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lynne b 06-02-2010 02:08 PM

Been Waiting!!
I have been waiting all week for Janet to post about our trip to Kentucky....I am so proud of her in what she accomplished......although it wasn't so very funny at the moment i can't help but laugh my butt off everytime i think about it.
We had fun just talking and laughing on the way there and back....so come on Janet tell everyone what you did!!!!

paula1961 06-02-2010 02:49 PM

Okay! Now I am very curious LOL! Spill it Janet!!

gja1000 06-02-2010 03:42 PM

Alright Janet, give it up. What did you do? Inquiring minds want to know.

DianaB 06-02-2010 04:16 PM

Janet.....DID YOU DRIVE ACROSS THE BRIDGE??????? Come on......tell.....tell.......

judy 06-03-2010 05:15 AM

She's hiding;););)

Janet 06-03-2010 07:48 AM

I Did It!!! I Did It!!! I Drove Across The Bridge!!!

Janet 06-03-2010 07:57 AM

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For some reason it would let me add more! So.................

I wouldn't have if I'd known we were that close. I looked up and there it was right in front of us and there was no place to go but over it. I got so light headed and dizzy and thought for sure I was going to pass out while I was driving. I was so scared and Lynne just kept telling me I would be okay and laughing her fool head off. I really thought I was going to die!!!

It wasn't so bad coming back...I was ready...scared as heck, but ready. I just looked straight ahead and sang Jingle Bells...Lynne sang too if I remember right...and I sang as I spoke. I just am so afraid of bridges, but it was worth it...look what I brought home...

Her name is Brenna

DIANE W 06-03-2010 09:41 AM

Oh Janet, that little one is just so cute - has this all been a secret or have i just missed all about it?

I dont know how you manage it all with everything with your Mum etc.

She is just adorable, and cute and cheeky and oh....... i just want to cuddle her so much.

I bet you just love her already so much - its not fair you have the new babies and Brenna too......

I am looking forward to more pictures of them all.

JJJ 06-03-2010 09:54 AM

What an adorable puppy, too cute for the world. I'm so happy you cross the bridge, now a few more times and you will be a pro later without having to sing Jingle Bells :D

paula1961 06-03-2010 12:18 PM

YAY!!!!! You did it!! You faced your fear!! I bet you were sweatin' too lol!!

That baby is beautiful!! How old is she? Awww puppy love.:p

lynne b 06-03-2010 01:01 PM

sorry Janet I know it wasn't funny at the time but the more i think about it the funnier it is. I so wish i had a vidoe camera going then LOL. I want you girls to know that i can't carry a tune for Love of God but i sang right along with Janet, I was terrified she would slm on the brakes right in the middle of the bridge, thankgoodness traffic was light so that we didn't have to stop on the bridge or i am afraid she would have jumped out of the van LOL. she kept saying she felt light headed and i kept telling her she was doing good and before she knew it she was over it. thing is it was a beautiful bridge "what i got to see of it" I would have loved to gone slower so i could see what was in the water below LOL.
Just giving you a hard time Janet, I am proud of you!!!!

Oh yeah forgot to say that Brenna is such a cutie, I GOT to hold her all the way home while Janet drove back across the bridge LOL

JJJ 06-03-2010 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by lynne b (Post 110581)
sorry Janet I know it wasn't funny at the time but the more i think about it the funnier it is. I so wish i had a vidoe camera going then LOL. I want you girls to know that i can't carry a tune for Love of God but i sang right along with Janet, I was terrified she would slm on the brakes right in the middle of the bridge, thankgoodness traffic was light so that we didn't have to stop on the bridge or i am afraid she would have jumped out of the van LOL. she kept saying she felt light headed and i kept telling her she was doing good and before she knew it she was over it. thing is it was a beautiful bridge "what i got to see of it" I would have loved to gone slower so i could see what was in the water below LOL.
Just giving you a hard time Janet, I am proud of you!!!!

Oh yeah forgot to say that Brenna is such a cutie, I GOT to hold her all the way home while Janet drove back across the bridge LOL

You guy's are funny, thank you for sharing your adventure I have a smile imagining the scenario.

Lindsey 06-03-2010 01:55 PM

Lol way to go Janet!!!

And Brenna is absolutely precious!

Gina 06-03-2010 03:22 PM

What a beauty!!!! I want one!!!

Like Paula mentioned facing your fears.. isn't it wonderful.... Sounds like it was kodak moment... now girl continue to drive those bridges....:thumbup: Proud of you!!!

judy 06-03-2010 04:21 PM

Hurray Janet!!! I bet you are as proud as can be!

Baby Brenna is absolutely too much! What a beautiful little face, and tiny little body, and sweet little puppy breath....I better stop now, or I'll be driving over to your house to play with her! How many bridges would I have to cross?

gja1000 06-03-2010 05:31 PM

Ha! Ha! Janet, my daughter can't drive over tall bridges either. She almost hyperventilates when she has to go on an elevated highway. I'm glad you made it over, and now you KNOW you can do it, so you'll be able to do it again!!!

I can't believe it - the puppy is just adorable. Gosh, she has the cutest face!!! We almost named one of our schnauzers Brenna - many years ago. If I remember correctly, it means raven maiden.

Janet 06-04-2010 08:36 AM

Thanks everyone! It was a nice little trip. Only took 4 hours down and 4 hours back of course. I'm so glad Lynne was able to go with me. I don't mind the driving as much if I have someone with me and Lynne makes everything fun.

I was happy to bring Brenna home, but a little sad to let Fancy go. Fancy is now living with another breeder in North Carolina. We just traded girls. Fancy just didn't fit in like I would have liked for her to. She didn't play much, didn't like toys and was just so different from my others. Fancy is doing great in her new home and they love her already. Everything is good.

Lindsey 06-04-2010 08:58 AM

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I'm glad Fancy is happy with her new family!

Janet, I am usually not scared of driving over bridges with cars, but I have a story to share about the first time I ever rode my motorcycle. I was riding around in a parking lot with a couple of other people, and they decided to take me around the city, which I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with yet, but followed anyway. I was doing okay until they decided to make me follow them across the Victoria Bridge :eek:

This bridge is the oldest bridge in the city, built in 1907. A few years ago there were studies done on its safety, and I just happened to be working in the lab at the time. We received samples of concrete cores that were taken from the base of the bridge by divers, and I had to take pictures of the samples, and as soon as I saw them decided I was never driving on that bridge again! They were in bad shape. The bridge was closed to traffic but still open to pedestrians. I never heard of any extra work being done on it, but a year or two later it opened to traffic again! This bridge is SO skinny, cars pass within a foot of each other. The spaces on the sides are definitely wide enough to fit a motorcycle through if it happened to slide. I was praying so hard while I was riding across, and by the time it was done my whole body felt like rubber! I was so scared! And I haven't been back on it since!

Janet 06-04-2010 03:40 PM

I understand completely Lindsey. I do not like bridges at all!...LOL

gja1000 06-04-2010 05:10 PM

WOW Lindsay, that is an old scary bridge! I don't blame you one bit!

judy 06-09-2010 05:40 PM

That doesn't sound like a good experience Linds! Yikes;););)

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