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Janet 09-18-2010 11:41 AM

What Did You Do Today?
I went to an auction. Of all things I went to look for (not having any money) was a 2005 Cadillac. It was sooo nice. I just thought it would look even better with me driving it.....:lol2: At the last auction I went to there were two nice cars and one went for $500 and the other for $1000 so I thought maybe this Cadillac would go cheap too....heck no....it went for $9000 :eek:. Needless to say.....I'm still driving my van.

I did buy an oak dresser that matches my bedroom suit and one of those battery powered scooters like you see in Wal Mart. I got it for $50. I thought maybe Mom could use it or my older brother could use it because his knees are really bad. If not...it will be my new toy for awhile.. :p

There is another auction next Saturday that I plan on going to if it doesn't rain, it's an outside auction.

paula1961 09-18-2010 12:00 PM

That sounds like so much fun Janet! My sister and her husband go to auctions alot. They even go to a QVC auction on Sat nights in WV. They find great buys on all kinds of stuff!
Sorry you didn't get your Cadillac! Maybe next time.
You got a great buy on that scooter though! I wish I could find one that cheap, I'd get it for my Dad. I bet that oak dresser is pretty isn't it?

I haven't really done anything today. Just got home last night from Dad and Mom's. Had been there since Wed.
I haven't been feeling the best today. I think I may have caught some kind of bug or something. Hopefully it will pass soon.

DianaB 09-19-2010 07:46 PM

I hope you get to feeling better, Paula!!

Janet, it sounds like you had fun!! I like to go and look but I just hate standing around all day!!

The car sounds like it was still a pretty good deal but certainly not a bargain like the other cars were. Keep looking.....you'll find something!!

I'm still painting.....Dae Lynn and I painted yesterday until almost 10 o'clock. We were absolutely worn out but we didn't have the kids and things go better without them. We went back at 4 o'clock today and worked a little bit more without the kids again. We have some touch ups in different areas but the bed rooms and living room are mostly done......in Karlie's room we have to paint the ceiling, but it should go quickly. Lastly we have the kitchen and we're hoping to have it done by Tuesday!! I can't tell you how nice that everything looks. I'll post some pictures after we get everything done and I have time!!

Janet 09-20-2010 08:42 AM

I wasn't really looking for a car....my van is fine...lol...I just thought if it went cheap enough...why not..LOLOL

Yesterday I didn't do anything....didn't even get dressed. Well I did do laundry, but that's nothing new.

This morning I went to town to do my normal Monday errands...bank and groceries. Ricky went with me which makes it more fun. While at the store...my older brother calls and puts me on the phone with Mom. I guess she was suppose to be at her Kidney Dr. and I totally spaced it. She rescheduled for Wednesday, but since my brother wasn't working....he could have taken her. Oh well....I obviously don't have anything else to do. :)

paula1961 09-20-2010 02:11 PM

Glad you and Ricky got to spend some time together today Janet. It does make it better when we get to do things with someone that makes us happy doesn't it?

Today I went to the dr. I've been feeling really nauseated (sp?) for the past few days. I'm going to go for a test on Wed morning. The dr thinks it might be my gall bladder:eek: Ive been feeling bloated after I eat certain things too, I've been doing that for a few months. Oh well.............my motto here lately is......everything will work itself out, it always does.
After the drs appt, hubby and I went to Walmart and got some things that we needed. That's about it for my day:rolleyes:

Janet 09-21-2010 07:05 AM

So far this morning I went walking with some co-workers. We parked our buses after dropping the kids off and walked all around our parking alot. I could only do 2 laps today...been awhile since I did much walking. I'm planning on going everyday that I can. It was fun having someone to talk and walk with.

paula1961 09-21-2010 10:00 AM

Well...........so far I have laundry in the dryer and the washer, dusted and vacuumed the living room and washed dishes....decided I needed a computer break lol!:D

DIANE W 09-21-2010 10:16 AM

Today i have......

