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Marilyn 06-25-2010 10:44 AM

New Fur Baby
3 Attachment(s)
Never dreamed that I'd have another dog at this time, however, a little guy needed a good home, and I just couldn't resist. The father of a friend of Karen's was fostering a rescue and he was so close to what I wanted someday that I just had to take him home. He's 3/4 chihuahua and 1/4 dashound. I wanted full chi, but he needed a home and the price was right (free). He is supposed to be 10 weeks old and from a litter of 12, which we don't think is accurate. The people who had the puppies moved, took the mom and left the puppies in the house. Someone found out about them and farmed them out to several different people. The friend's father had him for 3 weeks and was feeding him a "quality food", Purina Puppy Chow.

We got him last Sunday evening and I took him to the vet Monday. He is pretty malnourished and about 7 weeks old according to the vet. Has some skin tears and sores from being mistreated, probably by another animal. Has guardia. He's a bit of a mess. His ears were flopping back at the tips due to the malnutrition. He's being transitioned to a good food, is on medicine for the guardia, antibiotic shampoo every other day (I'm bathing him every day) for the skin sores, vitamins.

The vet said he should not have any real long term effects from the malnutrition other that the ears. He did not expect them to straighten back up, but they are. He's looking much heathier all ready. He's very spunky, a really tough little guy. If we accidentally bump him, it's no big deal. Doesn't phase him at all. He seems really smart though and is enjoying all the attention. Zoe is getting better about him. At first she was very jealous, but I've been reassuring her that she's still my special girl.

He loves playing with Mack, Melissa & Garrett's English bulldog. I'll try to attach some pics. He's crying at night though and keeping me up. It's like having a baby in the house, but I know this too will pass...

Oh, his name is Zeke.

Attachment 6289, Attachment 6290, Attachment 6291

Lindsey 06-25-2010 10:58 AM

He is adorable Marilyn! You are such a good person for taking him in! Layla used to cry constantly at night when I first brought her home, but it gets better. Okay, it stopped because I gave in and let her sleep with me :rolleyes::D Good luck with the new little guy!

Marilyn 06-25-2010 11:17 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Lindsey, Zeke ended up in bed with me at around 2:30 this morning, but all he wanted to do was play with my hair and bite my ear. Not sure how much sleep I got from then until the alarm rang. I was kinda in and out and so afraid he'd pee or poop in the bed. Thankfully he didn't.

Here's one more pic. Surprisingly the bulldog plays with him and let's him rough house with him, but he's gentle with Zeke. When it does start to get too rough, we separate them just in case.

Attachment 6292

DianaB 06-25-2010 11:21 AM

Zeke is so cute!!! Are you sure that he's part dashund....he doesn't look like it? It's sad that he and his brothers/sisters were just left like that in a house. I'm glad to hear that he won't have any permant effects from it. You know that we'll be expecting pictures of him......often!!!!

Marilyn 06-25-2010 11:23 AM

Diana, all we know is what we were told, and the accuracy is questionable. His eyes look a little too small to be full chi, but we really aren't sure. He weighed 1 lb 14 oz yesterday. We are hoping he will get no more than 4 lbs, but will have to wait and see.

We did think of calling him Oreo since he's black on each end and white in the middle, but Zeke seemed to stick.

DIANE W 06-25-2010 01:12 PM

Ahhh Marilyn he is such a little darling...and what a wonderful story of him coming into your life.

He is a little angel, and it is so so cute him playing with Mack (i think they are going to get to be great friends, and it may be the little guy turns out to be the boss dog - seems strange but i know of a toy poodle and a very large dog just like that).

