't go with the rest of my house, but I can't get new flooring right now. So I'm painting my walls a color called Crushed Grapes. It should look decent with the carpet...I HOPE!! I have ordered a new quilt for the bed. I want my room to look sort of "feminine antique". Yes...I just made that up, lol!!! Here's the quilt... http://www.walmart.com/ip/Carmel-Quilt-Set/10730039

gja1000 03-04-2010 06:53 PM

OH! I love quilt spread, Betsi!!! It DOES look feminine antique!!! Is the crushed grapes wall color like the purple in the quilt?

gja1000 03-04-2010 06:54 PM

Betsi, I thought you might be spending time with your sister-in-law. It sounds like she is really doing well! I'm sure your TLC is helping LOTS!

gja1000 03-04-2010 07:00 PM

We are all busy in different ways, aren't we! I guess spring is the time we begin to get out and about and start doing more things!

Diana, I know you are so thrilled that the new baby will be here soon. Then you will be even busier!

I hope that you and Glen are able to find that perfect 5th wheel and do some traveling.

Janet, I know you are busy with your mom, Ricky, work and everything else!

Paula! You haven't told us that you are still having respiratory problems. Please let us know what the CT shows!

I enjoy facebook, but the communication there is so brief and superficial. I find that I enjoy connecting with friends and family but on a very brief and episodic basis - nothing like the connections I find here.

I know we will be more active on 4WT - we all wax and wane from time to time. But I do miss the closeness here when the site is slow! :)

Blueyes 03-04-2010 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 107969)
OH! I love quilt spread, Betsi!!! It DOES look feminine antique!!! Is the crushed grapes wall color like the purple in the quilt?

I sure hope the grapes match, LOL!!! It hasn't come in yet, so if it's too bad I'll just have to send it back. I was hoping to get enough variety of colors that it just sort of "goes together".

Blueyes 03-04-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by gja1000 (Post 107971)
We are all busy in different ways, aren't we! I guess spring is the time we begin to get out and about and start doing more things!

Diana, I know you are so thrilled that the new baby will be here soon. Then you will be even busier!

I hope that you and Glen are able to find that perfect 5th wheel and do some traveling.

Janet, I know you are busy with your mom, Ricky, work and everything else!

Paula! You haven't told us that you are still having respiratory problems. Please let us know what the CT shows!

I enjoy facebook, but the communication there is so brief and superficial. I find that I enjoy connecting with friends and family but on a very brief and episodic basis - nothing like the connections I find here.

I know we will be more active on 4WT - we all wax and wane from time to time. But I do miss the closeness here when the site is slow! :)

Ditto!! :D

DianaB 03-04-2010 10:04 PM

Betsi, I bet that your room will look adorable when it's done!! I love the bed spread!!! You must be in the painting mood, now that you've been helping your son!!! I have some painting that I want done but I'm so slow and cautious about picking out just the right color!!

I agree with the FB comments. I like it for a quick check in but I'd much rather be on here. I have to be so careful of what I say on FB because you never know what might get spread around in a small town like ours!!! Small town living at it's worst!!!!

Paula, you're going to have to keep us updated on how you are doing. I didn't know that you were still having problems.

paula1961 03-05-2010 07:03 AM

Betsi, I love that quilt too. You will have to post a pic when you get it done.:) So glad your sil is doing well.

I will keep you updated on what the cts show. I just hadn't mentioned it before. I took 2 rounds of a steroid( can't remember the name of it) and 2 rounds of Levaquin and I still am having problems. I never had a breathing problem until I got whatever this is that I have:confused: Anyways just say a little prayer for me.:)

Diana, I sure hope you and Glen can find you a 5th wheel too. It is so enjoyable to go on a little getaway. Larry and I go mostly during the week when there isn't such a big crowd. We stay 3 nights at a time, unless we are going to Myrtle Beach or somewhere, then we stay at least a week.

Janet, I hope your Mom is doing ok. Has Ricky got any jobs lined up yet? I know around here jobs are few and far between, at least the decent ones are. I hope he finds something soon.

Gayle, I too am so glad that you started this thread. I miss you guys when it's slow. I don't have facebook, I know I should because of family but I just don't want to be on this computer anymore than I already am LOL.

Everybody have a wonderful day!:)

judy 03-05-2010 07:56 AM

This is a good thread! Thanks Gayle for starting it! It sounds like you are really busy, but enjoying your weekends! It is good that Gary is well enough to spend time with his aunt and uncle, and fishing! Spoil the doggies....they will be just fine!

