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Gina 06-11-2011 11:27 AM

First of a Trilogy
If anyone loves history I have started to read a great book called Fall of the Giants, by Ken Follett. It has almost 1000 pages yes I know long but my friend said its excellent and fast reading. I will let you know how I like it, so far so good. It is about 5 familes that interwine during WWI and WWII. I have the hard copy but shortly I will be receiving my Kindle so it won't be so bad hurling around a big book lol..

gja1000 06-11-2011 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Gina (Post 120805)
If anyone loves history I have started to read a great book called Fall of the Giants, by Ken Follett. It has almost 1000 pages yes I know long but my friend said its excellent and fast reading. I will let you know how I like it, so far so good. It is about 5 familes that interwine during WWI and WWII. I have the hard copy but shortly I will be receiving my Kindle so it won't be so bad hurling around a big book lol..

I've heard of it - but haven't read it - I might get it for my iPad though! Right now I'm reading about man eating bears in Alaska (and how to keep from being eaten - LOL!). I'm also trying to read Game of Thrones. I LOVE the HBO series and would love to read the book but I haven't had time to get into it much.

Janet 06-11-2011 03:37 PM

I love reading but just haven't had the time. When I finally sit for long enough I'm usually out like a light.. :) I have a few books here that I've bought, but haven't read yet. Maybe I need to set them out as a reminder.

Hope you like your book Gina and Gayle....planning another trip?

DianaB 06-11-2011 03:59 PM

That sounds like a good book!!! I'll have to look for it at the library!!!

gja1000 06-11-2011 05:50 PM

LOL! No, we aren't planning another trip - yet. We would like to go to Alaska again and we might, but not any time soon. It's just interesting to read about some of the places we have been. I remember seeing a guy walking to a river with his fly fishing equipment and a rifle slung over his back (i was walking to the same river with NOTHING)! I knew it was for bears but I appreciate their danger more after reading this book.

judy 06-12-2011 04:57 AM

Janet, when I was so busy teaching, I discovered audiobooks. I commuted to work, and it was a perfect solution to having no time for books. I am now hooked on audibooks, and have just begun to read "real" books last year. I still prefer audiobooks, although I am forcing myself to read. The Kindle is great for that. Right now, I have an audiobook, "Chiefs," in the car, "Horns" on my pc in the house, "I Am Not A Serial Killer" on the Kindle, and an old science fiction book in the bathroom.

Reading a book is different from listening to one. I love both ways.

I also fall asleep reading if I'm too comfy.

PS Have any of you read Ian McEwan's books? He wrote "Atonement." I have read 3 of his books this year. Amazing!

Janet 06-12-2011 06:23 AM

Audiobooks sound like a great idea. I do have a couple in my IPad, but haven't read them yet.

Gina 06-12-2011 11:19 AM

Judy I received my montly newsletter from the public library and they are offering free books for nook, ipad and sony. They mentioned to be on look out for kindle in near future. I am so looking forward to that, I guess it will be like taking out a book with your library card. You should check to see if you library has it or not..

Blueyes 06-12-2011 01:45 PM

That sounds like something Mike would be interested in reading Gina. Thanks for the suggestion!

2tiredmom 07-27-2012 03:45 AM

To you ladies that have a Nook or Kindle. Which one is the best in your opinion. I would love to get one. Putting in hints for Christmas. lol I love to read mostly
romance mysteries. Let me know Thanks.

judy 07-27-2012 05:45 AM

I LOVE my Kindle!!! Can't comment on the others.

I'm reading the second book of the 50 Shades of Grey Trilogy. After that, I have The Night Circus ready. On my Ipod is The Age of Miracles, which my book discussion group is going to talk about. I don't love it, but it's good. In the car, I'm listening to Canada, which is wonderful.

So many books, so little time!

Blueyes 07-27-2012 07:54 AM

I enjoy my Kindle, too! Judy, I read 50 shades of Grey. I probably won't read the rest of them, but there are questions that I would love to have answered, lol! You'll have to let me know how it comes out:p

DianaB 07-27-2012 08:44 AM

I got a Kindle for my birthday and I love it. In fact....Dean soaked mine in the bathtub and I replaced it. It's so nice to not have to lug books around. I like to read Christian fiction books and I get them free from recommendations from Inspired Reads on FaceBook.

I can't comment on the Nook and I don't know anyone who has one. I have the Kindle Touch and as I said.....I love it.

Janet 07-27-2012 10:14 AM

I don't have either one, but do have some books on my iPad. I get free ones too from Pixels of Ink on Facebook. So many to choose from. I love my iPad, but if I was to choose between the Nook and the Kindle...it would definitely be the Kindle. Everyone I know that has one...loves it!

judy 07-28-2012 04:18 PM

Betsi, I wasn't going to read the rest of the 50 Shades books either, but the first one ended in a cliffhanger. That is one of the problems with the Kindle. Just push a couple of buttons, and the book you want is yours!

I will fill you in when I finish. I pretty much know what you want to hear about.

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