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Janet 03-27-2012 12:46 PM

The Gang That Lives At My House
4 Attachment(s)
Here is my crazy gang....except for Penny

Attachment 6949 Attachment 6950 Attachment 6951 Attachment 6952

JJJ 03-27-2012 02:21 PM

What a gorgeous gang :thumbup:

gja1000 03-27-2012 05:36 PM

I love your gang and I have the same steps in front of my couch too! LOL! I don't know how you manage five Yorkie though. I have my hands full with 2!!!

Janet 03-27-2012 05:57 PM

Believe me...my hands are full. If it wasn't for their barking, it would be a breeze. The barking of 5 Yorkies drives us all crazy.

DIANE W 03-28-2012 11:24 AM

Janet.... they are all so cute, I am not a cat person though, she/he looks lovely, i cant imagine managing 5 dogs, i have enough with my Harvey, i have never in my life had more than one dog at a time.
Sometimes i think it would be nice company for him, but he is such a little lovable dog, he is besotted with his mummy, i would hate for his personality or behaviour to change, besides i dont fancy the puppy training again. It would be nice to watch him play, as he is so small it is difficult for him to play off lead with other dogs in case he gets hurt.

Janet 03-28-2012 04:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Diane....I actually have six dogs...lol. 5 Yorkies and a Golden Retriever. Here's a picture of Penny:

Attachment 6954

I've never been one to care for cats either, but this little girl has sure stolen my heart.

DianaB 03-29-2012 08:09 AM

I don't know how you manage 5 dogs either!! There was a free male yorkie in the paper a few weeks ago and I would have loved to have seen him but the temptation would have been too great to bring him home........and THREE barking yorkies would have driven me over the edge!! LOL

It looks like the cat is right at home!! How cute!!

Janet 03-29-2012 08:55 AM

Diane...can you post some pictures of your Harvey? How small is he?

She had made herself right at home. All three of us really love her. Rick said something about having her declawed and let her stay in the house, but I just can't stand the thought of flying cat hair and having them walk on everything after they've been in a litter box....too gross. She does good outside and we do let her in the house once in awhile. She loves playing with the dogs.

DIANE W 03-30-2012 10:19 AM

Janet.... i promise i am going to try to post some pictures, it is something i have never done and though i think i will be able to do it.... i keep putting it off, i will do it soon.

Harvey is only 3.5lb, he loves other dogs, but he would easily get hurt in the rough play. He really is my baby, he is very close to me always.

Your Penny looks like a lovely gentle girl, i do like retrievers, but we have never had a big dog, when i was a child i had a black little poodle (peppi), and since then we have had yorkies, Harvey is 6 now, he is such a bundle of fun, always playing with his toys.

I have never had much to do with cats at all, they just dont do it for me, but i am sure you could easily get attached if one joined the family.

JJJ 03-30-2012 03:58 PM

Penny is absolutely gorgeous. I always wanted a golden retriever.

Diana W. my little yorkie is also 3.5lbs and she can definitely manage herself with my other two dogs (6lbs and 15lbs). They love to snuggle with me, that never changes.

DIANE W 03-31-2012 02:00 PM

JJJ...... Oh i dont think for one minute he wouldnt manage with other dogs, but i am too afraid that strange dogs would hurt him, either intentionally or during play, he loves to play and thinks he is a big dog, but he thinks all dogs are just out to play, and i am not going to take that chance of him getting hurt.

We dont treat him like a lap dog, he loves to go for long walks, and plays rough and tumble, but when we are home, he just wants to be held in my arms, as soon as i sit down:D

Its nice to hear you have a little one too, is yours as fussy with food as Harvey...... he is a nightmare, wont eat dog food, loves something one day, and the next he will leave it:mad:

JJJ 03-31-2012 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by DIANE W (Post 126265)
JJJ...... Oh i dont think for one minute he wouldnt manage with other dogs, but i am too afraid that strange dogs would hurt him, either intentionally or during play, he loves to play and thinks he is a big dog, but he thinks all dogs are just out to play, and i am not going to take that chance of him getting hurt.

We dont treat him like a lap dog, he loves to go for long walks, and plays rough and tumble, but when we are home, he just wants to be held in my arms, as soon as i sit down:D

Its nice to hear you have a little one too, is yours as fussy with food as Harvey...... he is a nightmare, wont eat dog food, loves something one day, and the next he will leave it:mad:

Yes, but when she does that I don't give her no more food. All she will have to eat is the kibbles I leave out for them. The smaller the pickier they are.

Janet 03-31-2012 07:07 PM

My Joey is 3.5 lbs too, but he had never had trouble eating his dog food. I do give them all Cheerios for treat, bad thing is, every time we open cereal they all come running....lol

DIANE W 04-01-2012 12:13 PM

I am just way too soft with him i know i am......... I just think he is so little, he needs to eat, i know he just winds me right around his little paw:D

My last yorkie Benji... he was not a problem with eating, he ate normal dog food and loved every bite.......... not this litte boooger, i know it is my fault too.

Janet 04-01-2012 01:25 PM

Of all my dogs, everyone knows that Joey is my baby and yes....he is so spoiled it's horrible. I babied him way too much.

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