Paula, I will be praying for your health. So sorry that you are not feeling great! Hopefully, you will be just fine when spring gets here. You are smart you don't belong to fb.

Diana, the baby will keep you so busy! What is sweeter than a baby? I am keeping DaeLynn in my prayers, and hopefully she will have an easy delivery.
Sounds like Jaci wants to be very grown up, doing the wedding stuff on her own. She is such a wonderful young woman. She will turn back to you - don't worry! I can understand your feeling left out though. You raised an independent, strong child! The booth/store sounds like fun, and the 5th wheel sounds like something to look forward to!

Betsi, I just love the quilt you chose. I think grape walls and blue carpeting will be so pretty with the quilt. I like the "feminine antique" name you gave it all. Sounds like shabby chic, which is so pretty! I can't wait for pictures.

Janet, you are also so busy! Soon, it will be Spring Break, and you can relax a bit. I hope Ricky finds a job soon that meets his needs. He is such a good guy!
Sorry that Mom hasn't found the balance she needs between her meds, dialysis, and other health problems. Is she still scooting around Walmart? It is hard to rehome Fancee, but you have to do what's best. Jessie is trying to rehome the Malamutes, and is also finding it hard to let go. Steve is finding it harder though!

Facebook has taken some of our women away from us for sure. I am sorry that they have chosen fb over us. I prefer 4WT because we have a closeness that can't be beat. I share things here that I would never share on fb, and probably not with too many other people either! I do like being in touch with family, and old friends who I don't have contact with otherwise, but I also have hidden lots of stuff, like Farmville (?), Mafia Wars, etc. posts. They have good games though. I have been playing a lot of online games lately - good because they keep me off of eBay - bad because I'm online too much. I do want to stimulate my brain though, and I have heard that these games are good for that. I'll get tired of them soon, and cut back. I have been home way too much between my car being in bad shape, and the snow. I'm still looking for a car, and have decided not to settle, but to look for exactly what I want. My car can still get me around well enough. I'm trying to get an appt. with my dentist down in the city, and will just rent a car for the day when I have to go down there. Everything is pretty quiet around here. Just waiting for Spring to come. The weather this week has been lovely though., It's in the high 30's, low 40's, so a lot of the snow will melt. It will be nice to be able to take off the boots and the down coat soon.

Janet 03-05-2010 10:34 AM

Okay....did I miss a thread where Diana is searching for a 5th wheel? I had wanted one at one time but of course Rick nixed that idea. He didn't want to take the topper on his truck on and off. Very selfish!! So I tried looking for a motorhome. Guess it just wasn't meant to be because now things are rough financially.

Paula...I pray you start feeling better soon. Please keep us updated.

I always get cabin fever if I'm in the house too long Judy. Our weather is warming up...today in the 40's and tomorrow in the 50's with wonderful sunshine. I'm so excited. I may run to Lafayette...I need some new walking shoes...mine are getting too worn and I can tell in my legs and back.

Betsi, I love that quilt. I just know the room will look great and I hope you'll post pics when you're done.

Gayle, I'm so glad you started this thread...it's so great to be able to catch up.

Now...if we can just get Gina back here and Mandy and Kat and wow...so many others!

DIANE W 03-05-2010 03:12 PM

Hello - i have enjoyed reading what everyone is upto.

Me ...... well off the top of my head i would say not really been doing much, but when i think a little, i have been working as normal, i work Monday - Thursday from 8am to 6.30pm (however i do work the last 2 hours each day at home - which is great). This week i have been so busy at work, i cant recall a week as busy in a long while - mind you i do prefer to be busy as the day goes quick and i get home sooner.....

Today i have been to my Aunt & Uncles, i do the shopping and get medication and generally organise their lives for them, i stay and have a meal with them, then head home to collaps in front of TV or computer. Later i take Harvey out for a walk, he will not let me not take him, no matter how tired i am - its those eyes that does it - ha ha ah.

Tomorrow i will go shopping with my daughter, looking for a gift for mothers day, for myself, from Kayley and for my mother in law too - not sure yet what to get. We usually have lunch out and will have a nice day i am sure. In the evening Dave and i usually chill out, have a drink and watch TV - wow that sounds boring!!!!! Then another walk with Harvey.

Sunday, we usually do cleaning and organising around the house and visit in-laws.

Well that is my usual week, off out now with Harvey, which reminds me i must find some time to give him a trim and bath...