Got up at 7am, got ready for work, done some dishes, and put washing in as it looks to be a nice day (Dave will hang it out to dry when he comes home from work later).
Got to work for 8am, was quite busy today so day went very quick - as i like it too.
Arrived home at 5, sat and had a coffee and chat to family, brought washing in from garden. Now on computer catching up, waiting for my favorite TV programmes to start.

Not sure what to have to eat............... everyone else has eaten, may just have baked potatoe with melted cheese and onion, and some salad, that is a nice easy meal.

judy 09-22-2010 05:57 AM

Yesterday, I went out just to be outside. It was a beautiful day. I was going to take the dogs, but I would have had to leave them in the car for too long.

Went to the post office, and got 3 tops I bought - 2 on eBay and one from Kohl's The Kohl's top will probably go to Mackenzie. It's a bit shapeless for me. The thermal henley is great, and the other top will also go to Mackenzie too. I do this every season...shop online and then only like about 1/2 the stuff I get. Have to stop!

Then, went to Jessie's to bring them the tickets for "Wicked." Visited for a while, played with the dogs. Muffin, the new yorkie pup is so cute! I love their little dogs! Hate the big ones! I never go out to see them.

I helped Kassidy with her reading comprehension hw, while the devil came out in her! Jessie was laughing at how she gets away with things with me! Then Mackenzie and I did her math hw, which I don't know at all. Metric conversions....boring!!! Since she has been wrapping me around her finger for longer than Kass, I ended up finishing her hw for her. Jess laughed at me again! Then we watched the video of "Annie."

They are going to see "Wicked" today. I hope they have a wonderful time!

Steve, who has been ultra grumpy lately (not working), got on me for buying them the tickets because then Jess has to drive to Amtrak and home. It's about an hour and some away, and she doesn't do well driving distances. I understand that he worries. We discussed it, and I said that maybe he should drive them and pick them up from Amtrak. He admitted that that's a pain in the neck. A while later, he came inside and apologized to me!!! I almost fell off the couch! It was nice, to say the least.

I came home, played online for a while, grilled dinner, watched tv, and that was that.

It was a very nice day.

paula1961 09-22-2010 11:36 AM

Today I went to the hospital to have that barium (sp?) swallow done. Had to be there at 9 am and didn't get out of there until after noon! Anyway........that crap you have to drink is disgusting! That test was to see if I might have a hernia problem and then I go back on the 29th to have the other test done to check my gall bladder. Needless to say........I haven't accomplished much at all today.
Oh and I did stop off at the grocery store to pick up the rest of the stuff I needed to make party mix for my parents retirement get together on Sunday evening.
Other than that, I have done nothing at all. Oh well..I really don't feel like doing much anyway.

Janet 09-22-2010 01:18 PM

Today I took my mother to the kidney Dr. I was suppose to take her on Monday, but spaced it and didn't even have it on my calendar. She's doing really well. I just put 'Oven Fry' on some chicken and stuck it in the oven. Not really wanting chicken, but I've had it in the fridge and it's time I used it up. Not sure what else I'll fix, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

gja1000 09-22-2010 05:55 PM

I had a hectic day at work, meetings, meetings, meetings. I was brain dead by 4:00. I was trying to do a bit of math in my head, and it just wouldn't work! :D

On the way home it started to rain and I thought, YAY! It's raining on my yard. NOT. It was dry as a bone when I got home. But then it did rain a little bit later.

Gary said, "Let's go to Schlotzky's" I don't know if you all have them up north. It's a really good sandwich shop, and now it has pizza. I LOVE the smoked turkey sandwich and it is not bad calorie/fat wise. So, I didn't have to cook. :D:D

Then we stopped at Lowe's and got a little garden frog with a yellow umbrella. He's standing upright on 2 legs holding the umbrella over his head. The umbrella is actually like a yellow daisy. Sounds hokey and it sorta is, but cute. We also got a little turtle with a butterfly on his back. Next thing you know, I'll have garden gnomes - it could happen :p

Janet 09-23-2010 01:06 PM

Today after we dropped the kids off myself and 3 other ladies went for our walk. I walked 3 miles today, so that makes a total of 5 miles in 3 days. My shins hurt and my feet. I've been wearing new walking shoes, but still hurting.

