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Janet 05-26-2011 09:12 AM

Couple Storm Pictures
3 Attachment(s)
My friend and co-worker took these pictures yesterday before we went in to the school safety areas. If you look close I'm the one in the brown shirt.

Attachment 6621 Attachment 6622 Attachment 6623

paula1961 05-26-2011 01:04 PM

Wow! That's looks very scary! We've been having bad storms here too for the past month or so.

DianaB 05-29-2011 07:54 PM

That first picture looks like a wall cloud!!! In the other pictures the clouds look really low......Did they have any rotation in them? Those are called SLC clouds!!!! And that stands for Scary Looking Clouds......Jaci learned that in a class for storm watchers!!! They learn so much in those classes.....I would love to go but this year I was busy with other things.

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