I dont use Facebook at all, but i have noticed how quiet it is on here lately, i too am guilty of not posting much - but i always snoop around checking if i am missing anything.....

paula1961 03-05-2010 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by DIANE W (Post 107997)
Hello - i have enjoyed reading what everyone is upto.

Me ...... well off the top of my head i would say not really been doing much, but when i think a little, i have been working as normal, i work Monday - Thursday from 8am to 6.30pm (however i do work the last 2 hours each day at home - which is great). This week i have been so busy at work, i cant recall a week as busy in a long while - mind you i do prefer to be busy as the day goes quick and i get home sooner.....

Today i have been to my Aunt & Uncles, i do the shopping and get medication and generally organise their lives for them, i stay and have a meal with them, then head home to collaps in front of TV or computer. Later i take Harvey out for a walk, he will not let me not take him, no matter how tired i am - its those eyes that does it - ha ha ah.

Tomorrow i will go shopping with my daughter, looking for a gift for mothers day, for myself, from Kayley and for my mother in law too - not sure yet what to get. We usually have lunch out and will have a nice day i am sure. In the evening Dave and i usually chill out, have a drink and watch TV - wow that sounds boring!!!!! Then another walk with Harvey.

Sunday, we usually do cleaning and organising around the house and visit in-laws.

Well that is my usual week, off out now with Harvey, which reminds me i must find some time to give him a trim and bath...

I dont use Facebook at all, but i have noticed how quiet it is on here lately, i too am guilty of not posting much - but i always snoop around checking if i am missing anything.....

So glad to see you posting Diane!
Sounds like you have an interesting and busy life. I would love to see a pic of Harvey, such a wonderful name..........now go and get that baby trimmed up and post a pic lol. Have fun shopping tomorrow:)

gja1000 03-05-2010 07:20 PM

I'm REALLY glad this is Friday! It's been a long week.

I'm packing to go to the lake again this weekend. It's supposed to rain most of the weekend, so the guys won't be going fishing and maybe I can get to the two little antique stores in town. YAY! I love this little town, it reminds me of my own little town I grew up in.

Gary's sister is flying down from Kansas City next week to spend a few days with Gary and their aunt and uncle. They will have loads of fun!

I'll be going down again next Friday. That will be the first day of my spring break. I don't think we will spend the whole week down there, but it will be fun to not have to run back and forth.

Abigail got 4th place in the shot put yesterday. She's really not very good at it - they have only been practicing a couple of weeks. It was a little cool sitting outside - really it was just windy and so it was cool when the wind hit you. We sat out for about 2 hours waiting for her to compete! Next time we'll know how long we can sit in the car waiting on her event. Oh! I almost forgot, a dad was helping his son with his form on the shot put. So the dad went through the shot put motion. When he did, his shirt flew up and showed about 4 inches of butt crack! LOL! It was right in front of Brooke and I so we couldn't laugh out loud or talk about it, so we started texting back and forth. It was sooo funny! I wonder if he had a clue!

After the track meet we went out for hamburgers and then made chocolate no bake cookies at their house. It was a fun evening!

I bought our airline tickets to Alaska this week. I'd been hearing that the fares would drop in March, and sure enough, they did, so I bought them. Now, I can't look anymore, in case they go down a bit more, I'll be upset that I didn't wait! :p But sometimes when you wait for that last little drop, then they jump up and I kick myself.

Gary's sisters and two of their husbands will be going with us. We'll be the tour guides as none of them have ever been. I am really excited to be in Alaska again. We love it sooooo much!

Rex and Rowdy will be so excited to see Gary this weekend. They love him so much and miss him so much when he is gone. This is the longest he has been gone since we've had them. They probably think he is never coming back!

I need to get them an appointment to get their teeth cleaned. I just keep putting off calling. The thought of them going under anesthesia just makes me so nervous. But I just can't wait any longer!!!

I can check in on 4WT on my phone, but can't post much because the network is soooo sloooow at the lake. I'll be keeping an eye on you all though - so don't act up while I'm gone. ;)

Janet 03-07-2010 05:49 AM

I just love your posts anyway Gayle...but loved this one about the butt crack....LOL....I laugh out loud and the guys wonder what's going on....LOL.

Diane W, It's so nice to learn a bit more about you....glad you're here with us.