We had record heat for the last few days. Today was 96 and so humid too. Our county and lots of others are under a fire ban. There are so many field fires in some surrounding counties and we've had a couple small ones in our county. Everything is so dry. We need rain and did get just a little, but not enough to help in any way. Sure hope it rains soon.

gja1000 09-23-2010 05:25 PM

I had a better day today, not so hectic! After work I went to watch my granddaughter play volleyball. But the game was not very good, the team they played was not very good so it was over quickly!

Janet 09-24-2010 08:12 AM

I walked another 3 miles this morning. To tell the truth....I'm beat! I really should take a nap, but maybe I'll take one after the afternoon route.

Was informed that a mother has already called in and complained about me. She was a witch last year and I guess I have to put up with the witch this year too. I had to tell her 10th grade daughter to sit up in her seat so another student could sit down. It says in the bus rules that the students are to sit with their feet on the floor facing forward. If their child would just follow the rules they could save themselves a phone call. What an idiot!

gja1000 09-24-2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 113314)
I walked another 3 miles this morning. To tell the truth....I'm beat! I really should take a nap, but maybe I'll take one after the afternoon route.

Was informed that a mother has already called in and complained about me. She was a witch last year and I guess I have to put up with the witch this year too. I had to tell her 10th grade daughter to sit up in her seat so another student could sit down. It says in the bus rules that the students are to sit with their feet on the floor facing forward. If their child would just follow the rules they could save themselves a phone call. What an idiot!

I just can't stand parents who think the rules don't apply to THEIR child! Then, she has the nerve to complain that you are enforcing the rules. :rolleyes: I can only imagine how her child is being raised...............:(

Janet 09-24-2010 01:53 PM

I'm finding myself wondering if this job is really worth it. I'm starting to tire of the whole thing, but jobs are hard to find let alone jobs with good insurance so I'm pretty much stuck.

Lindsey 09-24-2010 02:23 PM

I'm burning out today. I've worked late every night this week and it's hard to focus on work now. Last night when I got home at 9, I started scrubbing the bathrooms and when I turned on the bath tub to rinse it at around 10:00, water started shooting out of the handheld sprayerhose and the sprayer handle flew right off! It had snapped! So I've been stressed about that today, if we can replace it or have to buy a whole new faucet set. We can't afford it.

I also sent my best friend a gift since she is home from the hospital. I found a flower shop in her town online, and picked out a ceramic yellow duck wearing a blue hat, with the back of the duck filled with flowers and blue ribbons, and a small stuffed animal. But the flower shop called and said they were all out of the ducks and would substitute it for a red wagon that says "It's a boy!" so that was fine with me lol. It will be delivered tomorrow and I can't wait for her to see it :)

I think I will only work an hour of overtime tonight. I can't even look at my computer anymore...

lynne b 09-25-2010 05:50 AM

2 Attachment(s)
this is what has been keeping me busy for the past 3 weeks, along with working overtime and dealing with everything else. There are 4 babies but the 4th one was up on mom's head LOL, 3 boy's and 1 girl, the smallest boy is weighing in at 13oz @ almost 4 weeks old, the others are over a pound, these little one just worry me to death, i don't know how breeders can breed for the tinies, i guess it would make a difference if i was home all day. Any ways my fun is just begining with these guys.

judy 09-25-2010 08:51 AM

I saw their picture on fb Lynne. They are so adorable! I hope the little guy fattens up fast!

Janet, maybe you can ask the school to mail this mom a copy of bus rules. If it comes from the office, you can't be blamed. I used to get so annoyed at that type of parent, so I know how you feel! Refer her to the Principal if you can. That's why they make the big bucks!