It will be lovely watching him develop and grow, It is heartbreaking when you have all that crying - we too gave in after 2-3 nights, and Harvey sleeps with my daughter Kayley.

paula1961 06-25-2010 03:56 PM

Oh Marilyn!! Congratulations! That baby is just adorable!!!:p:p The bulldog is too! They look like they are having such a good time! I can't see the doxie in him either but who knows? All that matters is that he is going to be just fine and that he has a wonderful mommy like you.:)

gja1000 06-25-2010 06:01 PM

He is absolutely adorable! I love his black face and little white body. You are a good person!

judy 06-25-2010 08:02 PM

Zeke is just adorable Marilyn! He does look spunky, playing with such a big dog.
He really has an adorable face.

How good that you took him in. Enjoy him!

Blueyes 06-26-2010 05:27 PM

What a cute little guy!!! Funny how when you're meant to have a certain dog, it makes it's way to you somehow!

Shada 06-26-2010 06:38 PM

Bless you for taking in a rescue!!!!

He is a cutie... safe and happy now!!

lynne b 06-27-2010 03:30 AM

he is so cute, glad he has found his forever home with you, and that he has a buddy to play with, I bet he is one happy little guy.
isn't it funny how they can worm their way into your bed LOL

Janet 06-27-2010 05:38 AM

He is adorable Marilyn!!! I've always wanted a chihuahua too. He looks like he could be either a Chihuahua or a Toy Fox Terrier. Either way...it's great that he now knows what it feels like to be loved.

gja1000 06-27-2010 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 111198)
He is adorable Marilyn!!! I've always wanted a chihuahua too. He looks like he could be either a Chihuahua or a Toy Fox Terrier. Either way...it's great that he now knows what it feels like to be loved.

That's it Janet! I couldn't think what he looks like, but it is a toy Fox Terrier!!! I've been racking my brain to think what breed he reminds me of. He is just adorable!

DianaB 06-28-2010 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 111198)
.........I've always wanted a chihuahua too.........

Janet.....I swear that you would want one of EVERY kind of dog there is!!!! LOL

Janet 07-04-2010 03:14 PM

I would ya know....if I had more room... more money and more help....LOLOL

Gina 07-05-2010 07:05 AM

Marilyn!! Bless your heart!! I am soo happy that you both found each other , he is sooo adorable and I am smiling at the photo of your daughter's dog and Zeke playing . Your a good person ! Post lots of pics!!!

Marilyn 07-10-2010 06:13 AM

Thank you all for your sweet comments. I'm taking Zeke back to the vet around the 21st for another parvo vaccination. I'll ask the vet what he thinks about Zeke's breed. If he thinks he may be part toy fox terrier. When you look at his legs, they have that muscled stocky look, so could very well be. Chihuahau or Fox terrier, he's a cutie and I love the way he looks. He's found a good loving home and we are delighted with him.

He's grown quite a bit, and is much healthier now, with a very healthy coat and muscles. I'll try to take some more pics so you can see him now. His ears have been a mystery to us. They were flopped back, then straight, then forward with ruffly edges for a few days, now they are straight again. Not sure how they are going to end up. They're cute however they turn out.

He's at that chewing stage with those baby teeth that are like needles. He drew blood on my thumb yesterday trying to play. What a mess!!!

DianaB 07-10-2010 08:07 AM

Awww....it doesn't matter what he is.......he's just cute and that's all that matters!!!! His little teeth must be really sharp if he drew blood. Yelp real loud and he'll learn not to do that.

Janet 07-11-2010 05:55 AM

I hope you post new pictures soon. I think he is adorable. His ears are being affected by this teething Marilyn. They'll probably be up permanently, but while he's teething...they'll go up and down and who knows where... :)

paula1961 07-11-2010 01:23 PM

I can't wait to see new pix Marilyn! So glad you got him and you guys are enjoying him so much! I bet he's a happy lil thing:) I have had pups draw blood too lol. It hurts too!

Marilyn 07-28-2010 06:57 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Here are some new pics of Zeke. He has more than doubled in size in one month. He now weighs between 3 and 4 pounds. He was about 1.6 when we got him. I asked the vet what she thinks he is, and she said if no one had told her anything about him, she would have said rat terrier with a little chihuahua mixed in.

