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Lindsey 11-06-2011 01:51 PM

Layla the Fairy Princess!
1 Attachment(s)
Here is a picture of Layla from our SPCA Howl-oween party. She won best costume :)

JJJ 11-06-2011 01:53 PM

That is the prettiest Princess I've ever seen :thumbup:

Layla knows how to rock that dress :D

Janet 11-06-2011 01:58 PM

Lay la's looking good as a Princess Lindsey. It's great she won!

judy 11-06-2011 05:12 PM

I just love Layla!!! The fairy puppy princess!

Lindsey 11-06-2011 05:27 PM

Everyone just loved her there, and she loved the attention! Except when the pot-bellied pig came in! That scared her a bit!

I wish her eye goobers didn't show so much in that picture! I actually just cleaned them that afternoon! It's always a fight between me and her eye goobers, and her eye goobers always win :(

gja1000 11-06-2011 05:46 PM

Oh she is just so adorable! She has the sweetest, happiest face!

judy 11-07-2011 05:09 AM

The dreaded yorkie-mommy eye goober fight! They hate it!!!

DianaB 11-07-2011 07:11 AM

How cute!!! Layla certainly makes a very cute fairy princess!!!!

I understand about the eye goobers.......

Janet 11-12-2011 06:48 PM

A couple of mine have eye goobers too...I think it's just something we have to deal with with Yorkies.

JJJ 11-12-2011 08:47 PM

I have a maltese and that's a big problem. My yorkie has bad eye boogers but you can't really tell. My poor maltese always looks like if she has a dirty face.

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