Paula, I hope you feel better soon!

Gayle, hang in there....being brain dead isn't the worst thing anyway!

Yesterday, I went down to the pool, took down a lounge chair and had a lovely afternoon snoozing in the sun. The pool is covered, and the hose is gone, so it got hot, but it was lovely.

I am going to the Cauliflower Festival today. I have not been to one of these festivals, and just want to see what it's all about. I'll check out some of our shops, and then come home. Nice, relaxing day.

Janet 09-25-2010 12:03 PM

The babies are gorgeous Lynne. I personally love the tiny ones...lol.

Today I went to another auction. It was really nice and they had a lot of nice clean items for sale. I did buy a small stereo for the living room. I get tired of having the TV on and love listening to the music. Got a great deal on it too....only $40 for a $129 unit. They had taped the receipt inside the manual. I got it all cleaned up and it all works great. It has a 5 CD changer, radio and 2 cassettes thingys. Has pretty good sound too. I still have it sitting on my kitchen table so I need to get it into my living room.

Since I haven't been very good at grooming the doggies every two weeks....I guess I'm going to try and get that all done tomorrow. I may just shave them all down except for Joey and Brenna. I really wish I could find homes for the other 3 but it would break Ricky's heart for Gidget or Ozzie to go. What did I get myself into....

gja1000 09-26-2010 02:45 PM

We ran around all day looking for pots and decorations for our little back yard corner! Gary just loves to putter around and look for things like that, if he has a purpose. Unlike me :rolleyes:, he won't shop just to shop (my favorite past time), but if he's looking for something like outdoor pottery or decorations, then he loves to shop.

We went to 5 stores today and ended up buying a gecko, a dragon fly, and 3 more pots. I'll take some pictures when I have more light.

We also bought some mums for the front yard, I think it may be cool enough now, not to fry them. :p It's supposed to be in the 80's all week and 60's at night. I am REALLY looking forward to getting up, stepping outside and enjoying 60-something degree mornings!

Janet 09-26-2010 03:30 PM

Today I groomed the doggies and yes....I did cut Ozzie and Emilee down some, not shaved, but much shorter. I'll try to get some pictures to show you. I started around 9 this morning and finished around 2:30 this afternoon. With them all shorter it won't take near as long now...yay!!!

I know what you mean about the cool mornings Gayle. Right now at 7:30 in the evening it's only 58 degrees. I love this cool weather. I have the doors and windows open and well...it's kind of cool in this house...LOL...might have to at least close the doors in a bit. This is great sleeping weather.

That's pretty much all I've done except for doing laundry of the doggie beds and blankets. Tomorrow I'm hoping to walk again with the ladies and get some things done that I didn't get done today.

judy 09-28-2010 05:40 AM

I had an appointment to have Max and Annie groomed, but it was canceled, so I have the day all to myself!!!

I should go to Kingston, but I don't know if I'm in the mood for shopping. I have $75 in gift cards at Homegoods, and $150 at Home Depot!

Janet 09-28-2010 01:20 PM

Good for you Judy....my gift cards don't last long enough to say "I have gift cards"....lol

Today I walked 3 miles with the ladies again. It was so cold, but I just wore short sleeves. After the 2nd lap...I was getting pretty warm and sweating. I feel so good after the walks and then coming home to shower.

paula1961 09-28-2010 01:39 PM

Wow Janet you're doing great with the walking. You go girl!!:)

Lynne..them babies are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Judy have fun spending your gift cards and thanks for the well wishes!:)

I'm looking forward to seeing some of pix of your new stuff for your yard Gayle.:)

Lynsey I sure hope you got your faucet fixed and that it didn't cost alot.:)