Let's see...yesterday, as you know was my birthday. The sun was so warm and nice even though it was only 50 degrees. The guys were goofing off in the garage so I went to Lafayette and bought a new pair of walking shoes. I could tell from my back and legs that a new pair was needed. I also went to Merle Norman and looked at the Vera Bradley purses. I found one I really liked but they didn't have it at that store. They made a call to another store and it will be there today. So now I need to see if I want to run back to Lafayette to get it. I love the 'Betsy' style. It's just a tad smaller than the 'Villager' but the handles seem to be thicker and will last longer I think. I think I want the one in Paprika ( http://www.verabradley.com/product/C...sc/641/c/0.uts ). I'm glad I didn't order online because the colors look so different in person.

Ricky made me a banana pudding with Nilla wafers and Rick bought a pizza and a small electric air compressor. He seemed to think I needed one to clean my bagless sweeper with. Little did he know that I was thinking of going back to a sweeper with a bag. The best gift was he slept on the couch Friday and Saturday night so I could have a snoreless birthday....LOL. My mother called and sang Happy Birthday to me it was funny because she can't carry a tune in a bucket...lol. My younger brother called while I was in Lafayette, I was shocked. Kat called me too. I just love talking to her...she makes me laugh so much. Plus all the b-day wishes here, FB and some other forums it was a really good day.

I'm so glad that Diana's new grandson is here and all is well. The pictures she posted were so good and I especially liked the two of her and Glenn holding the precious boy. They need to frame those two pictures.

paula1961 03-07-2010 07:22 AM

Janet, I am so glad you had a great birthday. How sweet of Ricky to make his mama a special b-day pudding.
I am also glad that Rick slept on the couch for a couple of nights and hopefully you got caught up on your sleep.
Sounds like you had a wonderful day and your b-day still isn't over, get on over there and pick up your new purse. Really pretty.:)

Gotta go find the baby thread:D:p

judy 03-07-2010 09:04 AM

Gotta go to Jessie's, but I love reading all of your posts! Such a week! Diana's new grandson, Dean Lukas, Janet's birthday, and Gayle's trip to Alaska!

Marilyn 03-07-2010 02:19 PM

So sorry that I haven't been on here. I do check FB as many of you know. We have just been so very busy.

Since Nov. 1st, we've planned Karen's wedding which was on Dec 22nd, as most of you know. Then I got a cold the week after and another cold, the week after that. Much of January was trying to get well, trying to help Melissa and Garrett with the remodel of the mobile home that most of you know about. It looks soooo nice. Melissa has posted some on FB for those of you who are on there, and are her friends. I'll have to snatch some of the pics and post here.

February, more helping with the mobile home, and trying to keep up with everything else. We all helped to lay the laminate flooring. I 'bout killed myself one weekend. The kids went on a retreat and Rex and I worked on the trailer. I laid the laminate flooring in the kitchen, by myself, which was the hardest room, lots of intricate cuts. My knees and legs were so tired and sore from getting up and down. Rex, Melissa and I (mostly Rex and me) installed tile and glass block backsplash in the kitchen. The tile is a grey/tan, with shades of blue glass block. Turned out really pretty.

Melissa and Garrett finally moved in last weekend, so whew, now most of that is done.

Karen and Carlton are doing well in California. He deploys to Afghanistan on March 25thish (they can't tell the exact date for security reasons). They will be here next Saturday for a week for pre-deployment leave. We can't wait to see them. It all seems so unreal. The quick wedding to a guy we barely knew, then off to California. They seem very happy and we are thrilled for them, but, with such short notice and again, we barely knew him. These children of ours (yours and ours) are so very precious. We ache for them, hoping all will be well.

I'm on FB more than here because more of my family are there, and it helps me keep connected to our girls. Even Rex has a FB account now, because he felt left out.

Also, Rex got after me for being on the computer so much. I have gotten lots more done since not being on here so much. It is easy to get on check FB and back off, and since he knows I'm communicating with our girls, he approves of it more than here.

I'll try to be on here more. There were over 400 new posts, so I know I missed a lot and can never catch up. Do care for you all and consider you my dear friends.

Gayle, thank you for starting this thread. I'll really try to check in more often. So glad you are all still here and busy with life!!!

judy 03-11-2010 06:38 AM

Hi Marilyn! it is so good to see you here!

You have surely been busy! It must be hard with both girls doing so many things!

Is Karen coming back when Carlton is deployed?

gja1000 03-11-2010 07:16 PM

Hi Guys!
Sorry I haven't posted much at all this week - SUCH a busy week. It has just been one thing after another all day and night!!!

I'm packing to go to the lake with Gary, but this time I'll stay till next Tuesday when he and I will come home to pick up his sister at the airport. She's flying in from Kansas City and will stay with his/her aunt and uncle at the lake. We'll all come home on the 21st, just in time to start back up with school and be really busy AGAIN! Grrrr!!!