When I asked her how much she thought he would eventually weigh, she said between 10 and 15 lbs. :eek::eek: I was stunned. Zoe is just under 4 lbs, and I was so hoping that he'd be about the same size as Zoe. He was, after all, 3/4 "teacup" apple head chihuahua and 1/4 miniature dachshund. The vet said she see's no dachshund in him at all. His feet are too small, and his legs the wrong structure.

After some research into rat terriers, I have to agree. I'm not sure she is right about the weight though. She is basing it on how much he gained in one month, but when we got him, he was extremely malnourished, so I'm thinking he just caught up, and hopefully won't get so big. Fingers crossed on this one, too. I'm running out of fingers to cross on things, but we'll love him whatever size he gets. He is turning out to be a really cool dog. I am excited about obedience training and teaching him some tricks. Rat terriers are supposed to be extremely intelligent and easy to train. They love people and want to please.

He is sooo totally cool. I love my "black and white"!!!!
Attachment 6343 Attachment 6344 Attachment 6345

DianaB 07-28-2010 08:16 PM

Marilyn, he's such a cutie!!! I love his markings!!! He'll be whatever size he'll be......that's how it always turns out!!! What does Zoe think of him?

Marilyn 07-29-2010 06:42 PM

Zoe is still very jealous. He tries so hard to get her to play with him, but she snips and growls. The only dog who will play with him if big old Mack. They play so hard that Mack ends up with scratches on his face from Zeke's sharp teeth. Melissa and Garrett had to give Zeke a bath real quick one time before I got home because Mack had bled on him from the scratches and they were afraid I would freak out thinking the blood was Zeke's.

Zoe sleeps with me, and Zeke spends the night in the bathroom. This seems to work for now. If Zeke wakes up early and I put him in bed with us, he gets under the covers, and Zoe tries to lay right on top of him.

They are really quite a mess. I'm hoping when Zeke gets past the playful chew on everything puppy stage that they will get along better.

judy 08-01-2010 05:47 AM

Awwww! He is so cute Marilyn! He looks good and healthy now. Zoe will get used to him. She'll probably have to be the dominant one though.

How wonderful that you took him!

DianaB 08-07-2010 06:54 AM

Zeke sounds like he's a cutie!! He'll eventually get Zoe to be more active. It takes a while for them to really get used to each other. I like the way that he's marked!! So cute!!!

JJJ 08-15-2010 12:00 PM

He is just adorable!!

I have all three small sizes in my household. I have a 3lbs almost 4lbs yorkie and 6-7lbs maltese and a 15lbs Norfolk. No matter the size they will find a way to curl and squeeze in wherever your at. You gotta love them :D

Marilyn 08-15-2010 04:40 PM

We just got back from a two week vacation and Zeke is so big. The young lady who house sat for us didn't think he was growing so much, but she saw him every day. I just weighed myself with him and then without and it looks like he weighs right at 5 lbs!! Oh well, he still looks about the same, just bigger.

DianaB 08-24-2010 09:00 AM

I'm sure that Zeke is big compared to Zoe!!! She's such a tiny little girl!! Maybe he'll stay at that size.

Marilyn 08-27-2010 03:36 PM

Took him to the vet, and he was 5.1 lbs, but I think he's grown some more.

He's enrolled in puppy obedience classes. They start September 2nd. I can't wait to see how he does. His temperament is so different than the Yorkies. He's much calmer and responds well to correction, so I'm hoping he will do well. I can see him doing agility. He is a bit wall eyed, though, so that could affect his depth perception a bit.

He's a stinker!!!

gja1000 08-27-2010 04:30 PM

I bet he is a cutie for sure. Post some new pictures of him when you get a chance. I would imagine just looking at him that he would do great in agility! He sure is a cutie!

Blueyes 08-27-2010 04:58 PM

He has grown, but 5 lbs is still small :) I hope he has fun in puppy class:)

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