Lindsey 09-28-2010 02:51 PM

Oh yes, I forgot to update about that sprayer! A new set of faucets would be $674... a new sprayer would be $90... we wondered if we could call the maker and just order the one part we need instead of the whole thing. Scott called and told the guy the part we needed. He asked for Scott's name and address, and said "You can expect it in 6-7 days" Scott said "Wait, how much does it cost?" and he said it's FREE! Lifetime guarantee! So that was just awesome :)

Janet, it's great that you are walking every day! I actually just started walking as well, but on my treadmill. I used to be so in shape and happy with myself physically, that I have just gotten this urge to work on it again. I've been doing a half hour a day :)

gja1000 09-28-2010 05:15 PM

Well, I stayed home today! As most of you know we had a gunman on campus today. So sad and puzzling. He was a sophomore, had graduated high school 2 years ago, 7th in his class (a really big school). He lived with his parents. Also, he had ample opportunity to shoot several people, but he didn't shoot anyone but himself - which of course is good. But why did he bring a gun to campus and shoot it randomly with people all around, but not at anyone. Very strange. I'm sure we'll find out more in the days to come though.

I went to lunch with my daughter and mom, then Gary and I went to Cabela's. Didn't buy much, just a few fishing flies. We ate dinner at Cracker Barrel - I had breakfast! :D

DianaB 09-29-2010 07:29 AM

Gayle, I'm glad that the gunman only hurt himself. I don't understand why they shoot other people then themselves. It sounds like he was a really good stude nt.....I wonder what was going on with him to make him do this?

Janet, I'm so happy to hear that you're walking!!! I know when I was swimming how much better I felt!! It is a lot more fun when you have other people doing it with you!!!

Lindsey.....Yay for lifetime warranties!!!!!

Judy, where'd you get your gift certificates from? That sounds like a fun way to shop!! My kids always give us certificates for places to eat.

Lynne.....The puppies are just adorable!! I wish that you lived closer so I could come and see them!!! I'm sure that the tiny ones are more of a worry.

Paula, I just didn't want to leave you out!!! Hugs, GF!!!

Janet 09-29-2010 08:06 AM

I didn't go walk today. I wanted to, but I've gotten a chest cold. Probably from yesterday walking and breathing in all that cold air....it was really cold. Now my chest is congested and it hurts a bit. Tried to come home and take a nap, but the dogs kept barking at one thing or another and each other...lol...that the nap didn't happen.

I wish I could just stay home this afternoon and not drive the bus route. I just feel tired.

This weekend my niece is getting married. Not really wanting to drive 2 hours there and 2 hours back with Mother. We won't be able to stay for the reception because of the dogs. The boys will be gone for the weekend with a Scout outing. This wedding is really screwing up my 'alone' weekend.

gja1000 09-29-2010 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by Janet (Post 113424)
I didn't go walk today. I wanted to, but I've gotten a chest cold. Probably from yesterday walking and breathing in all that cold air....it was really cold. Now my chest is congested and it hurts a bit. Tried to come home and take a nap, but the dogs kept barking at one thing or another and each other...lol...that the nap didn't happen.

I wish I could just stay home this afternoon and not drive the bus route. I just feel tired.

This weekend my niece is getting married. Not really wanting to drive 2 hours there and 2 hours back with Mother. We won't be able to stay for the reception because of the dogs. The boys will be gone for the weekend with a Scout outing. This wedding is really screwing up my 'alone' weekend.

Ah Janet, I'm sorry you've got a chest cold. I don't think walking and breathing the cold air caused it though - I bet you got it from breathing that "kid air" on the bus!

I know what you mean about your "alone" weekend - I'm ready for one of those too!

Janet 09-30-2010 06:31 AM

I didn't walk today either. When I get a little overheated I start coughing my head off and well...we know what happens next....pee! It's best I don't laugh either....it throws me into a coughing spell too.

I'm trying to get laundry caught up. The boys will be gone over the weekend and informed me they need some things cleaned. Not sure why they couldn't have thought of it sooner and done it themselves. Oh well....something to keep me from napping...lol.