Anyway, I will be able to check 4WT but not post much, if anything, as the telephone network down there is extreeeeeemly slow and it takes forever just to get onto 4WT, let alone post! I'll be thinking of all of you though.

Lindsay, I haven't posted about your potential new house, but it is absolutely gorgeous and I would jump on it if you all can afford it. Such a beautiful house, it looks like the dream home I never had and never will. So, if you get it, I can live in it vicariously! LOL!

Diana, I know you are so thrilled with baby Dean - I remember well what it is like to hold a new grandbaby! He is just adorable.

Janet, I'm not sure if I wished you happy birthday - and I don't think I wished Judy one either, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to both of you.

This is the fourth weekend in a row that I've been gone, and next weekend will be the 5th. I get absolutely nothing done when I am gone over the weekend. I'll be glad to be home for a while later this month.

Miss you all!

judy 03-12-2010 05:45 AM

Have fun Gayle! It sounds pretty hectic, but fun!

paula1961 03-12-2010 08:04 AM

Gayle, you are one busy gal! Have a great time at the lake. Take some pics if ya can, I bet it is sooo pretty there.
We miss you too!!!!:) Hope you get time to post when you get back from the lake.

Marilyn, I would love to see pics of your daughters home. I just love seeing others peoples taste in decorating. The differnent colors we choose and so on. I bet it looks great.:)

gja1000 03-15-2010 02:43 PM

Hi All! We came home from the lake a day early (supposed to come home tomorrow). But something was broken on the depth finder on the boat so they couldn't fish today and we had to come home to buy a new "thingy" - so here we are.

I'm glad as it will give me an extra day at home. We'll pick up Gary's sister on Wed. and then go back to the lake till Sunday.

Gary has had such a good time, but I can tell he has retained too much fluid and probably gained some weight. Oh well, I guess I can get him back in shape - LOL!

The wildflowers are so pretty - they are just beginning to come out, they will be even prettier in a couple more weeks. I'll try to remember to take the big camera to take some pix.

More later, trying to get the laundry done.

Blueyes 03-15-2010 03:27 PM

Hey Gayle! I'm glad you got to come home a little early. I think it's kinda funny that they can't fish without a depth finder:rolleyes:

I look forward to seeing the wildflowers this year. I think they will be really pretty. We might go to Fredricksburg in April if the bluebonnets are pretty:)

DianaB 03-15-2010 03:47 PM

Gayle, you are such a busy woman!!!! Always going somewhere!! I love it!! I wish that my husband liked to go and do things like you and Gary do!!! An Alaskan cruise sounds so nice!!!

Diane, it was nice of you to post a little more about yourself......that's how we get to know you!!!

I've spent so much time at Dae Lynn's holding Baby Dean!!! He's just so precious!! And he's doing so good! Dae Lynn's a good mommy and Damon is just a wonderful dad!! He does almost everything for Dae Lynn when he's home. Today he finally went back to work and Dae Lynn's worried about being home all day with baby..........and Karlie!! Karlie can really be a handful and she really gets to Dae Lynn sometimes. I'm sure that they'll get it all figured out.

We had Care Group again on Sunday so I was busy all week trying to get my house in order. I try to do a little bit every day so I don't get all stressed out because I don't want the fever sores again. It must have worked because there's no fever sores today!!.....Yay!!! I've got to vacuum because someone had dried dirt all over their shoes and it's all over the house.......then everything will look really nice.

So that's what I've been up to!!

gja1000 03-15-2010 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Blueyes (Post 108248)
Hey Gayle! I'm glad you got to come home a little early. I think it's kinda funny that they can't fish without a depth finder:rolleyes:

I look forward to seeing the wildflowers this year. I think they will be really pretty. We might go to Fredricksburg in April if the bluebonnets are pretty:)

LOL! Betsi! You are so right! What did they do before depth finders!! And THIS crew has been fishing since loooooong before depth finders!!! That's so funny!

Betsi, just get to planning the trip to Fredricksburg because the bluebonnets are just gorgeous and they are just beginning to bloom en mass down south where we were (60 miles south of San Antonio). And it's not just bluebonnets - there are just so many gorgeous wild flowers, some I've never seen before! So, plan that trip NOW!

judy 03-16-2010 06:49 AM

Betsi, please take pictures! What a nice trip!

We are having signs that spring is coming. There are birds singing, chipmunks running around, and deer out. I saw geese out yesterday too. Sadly, road kill is an indication that spring is here because it means that the animals are coming out of wherever they go for the winter, and I have seen some of that too.

