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judy 03-06-2012 09:03 AM

Happy Birthday Janet!!!



Lindsey 03-06-2012 09:11 AM

Happy Birthday Janet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DianaB 03-06-2012 09:15 AM


I hope you have the bestest birthday ever!!

:bigbday::mickey::bday::mickey::bigbday::mickey: :bday: :mickey::bigbday:

JJJ 03-06-2012 02:57 PM

:bigbday:HaPpY BiRtHdAy JaNeT!!!!!!:bigbday:


Janet 03-06-2012 07:40 PM

Aawwww thank you ladies! It turned out to be a really good day. Started off with sleeping a little later and then getting up for some coffee. Went and got my haircut at 9:30 and then came home and made some chocolate chip muffins and some banana nut muffins. Figured I wouldn't get a cake so I made myself a pecan pie. Then felt guilty if I didn't want to share so I made a cheesecake for the guys. Then when Rick came home, he brought a small, but pretty cake home and some peanut M & M's. Just what I need....lol.

I haven't done much the three weeks I was off and I haven't done much this week, but I sure have a lot of fattening stuff to eat. I don't like cheesecake so at least I can mark one thing off the list. I'm already thinking of pecan pie and coffee for breakfast. :D

JJJ 03-06-2012 08:28 PM

That was so sweet of Rick.

It's your day so you go ahead and indulge all you want.

gja1000 03-06-2012 09:07 PM

Oh Janet, I've been gone all day and evening and didn't realize it was your birthday. It sounds like you had a good day with lots of yummy goodies to eat!


Janet 03-07-2012 08:33 AM

Here I've been wanting to lose wait for so long and then in one day make all that stuff. WOW...I must be nuts...lol. Ricky just left for work and took the last 3 muffins with him. He also had some cake last night so there is half a cake left. All of the cheese cake which I don't care about and a little more than half the pecan pie. That kind of stuff doesn't last that long around here, that's why I don't bake much.

I really need to start working some exercise in. After being off 3 weeks and mostly sitting around except for doing laundry and then off this week, doing mostly the same thing. I would love to go for a walk because the temps are in the 60's, but the winds are gusting up to 45 miles an hour. I walked out to get the newspaper and wondered if I was going to make it back to the house....lol.

Got a little off track...Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!!

DianaB 03-07-2012 09:15 AM

How sweet of Rick to remember your birthday and bring home something for you!!!

Go ahead and eat your sweets for breakfast, lunch, and supper. Get it out and done with then get back to dieting. I think that it's better to not have it around for very long. Yummm.......I love cheesecake.....but really don't care for pecan pie!! Enjoy!!!

Janet 03-07-2012 01:44 PM

I really didn't think Rick would bring home a cake. It was about a 9 inch round cake and it was so pretty. I haven't had a birthday cake in years. That's why I thought, I ought to make myself one, but then decided I'd rather have a pecan pie. Turns out I got both... :)

Ricky said he'd take me to Red Lobster or Outback for my birthday. We'll see. He's not good at buying gifts or even being very thoughtful on special days. Not sure why, because we've always celebrated special occasions.

I did get a couple of other surprises. One was an email from my younger brother. It said: "Happy b-day". Guess it was too much to spell it out so I emailed back: "thx". I know....I wasn't very nice, but I'm only going to meet him half way.

Then my niece, my older brother Jerry's oldest daughter sent me an email. We don't speak anymore because of something she tried to start up on FB between my brother and I. Her email said: "We may not be speaking but I did want to wish you a Happy Birthday" and I did email back "Thank you, I had a really nice day."

So...that was my birthday. So with that and all the wonderful birthday wishes from friends I really had a nice birthday. Wish I could've heard the phone ring first thing in the morning like every year and hear Mom's voice singing happy birthday to me. She couldn't carry a tune in a bucket...lolol....but I sure miss hearing her sing it.
All in all it was a very nice day.

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