I forgot to say that yesterday was our anniversary. 36 l....o.....n.....g years.

Well...just heard the dryer buzzer....got to run... :)

DianaB 09-30-2010 08:32 AM

Sorry you're not feeling the best, Janet. It seems like just when you get in the swing of doing something that something comes up to interrupt it. I hope your cough gets better soon.

I'm not sure whether to say Happy Anniversary or not.....but I will because 36 years is a long time to be married to someone. I wish that things were better between you two. Hugs!!

Today I have Dean!!! He's growing so much!! At almost 7 months he's pulling up to things and standing!!! It seems so early to me!! He still is doing the lunge/crawl not the right kind of crawling. He's a little go-getter that's for sure!!! Grandma has caught him several times playing in the dogs water!!!

Karlie started preschool at our grade school. I had forgotten that they have a preschool for low income children and Dae Lynn was able to get her in....even though it was a little late. She's loving it!!! She goes everyday in the afternoon and rides the bus home since they live in the country now. She is sooo ready for school!!!!

paula1961 09-30-2010 10:39 AM

Janet I sure hope ya feel better soon! Maybe while the guys are gone this weekend, you can get some rest and hopefully start feeling a little better.

Diana have fun with Dean today! I had all four of my gkids this past weekend. I've got to get some pix on here! I've just been so busy with running back and forth to help with my Dad. I think that they (my parents) might be moving in with me for the winter. Dad's heart dr moved up here and he is not at all happy with the dr that replaced him. Since it's a two and a half hour drive, we thought it would be best if they just stayed the winter with us. They are thinking seriously about it.

gja1000 09-30-2010 05:30 PM

Paula, that would be good for them to stay with you for the winter. It is hard to get out and about in the winter and they would be where you could be at home but still taking care of and helping them.

Janet, enjoy your weekend and I hope you get to feeling better!

Diana, I can't believe that Dean is already pulling up! WOW!

Gary and I went to Abigail's volleyball game this evening. They got beat both games, they were playing a really good team though. Abi played really hard, and I guess that counts for something when the other team is better than your team!

We had to take Rowdy to get neutered today. He's 5 years old and Gary did not want to have him fixed :rolleyes:. Well he started getting prostate infections and with the last one the vet told Gary that Rowdy was going to die if he didn't get him fixed. So, today was the day. The big baby (Gary) couldnt' even go with me to take him to the vet!!! He said, "I can't take him and leave him there!" Rowdy did fine though. He had to stay overnight and we pick him up in the morning.

Janet 10-01-2010 08:26 AM

This morning we had a small breakfast for our Transportation Director who is retiring. He's been there longer than anyone else at the school....36 years.

I came home and got Ricky and then we went to the Vet to pick up some Flea/Heartworm meds and then to look at a couple of RV's. No...I can't afford one, but I want one and will find one I can afford somehow. One of them was $29,000 so that was a no go...lol and the other one was $3500.00....more my speed, but you should have seen it. The outside wasn't so bad, but it looked like they took everything out of the inside and then put it back in with duct tape....LOLOL. Needless to say....I'll keep looking.

Gayle....I'm taking Brenna and Joey to get spayed/neutered on the 11th. I get to bring Joey home that same day, but have to leave Brenna overnight. I'm not thrilled about that at all. They do have some one that lives upstairs that keeps an eye on them at night. Sure wish it was done and over with already.

The guys will be going camping for their fundraiser this evening and won't be back until Sunday. I have to go to my nieces wedding tomorrow and don't want to go at all. 2 hours there....2 hours back. I'll have Mom with me, but now she's saying that if I don't stay for the reception....which I'm not.....she will find another way home. She can find another way to the Dr. on Monday too if that's they way she's going to be.

I love my weekends alone and this wedding is screwing up my favorite day of the week. Hopefully, I'll have more.

DianaB 10-01-2010 08:48 AM

Janet, I hope that you're able to enjoy the weekend after the wedding. I hate when things come up when I think that I have a few days to myself.

