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DianaB 01-23-2013 12:13 PM

Drum Roll Please.........
Jaci went to the doctor today and she is having a.................


I am soooooo excited!!!!

Janet 01-23-2013 01:30 PM

Yay!!!! Tell her congratulations from me!!! and congrats to you too!!! :)

gja1000 01-23-2013 04:40 PM

Oh that's so cool. You will have so much fun with a baby girl to spoil!

DianaB 01-23-2013 07:48 PM

I wanted a girl for Jaci. I know that after the technician announced that she thought it was a girl Nate got really quiet and didn't have much to say. I know that he really wanted a boy. It's going to take a while for him to get used to the idea.....but I told Jaci that once he holds that little girl he'll be a goner!!!

Nate's Mom's excited!! She has 5 little grandsons and this will be her first granddaughter!! If she's anything like Jaci she'll be able to hold her own with those boys!!!

Blueyes 01-24-2013 03:48 PM

I'm so happy for you all!!!! Nate will soon find out how special little girls are to their daddies :)

JJJ 01-29-2013 12:19 PM

Congratulations!!! She will be daddy's little girl

DianaB 01-29-2013 01:37 PM

Nate's doing a lot better about her being a girl!! He's so used to things going his way that it's hard when it doesn't. Oh well, he'll learn!! Now to figure out names!!!!

Janet 01-30-2013 08:08 AM

I can't believe Nate would be disappointed. Sounds like Jaci will have her hands full when he can't have his way because the baby will come first. Like you said...he'll learn!

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