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-   -   Returning Anything? After Christmas Shopping? (http://www.4womentalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10396)

Janet 12-26-2011 05:47 PM

Returning Anything? After Christmas Shopping?
Okay...did you receive anything for Christmas that you have to take back?

Usually I have at least one thing to take back, but most of the time I just put it in a garage sale box...lol. This year no one here has to return any thing. We did good for a change. Even Ricky's jeans fit him...yeah!!!!

Did any of you go shopping today to find some great after Christmas deals? I didn't, usually never do, but always wish I had later...lol. I always hear of all the great deals people find and then think I should have gotten out there to see if there was any deals I couldn't pass up.

JJJ 12-26-2011 07:06 PM

No returning this year.

I also need to leave my credit card alone so I didn't step into any store.

Tiramisu 12-26-2011 08:36 PM

Nothing to return, but I did a little shopping in a Branson outlet mall.

Lindsey 12-26-2011 08:58 PM

Not returning anything I got, but trying to get a refund for a voucher I bought today for a tablet! Should have done my research first. Oops.

People here were lined up outside of stores since 10:00 last night. I couldn't imagine! We used to always go shopping for boxing day but it was never like this before. I have been checking online and I really can't find any great deals. Most are on all week so we will see what we can find tomorrow. I have some gift cards and Christmas money to burn! It has been quite a while since I've bought something for myself, and not for the house or the wedding, or clothes for work which don't count!

Janet 12-27-2011 01:28 AM

Wow....we all did good this year didn't we? Sandy...sure hope you're feeling better.

gja1000 12-27-2011 06:41 AM

No returning! I got some UGG boots that I had tried on and loved, then gary went back and got them, so I am happy with them. He also got me several bird figurines for my kitchen shelf so they will all stay. Brooke got me pix of the girls so no returning them. Nope, everything was great this year!

2tiredmom 12-27-2011 08:03 AM

No returning here either for me. but my daughter Jen has a couple of shirts that i got her that were to small so she will be returning those. it was a good christmas here. our kids liked all their gifts.

Blueyes 12-27-2011 10:53 AM

Wow, I don't have anything to return either! It's a miracle, lol!!

judy 12-30-2011 09:13 AM

Jessie is painting a picture for me, so definitely nothing to return! The kids are all happy with their gifts too. I gave Jess and Steve checks, but she yelled at me and said she isn't going to cash them, since I am so good to them. We'll see!!!

DianaB 01-01-2012 08:44 PM

We didn't have to return anything this year either. It helped that Dae Lynn and Amy went shopping with me and helped with sizes. The twins gave me sizes for them as well so I did pretty good.

As for my gifts I mostly picked out small things that I really wanted and Dae Lynn was really good at making sure I got them!! Nothing was very expensive!

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