I'm sure the dogs will be fine. It is really hard to leave them especially overnight.

We're having problems with fleas in the house. They must be horrible outside because it seems like the dogs are just covered with them. I've kept up on the meds but it's just not keeping up with the problem and Dean's getting bitten when he's here. I think that I may have things undercontrol now......I've been sweeping and spraying the carpet with some flea spray and so far it seems to be working. My fingers are crossed!!! Glen's going to spray the yard again and see if that helps as well.

I have Dean again today. Dae Lynn cleans at the church and can set her won hours so I usually have him on Thursday and Friday!! He's such a good little boy now that he can move around and entertain himself. He loves the dog's water dish and found it again this morning!!! He's pulling up to almost everything but still needs to work on getting back down!!! He loves the windows in the living room because they're low to the floor and he can stand up to them and look outside!!

Yesterday Glen and I went and watched the girls volleyball game. It ended up that Kera didn't play because of a hurt shoulder so Karley and Kiley played the whole time. They have really improved since the last time I saw them play!!!

Then after that we went out and ate then went to the Homecoming Queen pageant. Since Jaci was last years queen she had to be there to pass the crown and give a little speech. She was so beautiful!!!! The pageant was different this year in the fact that they had a Lil Miss with girls 5 to 8 years old. They were voted on with money and the little girl who won was a little cutie!!

We have homecoming this weekend so it will be a full weekend!! Then we have the pastor that married Glen and I that is going to be here on Sunday. David Satterfield is one of my most favorite people!!! And I'm excited that he's going to be here!!!

gja1000 10-01-2010 11:31 AM

Janet, it is really hard to leave them at the vet overnight. We picked up Rowdy this morning and he keeps looking at us like, :eek:WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO ME:eek:. Bless his heart, it must be so hard not understanding what happened. He has to wear one of those cone collars because he keeps biting at the stitches. They are not visible and are the dissolve kind, but they don't want him biting at his incision. He looks so sad and uncomfortable in his collar. I bought him a pair of girl doggie panties that completely cover up the incision area so he can go without the cone for a bit. I know I shouldn't leave it covered with the panties for very long, it is better for it to be open to air, but I just have to give him a break from that cone. He is eating a little, drinking good and peeing, so I guess he is going to be OK, but it sure is hard when they don't feel good.

lynne b 10-01-2010 12:20 PM

Gayle, glad to hear Rowdy is home and on the mend, they make soft cones now which look so much more comfortable, just wonder if they work as good as the plastic ones. I have not had to much problem with my dogs needing to wear one.

Janet, it really sucks that Brenna has to stay the night, i would think that if they do the surgery first thing in the morning and had no problems she should be ok at home, but she is very tiny so better to be safe than sorry!! Glad you got their app. made, i need to do the same.

Diana, between you and Gayle you both wear me out the way you both are always coming and going, after working all week i just want to stay home on the weekends.

I did have today off due to inventory, was the reason we had to work 10hrs a day to make up for it.
I had my carpet cleaned today, 4 rooms, but they were either small areas, or just high traffic areas, it's only the 2nd time i have had someone else come in and do it and boy does it look so much better than when i do it, just in time for winter so the dogs can drag snow in on it LOL. And we all know that when you do something like that it leads to more cleaning. I only need the backsplash done in the kitchen and it will be done, just waiting on hubby which mightbe a while, like when it's to cold for him to go outside and tinker. Next room is the liveing room, it needs painted so bad, if i had had the paint i would have started doing it today since i had the room tore a part. It's never ending LOL

Janet 10-03-2010 02:22 AM

Went to the wedding yesterday. I'll post some pics in another thread later. Mom was a good girl too...lol. I was exhausted after the drive...so came home played with the dogs and went to bed early. Woke up early this morning, had a bit of a headache. I'm sitting here yawning so I may go back to bed in a bit.

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