I planted a couple of tiny pots of Forget me Nots, and I see tiny shoots coming up! There is still a lot of snow around, but it is melting, so I can plant my bulbs soon.

It's a beautiful, sunny day today. I can't put plants out on the deck yet, but as soon as the temperature stays above freezing, I will plant my boxes and set out the indoor plants. I have last year's fuscia plant in my pantry. It is very cold in there, and I cut back all of the branches on the fuscia last fall. I checked it out online and it said to only water it to keep the wood from drying out. There are lots of new stems coming up. I'll cut them off; they are too sun poor. I'll put it out when it gets much warmer. I think it might make it through another summer!

I am very excited!

Blueyes 03-16-2010 08:01 AM

Wow Judy! After all of that snow, I wondered if you'd EVER thaw out. lol! I'm glad you are seeing and feeling Spring!
Fredricksburg is a small German town that comes to life every Spring with the wildflowers. It's a few hours drive from here, but well worth the trip! It's in the Texas Hill Country, not too far from Gayle.

DianaB 03-16-2010 08:14 AM

I've seen the bluebonnets in the spring in Texas and they are beautiful!!! I remember driving around Austin and seeing them in between the roads!! I've seen some signs of spring here.......the daffodils are budding out.....so it won't be long until we have some color showing up!!! I'm ready for spring!!

gja1000 03-16-2010 03:05 PM

WHEW! We have run errands all day in the rain, trying to get things ready to return to the lake tomorrow. It is supposed to be in the low 70's and sunny the rest of the week! YAY!

We just realized today that Gary's insulin will be delivered on Thursday (we leave tomorrow which is Wednesday). It is sent by 24 hour delivery by UPS in a cold pack. It usually ships on the 17th, we get it on the 18th of every month. The UPS guy just leaves it on the front porch. Welllll - - we won't be here day after tomorrow (delivery day) so Gary is over at the neighbors asking him to pick it up and put it in his refrigerator (insulin has to be kept refrigerated). I called the company today, but it was already in packaging, too late to stop delivery. I sure am glad we remembered! WHEW!

We will pick Gary's sister up at 10:30 tomorrow morning and then head south! I'll be reading the forum till Sunday when we return - but won't post because the phone system is just too slow!

I have my camera laid out to take, now, if I can just remember to take some pictures!!!

DianaB 03-17-2010 08:45 AM

Have a good time!!! Your trips always sound like fun!!!

Janet 03-17-2010 09:54 AM

I absolutely love reading everyone's posts. We too are seeing some signs of spring...I'm glad everyone else is too. It's about time. :)

I forgot about this thread when I posted about Lynne and I going wine tasting on Saturday. Let's see....what else has been going on... Monday I had to go to the bank and do errands...also had to take an inventory of how much fluid supply Mother has. She seems to forgot how to count ...lol. Tuesday I got my hair cut, today I had to take Penny to the Vet for her annual. Tomorrow I take Mom to the Dr. and then on Friday...I go to the dentist again. I'm not going to make any appointments for next week though. It's spring break next week...so not sure what I'll do having the place to myself. Need to get the yard cleaned up...need to clean closets and drawers...so much to do...so little time....oh and I almost forgot...still need to do Ricky and Mom's taxes.

I think that after spring break....I'm going to need a vacation...lol

paula1961 03-17-2010 01:38 PM

I love reading everyone's posts too!
Gayle you are always on the go!! Sounds like so much fun! Have a good time!

Janet, you have been busy too!! Have a happy spring break!!

Diana, we all know what you have been doing!! You lucky thing! You've been holding that baby alot haven't you?

Betsi I sure hope you get to take that trip and see the pretty flowers!:)

I hope to take my first camping trip of the year next month!!

judy 03-17-2010 05:23 PM

It sounds like we're all crawling out of our winter hibernation. I haven't worn a coat in days! There are still tons of snow here, but I think in a couple of weeks it will be almost gone. There is some snow left until May, so I hear.

All I know is that I am getting a pedicure next week in preparation for flip flop weather. When I worked, I would always be the first to bring out the flip flops. I would declare officially that it was time, and that was it.

I may be flip flopping around in snow this year.

DianaB 03-17-2010 06:24 PM


judy 03-18-2010 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by DianaB (Post 108393)


But, at some point, you have to tell winter to go away!!! Even if you end up with froze toes.

Blueyes 03-18-2010 05:25 PM

You GO Judy!! :shade:

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